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1 Pengertian Manajemen
SDM Strategis

2 Tujuan Manajemen SDM

Strategis 4 Strategi dan Dasar Hukum
Reformasi Birokrasi

Pendekatan Manajemen
SDM Strategis 5 Reformasi Birokrasi

4 Penerapan Manajemen
SDM Strategis 6 Pelaksanaan Reformasi
Birokrasi Tematik
Manajemen SDM Strategis
Manajemen SDM Strategis

M. Amstrong (2011) Gupta (2020) J. A. Mello (2014)

Strategic human resources
SHRM is an approach to managing management is largely about StrategicHR management involves
people that deals with how the integration and adaptation. Its making the function of managing
organization’s goals will be achieved concern is to ensure that human people the most important priority
through its human resources by resources (HR) management is fully in the organization and integrating
means of integrated HR strategies, integrated with the strategy and the all HR programs and policies
policies and practices. strategic needs of the firm; within the framework of a
company’s strategy.
Perubahan Paradigma SDM

Pegawai (Personalia) SDM (Human Resource) Human Capital

Sumber Daya
Human capital adalah
Manusias (SDM) adalah
Personalia adalah SDM yang dianggap
salah satu sumber
seluruh orang yang sebagai asset
daya yang penting bagi
melakukan pekerjaan di sehingga memiliki nilai
organisasi untuk
suatu organisasi tambah bagi
mencapai tujuan
organisasi di mana
orang tersebut bekerja
Tujuan The fundamental aim of
strategic HRM is to
Manajemen generate strategic capability
by ensuring that the
organization has the
SDM Strategis skilled, committed and well-
motivated employees it needs
to achieve
sustained competitive

Managing people as assets that are fundamental to the

competitive advantage of the organization, aligning HRM
policies with business policies and corporate
strategy, and developing a close fit of HR policies,
procedures and systems with one another.
1. Identify areas of weakness and strengths
2. Develop strategies to address these
weaknesses and strengths
3. Establish sub-goals and objectives to
measure progress toward the end goal
4. Make sure there is alignment between
business strategy and human resources
5. Ensure that all aspects of the organization
revolve around the same set of goals and
6. Create a culture of continuous improvement
7. Evaluate the effectiveness of programs and
8. Increased job satisfaction
9. Employee retention
Pendekatan Manajemen SDM Strategis
The resource-based approach is founded on the belief that competitive
The resource-based advantage is obtained if a firm can obtain and develop human resources
that enable it to learn faster and apply its learning more effectively than its
approach rivals

The HR strategy should be aligned to the business strategy (vertical fit).

Strategic fit HR strategy should be an integral part of the business strategy,
contributing to the business planning process as it happens.

High-performance High-performance management aims to make an impact on the

performance of the firm through its people in such areas as productivity,
management quality, levels of customer service, growth, and profits *)

High-commitment management is a form of management which is aimed at

High-commitment eliciting a commitment so that behaviour is primarily self-regulated rather than
controlled by sanctions and pressures external to the individual, and relations
management within the organization are based on high levels of trust.’

This approach involves treating employees as partners in the enterprise

whose interests are respected and who have a voice on matters that concern
High-involvement them. It is concerned with communication and involvement. The aim is to
create a climate in which a continuing dialogue between managers and the
management members of their teams takes place in order to define expectations and share
information on the organization’s mission, values and objectives.
*) High Performance Management
The characteristics of high performance work system :

l careful and extensive systems for recruitment, selection and training;

l formal systems for sharing information with the individuals who work
in the organization;
l clear job design;
l high-level participation processes;
l monitoring of attitudes;
l performance appraisals;
l properly functioning grievance procedures;
l promotion and compensation schemes that provide for the recognition
and financial rewarding of the high-performing members of the
7 Merencanakan SDM Strategis
Determine Tactics
Define goals objectives Strategy Direct Tactics – These
Objectives are involve implementing your
measurable actions strategies immediately.
Defining goals helps to Strategic human
that take to meet the Examples include hiring
focus on a more resource
goals. They are how to additional staff, promoting
strategic human management is all
achieve the goals. more people, giving
resource management about the strategies
The objectives should raises to employees, and
strategy. It gives you intend to use to
be realistic. employee retention
direction and provides achieve your
The HR objectives strategies.
a framework for
should align with the
objectives. *) Indirect Tactics – These
measuring success.
overall company involve using other
objectives. resources to support your
strategies. Examples
include advertising,
training, outsourcing
services, etc.
7 Merencanakan SDM Strategis (2)
Plan Monitor Performance
Implementation Performance
Evaluating performance is
Planning is determining critical in any HR department. It
Monitoring results is the
when, where, and how to is the process of comparing
process of evaluating what
execute each tactic. actual results to expected
has happened after
Planning includes deciding outcomes. Evaluation can be
whether to act now, wait done by analyzing data
It also includes assessing
until later, or do nothing. collected through monitoring
the impact of any changes
While implementing, it’s and evaluation.
made by strategic HR
essential to closely monitor For example, if your HR strategies
management to improve
different factors that may aren’t producing desired results,
affect the composition of a you might consider changing your
workplace. approach, including outsourcing
strategic human resource
*) Create Strategy

o Change Strategy – This involves changing the

current status quo or making changes that are
already underway.

o Reinforcement Strategy – Involves

reinforcing existing practices and policies.

o Innovation Strategy – Introduces new ideas

and processes.
Spesific HR Strategy Organization design and
development –
designing and modifying
capital management – organization structures and planning
obtaining, analysing and and implementation of
reporting on data that informs programmes designed to enhance
the direction of value-adding the effectiveness with which
people management strategic, an organization functions and
investment and operational responds to change.

Engagement –
the development and
Corporate social implementation of policies
responsibility – designed to increase the level of
Knowledge management –
a commitment to managing employees’ engagement with
creating, acquiring,
the business ethically in order their work and the organization.
to make a positive impact sharing and using
on society and knowledge to enhance
the environment. learning and
Spesific HR Strategy
Reward –
defining what the organization
wants to do in the longer
term to develop and implement
Talent management – reward policies, practices and
how the organization processes that will further the
ensures that it has the achievement of its business goals
talented people it needs and
meet the needs of its
to achieve success. stakeholders.
Learning and
development –
providing an
environment in which
employees are
encouraged to learn
and develop. Employee relations –
Resourcing – defining the intentions of the
attracting organization
and retaining about what needs to be done and
high quality what needs to be changed in the
people. ways in which the organization
manages its relationships with
employees and their trade unions.
Reformasi Birokrasi
Strategi Reformasi Birokasi

Reformasi Administrasi
(Administrative Reform)
Tujuan :
To improve the administrative
performance of individuals,
groups, and institution and to advice
them how they can achieve their
(operating) goals more
effectively, more economically,
more quickly
(Caiden, 1969)
Penetapan Arah RB ke Depan
Reformasi Birokrasi Tematik
Tujuan dan Sasaran RB Tematik
Strategi Pelaksanaan RB
Strategi RB Tematik
Implementasi RB Tematik
Penajaman dan Penyederhanaan Evaluasi RB

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