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Examination of reasons and consequences of differences in human wellbeing for different groups in Australia

Group 1: First Nations/ATSI

Who [Background information about the group]

Where [Metropolitan, suburban, CBD, rural, remote]

Spatial variations simply mean that in different places, people have levels of income,
life expectancy and access to resources and things that makes their lives secure.
These factors affect human wellbeing.

How/Differences: [Health, Wealth, Education]

Why [Reasons for these differences]

Consequences: [Economic/Social/Environmental]

Solutions: [Government, Groups, Individuals]

Data/evidence: [Use statistics from the ABS, OECD or the textbook]

Examination of reasons and consequences of differences in human wellbeing for different groups in Australia

Group 2: Migrants
Who [Background information about the group]

Where [Metropolitan, suburban, CBD, rural, remote]

Spatial variations simply mean that in different places, people have levels of income,
life expectancy and access to resources and things that makes their lives secure.
These factors affect human wellbeing.

How/Differences: [Health, Wealth, Education]

Why [Reasons for these differences]

Consequences: [Economic/Social/Environmental]

Solutions: [Government, Groups, Individuals]

Data/evidence: [Use statistics from the ABS, OECD or the textbook]

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