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I. Project Title : (Title of your Project

II. Location : (The desired location of the project)
III. Duration/ Time of Implementation : (Give the month e.g. May- June)
IV. Type of Community Extension Services : (Choose among the 4; people
empowerment, socio- economic upliftment and support, environmental education and cultural
heritage conservation)
V. Department/ College Involved : (Your department as proponents)
VI. Project Leaders and Coordinators : (Leader; the one who will lead your group)
(Coordinator; the one who will coordinate to
other partners like the barangay officials)
VII. Cooperating Agencies/ Partners : e.g. Barangay Officials of San Jose
VIII. Beneficiaries : e.g. 10 Families of the adopted Barangay
IX. Total Cost of the Project : (Give here the total cost of your project in peso)
X. Rationale
In your rationale, answer the following questions:
1. What are the things they need to know about the barangay where your project will be located? (This
will serve as one a background knowledge of the project)
2. What are the problems occurring in the barangay wherein the project can give a solution?
3. What are the details of your project?
4. How many can be benefitted into it? (Specify the number, the type of people who can be benefitted)
5. How can this project be useful in the present problems indicated in number 2?
6. Explain the breakdown of your funding and where will it be from.
7. Give a statement that can convince the evaluator to approve your project proposal.
Note: If possible, attach or insert a picture of your project location and the present problem it can resolve.
Arrange your answers in a paragraph form.
XI. Objectives
(Your objectives should be specific, measureable, observable and can achieve easily)
XII. Description of the Project/Plan of Action:
Activities Location Date Participants Number of Remarks
(Where to be done) (When to be (Who will do it) hours (state additional
done) How long will you do information here)

XIII. Monitoring and evaluation process:

Date Daily Participants Expected Proof of output/ Remarks
(The scheduled members (more info
Activities who will perform the
Outputs accomplishment
(What are the expected (How can you determine that the daily here)
(The tasks to be tasks)
tasks to be done? Based it tasked were done? E.g. photos)
done daily) on the Daily Activities)

XIV. Plans for Ensuring the Sustainability:

(Illustrate here the steps on how will you make your project sustainable. Do it in a paragraph form.)

Prepared by:

Reviewed by:
NSTP Instructor
Approved by:
Barangay Captain

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