Examen Norte I Febrero 2020

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‘Asignatura: Literatura Norteamericana I: Siglos XVII-XIX Primera Prueba Presencial — Febrero 2020— Modelo B (2) Duracién: dos horas. Material Auxiliar: ninguno. _No se permite el uso de diccionario. Lea estas instrucciones con atencién Debe realizar las dos partes de este examen. 1" parte (4 puntos): Lea atentamente el texto y responda| ‘a cada una las cuatro preguntas que se le formulan con relacién al mismo, numeréndolas. 2* parte| (4 puntos): Desarrolle uno de los dos temas que se le plantean. Redacte sus respuestas en Inglés de! forma clara y precisa, sin repetir los enunciados. Mamtenga en sus respuestas el orden exacto con} cl que se le proponen las preguntas. Numere las paginas y consigne en todas ellas su nombre y| apellidos. Calificacién méxima en este examen: 4 puntos + 4 puntos ~ 8 puntos. PART ONE: Provide brief answers for the questions following the text below using approximately 50 words for each one. Write separate answers for each question. 1 Safin ‘youf tis given to scan| the heights 8 Above, fo trajverse the ethereal space, 9 ‘And mark the systems of revolving worlds. 10 Still more, ye sons of science ye receive 11 The blissful news by messengers from Heav'n, 12 How Jesus’ blood for your redemption flows. 13 See Him with hands out-stretcht upon the cross; 14 Immense compassion in His bosom glows; 15. He hears revilers, nor resents their scom: 16 What matchless mercy in the Son of God! 17 When the whole human race by sin has fall’n, 18 He deign’d to die that they might rise again, 19 And share with him in the sublimest skies, 20. Life without death, and glory without end, 1. Identify this text and discuss its main stylistic features. 2. Explain the relationship between the author and the speaker of this poem. 3. Comment on the allusions and the imagery to be found in these lines. 4, Briefly comment on the sociohistorical context in which these lines were written. PART-TWO: Write a short essay on one of the two topics proposed below. There is no word limit. 1. Compare and contrast how Anne Bradstreet, Mary Rowlandson, Jonathan Edwards and Olaudah Equiano portray themselves in their writings. Give examples from the works you have read. 2. Compare and contrast how John Smith, William Bradford, Washington Irving and James Fenimore Cooper reconstruct and interpret historical events. Give examples from the works you have read. CLAVE DE SESION: RADIADO Hoja 2 de 2 Peer _OWs @ -ruis is aYoguauk® You: the goa “Wwe tue Vervewhy Conmmidge 5 Seo" ‘i a ase Me Wee Bgora” Gaten by Puylks Wheollay. This weaken io Bank vase , dak is Vorlyurned sauccte genkamebers (got Coupatd by un unsWesed gylable solloued wy a skewed one) . 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Utilice boligrafo negro o azul. Hie potuk Une Qed Te Me wings og tue uence Reoctukou , aseud J330 , aber Wwe Bd sl colowies Bucsen were drarug fo discoss duere pombe aud newrrory your Eugland. Bitogy Ke Cate) rooctuen shakes fo Uscowion due abolciowsur oy iude Gen doce rouge sary sue constitaken , weally th cas nok avegolized, Bor WE arckiionist Woruert was wore pagolar He Barain. PRT TWO steese gove aulbory Lee on ste blend 0) goers mud You WW kets GOrkS, Bob dueir census and skuleyes to wake tis ae kQyoceut- Sudha ia Uke kenel Medan, sf Megaia . Seo England aud ue Sounuer lauds aud Bcaaprd i Lie 24 Peynooks Plantation wake ony cock oh mate O29 Ets |, allkogge Sut Gees oo namralor iy tuted garmou to aad cotati fe Lis adventures and Rcaayod Vsoally ores tue yesh clash geson an Batu furegaked ho coummouhy, Bolu anWors yale oil Mee iva bo comsince wore teacopend TO ure 40 Aue Neo Wold. 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