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in collaboration with Woreda Health Office,

the Cooperating Partner will provide training on the management of MAM to its nutrition staff, health extension workers
(HEWs) and health workers based on the national Acute Malnutrition Guideline.

• Will support HEWs to train the Food Distribution Agents and the health development agents to support community
mobilization, facilitate the referral of cases, support the outreach services in the community, including the dissemination o
IYCFE, and WASH messages to the community '(e.g., Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergency practices)

• Will cover costs for truck trampoline covering and uncovering upon receipt of SNF at woreda capital, SNF offloading/loading
at woreda capital and offloading at the last mile.

• Handle SNF Storage at woreda level and transportation from woreda store to Health posts/Food Distribution Centers (FDCs)
with monitoring measures put in place by WFP.

• The Cooperating Partner will provide the list of health posts (HPs) and FDCs for the programme (TSF) and to initiate monthly
follow-up in collaboration with WFP.

• NGOs with non-costed FLAs to cover costs for SNF handling including truck tarpaulin covering and uncovering, storage,
loading/offloading upon receipt of SNFs from WFP.

• WFP truck drivers get the waybill stamped by NGO staff upon receipt of SNF at the woreda NGO warehouse and not at the
zonal level, ffailure to avail stamps at the woreda capital warehouse will lead to cancellation of the allocation and returnin
SNF to WFP warehouse.

• WFP and the Cooperating Partner will support woreda level structures in preparation of a detailed plan for mobilization,
nutrition/health education and organization of actual distributions.

• Will support the HEWs on ongoing screening of moderate acutely malnourished children aged 6-59 months with the cut-off
point of middle-upper arm circumference (MUAC) 11.5 -12.4 cm and pregnant and breast feeding women with a child less
than 6 months with MUAC<23 cm. This will help in improving the quality of screening and programme coverage.

• Will Re-screen all beneficiaries prior to admission to TSF and ensure only eligible beneficiaries are enrolled for treatment.

• Will include newly identified cases with signs of MAM into the register and follow up on the nutritional status of the admitte

• Will carry out SNF provision to eligible children aged 6-59 months with MAM and Acutely malnourished PBW registered in
the TSF biweekly.

• Provide one Sachet (100gm/day) of Ready-to-Use Supplementary Foods (RUSF) to children 6-59 months and 7.5kg of Super
cereal plus for pregnant and breast-feeding women.

• Will ensure the proper handling and management of the Specialized Nutritious Food (SNF), promotion of health, nutrition,
and WASH messages at Health post/food distribution centers every round supporting the HEWs and food distribution

• Will report actual SNF balances (RUSF/SC+) at the end of the month prior to requesting the next month’s allocation.

• The Cooperating Partner will take all reasonable measures to ensure that WFP SNFs reach the intended beneficiaries quickly
and in good condition. This includes arranging to recuperate Commodities from damaged containers and fumigation of
stocks and warehouses if necessary.

• Will inform and consult in writing with WFP on all cargo observed as suspected to be damaged and/or unfit for human
consumption for instructions on specific actions to be taken.

• Assumes full responsibility for (i) the storage, (ii) the handling and management of Commodities handed over by WFP to the
Cooperating Partner, and (iii) shall assume liability for any commodity damage and losses (if any). That applies as soon as
the Commodities come under the Cooperating Partners’ Physical control, custody, or possession. Reimbursement to WFP
for commodities damaged and/or lost due to the willful or grossly negligent acts or omissions of the organization may be
made after an investigation by WFP and Cooperating Partner of the circumstance surrounding the loss.

• Jointly with WFP, the Cooperating Partner will be responsible for continuous monitoring and evaluation of the TSF project
using formats already established under the TSF.

• In Collaboration with RHB staff, the Cooperating Partner will support the community volunteers, HEWs and FDAs, as
applicable, to conduct home visits of the TSF beneficiaries.

• Adhere to the standards set out in the Secretary-General’s Bulletin Special measures for protection from sexual exploitation
and sexual abuse.

• Integrate gender responsive messages in health education sessions.

• Apply conflict-sensitive measures throughout the project process. Exhibit high-level sensitivity on conflict-sensitive issues

and contribute to social cohesion and peace by conducting ongoing analysis and assessments of evolving situations and
impacts of the services. Ensure well-cap

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