Dickens Teacher Notes

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<<The lesson worksheet ends with a reading text which I’ve simplified for lower level


You will need:

1 x set of photos for first wall crawl

1 x cut up headings for second wall crawl (paragraph matching)

1 x copy of worksheet per student (take a few of each difficulty).

1 FLIP #1 Students comment on image and discuss answers to


2 Photo wall crawl Students match the heading to the image, and discuss
Flip #2 what the pictures tell them about Dickens.

3 Flip #3 Feedback stage – ask students what they talked about.

4 Flip #4 Give students the worksheet. Watch the clip once, then
Dickens and London video do exercise A. Then give the students some time to read
Worksheet exercise A / B exercise B, making guesses from their first watch.
Watch the video a second time to check answers.

5 Worksheet exercise C Students look at some language from the video briefly,
and guess which meaning matches the phrase.

6 Flip #6 Put headings up around the room. Students read a

Worksheet exercise D biography of Dickens taken from
Paragraph matching http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/dickens_cha
and match each heading to a paragraph.

7 Worksheet exercise E Students find the language in the text that tells them the
EXTENSION: If there is time, students could make their
own True / False / Not Given quiz using the text.

8 Conclusion Students discuss the questions with each other and

Flip #7 feedback to the teacher.

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