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Today, I’m sharing my best advice to my younger self.

I would give a lot of advice

to my self 5 years ago. Because there is a lot of difference when I was 15 years old
from now. I might be a completely different person now if I had followed these
tips. Greetings from Shynar who is now 20 years old! I would advise you not to
repeat the mistakes. I have made so far. Stop caring about what other people think.
I know you always want everyone to like you, but the truth is that you can’t please
everyone. You love to sing and don’t stop to sing. Even sing on the big stage you
want and become famous. Follow your dream and everything will be possible.
Never stop learning. Stop worrying about the future . Learn to say no. You can’t
please everyone by saying yes, they won’t even appreciate you. Believe in
yourself. You can do a hell of a lot and more than you think. LAUGH MORE and
stop taking life so seriously. Seriously. Life will get heavy and hard no matter
what, so it’s even more important to find ways to bring levity and laughter into
daily life. You should ask for more help! You don't have to do everything by
yourself or be responsible for everyone else; there are many people out there
who want to support you. Live more, worry less! Everything in life happens for
your greatest good. You cannot constantly worry about life, and enjoy it at the
same time. So, live life as it is in front of you. It cannot get any better than the
present moment. Everything else is so uncertain, and all you have is now. So, try to
enjoy and live in the moment! Spend more time with your classmates. The lesson
never ends. Walk together, laugh together, because now you will not study with
them. Don't force yourself to study a lesson you don't like in school. Instead, focus
on what you love. For example, if you want to learn how to make a cake, learn
how to do it.
Everything in life happens for your greatest good, and I could have used this advice when I
was younger. You cannot constantly worry about life, and enjoy it at the same time. So, live
life as it is in front of you. It cannot get any better than the present moment. Everything else is
so uncertain, and all you have is now. So, try to enjoy and live in the moment!

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