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Geomorphology 56 (2003) 109 – 137

Along-strike variations of morphotectonic features in the Western

Foothills of Taiwan: tectonic implications based on stream-gradient
and hypsometric analysis
Yen-Chieh Chen a, Quocheng Sung b,*, Kuang-Yu Cheng b
Department of Earth Sciences, National Cheng Kung University, No. 1, Ta-Hsueh Road, Tainan 701, Taiwan, ROC
Department of Geography, National Kaohsiung Normal University, No. 116, Ho-Ping 1st Road, Kaohsiung 802, Taiwan, ROC
Received 12 August 2002; received in revised form 10 January 2003; accepted 13 January 2003


The Taiwan mountain belt provides a key example for analyzing the relation between morphology and tectonics in an active
compressional environment. There is a striking geometrical relationship between the location of salients and reentrants of the
mountain belt and the presence of major crustal inhomogeneities such as structural highs in the foreland basin. Major along-
strike variations of structural styles occur in range-front rock units of the fold-thrust belt. Stream-gradient and hypsometric
analysis has been carried out to highlight the along-strike variations of morphotectonic features and to illustrate the relative
activities in different tectonic regimes of the Western Foothills.
The normalized stream length-gradient index (SL index) and the Hack profile are two of the stream-gradient indices that
effectively reflect the tectonic uplift in a region. De-trending and residual analysis of the hypsometric integral (HI) eliminates
the spatial dependency of small drainage basins, and the residual hypsometric integral corresponds to differential uplift activity.
Integration of stream-gradient indices and hypsometry provides more robust tectonic interpretation.
Five morphotectonic provinces have been identified in the Western Foothills based on stream-gradient indices and
hypsometry. Each province is bounded by a series of N140jE-trending transfer fault zones, either inherited from the Eurasian
passive margin and/or newly formed in the sedimentary cover in response to the presence of basement highs within the foreland
basin (the Peikang and Kuanyin highs). The morphotectonic features as well as deformation styles vary within each province. A
high uplift but low shortening rate typifies the crustal deformation style in the transpressional regime north of the Peikang
Basement High. On the contrary, a low uplift but high shortening rate characterizes the crustal deformation style in the
transtensional regime south of the Peikang Basement High. The higher geomorphic indices suggest that greater tectonic activity
occurs in central than in southwestern Taiwan. This inference is also supported by the coseismic deformation of the 1999 Chi-
Chi earthquake.
D 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Stream-gradient indices; Hypsometric integral; Morphotectonics; Chi-Chi earthquake

1. Introduction
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +886-7-7172930x2720; fax:
E-mail addresses: Taiwan is a highly uplifted orogenic belt with a
(Y.-C. Chen), (Q. Sung). high level of seismicity. It has been forming since the

0169-555X/$ - see front matter D 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
110 Y.-C. Chen et al. / Geomorphology 56 (2003) 109–137

late Miocene as a result of arc-continent collision change in a period from 1904 to 1985 (Sung et al.,
between the Eurasian plate and the Philippine sea- 2000). In such a complex framework of tectonic
plate (Ho, 1988; Teng, 1987, 1990). It can be divided setting and seismic history as Taiwan, we should as
into several geologic terrains: from east to west, they well pay attention to the longer-term and larger-scale
are the Coastal Range, the Central Range, the Western deformation, which may not be reflected by the short-
Foothills and the Coastal Plain. The Western Foothills term geodetic measurement.
consist of a series of subparallel thrust faults and Typically, tectonic deformation of the earth’s sur-
related folds that comprise the western part of an face takes place slowly over thousands of years or
extensive fold-and-thrust belt of thin-skinned defor- longer. Although deformation is imperceptible to
mation (Suppe, 1981, 1983). Most of the active human eyes, the most sensitive scientific instruments
deformation occurs along the mountain fronts in the often can measure it. River systems are the next most
central and southwestern Foothills. In these districts, sensitive tool, capable of adjusting to deformation
most of the active folding and thrusting is associated over periods of decades to centuries (Keller and
with east-dipping reverse faults, such as the Shueli- Pinter, 1996). Some geomorphic indices have been
keng, Shuangtung, Chelungpu, Changhwa, Chuko developed as basic reconnaissance tools to identify
and Chiochongkeng Faults. The Chelungpu and areas experiencing rapid tectonic deformation. The
Chuko Faults form the western boundary of the foot- most useful in studies of active tectonics are the
hills. They are overthrusts with a hanging wall of late hypsometric integral, drainage basin asymmetry,
Miocene – Pliocene deformed strata riding upon a stream-gradient index, mountain front sinuosity and
footwall of late Quaternary and recent alluvium ratio of valley floor width to valley height (Keller and
(Chang, 1971; CPC, 1982a,b; Chang et al., 1996). Pinter, 1996). The stream-gradient reflects the slope
Over the past 100 years, this area has experienced change of a stream longitudinal profile, which may
coseismic surface rupturing several times, e.g. in 1906 reflect tectonic activities (Merritts and Vincent, 1989;
(ML = 7.1) and 1935 (ML = 7.1) (Cheng et al., 1999). Rhea, 1989; Marple and Talwani, 1993; Brookfield,
The largest inland earthquake (ML = 7.3) of the 1998). Hypsometry is the relative portion of an area at
20th century in Taiwan occurred at 01:47 local time different elevations within a river basin and may be
on September 21, 1999 near the small town of Chi- sensitive to various forcing factors such as tectonics,
Chi, in the central foothills. A fault scarp several lithology and climate (Lifton and Chase, 1992). A
meters high occurred on or near the mapped trace of study of a rapidly uplifting area in the Siwalik Hills,
the Chelungpu Fault and extended for more than 105 Nepal, shows that hypsometric integral is significantly
km (Fig. 1a). Maximum recorded PGA was greater correlated to the uplift rate (Hurtrez et al., 1999). The
than 1 G (Central Geological Survey, 1999). Limited hypsometric analysis of subbasins in the Western
surface ruptures were also found along the Shuang- Foothills of Taiwan also indicates a positive correla-
tung Fault. Coseismic deformation occurred within a tion with a recently uplifting anticline (Chen, 1999).
region where a 1990 – 1995 GPS survey shows low The island of Taiwan, where collision and moun-
velocities (Fig. 1b). GPS geodetic measurements tain building occur, provides a key example for
taken after the Chi-Chi earthquake show a striking analyzing the relation between morphology and tec-
crustal deformation along the upthrown block of the tonics in an active compressional environment. It is
1999 rupture (CGS, 1999). In general, the vertical characterized with an elongated S-shape of the general
displacement of this fault exhibits an average of 2 –3 structural trend (Fig. 2). Previous studies have shown
m in the south and reaches a maximum slip of 7 –8 m that there is a striking geometrical relationship
in the north (Ma et al., 1999). There is greater between the location of salients and reentrants of the
horizontal and vertical slip in the northern block mountain belt and the presence of major crustal
between the Dachia River and the Wu River than in inhomogeneities such as structural highs in the fore-
the southern block between the Wu River and the land basin (Biq, 1990; Lu, 1994; Lu and Malavieille,
Chuoshue River (CGS, 1999) (Fig. 1a). This obser- 1994; Lu et al., 1995; Delcaillau et al., 1998; Hu et al.,
vation is consistent with the pattern of longer-term 2001). Major along-strike variations of structural
crustal deformation inferred from stream-gradient styles occur in mountain-front rocks of the fold-thrust
Y.-C. Chen et al. / Geomorphology 56 (2003) 109–137
Fig. 1. Coseismic deformation of the Chi-Chi earthquake and the GPS station velocity field. (a) Coseismic deformation from the Chi-Chi earthquake, measured by the GPS stations
along the Chelungpu Fault (CGS, 1999). Solid lines are active faults, namely Shuelikeng Fault (F1), Shuangtung Fault (F2), Chelungpu Fault (F3) and Changhwa Fault (F4). Wiggly
line is the surface rupture of the Chi-Chi earthquake fault. The maximum horizontal and vertical slip is 8.5 and 3.4 m, respectively. (b) Velocity field with respect to the Penghu station
monitored by the GPS Network (Yu et al., 1997). Thin lines are active faults. Crustal deformation is indistinctive along the Chelungpu Fault (the heavy line). (A) Longitudinal Valley
Fault, (B) Chuko Fault.

112 Y.-C. Chen et al. / Geomorphology 56 (2003) 109–137
Y.-C. Chen et al. / Geomorphology 56 (2003) 109–137 113

belt. A 2-D distinct element model constrained by flank constitute the Slate Belt. In the Western Foot-
GPS velocity field data (Hu et al., 2001) indicates that hills, the Neogene and Early Pleistocene shallow-
the presence of structural highs is consistent with the marine to shelf clastic sediments are affected by
crescent shape of the thrust wedge and the presence of WNW-vergent folds and low-angle thrust faults. The
transpressional or transtensional structures in central Coastal Plain of western Taiwan and offshore areas
and southwestern Taiwan, respectively. In this paper, further to the west are underlain by mostly flat-lying
we aim to study the relative tectonic activity of the Cenozoic sedimentary sequences (Fig. 2). The Coastal
Western Foothills and Coastal Plains in central and Plain is composed of Quaternary alluvial deposits
southwestern Taiwan by combining the results of the derived from the Central Range and the Western
stream-gradient and hypsometric analysis extracted Foothills.
from topographic databases of 1985. We focus mainly The S-curved mountain belt is trending NE –SW in
on the comparison of the geomorphic indices and the northern part, turns anticlockwise to NW – SE,
discuss their implications in the long-term crustal then N – S in the central, and resumes its NE – SW
deformation with respect to the short-term deforma- trend again in southern Taiwan. Two major buried
tion illustrated by geodesy in these two regions. This basement highs in western Taiwan are revealed by
study also prompts a discussion of the along-strike subsurface studies: the Peikang High to the south and
variations of morphotectonic features in the Western the Kuanyin High to the north. Drilling and seismic
Foothills from local effects such as frontal contraction reflection data outlined the semicircular shape of the
and lateral movement in response to indentation by Peikang High, which is characterized by its tectonic
the basement highs. and geodetic stability, in contrast to the adjacent
mobile belt. The distribution of the Toukoshan For-
mation (the Pleistocene mollasse) and lateritic terraces
2. Tectonic setting in western Taiwan marks the relative active belt along
the deformation front of the fold-and-thrust belt (Lu,
2.1. Geological background 1994). The drainage pattern shows a fan structure and
the river system is retreating from the Peikang High
The Taiwan mountain belt developed in the last 5 area. The presence of such a crustal high is likely to
Ma as a result of oblique collision of the Luzon island play an important role in the development of the
arc with the Chinese continental margin. The active frontal fold-and-thrust belt (Hung et al., 1999;
Longitudinal Valley Fault separates two main geo- Lacombe et al., 1999; Hu et al., 2001).
logical provinces of Taiwan (Ho, 1986; Tsai, 1986).
To the east, the Coastal Range comprises mainly 2.2. Displacement field in Taiwan
volcanic and siliciclastic sequences of the accreted
Luzon arc-trench system, whereas the area to the west The ‘‘Taiwan GPS Network’’ was established in
consists of metamorphic and sedimentary sequences 1989 by the Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia
of the deformed Chinese continental margin (Fig. 2). Sinica, to study the present-day crustal deformation in
The Central Range of Taiwan is characterized by Taiwan area. The displacement vectors in Taiwan
the presence of Tertiary metamorphic rocks, in con- relative to the Chinese margin increase toward the
trast with the adjacent nonmetamorphic fold-and- south (Fig. 1b), consistent with the oblique collision
thrust belt of the Western Foothills (Ho, 1986). The migrating from north to south. Major discontinuities
pre-Tertiary basement crops out on the eastern flank in the velocity field are observed across the Longi-
of the Central Range. The axial ridges and the western tudinal Valley in eastern Taiwan and across the Chuko

Fig. 2. Tectonic map of Taiwan and geologic background of the area studied. The central Foothills comprises the Daan (R1), Dachia (R2), Wu
(R3) and Chuoshue (R4) Rivers draining across the Shuelikeng (F1), Shuangtung (F2), Chelungpu (F3), Changhwa (F4) and Tungtzchiau (F5)
Faults. The Huwe (R5), Neocho (R6), Bazhang (R7), Chishue (R8) and Zhengwun (R9) Rivers run across the Chuko (F6), Chiochongkeng (F7),
Meishan (F8), Muchiliau (F9) and Liochia (F10) Faults in southwestern Foothills. Four tributaries of the Wu River are Butzu (r1), Tobianken
(r2), Tsaohu (r3) and Mauluo (r4). The black heavy bold line is the surface rupture of the Chi-Chi earthquake. LVF: Longitudinal Valley Fault.
114 Y.-C. Chen et al. / Geomorphology 56 (2003) 109–137

Fault in southwestern Taiwan, where remarkable central and southwestern Foothills into the Taiwan
strain accumulation rates are observed (Yu and Chen, Strait. The Daan, Dachia, Wu and Chuoshue Rivers
1994). A rather gradual counterclockwise change in run across the Shuelikeng, Shuangtung, Chelungpu,
velocity trends is observed across the Taiwan belt Changhwa and Tungtzchiau Faults in the central
west of the Longitudinal Valley Fault, from north – Foothills. The Huwe, Neocho, Bazhang, Chishue
northwest in the eastern Central Range to west in the and Zhengwun Rivers run across the Chuko, Chio-
Western Foothills. chongkeng and Muchiliau Faults in the southwestern
In the western region of the network, most station Foothills (Fig. 2). The analyzed profiles are the main
velocities in the Coastal Plain and western-central channels of the river networks with their river outlets
Taiwan are negligible (insignificant or only margin- on the coast. Four tributaries of the Wu River, namely
ally significant). North of the Peikang High, the trends the Butzu, Tobianken, Tsaohu and Mauluo, were also
of velocity gradually change clockwise from WNW – analyzed to give a complete coverage of the Che-
ESE to N – S, and finally to E – W. To the southwest, in lungpu Fault. Length data of river profiles were
the Kaohsiung coastal area, the velocity vectors are collected from topographic maps of 1985 that are
even directed toward the southwest. This may be geocoded in ‘‘MapInfo’’ GIS software, and elevation
explained by the escaping of this area to the weak data were taken at crossings of the stream courses and
accretionary wedge offshore southwestern Taiwan, as contour lines. Therefore, we obtain a better horizontal
the indentation of basement highs increases and resolution at upper reach of the river profile than at
oblique convergence goes on in eastern Taiwan (Hu lower reach.
et al., 1997). This present-day velocity field is strongly
influenced by the presence of major zones of relative
weakness and mechanical decoupling inside the colli- 4. Methodology
sion zone, such as the Longitudinal Valley Fault zone
and the western thrusts of the Foothills (Hu et al., 4.1. Stream-gradient indices
The stream length-gradient index (SL index) has
been commonly used to highlight gradient change of a
3. Database: topographic maps and DEM stream longitudinal profile and is believed to reflect
stream power or competence (Hack, 1973). Usually, it
A drainage basin is defined as the set of cells is very sensitive to changes in channel slope and is
related by their flow pathway to the basin outlet. A applied to evaluate relationships between possible
40-m resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM), tectonic activity, rock resistance and topography (Kel-
provided by the Bureau of Forestry in the 1980s, is ler and Pinter, 1996). The parameters measured are
produced by photogrammetry and projected over a shown in Fig. 3 and the equation is shown below:
Universal Transverse Mercator (zone 51) grid as a
Cartesian reference frame. The software ‘‘River- H ¼ c  kV logðLÞ ð1Þ
Tools’’ is used to extract river network and basin
limits from DEMs. This software is based on standard where H is altitude of the profile, c is a constant, and
methods: a single flow drainage direction, following kVis the SL index. The quantity L is the stream length
the steepest downward slope, is calculated for each measured from the drainage divide at the source of the
cell of the grid. Sinks are filled to ensure the con- longest stream in the drainage basin. The semilogar-
tinuity of drainage. Giving a constant threshold con- ithmic plot of the longitudinal profile is hereinafter
tributing area, the channel network and the drainage called the Hack profile.
basin limit are determined. This software can also Most natural streams do not have just a single
delimit the sub-drainage basins according to the logarithmic profile throughout their length. Their
Strahler’s order. Hack profiles are ‘‘curved’’ and can be made up of
In the area studied, there are nine major rivers and connected series of segments of various lengths.
four larger tributaries draining westward through the Because the SL index is very sensitive to channel
Y.-C. Chen et al. / Geomorphology 56 (2003) 109–137 115

proposed an evolution concept of change in a graded

river profile by fault movement as shown in Fig. 4.
Successive profiles show a trend toward eventual new
equilibrium profile. As the displaced profile reestab-
lishes its new graded state, the asymptotic decay
curves clearly shows a trend varying from a convex
Hack profile to a convex – concave Hack profile. The
reaction time is assumed to be instantaneous, the
relaxation time to new dynamic equilibrium is
unknown, but is exponential and needs independent
time calibration.
A number of previous studies with respect to active
crustal warping have provided useful information
related to river profile adjustments (Volkov et al.,
1967; Burnett and Schumm, 1983; Ouchi, 1985;
Snow and Slingerland, 1990). Brookfield (1998)
showed a series of convex Hack profiles of great river
systems of southern Asia caused by tectonic processes
during the Cenozoic India –Asia collision. His con-
clusion is very similar to the cases in South Carolina
coastal plain. Marple and Talwani (1993) and Rhea
(1989) pointed out that river anomalies observed
within the South Carolina coastal plain expressed
convex-upward longitudinal profiles, and the features
Fig. 3. Conceptual diagram of Hack profiles. (a) The longitudinal should relate to an area of general uplift. Also, in the
profile of a graded river. (b) The semilogarithmic plot of a graded Mendocino triple junction region, northern California,
river profile, the so-called Hack profile, is a straight line with a Merritts and Vincent (1989) found that the Hack
slope kV, the SL index. (c) The uplifted longitudinal profile shows a profiles of rivers are convex in high uplift rate areas
distinct knick point with a steeper lower reach and (d) its Hack
profile. (e) A curved Hack profile may be divided into four graded
and are almost straight and slightly concave in inter-
segments (I, II, III and IV), each of which is linearly fitted and has mediate and low uplift rate areas.
its own SL index to construct the step curve. There exist different geological implications bet-
ween SL index and Hack profile (Hack, 1973; Brook-
field, 1998). Hack asserted that changes in SL index
slope changes, in practice, the channel slope is aver- values along streams in the Appalachians generally
aged over a segment of the reach step by step from correspond to lithological control, but studies in
river source to river mouth to smooth out local varia- southern Asia by Brookfield (1998) showed a differ-
tions. Each segment expresses a small graded reach ent result. He emphasizes that no evidence supports
with an SL index value, and a step SL index curve is lithological control on the development of large rivers
constructed for the entire river. The segment boundary draining the Himalaya, and relatively sudden changes
is defined independently by use of linear fitting with of gradient are caused by tectonics or by river capture.
its correlation coefficient confined to be at least 0.98. These differences point out an important scale effect
We also commonly draw a straight line between river between SL index and Hack profile. To clarify this
source and river mouth and consider it as the graded argument, we carry out two test cases, which compare
situation of a natural stream in dynamic equilibrium the stepped curve of the SL index generated by linear
(Fig. 3e). The slope of this line is called the graded fitting, the curved Hack profile, main lithological
gradient k and can be deemed as the proxy of stream boundaries and geological structures to evaluate pos-
power for a river. Therefore, a large river has a greater sible scale dependency. The first case is in the
k and a small river has a smaller k. Brookfield (1998) Kwechuong River, a tributary of Chishue River,
116 Y.-C. Chen et al. / Geomorphology 56 (2003) 109–137

Fig. 4. Change in graded river profile by fault movement and the resulting adjustment. Graded river profile (A) is displaced to profile (B) by a
sudden fault displacement (here, 3 km analogous to Plio – Pleistocene uplift of Taiwan mountain belt). Erosion/deposition inflection point is kept
constant: in reality, it would migrate downwards and upstream, eroding earlier deposited sediment near the fault. Successive profile 1 – 5 show a
trend toward eventual new equilibrium profile (C). (Modified from Brookfield, 1998).

which runs through the Liochia Fault (F10 in Fig. 2). along the Hack profile, and the uplift effect is
The Kwechuong River has a low graded gradient of reflected in convexity of the large-scale Hack profile.
18 with a length of about 33 km and a height of 185 m Note that the stepped SL index curve is segmented by
at the source (Fig. 5). It flows across the lithological a much smaller distance in the Kwechuong River than
boundaries from the shaly Kanshialiao Formation to in the Wu River (Figs. 5 and 6). Local abnormalities
the sandy Erchungchi Formation and back to the of the stream-gradient due to lithological variations
Kanshialiao Formation again. The SL index reflects may be smoothed out in the case of Wu River. In other
the lithological competence. The shaly formation is words, the Kwechuong River is a small river in terms
less resistant to erosion than the sandy formation and of stream power (k = 18) and is incompetent to remove
has a lower SL index. However, the Chiendapu the lithological effect on the stream-gradient, while
syncline and the Niushan anticline also exert some the large one, the Wu River (k = 60), is capable of
minor effect on the SL index. Another case is the Wu removing the lithological and structural effect on the
River (Fig. 6). The Wu River has a high graded stream-gradient.
gradient of 60 with a length of about 92 km and a Summarizing the two examples analyzed above,
height of 576 m at the source. It runs across different we accept that SL indices generated by linear fitting of
lithostratigraphic units from Oligocene to Pleistocene. Hack profiles might reflect small- to medium-scale
The SL index should decrease downstream if it geological features, such as lithology, folds and faults;
reflects competence of rock units because the older the entire curved Hack profile possibly corresponds to
rock is more indurated. On the contrary, the SL index the cumulative effect of larger-scale tectonic activities.
increases downstream until it encounters the frontal As illustrated in Fig. 3c, the curvature of the Hack
fault of the thrust system, the Changhwa Fault, and profile results from the total net accumulation of all
the maximum value appears near the Chelungpu internal and external process of a river from the past to
Fault. Thus, the relative active thrust faults might be the present. If a river runs through a high tectonic
the major factors that affect the segment gradients activity area as an active fault zone, its Hack profile
Y.-C. Chen et al. / Geomorphology 56 (2003) 109–137 117

Fig. 5. Step curve of SL index and curved Hack profile of Kwechuong River, a tributary of Chishue River. Dashed lines are main lithological
boundaries of the Pleistocene sequences. The profile starts at 100 m from the riverhead. Distance in kilometers for each segment is shown on the

will remain convex and the convexity will correspond 4.2. Hypsometry
to movement of the active structure. Furthermore,
changes in the convexity of Hack profiles over time Hypsometry is the relative portion of area at differ-
could also be used as the potential indicator of large- ent elevations within a region (Strahler, 1952). The
scale tectonic activity (Sung et al., 2000). hypsometric curve represents the relative proportion

Fig. 6. Step curve of SL index and curved Hack profile of Wu River. Dashed lines are main lithostratigraphic boundaries from Oligocene to
Quaternary. The profile starts at 5 km from the riverhead. Distance in kilometers for each segment is shown on the step.
118 Y.-C. Chen et al. / Geomorphology 56 (2003) 109–137

of basin area below (or above) a given height. The with the basin area (Hurtrez et al., 1999). Small
hypsometric integral represents the area under the drainage basins would be dominated by hillslope
hypsometric curve. The hypsometric integral (HI) processes and hence have convex hypsometric curves
can be estimated by and hypsometric integrals close to 1. Conversely,
the importance of river processes would increase
HI ¼ ðHmean  Hmin Þ=ðHmax  Hmin Þ ð2Þ with increasing drainage area and the hypsometric
curve would become concave with hypsometric
where Hmean and (Hmax  Hmin) are the mean eleva- integrals approaching 0. Where variations of drain-
tion and the elevation drop of the basin, respectively age area are important, the drainage area may exert
(Pike and Wilson, 1971). Hypsometry has been gen- a stronger influence on hypsometry than the uplift
erally used to infer the stage of geomorphic develop- rate.
ment from the shape of hypsometric curve (Strahler, Scale dependence of hypsometry becomes an im-
1952). Many studies (e.g. Ohmori, 1993; Willgoose, portant issue when the hypsometric analysis is applied
1994) have shown different implications of the hyp- to smaller subbasins in a catchment. Basin area and
sometric curve from those proposed by Strahler perhaps subbasin location in the catchment are influ-
(1952). For example, Masek et al. (1994) have pro- encing factors on the hypsometric measurement. The
posed a climatological effect on the hypsometry by Sandieh River and the Chishue River were selected to
comparing two large-scale drainage basins in the test the scale dependence of hypsometry on the drain-
central Andean plateau. In a study of the San Gabriel age area. They both originate near the Chuko Fault
Mountains, California, Lifton and Chase (1992) sug- and run through low hills of the Pleistocene sediments
gested the influence of tectonic activity on the hyp- and into the Coastal Plain of southwestern Taiwan.
sometric integral at large scales (1000 km2) and a
stronger influence of lithology at small scales (100 4.2.1. Area dependence of hypsometry
km2). They also tested the influence of varying uplift Giving a constant threshold for the contributing
rates on hypsometry, from a numerical model of area, a series of subbasins are delineated within the
landscape development, showing that the hypsometric catchments. Data cells in each subbasin are then
integral was positively correlated to uplift rate. This extracted from the DEM to calculate the hypsometric
result contrasts with the negative correlation found in integral by both Eq. (2) and the basin area. The
the natural landscape. In a comparative study of average area, the average elevation, the average ele-
basins sampled in the same tectonic context along vation drop and the average hypsometric integral of
the southern border of the French Massif-Central, the subbasins are also computed for a given threshold
lithology is shown to be the dominant control on the value. Several runs have been carried out for both
hypsometric curve. However, hypsometric integral, rivers, and the results are plotted in Fig. 7.
independent of drainage area, is significantly corre- This result generally agrees with the Hurtrez et
lated to the uplift rate in the Siwalik Hills, Nepal, al.’s (1999) findings. When drainage basins become
where there are rapid tectonic uplift rates (Hurtrez et smaller, their hypsometric integral becomes greater
al., 1999). This review shows that hypsometry could and approaches 0.45 in both test cases (Fig. 7b). In
be sensitive to various forcing factors, which are fact, parameters such as basin area, basin drop, etc.,
scale-dependent, such as tectonics, lithology and cli- maintain a distinct linear relation with the hypso-
mate. metric integral in the semilogarithmic plot (Fig. 7).
Study of the scale dependency of hypsometry The proposition that varying influence of river and
indicates that hypsometry is robust against varying hillslope processes is related to basin area (Hurtrez
DEM resolution. This property suggests that com- et al., 1999) cannot explain the plots. The hypso-
parisons of hypsometry can be reliably performed metric integral decreases with increasing elevation
even if calculated from DEMs of different resolution drop of a subbasin, which varies from downstream
(Rosenblatt and Pinet, 1994; Hurtrez et al., 1999). to upstream (Fig. 7a). The hypsometric integral,
The scale dependence of hypsometry may reflect the calculated by Eq. (2), tends to give a lower value
varying importance of river and hillslope processes for larger basins because the elevation drop of a
Y.-C. Chen et al. / Geomorphology 56 (2003) 109–137 119

Fig. 7. Hypsometric integral (HI) vs. (a) average basin area, (b) average elevation drop and (c) average (mean elevation  minimum elevation)
of subbasins for Sandieh and Chishue River.

larger basin (i.e. Hmax  Hmin) is overcounted. When downstream landform is depositional and higher in
a drainage basin is divided into series of smaller hypsometric integral. We may also regard the area
basins from upstream to downstream, the hypsomet- dependence of hypsometry as the consequence of
ric integral of the upstream ones will be lower due dividing up a drainage basin into infinitesimal units.
to the concave longitudinal profiles, and that of the Should a subbasin become infinitesimal in size, the
downstream ones will be higher due to the flatter hypsometric integral of each subbasin would approach
longitudinal profile (Fig. 8). The upstream landform 0.5, provided the DEM resolution is compatible. How
is erosional and lower in hypsometric integral; the the rate of hypsometric integral increases with the
120 Y.-C. Chen et al. / Geomorphology 56 (2003) 109–137

Fig. 8. Spatial dependency of hypsometry. (a) The hypsometric integral varies with elevation drop from upstream reach to downstream reach.
(b) Small subbasin unit can resolve local variations due to lithology or tectonic element.

decreasing drainage area probably reflects the char- This is the spatial dependency of hypsometry. From
acteristics of a river basin, and it will not be discussed Eq. (2), one can perceive that the hypsometric
in this paper. Natural drainage basins are intrinsically integral has an inverse relation to the elevation
self-similar and can be subdivided infinitely. How- drop of a drainage basin, provided the numerator
ever, it is not practical to subdivide a drainage basin (i.e. Hmean  Hmin) remains constant. The numerator
infinitely because of the increasing computing effort is dependent on the degree of dissection of a sub-
and inadequate resolution of the database. Neverthe- basin in which Hmin is the elevation of the con-
less, we need to decrease basin area in order to fluence. The longitudinal profile of a graded river
resolve the lithological variations or structural ele- usually takes a smoothly concave upward form with
ments within a drainage basin. We shall further a steep upstream reach and a gentle downstream
examine the relation between geological factors and reach. The elevation drop of an upstream subbasin
hypsometry with varying basin area using the above is always greater than that of the downstream sub-
two river basins. basin. The upstream subbasin tends to have a lower
hypsometric integral than the downstream subbasin
4.2.2. Spatial dependency of hypsometry does, and consequently, the hypsometric integral
When a drainage basin is subdivided into smaller increases with a decreasing trend of elevation drop
subbasins, the hypsometric integral of a subbasin (slope =  0.144) (Fig. 7b). The hypsometric integral
may vary not only with basin area but also with its also increases with a decreasing amount of basin
relative position within the catchments (Fig. 8). dissection (slope =  0.2376) (Fig. 7c). They concur
Y.-C. Chen et al. / Geomorphology 56 (2003) 109–137 121

to give a downstream positive trend of hypsometric metric integral compared to the Foothills. The
integral with a slope of 1.65. This tendency is mountain-type subbasins seem to be outlying in
demonstrated by the scatter plot of the Huwe – relation to this trend and are not included in the
Sandieh River, which does show a negative trend regression analysis. This spatial dependency of hyps-
of the hypsometric integral with the elevation drop ometry should be eliminated by a de-trending proc-
(i.e. a positive downstream trend) (Fig. 9). The ess. Residuals of the regression analysis are then
downstream subbasins on the Coastal Plains have taken into consideration for their relationship with
higher hypsometric integral, while the upstream geological factors. Positive residuals of the hypso-
subbasins on the Foothills have lower hypsometric metric integral may represent subbasins with more
integral. Moreover, those subbasins located high resistant rock or uplifted landmass. In contrast,
upon the mountains have exceptionally high hypso- negative residuals of the hypsometric integral may

Fig. 9. Hypsometric integral vs. Basin Elevation Drop for Sandieh River. A regression line and its 68% and 95% confidence interval are shown.
Threshold value for the upper figure is 1 and 3 km2 for the lower figure. The mountain-type subbasins are not included in the regression
122 Y.-C. Chen et al. / Geomorphology 56 (2003) 109–137

represent those with less resistant rock or depressed fault of the 1906 Meishan earthquake (ML = 7.1). The
landmass. Siaomei anticline is a recently uplifting structure,
evidenced by multistaged Holocene (?) river terraces
(Chen, 1999) and a horizontal velocity faster than 1.1
5. Test sites cm/year traversing the anticline axis (Yang and Hung,
The test sites are located in the southwestern The Kwechuong River is an upstream reach of the
Foothills and Coastal Plain and belong to drainage Chishue River, which originates from the hanging wall
basins of the Sandieh, Neocho and Chishue Rivers. of the Lunghou Fault (the southern segment of the
The Sandieh River is one of the tributaries of the Chuko Fault (F6)) (Fig. 10a). It runs immediately
Huwe River, which flows on the Coastal Plains into across the Lunghou thrust, the very tightly folded
Taiwan Strait (Fig. 10a). The Sandieh River originates Nanliao anticline (S2), the relatively open folds includ-
from the western slope of the Dagienshan in the ing the Chiendapu syncline (S3) and the Nieushan
Western Foothills. It flows transversely across the anticline (S4), and the Liochia Fault (F10). The bal-
Dagienshan Fault (northern segment of the Chuko anced geologic sections illustrate that the Nanliao
Fault (F6)), the Chiochongkeng Fault (F7) (connected anticline is a duplex structure of thrust blocks situated
with the Changhwa Fault (F4) to the north), the immediately at the footwall of the Lunghou thrust
Siaomei anticline (S1) and the Meishan Fault (F8). (Yang and Hung, 2001). The Muchiliau (F9) and
Based on a fault-related fold model (Suppe, 1983; Liochia Fault (F10) are, however, interpreted as the
Suppe and Medwedeff, 1990; Homza and Wallace, syncline hinge on the west wing of the Nanliao and
1995), balanced geological sections have been con- Niushan anticline (Fig. 11). To the west, there are
structed to show that the Chiochongkeng and Dag- several blind thrusts and normal faults underneath the
ienshan Faults are west-vergent low-angle thrusts Coastal Plain. The lithology along the flow path varies
(30 f 40j dip) with related fault-bend-folds in the downstream from the lower Pliocene shaly series, to
Western Foothills (Fig. 11) (Yang and Hung, 2001). the Pleistocene silty to muddy series, and alluvium.
The Meishan Fault and the Siaomei anticline are The Pleistocene series is relatively indurated and may
probably inverse structures inherited from pre-existing show some upward coarsening locally. The SL index
normal faults on the footwall of the Chiochongkeng peaks at the Pleistocene Erchungchi Formation with a
Fault. The lithology along its flow path varies down- value of about 200 (Fig. 5); for the Erchungchi For-
stream from the upper Miocene –lower Pliocene sandy mation consists mainly of silty to fine sandstones
series, the Pleistocene silty to muddy series and the alternated with mudstones and is locally intercalated
alluvium. The lithological competence decreases with pebbles. It is also affected by existing structures,
downstream, but the Hack profile of the Sandieh the Chiendapu syncline and the Nieushan anticline, as
River takes a convex form. The SL index increases indicated by the sink and the rise of the SL index at the
downstream and peaks at the segment between the respective sites. The Liochia Fault is also shown by the
Dagienshan Fault and the Chiochongkeng Fault (Fig. sink of the index and it is interpreted as a syncline in
12). Although the Hack profile slightly depresses the balanced section (Fig. 11). The Hack profile of the
between the Chiochongkeng Fault and the Meishan Kwechuong River takes a gently convex form in
Fault, the SL index can still reflect the structure general.
elements, such as the Siaomei anticline and the Different thresholds varying from 0.3 to 5 km2
Meishan Fault. The Meishan Fault is an earthquake have been applied to extract different sizes of sub-

Fig. 10. Hypsometric integral map of the Sandieh – Neocho – Chishue drainage basins. (a) Color layering according to original hypsometric
integral of subbasins. Threshold = 1 km2, average subbasin area = 2.1 km2. (b) Color layering according to standardized residuals after de-
trending regression of hypsometric integral on elevation drop. Dashed lines are locations for geological sections shown in Fig. 11, from north to
south, Line 5, Line 2, Line 1 and Line 9. Active faults are the Chuko (F6), Chiochongkeng (F7), Meishan (F8), Muchiliau (F9) and Liochia
(F10). Folds are the Siaomei anticline (S1), Nanliao anticline (S2), Chiendapu syncline (S3), Nieushan anticline (S4), Paiho syncline (S5) and
Mingshong syncline (S6).
Y.-C. Chen et al. / Geomorphology 56 (2003) 109–137 123
Y.-C. Chen et al. / Geomorphology 56 (2003) 109–137
Fig. 11. NW – SE balanced geological sections in southwestern Taiwan. Sections are labeled from north to south, Line 5, Line 2, Line 1, and Line 9. Location of each section is shown
in Fig. 10b. Balanced geological sections are constructed by Yang and Hung (2001).
Y.-C. Chen et al. / Geomorphology 56 (2003) 109–137 125

Fig. 12. Step curve of SL index and curved Hack profile of Sandieh River, a tributary of Putze River. Gray dashed lines are main lithological
boundaries. The profile starts at 100 m from the riverhead.

basins for the Sandieh –Neocho and Chishue – Kwe- The residual high is also distributed along the tightly
chuong River basin. Distributions of hypsometric folded Nanliao anticline immediately at the footwall
integral for different sizes of subbasins are highly of the Lunghou thrust and the Niushan anticline (Fig.
spatially dependent (Fig. 10a), i.e. the higher reach 10b), and the residual trough is mainly located along
basins have lower hypsometric integral and those the Muchiliau (F9)– Liochia (F10) Fault that borders
basins with higher hypsometric integral are distrib- the southwestern Foothills in this region. The Muchi-
uted on the alluvial plains. A de-trending residual liau –Liochia Fault was recently reinterpreted as the
analysis of the hypsometric integral on the Basin surface trace of a syncline axis based on seismic
Elevation Drop was carried out to eliminate this profiling (Yang and Hung, 2001). There is another
spatial dependency (Fig. 10b). A common result westward-undulating cycle of residuals on the Coastal
obtained for different sizes of subbasins has shown Plain. A broad belt of residual highs that runs north-
that the hypsometric integral is not related to the easterly on the alluvial plain does not show any
lithological variation; instead, it has a close relation correlation with lithological variation, but is associ-
with tectonic elements (Fig. 10b). The correlation of ated with the Paiho (S5) and Mingshong (S6) syn-
the residual pattern with the structural elements is cline. Despite some local anomalies, the residual
more evident as the subbasin area increases until it pattern grossly reveals a sinuous variation in a wave-
extends beyond the size of the structural elements. length of about 10 km. It also generally fits the
The residual hypsometric integral varies in an undu- anomalous stream-gradient pattern. The subbasins,
lating fashion from east to west. Residuals are where the Hack profile is convex and the SL index
positively high at the river reach upstream from the is higher, also possess high residual hypsometric
Chiochongkeng Fault (F7), then decrease toward integral. Furthermore, the GPS velocity field in this
west, with the exception of high residuals at the region shows a major horizontal velocity drop of
Siaomei anticline, until they reach the residual low at about 5 mm/year across the Lunghou thrust indicating
the boundary between the hillslope and the plain. a less active footwall of the Lunghou Fault than that of
126 Y.-C. Chen et al. / Geomorphology 56 (2003) 109–137

the Dagienshan Fault (Yang and Hung, 2001). This logical order based on the topographic databases
agrees with the relatively lower SL index and lower available to this study. The rivers can be preliminarily
hypsometric integral of the Chishue River basin than classified into two groups based on their tectonic
those of the Sandieh –Neocho River basin. terrains. The central group consists of the Daan,
Dachia, Wu and Chuoshue Rivers, situated in the
5.1. Integration of stream-gradient indices and tectonic regime north of the Peikang Basement High;
hypsometry the southwestern group consists of the Huwe, Neocho,
Bazhang, Chishue and Zhengwun Rivers, situated in
In summary, the SL index for smaller rivers is the tectonic regime south of the Peikang Basement
primarily controlled by the competence of rocks and High.
is secondarily affected by geological structures due to
its relatively low stream power. The SL index for 6.1. Stream-gradient analysis
larger rivers, however, reflects tectonic activity and is
not affected by the lithological variation at greater Generally speaking, convexity of the Hack profile
scale. The convexity of Hack profiles for most of and the SL index value for each river both increase
rivers is indicative of differential uplift in a basin. northward with a distinctly higher value in the central
The local SL index can be further normalized by its group than in the southwestern group (Fig. 13). The
graded slope (k) to depict the steeper stream segment major rivers in the central group show a convex shape
of a river system. This normalized stream-gradient of the Hack profile that revealed an early stage of a
(SL/k) can provide a measure to compare the stream- river adjusting to the fault movement (Fig. 4). The
gradient among rivers. Hypsometric integral for major rivers in the southwestern group, on the con-
smaller basins is more related to geological structures trary, show a slightly convex – concave shape of the
and/or tectonic activities than to lithology despite Hack profile that revealed a later stage of a river
basin area. The stream-gradient indices are pertinent adjusting to the fault movement (Fig. 4). The step SL
to the linear aspect of topography, while the hypso- index curve shows a grossly downstream increasing
metric integral deals with the volumetric aspect of trend for each river. In most cases, the SL index
topography and is pertinent to the area – altitude increases when it encounters faults. This implies
relation. The stream-gradient indices lose their reso- tectonic control rather than lithology on the river
lution in the lower reach of the river because river development at the scale studied. The central group
length in the lower reach is greatly reduced by the shows the same characteristic rise of the step SL index
logarithmic scale. The hypsometry is equally appli- curve when the rivers encounter the west-vergent
cable to either upstream basins or downstream basins. frontal thrust system, which is composed of the
The normalized stream-gradient, the Hack profile and Shuelikeng, Shuangtung, Chelungpu and Changhwa
the residual hypsometric integral are able to compare Faults. The SL indices all peak with a value more than
among rivers the relative intensity of tectonic activity. 600 at the same segment between the Chelungpu and
Concurrence of stream-gradient indices and hypsom- Changhwa Faults where the rivers flow across the
etry implies a more significant tectonic implication. alluvial plain. The tributaries of the Wu River also
In conclusion, integration of stream-gradient indices show a common characteristic step curve of the SL
and hypsometry gives us a better understanding of index with minor variation. The Butzu River cuts the
regional tectonic activities than either technique pro- Chelungpu Fault in its upper reach and runs diago-
vides on its own. nally to it prior to the confluence point. The SL index
has a gentle peak at the Chelungpu Fault. The
Tobianken River may have slightly adjusted to litho-
6. Results logical variations in its upper reach before and after it
encounters the Shuangtung Fault and has a distinct SL
The analysis of stream-gradient and hypsometry index peak at the Chelungpu Fault. The Tsaohu River
was applied to a total of 16 river basins in the area also has a sharp peak at the Chelungpu Fault with a
studied. Nine of them were also compared in chrono- steeper normalized gradient (SL/k) than that of the
Y.-C. Chen et al. / Geomorphology 56 (2003) 109–137 127

Fig. 13. Step SL index curves and Hack profiles in the area studied. Rivers on left column are in central Taiwan, those on right column are in
southwestern Taiwan. Steep river segment is designated by bold line. Plots are in same scale for comparison purposes.
128 Y.-C. Chen et al. / Geomorphology 56 (2003) 109–137

Tobianken in light of the stream power because it has In order to compare the stream-gradients among
a lower k (the graded slope). One may attribute the rivers, we divided the local SL index along the river
steeper gradient of the Tsaohu to the fact that the profile by its graded slope (k) to normalize the effect
Tsaohu intersects the Chelungpu Fault at a higher of stream power and stream order. We further
angle than the Tobianken does. The Mauluo River has identify the significantly steeper segments with SL/
a slight bulge in the SL step curve at the segment k>6 and the much steeper segments with SL/k>12.
between the Shuangtung and Chelungpu Fault, prob- We found that rivers in the central group do have a
ably due to its lower stream power and its oblique much steeper gradient than those in the southwestern
intersection angle. To sum up, the characteristics of group. Although most rivers in the central group
the stream-gradient for the central group of rivers have a significantly steeper segment between the
indicate more evidence of geomorphic response to Shuangtung and Changhwa Faults, the rivers in this
tectonics in the region north of the Wu River. group are characterized by a much steeper reach in
The rivers in the southwestern group generally the alluvium between the Chelungpu and Changhwa
have a less convex Hack profile and lower SL index Faults. These morphological features may not be
values than those in the central group (Fig. 13). attributed to lithological control but to differential
Unlike the central group, the step curves of the SL deformation in different tectonic blocks of the West-
index for rivers north of the Bazhang show broader ern Foothills. According to the conceptual model
peaks when they encounter the frontal thrusts of the shown in Fig. 3, the downstream segment below the
Western Foothills in this region, namely the Chuko uplifted block tends to have a steeper gradient than
and Chiochongkeng Faults. Their Hack profiles take a its upper one. This implies that the Chelungpu Fault
convex form in the upstream reaches, but a concave block may be more active than others.
form below the graded profile downstream from the
Chiochongkeng Fault. The Sandieh River and Baz- 6.2. Hypsometry
hang River intersect the thrust faults at high angles
and show better-defined peaks in SL index in the Subbasins of a drainage system draining from the
regions corresponding to the faults. The Sandieh high mountains, through the hills and plains to the sea,
River had been discussed previously in detail. The are distributed over entire catchments. We divide
Bazhang River has a steadily downstream rising SL these subbasins into three categories to accommodate
step curve until it cuts through the Laitou Fault (a left- the spatial dependence of hypsometry. They are the
lateral strike-slip fault), which may have caused a mountain-type, the hill-type and the plain-type sub-
lowering of the SL index, but rises again when basins. The mountain-type basin has an average
encountering the Chuko Fault. Other rivers even have elevation higher than 500 m; the hill-type has an
a peak SL index downstream of the Chiochongkeng average elevation in the range from 50 to 500 m
Fault. The way that the rivers intersect the structure and a basin relief of more than 50 m; the plain-type
may complicate the result. For instance, the Neocho occurs at less than 50 m in average elevation and has
River runs parallel to the Chiochongkeng Fault right less than 50 m in basin relief. A threshold contributing
after traversing it, and the peak value in the SL index area of 3 km2 was selected to extract subbasins from
noted downstream of the fault may reflect the pres- 20 rivers studied in the Western Foothills. The ele-
ence of associated structures the footwall of the vation drop has a discernible trend with hypsometric
thrust, such as the Siaomei anticline. The rivers south integral of the subbasins (Fig. 14). The plain-type
of the Bazhang have low stream power, and obvious subbasin has a higher hypsometric integral and a
tectonic control on the stream-gradient is not evident. smaller elevation drop while the hill-type has the
Nevertheless, the Chishue River shows a response at opposite. Most of the mountain-type basins have,
the Muchiliau Fault and upstream of the Liochia however, high elevation drops and high hypsometric
Fault, as discussed in the previous section. The integrals and are outlying in relation to the trend. They
Zhengwun River shows only a slight response to are excluded from the regression analysis but are
the Lunghou Fault (southern extension of the Chuko plotted in the same graph to show their relations to
Fault). the hill-type and plain-type basins. The residual values
Y.-C. Chen et al. / Geomorphology 56 (2003) 109–137 129

Fig. 14. Hypsometric integral vs. Basin Elevation Drop for drainage basins in the entire area studied. A regression line and its 68% and 95%
confidence interval are shown. Average elevation of mountain-type subbasin >500 m; 500 m >hill-type >50 m, plain-type < 50 m; basin relief of
hill-type >50 m, plain-type < 50 m. A threshold contributing area of 3 km2 was applied.

of hypsometric integrals after de-trending analysis are The Quaternary active anticlines (the Pakua, Tatu
standardized by the standard deviation of the regres- and Tiehchenshan) related to the Changhwa Fault
sion. Color-layering plot of the standardized residuals also have high residuals. In the southwestern Foot-
is done by use of the MapInfo system to integrate the hills, basins with high residuals are mostly distrib-
results from stream-gradient analysis of the Western uted over an area on the hanging wall of the Chuko
Foothills (Fig. 15). The residual pattern is illustrated Fault. Only patches of high residuals are distributed
by a rainbow color layering with warm color repre- on the Coastal Plains. Many basins with negative
senting positive residuals and cool color representing residuals are distributed along the coast in south-
negative residuals. western Taiwan.
A total of 1114 basins with an average basin area By and large, the positive residual basins domi-
of 6.47 km2 were delineated in the entire area nate the central Foothills on the hanging wall of the
studied. Most of the mountain-type basins (88%) fall frontal thrusts except a distinct NW-trending trough
in the region above the 68% confidence interval and of negative residual basins along the Wu River (Fig.
have high positive residuals if the de-trending anal- 15). The Puli basin, interpreted as a pull-apart basin
ysis performed on the hill-type and plain-type basins (Lu et al., 1998), is also characterized by negative
is also applied to the mountain-type basins (Fig. 14). residuals. The positive residuals dominate the hang-
They are distributed over an area east of the Sanyi – ing wall of the Chuko Fault. A linear trough of
Shungtung –Chuko Fault, where the mountain range negative residual basins is distributed along the
has long been highly uplifted (Fig. 15). Statistically, border of the southwestern Foothills and is bounded
there are about 21.83% basins in the central Foothills on its west side by a roughly parallel crest of residual
featured with high positive residuals (standardized high basins on the Coastal Plain. The hypsometric
residual >2), in contrast with only 7.62% in the integral is generally low on the coastal region where
southwestern Foothills. They are all distributed over data control is limited. However, some residual
an area between the Shuangtung Fault and the anomalies are found to be associated with the known
Changhwa Fault. It is noted that the Taichung basin, fold structures mapped by Sun (1963, 1964, 1965)
interpreted as a piggyback basin in the thrust system and the Peikang Basement High is highlighted by
(Lu et al., 1998), is characterized by high residuals. positive residuals.
130 Y.-C. Chen et al. / Geomorphology 56 (2003) 109–137
Y.-C. Chen et al. / Geomorphology 56 (2003) 109–137 131

7. Discussion 7.1. Data consistency

Burbank and Anderson (2001) defined intermedi- The hypsometric integral of a subbasin is calcu-
ate time scales of tectonic deformation and landscape lated by automatically subtracting data cells from the
responses at intervals extending from the Holocene– DEM. A common threshold is applied to all rivers
Pleistocene boundary (10 ka) to about 300– 400 ka. studied to control the size and order of subbasins. The
Over such time scales, the landscape reflects the sum mountain-type subbasins are not detrended to further
of both episodic and continuous tectonic and geo- discuss the variations of hypsometric integrals in the
morphic processes. Erosion becomes an increasingly mountain range. The hill-type and plain-type subba-
important factor in modifying the landscape; pristine sins of the Western Foothills are lumped together to
tectonic forms become degraded over these longer do the residual analysis. Data consistency is main-
intervals. There is a sufficient time for interactions tained by comparison among rivers. However, one
between discrete deformation events and ongoing must be cautious about using stream-gradient indices
surface processes to shape the landscape into char- to access the relative tectonic activity among drainage
acteristic forms, such that river patterns and basin basins. The value of SL index is calculated by the
geometries can be viewed as recording these inter- river length, and the graded slope of a Hack profile k
actions. The geomorphic indices of stream-gradient is determined by the elevation of the riverhead. Deter-
and basin hypsometry used in this study provide not mination of the source of a river is sometimes difficult
only a first-order characterization but also a glimpse especially when rivers have very steep gradients at
of temporal change in rates of crustal deformation in their upper reach, because the upper reach length is
the Western Foothills. Knowledge of such longer- heavily weighted in a logarithmic scale. One should
term deformation is invaluable when trying either to be careful not to compare the absolute value of SL
understand the implications of a shorter-term record index among different rivers; instead, comparing
(geodetic measurements for example) or to assess its among them using their normalized stream-gradient,
validity. Nevertheless, such a study can only indi- SL/k, is more reliable. The same treatment was used
rectly calibrate rates of deformation at these time by Seeber and Gornitz (1983) in their study of
scales because stream channels and hillslopes repre- Himalayan Rivers. They distinguished between local
sent an integrated response to ongoing deformation, gradient indices (SL) that, when compared to the
base-level change and climatic change. Base-level graded gradient index (k) for the entire river profile,
change and climatic change had not been considered were significantly steeper (SL/k = 2) and much steeper
in this study because the area studied is restricted to (SL/k = 10) than the ideal profile. The greatest anoma-
a relatively small scale. Denudation rates in this lies in stream-gradient were found to correspond to the
region, estimated from sediment loads transported surface trace of the Main Central Thrust, which has
by rivers, vary from east to west (not from north to been active at least as recently as about 2 Ma
south) from 1 to 10 mm/year (Su, 1973, 1985) in (Harrison et al., 1997). In this study, the normalized
contrast to an uplift rate of 10– 40 mm/year esti- stream-gradient is further classified into three catego-
mated by retriangulation during a 60-year period ries (SL/k>3, >6 and >12) in order to resolve more
(Chen, 1984). Tectonic deformation, therefore, may details.
play a major role in shaping the landscape features Attention should also be paid to the stream order
that characterize different tectonic regimes in western when comparing the absolute values of the SL index
Taiwan. We shall elaborate the tectonic significance among rivers. Merritts and Vincent (1989) suggest in
below. their study of stream-gradient adjustment to bedrock

Fig. 15. Morphotectonic provinces of western Taiwan based on stream-gradient and hypsometry. Standardized residual pattern of hypsometric
integral is shown in color layers. Warm color denotes positive residual and cool color denotes negative residual. Steepness of river segment is
shown by bold line. There are five provinces divided by four transfer faults. STFZ: Sanyi Transfer Fault Zone, PTFZ: Pakuashan Transfer
Fault Zone, ChiTFZ: Chiayi Transfer Fault Zone, CTFZ: Chishan Transfer Fault Zone. (A) The marginal hinge fault of Peikang Basement
High. (B) and (G), normal faults in the basement high. See Fig. 2 for reference of rivers and active faults.
132 Y.-C. Chen et al. / Geomorphology 56 (2003) 109–137

uplift in the Mendocino area, California, that higher- some coseismic deformation appeared to the east of
order streams are less affected by tectonism. Larger the Shuangtung and Shuelikeng Faults.
streams may be able to maintain their longitudinal The GPS velocity field obtained in Taiwan has
profiles by downcutting sufficiently rapidly to keep been assumed to reflect the long-term deformation as
pace with the base-level lowering. In contrast, smaller opposed to the elastic response because of the limited
streams are unable to incise at a rate sufficient to equal change observed before and after major earthquakes.
the rate of base-level lowering, and through time, The deformation pattern revealed by the GPS veloc-
accumulate the effects of net base-level fall. Intui- ities is also consistent with the tectonic framework
tively, larger streams, therefore, tend to have lower SL (Yu et al., 1997; Hu et al., 2001). Under this assump-
indices and less convex Hack profiles. If a higher- tion, we may propose that the crustal deformation in
order stream does have a higher SL index and a more the central Foothills is characterized by a more rapid
convex Hack profile than that of a lower-order stream, uplift rate and a slower horizontal shortening rate than
it is probably subjected to faster bedrock uplift. The in the southwestern Foothills. The upward ramp of the
angle that a river intersects a geologic structure is frontal thrust system in the Western Foothills above a
another factor that may affect the value of SL index shallow décollement might be steeper in the central
and complicate the comparison among rivers. than in the southwestern Foothills. Moreover, (1) the
Hack profiles in the central Foothills are characterized
7.2. Implications of crustal deformation by an early stage of adjusted profile to fault move-
ment, while those in the southwestern Foothills are of
There is a contrast in central Taiwan between the a later stage (Fig. 4), and (2) higher values of the
permanent deformation induced by the Chi-Chi earth- geomorphic indices of the stream-gradient and hyps-
quake and the displacement vectors monitored by the ometry occur in the central Foothills as opposed to the
GPS Network (Fig. 1). The displacement vectors southwestern Foothills (Figs. 13 and 15). These
diminish northward to a magnitude less than 10 observations suggest a relatively high tectonic rate
mm/year, while the coseismic deformation increases in the central Foothills.
northward from 2 f 3 to 7 f 8 m in both the hori-
zontal and vertical sense. The short-term uplift rate in 7.3. Tectonic implications of morphotectonic prov-
this area, estimated by retriangulation over a 60-year inces
period (Chen, 1984), is on the order of 10 mm/year,
which is only 1/3 of the rate seen in the southwestern There are along-strike variations of morphotectonic
Foothills. The displacement vectors become evidently features characterized by the stream-gradient indices
greater in the southwestern than in the central Foot- and hypsometry in the Western Foothills. The hypso-
hills with a major discontinuity across the Chuko metric residual pattern varies greatly from high resid-
Fault. On the contrary, the rates of crustal deforma- uals in the central part to low residuals in the southern
tion, inferred from the stream-gradient indices and part of the Foothills. The stream-gradient indices,
hypsometry, coincide with the coseismic deformation including the SL index and the Hack profile, of major
of the Chi-Chi earthquake. The steepest river gra- rivers also varies greatly from north to south. A series
dients are associated with the Chelungpu Fault. This of N140jE-trending transfer fault zones recognized
fault exhibits a long-term higher uplift rate in the by Deffontaines et al. (1994, 1997) and Lacombe et al.
central than in the southwestern Foothills (Figs. 13 (1999) seem to be able to distinguish the variation of
and 15). There is a further indication of an even higher geomorphic indices into five zones (Fig. 15). Each
uplift rate revealed by the temporal change in SL zone can be characterized by geomorphic features
index in the past century in the area north of the Wu based on stream-gradient indices and hypsometric
River, where the greatest coseismic deformation measures (Table 1) and is thus defined as a morpho-
occurred (Sung et al., 2000). The higher positive tectonic province. Each province is bounded by these
hypsometric residuals in the block north of the Wu N140jE structural boundaries, which were interpreted
River also confirm this argument. The rivers also as left-lateral transfer fault zones, either inherited from
exhibit a significantly steeper gradient at places where the Eurasian passive margin and/or newly formed in
Y.-C. Chen et al. / Geomorphology 56 (2003) 109–137 133

Table 1
Geomorphic features of different morphotectonic provinces in western Taiwan
Morphotectonic Hypsometric integral Stream-gradient Hack profile
(I) Taichung high positive residuals on the foothills. much steep gradient SL/k>12 very convex in shape, an early staged
Negative residuals on the Coastal Plain on the foothills adjustment to fault movement

Pakuashan Transfer Fault Zone

(II) Touliu low positive residuals in the foothills. significantly steep gradient less convex, an embay S-shape
High positive residuals on the Coastal 12>SL/k>6 on the foothills
Plain. Negative residuals along the
border of the foothills

Chiayi Transfer Fault Zone

(III) Hsinyin very low positive residuals on the significantly steep gradient much less convex
foothills. A pair of positive and negative 12>SL/k>6 on the foothills
residual belt on the Coastal Plains

Chishan Transfer Fault Zone

(IV) Tainan low positive to negative residuals except
on some local structures

the sedimentary cover in response to the presence of The structural domain of the morphotectonic prov-
basement highs within the foreland basin (the Peikang ince II trends north – south as opposed to the major
and Kuanyin highs). The NW-trending transfer faults plate convergence from the southeast. From west to
are aligned with the thrust transport direction and east, the Changhwa Fault, Chelungpu Fault and
likely separate two parts of a given thrust sheet where Shungtung Fault are the major thrusts. The Shungtung
each part may have different displacements and rate of Fault lies at the western boundary of highly uplifted
deformation (McClay, 1992). basins. The Changhwa Fault marks the deformation
Morphotectonic province I is located in the middle front of the foothills with actively growing anticlines
of the large curvature of the mountain front and (e.g. the Tiehchenshan anticline, Tatu anticline and
corresponds to a transitional structural domain of Pakua anticline). The province is situated in the
frontal areas of the Western Foothills where structural transpressional tectonic regime north of the Peikang
trends change northward from dominantly N10 – Basement High. The Pakua Transfer Fault Zone
20jE to N70jE orientations. The Kuanyin Basement (PTFZ) is indicated by an N140jE trend of a hypso-
High is situated at the northwestern corner. The metric integral trough along the Wu River in central
structural change may reflect the inverted tectonics Taiwan. The sinuous frontal thrusts as well as a left-
of numerous high-angle reverse faults with right- lateral shift of the residual highs also suggest the
lateral strike-slip component to accommodate the existence of the PTFZ. Geologic evidence for the
basement geometry (Huang et al., 1993; Shen et al., PTFZ had been thoroughly discussed in many papers
1996). The Sanyi thrust (northern extension of the (e.g. Delcaillau et al., 1998; Mouthereau et al., 1999;
Chelungpu Fault) marks the western boundary of the Delcaillau, 2001). The shift in velocity of GPS sta-
highly uplifted mountain-type basins. The trend in the tions (Yu et al., 1997) in the southwestern Backbone
GPS velocity field gradually changes clockwise from Range to the E –W direction instead of the general
WNW – ESE to N –S, and finally to E – W. The Sanyi NW convergent direction also suggests that there
Transfer Fault Zone (STFZ) can be delineated by the might be left lateral movement along this boundary
offset of the geomorphic pattern. The STFZ coincides (Fig. 1).
with the Sanyi – Puli seismic concentration zone, Morphotectonic province III is characterized by its
which may imply the existence of a structurally weak north –south to northeasterly trending frontal thrust
zone. systems, the Chiochongkeng (F7) and Chuko (F6)
134 Y.-C. Chen et al. / Geomorphology 56 (2003) 109–137

Faults, which correspond to the Changhwa (F4) and ments suggest that a dextral shear zone bounds the
Chelungpu (F3) Faults in the morphotectonic province southern edge of the Peikang high. This zone marks
II. The thrust systems and associated N60 f 70jE- the boundary of the weak accretionary wedge offshore
directed normal faults correspond with the Peikang southwestern Taiwan as it moves around the Peikang
Basement High. The normal faults are either the high in response to oblique convergence (Hu et al.,
marginal hinge faults of the Peikang Basement High 1997).
or related to extensional features of the Neogene An arcuate belt of negative residuals is situated
Tainan basins south of the Peikang Basement High along the border of the southwestern Foothills in the
(Tang, 1977). The high positive residuals and the alluvial plain in both tectonic provinces III and IV.
much steeper stream-gradient of the Chuoshue River The low residuals are either associated with the
reflect the compressional regime prevailing at the mapped synclines or reflect the east-dipping under-
northeastern corner of the Peikang Basement High. lying strata in the footwall of the frontal thrusts
The epicenter of the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake inci- (Figs. 11 and 15) (Sun, 1963, 1964, 1965; Yang
dentally falls in this regime. South to the Chuoshue and Hung, 2001). This low residual belt encompasses
River, the Chuko Fault bounds the highly uplifted a relatively high residual area on the Coastal Plains,
basins. The lower geomorphic indices in the foothills which corresponds to the eastern boundary of the
relative to those in the provinces I and II suggest that Peikang Basement High. The rivers flow on this low
the frontal thrusts are situated in a less compressional residual belt with a lower sinuosity but increase in
tectonic regime. Further south, the frontal thrust is sinuosity when flowing into the high residual zone.
shifted to the east, and the deformation is taken up by These observations suggest that the residual pattern
the Chuko Fault across the Chiayi Transfer Fault Zone reflects the differential uplift and subsidence in the
(ChiTFZ) in the morphotectonic province IV. alluvial plain that has not been compensated by
The Chiochongkeng Fault terminates in the prov- surface processes. A large-scale subsurface structural
ince III and is replaced by a syncline hinge in its ramp vergent to the northwest has been recognized in
equivalent structural position in the Province IV, this region of the mountain front based on seismic
where it used to be interpreted as the Muchiliau and profiles traversing the Chiayi –Paiho –Hsinyin route
Liochia Fault. The ChiTFZ can be delineated accord- (Yang and Hung, 2001). The local high residuals are
ing to the left-lateral shift of the residual pattern. In associated with the anticlines mapped by Sun (1963,
contrast to the central Foothills, the morphotectonic 1964, 1965) and are probably related to reactivated
features in the southwestern Foothills may be attrib- pre-existing normal faults and inversion tectonics in
uted to a large transtension zone existing to the south southwestern Taiwan (Chang et al., 1996). The
of the Peikang high (Yang et al., 1991, 1994; Biq, hypsometric anomaly may indicate that the deforma-
1990). The Meishan Fault of the 1906 Meishan earth- tion front may have migrated to the Coastal Plain
quake in province III and the Hsinhwa Fault of the instead of the mountain front in the southwestern
1946 Hsinhwa earthquake in province V were of Taiwan.
right-lateral sense. Earthquake focal mechanisms indi-
cate some extensional events, and geomagnetic data
show a diachronic clockwise rotation in this area (Yeh 8. Conclusions
et al., 1991; Horng, 1991). A GPS velocity disconti-
nuity of 10– 28 mm/year is detected across the Chuko Geomorphic indices have been developed as basic
Fault, where remarkable strain accumulation rates are reconnaissance tools to identify areas experiencing
also observed (Yu and Chen, 1994). In the Kaoh- rapid tectonic deformation. Integration of the normal-
siung – Pingtung coastal area, the station velocities are ized stream-gradient, the semilogarithmic plot of
even directed toward the southwest. Residual lows longitudinal river profiles and the residual hypsomet-
dominate morphotectonics province V across the ric integral of small basins can effectively distinguish
Chishan Transfer Fault Zone (CTFZ) except for some morphotectonic features in different tectonic regimes.
local residual highs associated with the Tainan pop-up Along-strike variations of morphotectonic features in
structure and the Chungchou anticline. These argu- the Western Foothills of Taiwan have been character-
Y.-C. Chen et al. / Geomorphology 56 (2003) 109–137 135

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