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Comment on the meaning of the prepositions for, in, with in the sentences below:

1. For you are very, very lucky this term to have Miss Lacey for your new teacher.
2. They chose him for their leader.
3. Must you have George for a master in here, and our mother for a school-mistress?
4. I still want you for my wife.

1. "Perhaps you could say 'Good morning' to your new teacher?" suggested Miss Enderby in
an imperative tone.
2. "Good morning, children," responded Anne in a voice which bore no resemblance to her
3. They conversed in a whisper.

1. They gazed back in some bewilderment.
2. If a man is in grief, who cheers him; in trouble, who consoles him; in wrath, who soothes
him; in joy, who makes him double happy; in prosperity, who rejoices; in disgrace, who
backs him against the world? Who but woman?
1. Anne looked with fresh interest at Arnold.
2. Anne watched this change with some dismay.
3. With a nervous start Anne hastened forward to the door.
4. She remembered with sudden relief some advice given her at college in just such a
1. ... someone yelped with pain.
2. His voice trembled with horror.
3. He was dying with hunger.
4. The boys were speechless with fear.
5. Ruth's eyes were wide with wonder.

Form adjectives and nouns from the given words with the help of the prefixes an-, in-, mis-,
convenient, convenience; comfort, comfortable; dependent, dependence; different,
difference; able, capable; important; experienced; obedient; understanding; honesty.

a) Fill in prepositions where necessary:

Can you remember your first day at the school? It was probably rather confusing. I am sure
you ran to your mother thinking she was deserting you. When the child goes at school in his
first day, he has to watch his mother leaving. The teacher must convince him that the the
end of the day his mother and his home will still be there. It is difficult to make the newcomer
join a game or a walk. A new life, completely different what he is used begins.
The mothers are as upset as their children. They hang their eyes fixed ... their children and
dislike leaving them their fate.
The best way to deal the situation is to get the child used the idea school, to help him every
way. Much depends the parents. the beginning the term the mother should take her child to
see the teacher and to look the school. The first day should be something to look and not to
be feared.

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