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1. Feature / ˈfiːtʃə / (n) tinh năng
2. Maintain / meɪnˈteɪn / (v) duy trì ; maintenance / ˈmeɪntɪnəns / (n)
3. Unite / juːˈnaɪt / (v) kết hợp lại
4. Heart / hɑːt / (n) cách đọc khác với hurt / hɜːt / (n) trái tim
5. Skull / skʌl / (n) hộp sọ
6. Etc. (abbr) [L] = et cetera / ɛt ˈsɛt ər ə, ˈsɛ trə / (vân vân
7. Circulate / ˈsɜːkjʊˌleɪt / (v) to move or cause to move through a circuit, system, etc, returning to
the starting point: blood circulates through the body. (tuần hoàn); circulatory / ˌsɜːkjəˈleɪtəri /(a) ;
circulation / ˌsɜːkjʊˈleɪʃən /(n) ; circulatory system: hệ tuần hoàn
8. Skeleton / ˈskɛlɪtən / (n) bone (bộ xương); skeletal / ˈskɛl ɪ tl / (a)
9. Head / hɛd / (n) đầu ;
10. Trunk / trʌŋk / (n) thân người
11. Upper / ˈʌpə / (a) trên >< lower / ˈləʊə / (a) dưới ;
12. Limb / lɪm / (n) chi
13. Ovoid / ˈəʊvɔɪd / (a,n) rounded like an egg
14. Shape / ʃeɪp / (n) hình dáng; shaped / ʃeɪpt / (a) có hình
15. Eyelid / ˈaɪˌlɪd / (n) mí mắt ;
16. Eyelash / ˈaɪˌlæʃ / (n) lông mi
17. Eyebrow / ˈaɪˌbraʊ / (n) lông mày ;
18. Eyeball / ˈaɪˌbɔl / (n) nhãn cầu
19. Pupil / ˈpjuːpəl / (n) đồng tử, con ngươi [The opening in the center of the iris / ˈaɪ rɪs / (mống
mắt, tròng đen) through which light enters the eye]
20. Situated / ˈsɪtʃʊeɪtɪd /(a) nằm ở, đặt tại located / ləʊˈkeɪtɪd / (a)
21. Forehead / ˈfɔːˌhɛd / (n) the part of the face between the natural hairline and the eyes, formed
skeletally by the frontal bone of the skull (trán)
22. Cheek / tʃiːk / (n) either side of the face, esp that part below the eye (má)
23. Lie / laɪ / (v); lies, lying, lay /leɪ/ or lain /leɪn/ (nằm ở)>< lie, lying, lied (v) nói dối
24. Bounded / ˈbaʊndɪd /(a) having the limits (bị chặn)

25. Chin / tʃɪn / (n) cằm
26. Join / dʒɔɪn / (v) ~ connect (nối)
27. Cavity / ˈkævɪtɪ / (n) khoang
28. Thorax / ˈθɔːræks /(n) ~ chest / tʃɛst / (n) ngực; thoracic / θɔːˈræsɪk / (a); thoracically /θɔː
ˈræsɪkəlɪ / (adv)
29. Abdomen / ˈæbdəmən; æbˈdəʊ- / (n) belly, bowel, guts (bụng); abdominal /æbˈdɒm ə nl/ (a)
30. Dome / dəʊm / (n) mái vòm ;
31. Muscle / ˈmʌsəl / (n) cơ; muscular / ˈmʌskjʊlə /(a)
32. Diaphragm / ˈdaɪəˌfræm / ( n) cơ hoành
33. Segment / n. ˈsɛg mənt; v. ˈsɛg mɛnt, sɛgˈmɛnt / (n) đoạn, khúc, đốt
34. Arm / ɑːm /(n) cánh tay;
35. Forearm / ˈfɔːrˌɑːm / (n) cẳng tay
36. Finger / ˈfɪŋɡə / (n) ngón tay;
37. Thumb / θʌm / (n) ngón cái
38. Thigh / θaɪ / (n) đùi (the part of the lower limb in humans between the hip and the knee)
39. Toe / təʊ /(n) ngón chân;
40. Joint / dʒɔɪnt / (n) khớp;
41. Shoulder / ˈʃəʊldə / (n) vai
42. Elbow / ˈɛlbəʊ / (n) khuỷu tay;
43. Wrist / rɪst /(n) cổ tay
44. Hip / hɪp / (n) hông;
45. Knee / niː / (n) đầu gối; kneecap /ˈniːˌkæp / (n): xương bánh chè
46. Ankle / ˈæŋkəl / (n) mắt cá chân
47. Armpit / ˈɑrmˌpɪt / (n) nách = axilla / ækˈsɪlə / (n)
48. Hollow / ˈhɒləʊ / (n) chỗ lõm sâu vào
49. Groin / ɡrɔɪn /(n) háng ;
50. Junction / ˈdʒʌŋkʃən / (n) chỗ giao nhau
51. Inner / ˈɪnə / (a) bên trong >< outer (a) bên ngoài
52. Enclose / ɪnˈkləʊz / (v) = inclose ~ surround (vây quanh, bao quanh)
53. Rib / rɪb / (n) xương sườn ;
54. Breastbone / ˈbrɛstˌbəʊn / (n) = sternum / ˈstɜːnəm / (n) xương ức

55. Dorsal / ˈdɔːsəl / (a) relating to the back or spinal part of the body >< ventral / ˈvɛntrəl / (a)
relating to the front part of the body; towards the belly
56. Vertebra / ˈvɜːtɪbrə / (n); vertebrae / ˈvɜːtɪbriː / [pl] xương sống, cột sống
57. Chief / tʃiːf / (a) most important, main ( chủ yếu)
58. Repire / rɪˈspaɪə / (v) = breathe ; respiratory / ˈrɛspərətərɪ; -trɪ / (a)
59. Respiratory system: hệ hô hấp; respiration (n)
60. Relatively / ˈrɛlətɪvlɪ / (adv) rather (tương đối)
61. Hinge joint / hɪndʒ dʒɔɪnt / (a) khớp nối giữa 2 xương, chỉ có thể chuyển động 1 hướng
62. Flexion / ˈflɛkʃən / (n) = flection; the act of bending a joint or limb (co lại)
63. Extension / ɪkˈstɛnʃən / (n) duỗi ra (the act of straightening or extending an arm or leg);
64. Extend / ɪkˈstɛnd / (v) duỗi
65. Shin / ʃɪn / (n) cẳng chân, ống quyển ;Waist / weɪst / (n) vòng eo ;
66. Navel / ˈneɪvəl / (n) = umbilicus / ʌmˈbɪlɪkəs; ˌʌmbɪˈlaɪkəs / (n) belly button,
omphalodium /,ɔmfə'lɔdiəm/
67. Torso / ˈtɔːsəʊ / (n) = trunk
68. Buttock / ˈbʌtək / (n) mông ; rump / rʌmp / (n) phao câu
69. Scapula / ˈskæpjʊlə / (n); scapulae / ˈskæpjʊliː / [pl] xương bả vai
70. Extremities / ɪkˈstrɛmɪtɪz / (n) tứ chi
Consist of: Comprise / make up / constitute / be composed of / be comprised of / compose
All these words mean to be formed from the things or people mentioned, or to be the parts that form

- Consist of sb/sth: to be formed from the things, people or activities mentioned: Their diet
consists largely of vegetables.
- Comprise (rather formal) to be formed from the things or people mentioned: The collection
comprises 327 paintings.

- Comprise can also be used to refer to the parts or members of sth: Older people comprise a
large proportion of those living in poverty. However, this is less frequent.
- Make up sth (rather informal) to be the parts or people that form sth: Women make up 56% of
the student numbers.
- Constitute to be the parts or people that form sth: People under the age of 40 constitute the
majority of the labour force.

- Be composed of sb/sth (rather formal) to be formed from the things or people mentioned: Around
15% of our diet is composed of protein.
- Be comprised of sb/sth to be formed from the things or people mentioned: The committee is
comprised of representatives from both the public and private sectors.
Some people consider this usage incorrect, and prefer to use the active verb comprise.
- Compose (formal) to be the parts of people that form sth: Christians compose around 2.5% of
the country's population.
Which word?
- Consist of sb/sth is the most general of these words and the only one that can be used for
activities with the -ing form of a verb: My work at that time just consisted of typing letters.
The other main difference is between those verbs that take the whole as the subject and the
parts as the object: The group consists of / comprises / is made up of / is composed of / is
comprised of ten people. and those that take the parts as the subject and the whole as the
object: Ten people make up / constitute / comprise / compose the group.
It is not correct to use ‘comprises of’ or ‘is composed by / from’.


1. Cavity / ˈkævɪtɪ / (n) khoang
2. Cranium / ˈkreɪnɪəm / (n) = skull, braincase; crania [pl] / ˈkreɪnɪə /
3. Cranial / ˈkreɪnɪəl / (a) ; cranial cavity: khoang sọ
4. Thoracic / θɔːˈræsɪk / (a) (thuộc) ngực; thoracically /θɔːˈræsɪkəlɪ / (adv)
5. Abdominopelvic / æbˈdɒminəʊˈpɛlvɪk / (a) (thuộc) bụng - xương chậu
6. Nerve / nɜːv / (n) dây thần kinh; nervous / ˈnɜːvəs / system: hệ thần kinh
7. Protect / prəˈtɛkt / (v) bảo vệ ; protection (n)
8. Extend / ɪkˈstɛnd / (v) kéo dài
9. Support / səˈpɔːt / (v) nâng đỡ
10. Rib / rɪb / (n) xương sườn
11. Sternum / ˈstɜːnəm / (n) xương ức = Breastbone / ˈbrɛstˌbəʊn / (n)
12. Spine / spaɪn / (n) = spinal column / ˈspaɪnəl ˈkɒləm /; backbone (cột sống)
13. Oesophagus / iːˈsɒfəɡəs / (n) thực quản = gullet / ˈɡʌlɪt / (n)
14. Vessel / ˈvɛsəl / (n) mạch (máu); vascular / ˈvæskjʊlə / (a)

15. Aorta / eɪˈɔːtə / (n) the main vessel in the arterial network, which conveys oxygen-rich blood from
the heart to all parts of the body except the lungs (động mạch chủ)
16. Artery / ˈɑːtərɪ / (n) động mạch; arterial / ɑːˈtɪərɪəl / (a)
17. Vein / veɪn / (n) tĩnh mạch; vena cava /,vinə 'ka:və/: tĩnh mạch chủ
18. Pulmonary / ˈpʌlmənərɪ; -mənrɪ; ˈpʊl- / (a) (thuộc) phổi
19. Abdomen / ˈæbdəmən; æbˈdəʊ- / (n) belly, bowel, guts (bụng); abdominal /æbˈdɒm ə nl/ (a)
20. Proper / ˈprɒpə / (a) = complete ( trọn vẹn)
21. Pelvic / ˈpɛlvɪk / (a) xương chậu ; pelvis / ˈpɛlvɪs / (n)
22. Muscle / ˈmʌsəl / (n) cơ; muscular / ˈmʌskjʊlə /(a)
23. Connective tissue / kəˈnɛktɪv ˈtɪʃuː; ˈtɪsjuː /: mô liên kết
24. Content / ˈkɒntɛnt / (n) nội dung content / kənˈtɛnt / (a) hài lòng
25. Digest / v. dɪˈdʒɛst, daɪ-; n. ˈdaɪ dʒɛst / (v) tiêu hóa; digestion / dɪˈdʒɛstʃən; daɪ- /(n)
26. Digestive system: hệ tiêu hóa
27. Stomach / ˈstʌmək / (n) = tummy / ˈtʌmɪ / (n);
28. Stomachache / ˈstʌməkeɪk / (n) = gastralgia / ɡæsˈtrældʒɪə / (n)
29. Stomatalgia / ˌstəʊməˈtældʒɪə / (n) Pain in the mouth
30. Stomatitis / ˌstəʊməˈtaɪtɪs; ˌstɒm- / (n) inflammation of the mouth
31. Small intestine: ruột non >< Large intestine: ruột già
32. Pancreas / ˈpæŋkrɪəs / (n) tuyến tụy ; pancreatic / ˌpæŋkriˈætɪk /(a)
33. Spleen / spliːn / (n) lá lách
34. Peritoneum / ˌpɛrɪtəˈniːəm / (n) phúc mạc, màng bụng; peritoneal / ˌpɛrɪtəˈniːəl / (a)
35. Membrane / ˈmɛmbreɪn / (n) màng
36. Inferiorly / ɪnˈfɪərɪəli / (adv) ở phía dưới >< superiorly / suːˈpɪərɪəli / (adv)
37. Anteriorly / ænˈtɪərɪəli / (adv) ở phía trước >< posteriorly / pɒˈstɪərɪə / (adv)
38. Laterally / ˈlætərəlli / (adv) ở bên >< medially / ˈmiːdɪəlli / (adv) ở giữa
39. Urine / ˈjʊərɪn / (n) nước tiểu; urinary bladder / ˈjʊərɪnərɪ ˈblædə / (a) bàng quang
40. Urinate / ˈjʊərɪˌneɪt / (v) = make water, pass water, micturate / ˈmɪktjʊˌreɪt /
41. Colon / ˈkəʊlən / (n) kết tràng; colonic / kəˈlɒnɪk / (a)
42. Rectum / ˈrɛktəm / (n) trực tràng
43. Reproductive system: hệ sinh sản
44. Integument / ɪnˈtɛɡjʊmənt / (n) = skin; integumentary / ɪnˌtɛɡjʊˈmɛntəri / (a)

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