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Policy Group: Academic

Policy Number: ACA-ADM-03

Date Approved: 1 October 2000
Effective Date: 1 October 2000
Date Last Revised: 25 May 2008
Responsible Office: Dean of Student Affairs


Inter-Institutional Transfer
I. Policy

The University shall establish standards governing inter-institutional transfer to and

from Zayed University in conformity with pertinent national law and shall implement
procedures that effectively and efficiently achieve the end of enrolling qualified
students in the University.

Inter-institutional Transfer: General Admission Requirements

To be eligible for transfer, the candidate must possess a valid UAE National Identity
Certificate and valid UAE passport or other identity document recognized by the
UAE. The applicant must have successfully completed the English foundation
sequence (Academic Bridge Program at Zayed University, UGRU at the UAEU,
Foundations at an HCT, or equivalent at another university recognized by the UAE).
The student may transfer only into baccalaureate instruction; the student may not
enter any of the English foundation sequences. Each transfer application is considered
on its own merits. A student who is approved for transfer may be asked to meet
additional requirements by the institution to which the student has applied to transfer.

A student who has completed more than one year of studies at a higher education
institution will have the transfer request considered individually. The student must be
in good academic standing in the higher education institution currently attended.
Since there are significant program content differences among higher education
institutions, transfer may result in having to repeat subjects already completed.

Admission to Zayed University

For Zayed University, the applicant must meet all requirements for entry into the
baccalaureate General Education program, including submission of a score of 500 or
more on the TOEFL score, or IELTS with Band 5 in each module, or University-
approved equivalent test score, and other requirements as specified by the University.

The student who meets the above minimum requirements and is in good academic
standing will be allowed to transfer provided there are no non-academic reasons to
prevent transfer and there is space in the appropriate program at Zayed University.
The final decision will be made by Zayed University.

Policy ACA-ADM-03-1
A student from an accredited institution other than the UAEU or HCT must apply for
special authorization to be admitted. The student must submit detailed course
descriptions and transcripts in English to the Registrar’s Office for all academic work
(from both secondary school and institution of higher education) completed.

The final decision on eligibility to transfer and placement in year and program is
made by Zayed University.

Study Abroad Visiting Students

Students joining Zayed University for one semester or more with the intention of
transferring credits back to their home university should submit the following

 An application for admission

 An official university transcript reflecting good standing (GPA of at least 2.0 or
 Visiting students should seek advising at their home university to assure that
classes taken at Zayed University are applicable to their degree program. Written
approval from the home institution may be required.
 Two (2) passport sized photos and passport photocopy

Zayed University reserves the right to be selective in the student profile of Study
Abroad Visiting Students in order to provide a broad international experience for the
current ZU student community.

University Requirements of Transfer Students

A transfer student must satisfy all of the following requirements:

 Take the required English diagnostic test upon enrollment; this test is mandatory
for the purpose of placement in English courses;

 Complete the required General Education English and Arabic sequences: the
university may waive this requirement upon submission of evidence that the
student has successfully completed a comparable level of English and Arabic
instruction at another institution;

 Satisfy all General Education learning outcomes and all Zayed University
learning outcomes before graduation;

 Satisfy all major learning outcomes before graduation; and,

 Be in residence at Zayed University for a minimum of two years and earn a

minimum of 60 credits.

In exceptional cases, the university may waive General Education requirements and
any major requirements except for the residency requirement.

A transfer student may voluntarily elect to enter the Academic Bridge Program to
improve the chances of academic success at Zayed University.

Policy ACA-ADM-03-2
Special Circumstances In evaluating applications for transfer to Zayed University,
the University shall consider special issues such as change in residence, marriage,
medical issues or physical disability.

II. Application of Policy

This policy shall apply to all students seeking to transfer into Zayed University and all
students seeking to transfer from Zayed University to another national public

III. Related Policies

ACA-ADM-01 Admissions

IV. Revision History

Dates Revision
25 May 2008 Revise language to include males and international students.
Add section on Study Abroad Visiting Students.
18 June 2003
20 November 2002
14 August 2001

Policy ACA-ADM-03-3

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