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The linear model in communication is a one -way or linear process where the
speaker delivers the message and the listener listen silently .In addition, it remains
useful in certain contexts. It can be applied to situations where communication is
primarily one-way, such as speeches, lectures, or broadcast and announcement .And
there are two essential elements such as, sender and receiver. However, real-life
communication is rarely as straightforward as this model suggests. In most
conversations, there's a two-way exchange, a constant interplay of sending and
receiving .Finally, the key features of linear model are no feedback, one way
.communication , and senders send messages receivers only receive etc

Question 2

.Ethos, logos, and pathos are the three key features of a good speaker

Ethos is the speaker's credibility and character. A good speaker establishes ethos -1
by being knowledgeable, credible, and trustworthy. They should also be passionate
.about their topic and have a clear message to deliver

Pathos is the speaker's ability to connect with their audience on an emotional -2

level. A good speaker uses vivid language, storytelling, and personal anecdotes to evoke
emotions in their audience. They should also be able to empathize with their audience
.and understand their perspective

Logos is the speaker's use of logic and reason to support their arguments. A good -3
speaker uses facts, statistics, and examples to make their case. They should also be able
.to anticipate and address counterarguments

Question 3

Noise is any interference that disrupts the communication process and can hinder
the sender's message from being received and understood correctly. In addition, noise
can lead to various detrimental consequences for communication. First, Incomplete
message reception: The receiver may miss crucial information due to noise interference,
resulting in misunderstandings or misinterpretations. Besides, increased stress and
frustration: The struggle to decipher the message amidst noise can lead to frustration
and stress for both the sender and receiver, further hindering effective communication.
finally, Reduced concentration: Noise can be distracting, making it difficult for the
.receiver to focus on the message and retain key points

:Noise can manifest in various forms, including

Channel noise: This refers to external disturbances that interfere with the
.transmission of the message, such as background music or loud conversations

Linguistic noise: This arises from ambiguities in language usage, grammatical errors,
.or complex vocabulary that can confuse the receiver

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