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Professional Practice and Ethics LL : Definition of Ethics | Q.1 Define ethics. What is the goal of ethics ? Ans.: Ethics © Ethics is defined as the process of determining right and wrong conduct. The discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligations. Goal of ethics * The discovery of the set of justified moral principles ‘of obligation, rights and ideals that ought to be endorsed by the engineers and apply them to concrete situations, | 1.2 : Professional Ethics - Engineering. Ethics, Personal Ethics Q.2 Explain engineering ethics. ‘Ans. Engineering ethics ‘Engineering ethics is the set of rules and guidelines that engineers adhere to as a moral obligation to their profession and to the world. © Engineering is a professional career that impact lives. When ethics is not followed, disaster often occurs; these disasters not only include huge monetary costs and environmental impacts, but also often result in the loss of human life. © Engineering cthics is the study of the moral issues and decisions confronting individuals and organizations engaged in engineering and study of related questions about the moral ideas, character, policies, relationship of people and corporations involved in technological activities. * Engineering ethics applies to every engineer and is very important. Q3 Detine professional ethics. ‘Ans.: Professional ethics © Professional ethics is a continuous process; it is a way of reviewing behaviour against constantly changing standards, * What may be ethical today, in a particular society may be viewed differently by others at another time. * This can be influenced by a lot of parameters such as codes of conduct, legal systems, wider public interests etc G4 Explain the following terms : a) Personal Ethics 'b) Professional ethics ) Engineering ethics Ans. : a) Personal ethics ; "Personal ethics refers to the ethics that a person identifies with in respect to people and situations that they deal with in everyday life b) Professional ethics * Professional ethics refers to the ethics that a person ‘vast adhere to in respect of their interactions and business dealings in their professional life. c) Engineering ethies : “Engineering ethics is defined by the codes and standards of conduct endorsed by engineering (professional) societies with respect to the particular set of beliefs, attitudes and habits displayed by the individval or a group. Q.5 Give difference between business ethics and Professional ethics, Ans.: Business ethies vs professional ethics Business ethics change over time and are defined by whether a certain practice is regarded with “a ee jonal Practice, Law and Ethie pf taney aa approval ot disapproval by others ereenples inode top leasing; ie ag Professional ethics are unchanging rules that go to the core of insuring that a certain profession gaintans the trust of the public. Having and enforcing professional ethics enable a trade tp be elevated to the evel ofa profession ——— wn | 13+ Code of Ethics - Profession, | Professionalism, Professional Responsibility 1Q6 Define profession. Explain characteristics of a profession. ‘Ans. : Profession : +A Profession is defined as a calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive academic preparation. + Any occupation, job, vocation that requires advanced expertise (skill and knowledge), Sell-regulation and concerted service to the public good is called profession. It brings high status sodally and economically. Characteristics of @ profession include 1) Advanced expertise - Sophisticated skills and technical knowledge, For this formal. education, training continuing education and updating is required. 2) Self-regulation = Professional societies play important role in setting standards for admission to profession; drafting codes of ethies; enforcing sandards of conduct and representing the profession before the public and government. 3) Public good - The occupation provides important public good by concerted efforts to maintain ethical standards. Eg; Engineers provide products, and they do projects for public welfare/ health and safety. Q7 When occupation becomes profession ? ‘Ans. An occupation becomes a profession when - © A group of individuals sharing the same occupation ‘organize to work in a morally permissible way, or to work to support a moral ideal. (ie. Doctors i ee TE ze to ze to cure the sick, librarians organ! to information, ct): and follow special tional work. 4 ont at least one of these standards tae dat what law, the marketplace, ordinary 7 aie inney moral person, must do) and Ph demand. (Le. 4 good mercenary only 1 7 to fulfill the terms of his contract, a good, professional soldier must serve his ean honorably, even when ordinary ‘morality, law, ané ‘public opinion do not require st) e These special standards are morally binding 10 ‘profesed” members of the profession, i a member freely declares (or professes) herself to be part of = profession, she is voluntarily implying that she will follow these special moral codes #11 the majority of members of a profession follow the standards, the profession will have a good reputation and members will generally benefity if the majority of members violate these voluntary standards, professed members of 2 profession will be at a disadvantage of at the least receive no benelit from declaring a profession. standards for © Members set carrying on their occupa © A. professional is a member of an occupational group (characterized above) who = = Sees other members, including those employed elsewhere, as peers/colleagues = Exercises judgment in the performance of occupational tasks and follows relevant professional standards, + Accepts the profession's agreement to work in a morally permissible way (often expressed as a code of ethics) as determining in part the ‘obligations of the role. Q8 Explain the terms : Professional and Professionalism. ; Ans,: Professional and Professionalism : Professional : « Relates to a person or any work that a person does on profession and which requires expertise (skills and knowledge), self-regulation and results in public good. ie EE TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS! an upsthnust for knowledge Professional Practice, Law and Ethies Profassionailsm : * Professionalism is defined as the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person. It is the status of a professional which implies certain attitudes or typical qualities that are expected of a professional * According to Macintyre - professionalism is defined as the services related to achieving the public good, in addition to the practice of the knowledge of moral ideals 29 Explain purpose of code of conduct for professional persons. ‘Ans.: The purpose of the ende of conduct is as follows - 1. To inerease professional and ethical consciousness among engineers and their sense of ethical responsibility; 2 To guide engineers in making more informed ethical choices; and 3. To help the Engineering profession itself function at the fullness of its potential, * As professionals, engineers commit. themselves to supporting and acting in accordance with ethical uidelines covering the fallowing six main areas L Competency TL Integrity ULPublic Interest IV. Environment V. Dignity of the profession VI. Administrative Q.10 Explain types of responsibilities. Ans. : Types of responsibilities : There are different types of responsibilities exhibited in transactions which include 1) Moral responsibility : A professional must be responsible morally in creating internal good or good’ outcomes and minimizing side-effects from engineering and technology. These include : a) Obligations : A commitment or moral actions human 'b} Conscientious : A comprehensive outloak to accept the duties and carefully, do the right things by putting their heart, head and hand. ©) Accountability : Being answerable. 4) Praiseworthy/Blameworlhy: (same as above) Proje 2) Causal responsibility : Must responsibility for the cause. Eg : negligence has caused some mishap. We must ake up this causal responsiblity. 3) Job responsibility : Comprises of assigned tasks in the place of emplayment. © 4) Legal responsibility : It is the response required by law and includes legal obligations and accountability to meet them. Many of these overlap with moral responsibilities. 14: Conflict of Interest, Gift Vs Bribery Q.t1 What is a conflict of interest ? Ans.: Conflict of interest - © A conflict of interest involves drcumstances where an individual's professional actions or decisions at the library could be influenced by considerations of personal gain, usually of a financial nature, as a result of interests outside their library responsibilities, sional Practice and Ethics Q.42 Explain the meaning of conflict of interest, Explain some common forms of conflict of interest, Ans.: Conflict of interests + * Conflict of Interest (COI) is an ethical challenge that occurs when an individual or organization is involved in multiple interests that are at odds with ane another. It occurs when the employee has more than one interest. The situation “may arise when a professional has an interest that if pursued might Prevent him from meeting his obligations to his employers or clients, for example, an clectrical engineer working in a state electricity board may have a financial interest in a company which supplies electrical instruments. "A conflict of interest is different from conflicting interests, * COL is especially problematic in situations involving someone in a position of trusteg, a doctor or lawyer-who has competing professional or personal interests eee TECHVICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an uputhrst fr knowledge | ye i ———————————r_E professional Practice, Law and Ethics 1 These competing interests make it hard to a ict On Ieball of one interest without compromising, the integrity of the other. common forms of conflict of Interest a The following are some of the most of conflict of interest : ‘common forms a) Self-dealing, in which an official who controls an organization causes it to enter into a transaction with the official, or with another organization that benefits the official, ie, the offical is on both sides of the “deal ») Outside employment, in which the interests of ‘one job contradict another. ¢) Family interests, in which a spouse, child, or other elose relative is employed (or applies for employment) or where goods or services are purchased from such a relative or a finn controlled by a relative. For this reason, many employment applications ask if one is related fo @ current employee. In this event, the relative may be recused from any hiring dedsions. Abuse of this type of conflict of interest is celled nepotism. 4) Gifts from friends who also do business with the person receiving the gifts (may indude nontangible things of value such as transportation and lodging). @13 Explain types of conflicting interests. Ans: Types of conflicting interests : Following are Important types of conflicting interest. {, Aetual confict of interest : "This refers to the situation where the objective is, list in decision making, and the inability to discharge the duty to the employer, It is the result ‘of weaker judgment and service. "A civil engineer working in the public works department has a financial interest in a contracting company, which has submitted a bid for the constriction of a bridge, ‘There may be a variety of outside interest. But the ‘conflict arises when the outside interest influences or threatens the professional judgment in. serving the employer ot clients following example. An a percent of the cast e for him to cul ine pears that 2 in order © This is explained in the engineer is paid based on the design and there is no ince the costs, In this situation, it appears engineer makes the design more expensi to get larger commission for hit. This situation leads to doubting the engineer’ interest and ability for professional judgment. 3. Potential conflict of interest = «There are situations where the interest of an employee extends beyond the current employer and into the interest on one’s spouse, relative or friend. The interest changes into intimacy and subsequent non-motal judgments against the interest of the employer and in favour of the outsider or even a potential competitor, a) Favourable contact : This happens when the engineer has partial or substantial stockholding in the business of that contractor or supplier. ‘) Bribe and Gift : The conflict arises when accepting large gifts from the suppliers, Bribe is different from a gilt, The following table shows a comparison of the nature of bribe and ‘gift. Codes of ethics do not encourage even gifts, but employees have set forth flexible policies. Goverment and company policies sgenerally ban gifts more than @ nominal value. An additional thumb rule is that the acceptance of gift should not influeewe one's judgment on merit. @ Moonlighting : It is a situation when a person is working as employee for two different companies in the spare time. This is against the right to pursue one's legitimate self-interest. It will lead to conflict of interests, if the person ‘works for competitors, suppliers ar customers, while working under an employer. Another effect of moonlighting is that it leaves. the person exhausted and harms the job ‘performance in bath places. 4) Insider information : Another potential conflict of interest is when using ‘inside’ information to establish a business venture or get an advantage for oneself or one’s family or friends. The information may be either of the parent company or its clients or its business TECHNICAL PUBLICATTONS® - an ypthust for knoutedpe Professional Practice, Lan and Ethics socal partners, eg, engineers. might inform the decision on the company's merger with another company or acquisition or an innovative strategy adopted. In such cases, their friends get information on stock holding and deeide on trading their stocks to sell or buy quicsly, so that gain more or prevent a loss. For example, in WorldCom USA, the insider information was used to manipulate and sell a large amount of stock holding by the Director, upon knowing that the government has declined to admit their product. Q.14 Explain the meaning of : a) Bribery b) Kickback Ans.: a) Bribery : . * Bribery is the act of giving money, goods, or other forms of compensation to a recipient in exchange for an alteration of their behaviour (to the Denefitinterest of the giver) that the recipient would otherwise not alter. ‘* Many types of payments or favours can constitute bribes: tips, gifts, favours, discount, waived feos, free foods, free advertising, free trips, free tickets, donations, campaign contribution, sponsorship/backing, higher paying job, stock ‘options, secret commission, or promotions. * The key to identifying bribery is that itis intended to alter the recipient's behaviour. # The simplest form of bribery: a parent who tells a child that if he behaves while at the grocery store, he will get ice cream or a toy. This is a common, and mostly harmless form of bribery, but does it set ‘the tone for expecting a future favour in exchange for good behaviour? In business, bribery can be very subtle. . b) Kickback : © A kickback is a farm of negotiated bribery in which 2 commission is paid to the bribe-taker in exchange for services rendered. Generally speaking, money, goods, or services handed over are negotiated ahead of time, # The kickback varies from other kinds of bribes in that there is implied collusion between agents of the two parties, rather than one party extorling the ‘bribe from the other, Professional Practice and Ethieg «The purpose of the kickback is usually to encourage the other party to cooperate in the illegal scheme. Q.15 What Is the difference between an acceptable business gift and a bribe? What kind of norms and structures should an organisation have In place to help its employees avoid ethical dilemmas and make the right decision? ‘ ‘Ans. Difference between business gift and bribe- « Gift is given to someone without any expectation in return, Value of gift are often based on closeness in relation, time of gifting, economic condition of giver and receiver. «Bribe is given with expectation of favour toward giver. Ils economic value are incoherent to closeness in relation, timing (inappropriate timing) and costly. * Business gifts may be a costly cricket match ticket, desk clock, sweets or even a cash envelope. Timing of such gifts makes them bribe. Suppose a gift from someone just before you are going to roll-out a tender, a calendar and desk accessories with bold name of pharma companies to doctor. Such things are actually bribe and not gift * Many MNC organisations have come up with norms and structures already. Some norms which are stil needed are * Reporting to department about any gifts that is -received from whom, value and date details. Any gifts above certain monetary values should be avoided. * No gifts received with brand name should be put on desk as it will tarnish the image of official/public servant for lenient toward certain brand. “Provision of filing gift tax by recoiver, IT department should tally the gift received es mentioned in department books and filed by, receiver. Failure to file tax for gift should be taken seriously. * Scrutiny of gifts received by officials regularly and checking of property declaration regularly. Repeated gift from same person should be brought under Directorate Enforcement radar. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an up-frust for knowtodge Profesional Practice, Law and Ethic Q.46 Explain meaning of j Ans: Lawful gift . +A lawful gift lawful git. a Siving someone Who is a Public 0 en ee ey Value that has the fact that they are a Public ns. The person is not trying Ions or decisions, Basically, someone the cates about and want ae ted to give them a gift, * Giving a gift to a public official can be troublesome becalise of the intent of the giver in that situation, When it is unclear or there is a hint intent, an investigation can ensue, is a clear distinction because of giver, of @ corrupt In theory, there the intent of the * However, in practice, it can get murky. Itis risky 10 give something of value to a person in a position of authority, in a position to make some decision or take some action in their official capacity as a public official 1.5: Environmental Breaches, | Negligence, Deficiencies in State-of-the-Art; Vigil Mechanism, | Whistle Blowing, Protected Q.47 Explain environmental breaches or violations. Ans,: Environmental breaches - * Environmental crime refers to the violation of laws intended to protect the environment and human ‘health. ‘= These laws govern air and water quality and dictate the ways in which the disposal of waste and hazardous materials can legally take place. ‘Individuals or corporations can be found guilty of white-collar crime when violations of environmental law are committed. Professional Practice and Ethics * An environmental breach or violation occurs when ‘an activity or an existing condition does not comply with an environmental law or regulation. Environmental violations can include (but are not limited to} : a) Smoke or other emissions fYom local industrial facilities; b) Tampering with emission control or ait conditioning systems in atitomobil ) Destruction contamination of wetlands, ground water 4) Improper treatment, storage, or waste-disposal of hazardous wastes; *)-Dumping into oceans, streams, lakes, or rivers A) Exceedances of | pollutant limits. at Publicly-owned wastewater treatment plants; §) Unpermitted dredging or filling of waters and wetlands; h) Any unpermitted industrial activity; 4) Late night dumping or any criminal activity including falsifying reports or other documents. j) Improperly handling pesticides or other toxic chemicals &) Falsifying lab data pertaining to environmental regulations Q.18 State the objectives ans mechanism policy. ‘Ans. : Objectives of vigil mechanism - id scope of vigil ‘© The vigil mechanism aims to provide a channel to the Directors and employees to report genuine concerns about unethical behaviour, actual or suspected fraud or violation of the Codes of Conduct or policy. # The company must be committed to adhere to the Khighest standards of ethical, moral and legal conduct of business operations and in order to maintain these standards, the Company should encourage ifs employees who have genuine concems about suspected misconduct to come forward and express these concerns without fear of punishment or unfair treatment. eee TECHNICAL PUBLIGATIONS® - an wp-tvust for knowiedge Professional Practice, Lazo and Ethics ‘Scope of Vigll mechanism policy ‘© The Policy covers disclosure of any unethical and improper or malpractices and events which have taken place/ suspected to take place involving : a) Breach of Business Integrity and Ethics b) Breach of terms and conditions of employment and rules thereof ¢) Intentional Financial irregularities, including fraud, or suspected fraud 4) Deliberate violation of laws/regulations @} Gross or Wilful Negligence causing substantial and specific danger to health, safety and environment §) Manipulation of company data/records 8) Pilferation of confidential/propriety information h) Gross Wastage/misappropriation of Company funds/assets 2.19 What Is whistle blowing ? Explain aspects of whistle blowing. Explain types of whistle blowing. Under which situation whistle blowing is justified ? Ans. : Whistle blowing - + Whistle Blowing is defined as conveying information by an employee, on an important moral problem to somebody in a position to take on the problem. Further this is done outside the approved organization channels. * A whistle blower is a person who exposes any kind ‘of information or activity that is deemed illegal, unethical, or not correct within an organization that is either private or public. ‘© Many whistle blowers have slated that they were motivated to take action to put an end to unethical practices after witnessing injustices in their businesses or organizations. In addition to ethics, social and organizational pressure are a molivaling force Aspects of whistle blowing © There are four aspects of whistle blowing, namely 1. Basis of disclosure : The basis for disclosure may be intentional, or under pressure from superiors or others not to disclose. 2. Relevance of topic : The whistle blower believes that the information is about a significant problem for the organization or its Professional Practice and Ethics business ally. It can be a threat to the public or employees’ health, safety and welfare or a criminal activity, or unethical policies or practices, or an injustice to the workers within the organization. 3. Agent : The person disclosing the information may be a current or former employee or 4 person having a close link to the organization 4 Recipient : The person or organization, who receives the information, is in a position to remedy the problem or alert the affected parties. Usually, the recipients are not aware of the information fully or even partially. ‘Types of whistle blowing «Based on the destination (recipient), whistle blowing is classified into types as (a) Internal : In this case, the information is eonveyed to a person within the organization, but beyond the approved channels. (b) Extemal : This happens when the information is transmitted outside the organization. The recipient may be a municipal chairman ot member of legislature or minister. It becomes sovere if the information reaches the press and through them the public. The damage is maximum and sometimes poses difficulty in remedying the situation. * Based on the origin or source (agent), this can be divided into three types, as follows : (a) Open : The originator reveals his identity as he conveys the information, This information is reliable and true, but sometimes partially true. (b) Anonymous : The identity is concealed. The information may or may not be tue, But the agent anticipates perhaps some repression ot threat, if identity is revealed, (@) Parfly anonymous (or partly open) : Such a situation exists when the in. identity to the journalist, but insists that the name be withheld from others, Under which Whistle blowing Is Justified * Under the following situations, the whistle blowing may be justified 1. When the potential harm existing is identified as serious, or anticipated to occur with a high probability, in the near future, TECHNIAL PUBLICATIONS® - an upthrust for knowiodge, rroftssional Practice, Law and Fthig 2, When sufficient data gathered and condition may not be the appropriate authority fog uate investigation or permission by a (oT! lease the i is 5 ; — e Senne te 4 solution, @ concems have been reported qr, SNe ae response was forthcoming fr it nae 1 ftom them, within a 4. Regular channels within the organization have been used to transport the information to the highest level of managements and information has seached them. Situations 3 and 4 may nat ‘be apptopriate, when one’s supervisors are the main source of the problem or when urgency demands that regular channels are expected ii only add the delay. 5. There is a reasonable hope that the whistle blowing can prevent or remedy the damage enisting or anticipated, + Professional societies, unions and some central laws xe there to protect the genuine whistle blowers, but the route is full of adventure. Laws alone are not sufficient. The engineers and other employees have to act as watch dogs and provide necessary legal assistance to the blowers, “The IEEE has taken active roles by assisting the members, backing them when they are to face legal Proceedings, helping the engineers discharged unjustly and honouring the courageous whistle Blowers with public recognitions * Whistle Blowers have to consider - 4) The personal obligation to family ) Right to pursue one's career and ©) Sometimes sacrifice, before this venture. 020 Is there specific legislation in place relating to whistleblowing ? Ans. * The Whistleblawer Protection Act, 2014 was enacted to enable any person to disclose to a Competent Authority, acts of corruption or wilful misuse of Professional Practice and Ethicd power or discretion, or criminal offences by @ public servant. ; “This Act is intended to protest those making 4 public interest disclosure’ relating to an act 0! ‘otruption ot wilful misuse of power or wilful ‘misuse of discretion by a public servant «The Whistleblowers Protection (Amendment) Bill, 2015 was introduced in Lok Sabha on May 11, 2015 and passed in that House on May 13, 2015. The Bill amends the Whistleblowers Protection Act, zou. Q.21 What is whistleblowing ? State its benefits. ‘Ans, : Whistleblowing : *Whistleblowing is an act of disclosure of information to public, generally of activities of an organization that are against public interest and Whistle blowers are the persons who divulges ‘wrong doing, fraud, corruption or mismanagement. +The concept of whistle blowing comes into existence when companies or management involve thomselves in illegal or unethical practices or ‘wrongdoing in the work place to gain competitive ‘edge over the rival companies. Benofits af Whistleblowing Policy 1. Fostering good governance by encouraging employees to escalate deceitful actions by colleagues) seniots/third parties, 2 Promation of the crganizational values thus Turfuring a culture of openness in workplace 3, Sending a clear message that severe action will be taken against unethical and fraudulent acts, 4, Dissuading employees from committing fraud by instilling fear of unfavorable consequences when caught. . 5. Early alerts to diffuse a potentially larger disaster. Q.22 What Is Whistleblowing In the Workplace ? ‘Ans,: Whistleblowing in the Workplace - ‘© Whistleblowing is the term used when @ worker tales a concern about a relevant wrongdoing such as possible fraud, crime, danger or failure to comply with any legal obligation which came to the TECHNIGAL PLSLICATIONS® - an upthrst for inoutodge Professional Pra Law and Ethics Worker's attention in connection with the worker's employment. + Relevant wrong doings are broadly defined in the Act and include the following : 1) Commission of an offence + has happened, is happening, or is likely to happen; 2) Failure to comply with any legal obligation (other than one arising under the worker's sontract of employment); 3) Miscarriage of justice; 4) Health and safety of any individual; 5) Misuse of public money; 6) Gross mismanagement by public bod 7) Damage to the environment; 8) Destruction or concealment relating to any of the above, of information Q.23 Elaborate protected disclosure under whistle blower Act, “Ans.: Protected disclosure - * The Protected Disclosures Act 2014 aims to protect People who raise concems about possible wrongdoing in the workplaee. * The Act, which came into effect on 15 July 2014, is often called the whistleblower legislation. * The Act provides for redress for employees who are dismissed or otherwise penalised for having reported possible wrongdoing in the workplace. Ik is important to note that in order to enjoy the Protections of the Act, disclosures must be made in accordance with the provisions set out in the Act * The Act's definition of the term worker includes : 1. Employees or former employees 2 Trainees 3. People working under a contract for services 4. Independent contractors 5. Agency worker 6. Civil and Public Servants # The Act provides for a stepped disclosure process with the objective that disclosure should be, wherever possible, made at workplace level to the most appropriate person. TEGHINGAL, PUBLIGATIONS® - an uptnus for bnowiedge Professional Practice and Ethics «The Act provides that if a disclosure is made by g worker in line with the channels set out in the legislation, a worker is protected from penalisation by the employer. « Penalisation is defined in the Act and includes for example : 2) Suspension/Layotf/Dismissal; b) Demotion; ) Transfer of duties, change of location, change in working hours, seduction in wages; 4d) Imposition of reprimand, discipline or other penalty; e) Unfair treatment; f) Discrimination; ) Harassment, threat of reprisal. Sasi aa Introduction to GST - Various | Roles of Various Stake Holders | Q.26 What Is GST ? State types of GST. Comment of India's adoption of GST. Ans.: GST + * GST is known as the Goods and Services Tax. The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a uniform indirect tax levied on goods and services across the country. *Goods and Services Tax Law in India is a comprehensive, multi-stage, destination-based tax that is levied on every value addition. GST is a single domestic indirect tax law for the entire country. *GST is a multistage tax system which is ‘comprehensive in nature and applied on the sale of goods and services, © GST has teplaced central taxes like central excise, service tax, additional duties of excise and customs, special additional duty of customs, besides cesses and surcharges, on supply of gods and services. Components of GST + The four different types of GST are given below 1, Central GST : CGST is levied on intrastate supply of products and services. | pfsionl Pract, Lato and Eis 2 State GST + SCST is toy ie products or services within oo ‘the sale of Composition of GST Council 3, Integrated GST IGST is levi i supplies by the Centre ico coos Professional Practice and Ethics. 110 + The Union Finance Minister (as Chatrman)- ge of Revenue ‘The Union Minister of State in char ed interstate basis ‘spray r srves or both on ©The Minister in charge of Finance or Taxation OF consideration thereof, acts IGST on the anyother“ Minister, nominated by each state government. 4. Union Territory G ry Goods and Services Tax sian UTGST is levied on the supply of pedis < 26 What items are not taxed or covered services in any of the Union Tern st? ores cami, Wt. Andaman and Nicba eRe ns: ems nol covered wnder GST Foes “a and Nagar Haveli, * There are a few products, which were not under e Chandigath. UIGST is the purview of GST tll long after its launch. levied along with CGST. 1. Alcohol far human consumption : On alcohol, India’s Adoption of the Goods and Services Tax (ST) the power to tax remains with the states. + On September 16, 2016, Government of India issued 2. Petroleum products : GST was not imposed. on notifications bringing into effect all the sections of | five petroleum products - crude cil, diesel, petrol, natural gas and ATF. 3. Tobacco ; Along with GST, the Central Government has the power to levy additional excise duty on tobacco products GI 4, Entertainment tax : The power to decide on entertainment tax levied by local bodies ‘eIndia established a dual GST structure in 2017, | remains with the states. under their "one nation, one tax” reform, which was ———— the biggest reform in the country’s tax structure in | Fill in the Blanks for Mid Term Exam Constitutional (122nd Amendment) Bill setting firmly into motion the rolling out of GST. This notification sets out an outer limit of time of one year, that is till 15-9-2017 for bringing into effect decades. 1 Accepted principles of right or wrong The development of GST took many consultations, governing the conduct of business people are negotiations and revisions before it was launched in Eiled : its final form in 2017. Q2 The basic rule of professionalism is “not + The main objective of incorporating the GST was to Knowingly to do__". climinate tax on tax, or double taxation, which | @3 According to the Companies Act is cascades from the manufacturing level to the | an action aimed at drawing the attention of consumption level, | stakeholders to instances of unethical practices in an organization. co ition of Be sete GST council? Give composition i as ded: Ha 3 Ans. ost cil became effective. 2 S prea | The head of GST council is *GST Council is a federal forum with and states in India on board. ‘GST is implemented and regul council, This council is made up of the finance ministers of the Central as well as different State Governments. ——EEEE — ra TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an uptnist or knee lated by the GST Profesional Practice, Law and Ethics Multiple Choice Questions for Mid Term Exam) Professional Practio wad Ett Q1_ Which of the following is a correct combination ? ‘Type of Ethics Example 1) Business Ethics = -——_A) Drafting a policy on Corporate Social Responsibility 2) Meta Ethics ~~ _B) Writing a thesis on the nature of perception in moral judgments 3) Professional Ethics = C) Drafting a white paper on the ethical conduct of Managers in Banks 4) Applied Ethics - D) Conceiving a formula to deal with ethical implications of road accidents “2 1-A;2-B;3-C;4-D (b)1-B;2-C;3-A;4-D © 1+Aand3-C fd] 2-C;3-Band4-D 2 To be successful, business ethics training programs need to__. “a fomus on personal opinions of employees bbe limited to upper executives & educate employees on formal ethical frameworks and models of ethical decision making 4 promote the use of emotions in making tough ethical decisions Accepted principles of right or wrong governing the conduct of business people are called a) business values f Te business ethics Q4 Profession means ‘business conduct | business principles 4 any paid occupation, job or career specialised person in his job area © any way of serving livelihood none of these |! Q5 The first and foremost professional ethics is a. to striving for excellence .D) to take due care to the environment [c) to serve the needy and poor of the society d) none of these Q6 What is true about a professional 7 ‘a. The professional has to have autonomy bl He cannot be supervised ‘by the client _¢ He should not subject to political control 4) All of the above Q7 GST means___ a Goods and Supply Tax b| Government Sales Tax €, Goods and Services Tax General Sales Tax ‘Answer Keys for Fill in the Blanks GF sa tand a a — Goods and services, on consumption of i dutation (destination “c dividend | [d’ development a9 GSTis levied on__ manufacturer 'b retailer “e concumer | {di all of the above TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an up-twst for knoniedye

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