Waste Management Procedure

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Doc No: MEC-EPR-002

Revision: 001
Issue Date: 08/01/2019
MEC Engineering Company
Page No: 1 of 4



Prepared By Reviewed By Approved By

Name Wajad Ali

Designation HSE Officer

Company MEC Engineering.


MEC Engineering (Pvt) Ltd. Page 1 of 4

Doc No: MEC-EPR-002
Revision: 001
Issue Date: 08/01/2019
MEC Engineering Company
Page No: 2 of 4



The construction phase of the this project is the one when most waste is likely to be generated.
Providing these wastes are handled and disposed off in accordance with MEC procedures,
adverse impacts are not expected and no specific mitigation measures should be needed.
Detailed waste management plan should be developed and implemented for the construction
phase of the proposed project including the following:

Handling of Waste
Storage and transfer of waste.
The requirements for consignment notes.
Inspection and auditing.


MEC awarded 3rd party service provider for handling all types of hazardous and non-hazardous waste
generated at location and accommodation area. The contractor is responsible right from the collection to
disposal of the waste and is responsible for providing a certificate that the waste has been disposed off /
reused / recycled in an effective and environmental friendly manner. MEC take into his account of the
waste disposal and recycling facilities utilized by its service provider. Municipal Waste generated from
camp will be shifted to local govt. District waste collection bodies.

As a producer of waste, MEC will ensure that the management of acceptable waste, generated within
work is managed in a safe and environmentally acceptable manner. All persons carrying out any activity
which generates waste, has a duty to take all reasonable measures;
To prevent anybody becoming effected by the waste.
To prevent the escape of waste.
To prevent corrosion or wear of waste containers.
To prevent accidental spillage or leaking.
To dispose of waste as not to cause adverse effects on the environment.

Expired medicine and clinical stuff will also be disposed off according to waste management procedure
and clinical waste must be kept in a separately marked bin and its disposal must be ensured by awarding
3rd party waste management.

Additionally, all personnel employed for the construction phases of the proposed project should receive
formal waste management awareness training, particularly regarding the correct waste segregation,
storage and labeling procedures and potential recycling of wastes if possible.

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Doc No: MEC-EPR-002
Revision: 001
Issue Date: 08/01/2019
MEC Engineering Company
Page No: 3 of 4


The Waste Management Plan specifies the types of wastes that will be generated and its best
disposal option as part of the construction process as follows:

Hazardous Waste
Sr. No. Description of Waste Final Disposal option
1 Used oils Reclamation
2 Tube lights florescent bulbs Incineration
3 Medical/Clinical Waste Incineration
4 Batteries Recycle/Reuse
5 Used filters/Oily rags Incineration
Non-Hazardous Waste
1 Food Waste Land fill
2 Paper Waste Recycle/ Reuse
3 Plastic wastes/ pet bottles Recycle/ Reuse
4 Glass waste Recycle/ Reuse
5 Metal Waste Recycle/ Reuse
6 Wood waste Recycle/ Reuse

Following are the standard colors for the Waste Drums at any work place and Camp.

WHITE Combustible Waste

GREEN Food Waste
BLACK Metal Scrap
RED Hazardous waste
YELLOW Plastic/ Rubber /Glass


All general waste will be thrown in the designated drums/space on specific waste segregation
area. Polythene bags will be placed in the drums for easy removal of the waste specially the food
waste. These bags will be removed from the drums and will be thrown in the designated
container or waste collection vehicle.
All type of general waste i.e. paper waste, metal waste, wood waste, plastic waste, used oil
clinical waste and leftover food etc will be stored into the designated location. The filled
container transportation is liable on 3rd party which is authorize for MEC waste collection and
will transport waste through open body truck and will be emptied at its designated place where
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Doc No: MEC-EPR-002
Revision: 001
Issue Date: 08/01/2019
MEC Engineering Company
Page No: 4 of 4


the labor using proper PPE’s (Personal Protective Equipment) will segregate all the materials.

After segregation the recyclable material will be sent to the recycling plant and the other non-
hazardous material will be landfill at the designated site by the government. The container
having food waste will be removed after 15 days and rest of the materials will also be shifted
after 15 days.


3rd party will use the different facilities for the Recycling of recyclable material, like Metal Scrap, Waste
Paper, Waste Rubber, Used Oil, Oil Based Mud (OBM), etc. 3rd party will use only certified Recycling
facilities for the recycling of Used Oil and Oil Based Mud (OBM).

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