DLP Grade10 Moralism. Vela

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Republic of the Philippines

Region V
Camarines Sur
Rinconada National Technical Vocational School
Sto. Domingo, Iriga City
S/Y 2022- 2023

School: Rinconada National Technical Vocational School Grade Level: Grade 10

Name: Vela, Dan Hazel P. Quarter: Quarter 3, Week 5

A. Content Standard: The learner demonstrate understanding of how would literature and
other types serve as sources of wisdom in expressing and resolving
conflicts among individuals, groups and nature; also how to use
evaluate reading, listening and viewing strategies, special speeches
for occasion, pronouns and structures of modification.
B. Performance Standard: This lesson tackles about critiquing a certain literature. Learning the
specific skills may help you develop your critical thinking which can
be applied in your oral discourse.
C. Learning Competencies: Critique a literary selection based on the following approaches:
Moralist Approach
D. Specific Objectives: At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:

A. Define moral criticism and its purpose.

B. Analyze a literary work using moralist approach.
C. Appreciate the effectiveness of moral criticism in literary work.
II. CONTENT: Topic: Moralist Approach
Time Allocation: 1 hour
Strategy: 4 A’s (Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, Application)
A. Reference:

1.Teacher’s Guide Page

2.Learner’s Material Pages
3.Textbook Pages
4.Additional Materials from
LR Portal
B. Other Materials: Visual Aid, Pictures, Chalk board



Preliminaries Prayer
Everybody stand and let us bow our
heads to feel the presence of the lord.

Almighty Father we praise and

thank you for this day. Watch
over us as we go about our work
Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Camarines Sur
Rinconada National Technical Vocational School
Sto. Domingo, Iriga City
S/Y 2022- 2023

and studies. Help us in every

way so that we may become the
children you want us to be

Good morning class!
How are you today? Good morning ma’am .
Ohh that is good to hear. Good!

Checking of the attendance

Is there any absent today?

Very good! Perfect attendance. None, ma’am

Classroom Management
Before we start, kindly pick up the
pieces of dirt under your chairs and
arrange your chairs properly.

A. Reviewing previous Before we proceed to our new lesson, let us

lesson or presenting review what was the topic last meeting? Ma’am the last topic that we
the new lesson. discussed is Literary criticism
using formalist approach.
What do you mean by literary criticism?
Literary criticism is the analysis,
evaluation, description , or
interpretation of the literary
How about formalist approach?
Ma’am, formalist approach
examines a text as a “self-
contained object” it means that
using formalist approach, it
That’s good! Very well. focuses only to the value of text
as a self entity.
B. Establishing a MOTIVATION
purpose for the
lesson. “4 PICS 1 WORD”

Instructions: The game is called “4 pics 1

word”. The class will be divided into 4 groups.
The first group who guess the picture will be
announced as winner.


Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Camarines Sur
Rinconada National Technical Vocational School
Sto. Domingo, Iriga City
S/Y 2022- 2023

Did you enjoy the activity? How do you feel JUDGE

when you do the game Four pics one word?
Based on the activity what do you think is our WRONG

Very good observation!

Ma’am. The game was
enjoyable and it shows
judgement between right and
C. Presenting examples (The teacher may ask the following)
instances of the new
lesson.  Have you experienced being in love?
 What does it feel?
 How are you going to do if someone
you love cheated on you?

So now, let us read the selection.

Activity 1.
Direction: Read the summary of Dead Stars
written by Paz Marquez-Benitez with a twist. A
reading relay.

I will read the first paragraph then I will choose

the next reader until the readers finish the story.
So be alert.


Alfredo Salazar was betrothed to Esperanza, his

girlfriend for four years. The start of their
relationship was relatively “warm”, with
Alfredo wooing Esperanza like a man in dire
lovesickness. But as the years went by, the
warm love’s fire slowly flickered. And it was
because of Julia Salas. (The students will read the
summary of Dead Stars)
She was charming and gleeful. He shared
moments of light but sometimes deep
conversations with her when the lawyer Alfredo
visited Julia’s brother-in-law, who was a judge.
He always went there with his father and since it
was his father who needed to talk to the judge,
he was always left to Julia’s company. He never
told her he was engaged. At first he didn’t
notice that a change in his heart was taking
form. But then he started keeping details of his
activities to his fiancée and then the guilty
feeling crept in. when he found out that Julia
was about to head back to her distant
Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Camarines Sur
Rinconada National Technical Vocational School
Sto. Domingo, Iriga City
S/Y 2022- 2023

hometown, he felt blue and frightened.

He met her in church after the Holy Thursday

procession, although he knew that Esperanza
was already waiting for him. He approached her
and she conversed with him with an expression
that told him she finally knew. She
congratulated him and said she will be at his
wedding. Then they parted.

When he visited Esperanza in her house, he

overheard her talking to another woman about
infidelity and immorality, to which he reasoned
in favor of the condemned. The statement
caused an intense fury to Esperanza and she told
him that she knew. She dared Alfredo to
abandon her, along with morality and reason
and her dignity as a woman as well as her image
before the society all for the sake of his “being
fair to himself”.

Eventually the wedding took place. And after

several years, Alfredo was sent to a distant
village due to a legal assignment. It bothered
him so much because it was near Julia’s
hometown. But he still found himself making
his way to her house despite of himself. And he
found her there, just as how and where he
expected her to be. She never married. And he
wondered how life would be if he ended up with
her. But all was too late and he could never
bring things back. He also noticed that Julia lost
something, albeit the fact that he didn’t know
what that is – youth, love, luster? And when he
looked at her he doubted if she ever cared for
him, if he has mistaken the past light in her eyes
as manifestations of a possible romance. But
now they’re all gone. And so it was indeed all

(The teacher may ask the following)

 What did you understand about the

(The answers may vary)
 Who is the author of the story?
(Paz Marquez-Benitez)
 Who are the characters?

(Alfredo Salazar, Esperanza,

Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Camarines Sur
Rinconada National Technical Vocational School
Sto. Domingo, Iriga City
S/Y 2022- 2023

 What moral lesson did you learned from Julia Salas)

(The answers may vary)
concepts and
practicing new skills What is moralist approach?
#1.  is a type of literary critique that judges
the value of the literature based on its
moral or ethical teachings.
 its concerned is not only to discover
meaning but also to determine whether
works of literature are both true and
significant .

 it is used to determine whether a work

conveys a lesson or message and
whether it can help readers lead better
lives and improve their understanding
of the world.

Using moralist approach

 Literature that is ethically sound and
virtuous is praised while literature that
misguides and corrupts is condemned.
 You may express your complete
disapproval if a particular work
promotes or justifies negative behavior
or thoughts.

E. Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new skills

Things to consider for a Moralist approach.

 Maturity
 Sincerity
 Honesty
 Sensitivity
 If the literature seeks corruption or
negative influence.
 The moral and ethical teachings the
author presents.
 Is a practical, moral, or philosophical
Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Camarines Sur
Rinconada National Technical Vocational School
Sto. Domingo, Iriga City
S/Y 2022- 2023

idea being presented.

F. Developing mastery Activity 2: Think-Pair-Share with a twist.

(leads to formative Students will be group into 5 groups: Uwu,
assessment) Ahu, Agoy, Unity & Sheesh! 1. It is concerned with content
and values.
Direction: Raise the banner and say your group (Moralist Approach)
name (Uwu, Ahu, Agoy, Unity & Sheesh!) if
you know the answer of the questions provided. 2. Give me two things to
evaluate a moralist approach.
 Maturity
 Sincerity
 Honesty
 Sensitivity
 If the literature seeks
corruption or negative
 The moral and ethical
teachings the author
 Is a practical, moral, or
philosophical idea being
3. Morality is not concerned
with the principle of right and
wrong behavior. True or False?

4. MORALIST approach is
concerned not only to discover
meaning but also to determine
whether works of literature are
both true and significant. True
or False? (True)

5. Who is the author of the story

Dead Star? (Paz Marquez-

G. Finding practical Here are three key questions which can

application and skills act as a base when analyzing literature
in daily living. through a moralist lens:

• What is the author message?

• What lessons you have learn from the (Answers may vary)
literary piece?
Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Camarines Sur
Rinconada National Technical Vocational School
Sto. Domingo, Iriga City
S/Y 2022- 2023

• How could you avoid the tragic ending of

the character in your own life?

Activity 3: Watching a short video

After watching the video "The boy who

cried wolf", the students will critique using
moralism approach.
H. Making Direction: In essay type form write your
generalization and answer in one whole sheet of paper.
abstraction about the
lesson.  “In your own perspective, what is
(Answers may vary)
Moralism Approach?”

 “Share one personal experience that

has moral and impact to you?”

I. Evaluating learning EVALUATION.

Direction: Answer the following questions.

___1. What is meant by morality? Answers:

A. The extent to which an action is right or 1. A
wrong. 2. C
B. The study of the existence of God. 3. B
C. A way of grouping people according to 4. A
their family origin 5. B

___2. What is meant by a moral action?

A. An action that would be considered to
be wrong.
B. An action that is neither right nor
C. An action that would be considered

___3. It is a type of literary critique that judges

the value of the literature based on its moral or
ethical teachings.
A. Formalist approach
B. Moralist approach
C. Historical approach

___4. MORALIST approach is concerned not

only to discover meaning but also to determine
whether works of literature are both true and
A. True
B. False
Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Camarines Sur
Rinconada National Technical Vocational School
Sto. Domingo, Iriga City
S/Y 2022- 2023

C. I don’t know

5. You cannot express your complete

disapproval if a particular work promotes or
justifies negative behavior or thoughts.
A. True
B. False
C. I don’t know
J. Additional activities
for application or Activity 4: Wrap it Up and Reflect!
Direction: Share what you have learned
from the lesson. Complete the following



A. No of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Camarines Sur
Rinconada National Technical Vocational School
Sto. Domingo, Iriga City
S/Y 2022- 2023

learners who have

caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
work well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did
I encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovations or
localized materials
did I used/discover
which I wish to
share with other

Prepared by: Checked by:

Dan Hazel P. Vela Mrs. Madonna Odalisca C. Gascon

Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher

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