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Basic plus

Place a check next to the most frequent sided OSHA violation ..................
A)lockout tag out
B) fall protection
C) electrical wiring
D) Machine guarding - ANS B) fall protection

Circle the key elements that are essential to recognizing hazards and reducing and or
eliminating workplace hazards................
A) management commitment and employee involvement
B) worksite analysis
C) hazard prevention and control
D) safety and health training - ANS B) worksite analysis

D) safety and health training

Circle the OSHA standard that addresses the requirements for preventing And
lessening the results Of a bad release of toxic reactive flammable or highly explosive
has certain chemicals from a process.................
A) process safety management standard
B) General environmental controls
C) personal protective equipment - ANS A) process safety management standard

The process hazard analysis PH a is one of the most important parts of PSM program .
PHAs Are used to a Denna five and evaluate major processes and ensure they are.
A) identified
B) prevented
C) evaluated
D) changed
E)controlled - ANS A) identified

C) evaluated

Which of the following should be first concern from the moment you enter the worksite
Circle one. .................
A) restroom
C) Job duties
D)Coworkers - ANS B)Safety

To operate a plan on vehicle or mobile equipment while at facility you must

A) qualified only
B) authorize only
C) qualified and authorized to do so by the equipment owner - ANS C) qualified and
authorized to do so by the equipment owner

Work permits are usually required before the start of any shift dot circle the type of work
permits you may encounter on the job. ......................
A)Safe work permit
B)confined space entry permit
C) Hot work permit
D)line entry or line break permits
E).lock out tag out permits
F.)smoking permits - ANS A. Safe work permit
B.confined space entry permit
C. Hot work permit
D.line entry or line break permits
E.lock out tag out permits

Circle the most common diseases caused by blood-borne pathogens in the workplace
A)Human immunodeficiency virus HIV. B)hepatitis B virus HBV
C)hepatitis C virus HCV
D)Equine encephalitis virus EEV - ANS A)Human immunodeficiency virus HIV.........
B)hepatitis B virus HBV...........
C)hepatitis C virus HCV ..............

(HMIS Color Indicators) blue - ANS Health/Chemical

(HMIS Color Indicators) Red - ANS Respiratory/flammability

(HMIS Color Indicators) Orange - ANS Danger/ Physical Hazard

(HMIS Color Indicators) white - ANS safe premises/ required personal protective

HAZCOM - ANS right to know law

circle the correct term:

A) Physical/ Health Hazards cause injury or property damage ............
B).Physical/ Health cause illness or injury - ANS A)Physical/ Health Hazards cause
injury or property damage

Match the terms with the correct definition: personal protective equipment (PPE) - ANS
Gear to protect workers from hazards

Match the terms with the correct definition: engineering controls - ANS change the
actual work environment

Match the terms with the correct definition: Administrative controls - ANS Change how
employees do their jobs

when selecting PPE it must:

A)Fit Loosely .......
B)fit properly ...........
C)be comfortable
D)be tight-fitting.............
E)provide a/an adequate greater level protection than necessary - ANS B)fit properly
D)be tight-fitting
E)provide a/an adequate greater level protection than necessary

Two types of atmospheric hazards that require respiratory protection:

A)Insufficient nitrogen......
B)oxygen or oxygen deficient atmosphere.......... C)hazardous airborne contaminants -
ANS B) oxygen or oxygen deficient atmosphere
C) hazardous airborne contaminants

an atmospheres becomes oxygen deficient when the oxygen levels falls below which
A)50.0% .......
B)2.7 % ...........
.C)19.5% ..........
D)67.4% - ANS C)19.5%

To Properly care for your PPE, always:

A) Inspect it before use
B)after each use
C) as necessary
D)clean it before each use
E)after each use
F) as necessary
G) perform routine maintenance before each use H)after each use - ANS A) Inspect it
before use
B)after each use
D)clean it before each use
E)after each use
G) perform routine maintenance before each use H)after each use

Noise may be a problem in your workplace if you:

A) Hear rising or humming in your ears in noisy areas
B) when you leave work
C) have to shout to be heard by a coworker an arm's length away
D) 10 ft away
E) experience temporary hearing loss when leaving work F) wearing ear protection -
ANS A) Hear rising or humming in your ears in noisy areas
D) 10 ft away
F) wearing ear protection

Being exposed to noise between which decibel levels over a period of time will damage
your hearing if you do not wear some type of hearing protection?
A) 5 and 10
B)35 and 50
C)85 and 120
D) 60 and 70 - ANS C)85 and 120

You must hearing protectors : 1) when you are exposed to an 8-hours TWA noise level
of 85 dB or more: ? True/False - ANS true

you must hearing protectors: 2) if you have a standard threshold shift that shows you
are tolerant to noise?true/False - ANS True
you must wear hearing protectors: 3) when directed by your employer? true/false - ANS

circle the two categories of hearing protection:

A) ear plugs
B) Head Scarves
C) ear-flap Hats
D)Ear Muffs - ANS A) Ear Plugs
D) ear muffs

circle the factors that determine the severity of electrical shock:

A) distance
B) current
D) resistance - ANS B) current
D) resistance

the person responsible for the removal of the lockout/tagout devices when reenergizing
the equipment is:
A) Supervisor
B)Authorized employee
C) Expert D) worker - ANS B)Authorized employee

if the scaffold is defective A)Tag it B)Mark It or C) use it carefully D) remove it from use -
ANS A)tag it
B)mark It
D) remove it from use

always test the atmosphere in the work area prior to starting the job when the site is
greater than _________________feet deep.

excavated materials or loose equipment can also fall, and therefore must be kept at
least ________________feet from the excavation's edge.
C)Four - ANS A)two
the main methods for profiting workers from cave-ins are: A)Shoring
B) Shielding
C) sloping - ANS A)Shoring
B) Shielding
C) sloping

for an excavation that is 4 ft deep or more, egress points must be spaced no more than
_____________ft of lateral travel for employees
C)35 - ANS B)25

In an emergency, you should call emergency response with the:

A)exact location of the incident
B) weather conditions
c) number of victims
d) excavation measurements
E) number of spectators
F)Any special hazards at the location - ANS A)exact location of the incident
C) Number of victims
D)excavations measurements
F) any special hazards at the locations

(((circle the correct word))). the purpose of the job safety analysis ///////Personal
Protective Equipment is to prevent incidents that are caused by hazards - ANS
Personal Protective Equipment is to prevent incidents that are caused by hazards

The main benefits of performing job safety analyses are to: A)Prevent Incident
B)Improved Job Planning
C)Recognize hazards
D) Involve employees in their safety - ANS A)Prevent Incident
B)Improved Job Planning
C)Recognize hazards
D) Involve employees in their safety

who has a responsibility to read and understand the emergency action plan? A)
Employers only
B) Employees only
C) Everyone - ANS C) Everyone
check the boxes next to the items you should be familiar with during an emergency:
A)Emergency Alarms used at the Facility
B)Evacuation routes
C)Restroom locations
D)location of the assembly areas
E)who is in charge
F)location of valuables
G) primary and secondary escape routes - ANS A)Emergency Alarms used at the
B)Evacuation routes
D)location of the assembly areas
E)who is in charge
G) primary and secondary escape routes

what elements are required for a fire to happen?

E)Wind - ANS B)Heat

match each fire class with the correct definition :

Class A - ANS Ordinary combustibles or fibrous materials

Class B - ANS Flammable or combustible liquids

class c - ANS Energized electrical equipment

class d - ANS certain combustible metals

a) aim
D)pull - ANS 1)Pull

always call for backup? t/f - ANS true

always fight a fire that is spreading? T/F - ANS false

keep a clear path to the escape exit? T/f - ANS true

be prepared for re-flash? t/f - ANS true

stop, drop, and roll if clothing or body catches fire? t/f - ANS true

do not walk? t/f - ANS true

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