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Basic Orientation Plus

barrier - ANS physical device to prevent entry where hazards are present

barricade - ANS obstacles that discourage persons or vehicles

Floor opening - ANS 12 inches or more, person can fall through

Floor Hole - ANS 12 inches or less, person cannot fall through

Engineering Control - ANS changes the actual work environment

Administrative Control - ANS changes how employees do their job

Fall protection - ANS system designed to minimize injury from falling at a height of 6ft
or greater

4:1 - ANS Angle ratio of ladder

Minimize Falls - ANS maintain 3 points of contact on ladders at all times

PPE - ANS Personal Protection Equipment

HMIS - ANS Hazardous Material Identification System

White (HMIS) - ANS required PPE

Red (HMIS) - ANS flammability

Orange (HMIS) - ANS Physical Hazard

Blue (HMIS) - ANS Health

NFPA - ANS National Fire Protection Association

Red (NFPA) - ANS fire

White (NFPA) - ANS Other hazards and special precautions

Yellow (NFPA - ANS reactivity

Blue (NFPA) - ANS health

Magenta cartridge - ANS Highly toxic particles

Yellow cartridge - ANS Acid and organic vapors

White cartridge - ANS Acid gases

OSHA - ANS Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Class A fire extinguisher - ANS Combustibles fibrous material, wood, paper etc

Class B fire extinguisher - ANS Used for flammable liquids and gases such as paint,
gasoline, oil, and cooking fats

Class C fire extinguisher - ANS electrical equipment

Class D fire extinguisher - ANS Combustible metals

Key elements to recognizing Hazards - ANS Hazard prevention and control,

management leadership,program evaluation and improvement,worker participation,
multi employer worksites, education and training,hazard ID and assessment

Other Employee (LOTO) - ANS those who work operations are or may be in an area
where energy control procedures are being used

Authorized employee (LOTO) - ANS person who locks/tags out machines

Non-Qualified (electrical - ANS little or no training electrical hazards

Qualified Person (Scaffold) - ANS professional training, extensive knowledge

Danger signs - ANS used only where immediate life threatening hazards exist

Caution signs - ANS used to warn against potential hazards

Pyrophoric - ANS liable to ignite spontaneously on exposure to air

Fire Elements - ANS Heat, fuel, oxygen

Hazardous Energy - ANS hydraulic, chemical, electrical

Oxygen deficient - ANS below 19.5%

Lockout/tagout Step 1 - ANS prep for shutdown

Lockout/tagout Step 2 - ANS machine or equipment shutdown

Lockout/tagout Step 3 - ANS machine or equipment isolation

Lockout/tagout step 4 - ANS loto device application

Lockout/tagout step 5 - ANS release stored energy

Lockout/tagout step 6 - ANS verification of isolation

During emergency evacuation - ANS always travel down wind and cross wind from

PASS - ANS Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep

Olfactory - ANS refers to the sense of smell

lockout/tagout - ANS safe work practice ton prevent from accidental start up

SDS - ANS Safety Data Sheet

GHS - ANS Globally Harmonized System

Jsa - ANS Job Safety Analysis

NIHL - ANS noise-induced hearing loss

NFPA - ANS National Fire Protection Association

what types of workers are covered by the lockout /Tagout standard - ANS Authorized,
Affected, and Other enployees

what is the most frequently sited OSHA violation - ANS Fall protection

the OSHA standard that addresses the requirements for preventing and lessening the
results of a bad release of toxic reactive flammable or highly explosive hazardous
chemicals from a process - ANS PSM process safety management standard

the process hazard analysis PHA is one of the most important parts of the PSM
program.PHA'S are used to identify and evaluate major processes and ensure they are
- ANS identified ,controlled, evaluated

if you are replacing a piece of equipment the new one should be the same as the one
being removed if it's not you should find out whether the change was on purpose this is
called - ANS management of change

which of the following should be your first concern from the moment you enter the work
site - ANS safety

true or false under the stop work authority you have the right and obligation to stop a
work activity if you have reason to believe your own safety or a co-worker safety is in
Jeopardy or if the work plan is not clearly established or understood - ANS true

when lifting or setting down a load bend at the - ANS knees

if you experience pain or discomfort as a result of your work activities you should report
it to your supervisor - ANS as soon as possible

true or false universal precautions is an infection control approach where you treat all
blood and body fluids as if they are known to be infectious for blood-borne pathogens
only if the injured person is sick - ANS false

in what section of the SDS can you find the hazards of hydrogen sulfide - ANS section

which section of the SDS list the measures should you take if exposed to hydrogen
sulfide - ANS section 4
where in the SDS can you find what if any personal protective equipment is required -
ANS section 8

what hazard causes injury or property damage - ANS physical hazard

what hazards cause illness or injury - ANS health hazard

what is the least severe hazard rating on the GHS classification system - ANS 5

what is the most severe hazard rating on the GHS classification system - ANS 1

gear to protect workers from - ANS PPE

when selecting PPE it must - ANS fit properly, comfortable, provide greater level of
protection than is necessary

Air Purifying Respirator - ANS filter out particulates or chemically absorb relatively
small amounts of toxic vapors or gases but are only effective against a specific chemical
or class of chemical

atmosphere supplying respirators - ANS supply clean breathing air from an external

before wearing respiratory protection you must have a medical evaluation and fit test -
ANS true

what type of respirator do you use for anhydrous ammonia - ANS gas and vapor

what type of respirator do you use for primer application - ANS supplied air

what type of respirator do you use in a grain Mill - ANS filtering facepiece

what type of respirator do you use for a chlorine leak - ANS SCBA

noise may be a problem in your workplace if you hear ringing or humming in your ears
in a noisy area or when you leave work - ANS when you leave work

noise may be a problem in your workplace if you have to shout to be heard by a

co-worker 2 to 3 feet away or 10 ft away - ANS 2-3 feet away
noise may be a problem in your workplace if you experience temporary hearing loss
when leaving work or wearing ear protection - ANS leaving work

being exposed to noises between which decibel levels over a. of time will damage your
hearing if you do not wear some type of hearing protection - ANS 85 and 120

you must wear hearing protectors if you have a standard threshold shift that shows you
are tolerant to noise - ANS false

are earplugs and earmuffs two categories of hearing protection - ANS true

ground-fault circuit interrupter GFCI - ANS monitors the amount of current flowing
from hot to neutral and trips the circuit if an imbalance

Grounding - ANS safety measure that provides a continuous pathway for electrical
energy to travel from conductor or source of energy to the Earth

Bonding - ANS provides a continuous pathway for electrical energy to travel from one
conductor to another

authorized employee - ANS the person responsible for the removal of the lockout
tagout devices when re-energizing the equipment

group lockout or tagout - ANS each authorized employee will apply a personal lockout
tagout device to a group lock box and remove it once the maintenance repair work is

standard railing - ANS vertical barrier erected along exposed edges of a floor opening
while opening ramp platform or runway to prevent falls of persons

Toeboard - ANS vertical barrier at floor level erected along exposed edges of a floor
opening while opening platform runway or ramp to prevent falls of materials

never used this near electrical equipment - ANS metal ladders

base plates and mud sills are used for what purpose - ANS to distribute scaffold load

cave in - ANS the greatest hazard involved with excavation and trenching is
always test the atmosphere in the work area prior to starting the job when the site is
greater than ( )feet deep - ANS 4

excavated materials or lose equipment can also fall and therefore must be kept at least
(. ) feet from the excavations edge - ANS 2

the main method for protecting workers from cave-ins are - ANS shoring shielding

for an excavation that is 4 ft deeper more egress points must be spaced no more than (
)feet of lateral travel for employees - ANS 25

in an emergency you should call emergency response with - ANS exact location of the
incident number of victims excavation measurements any special hazards at the

what is the purpose of a JSA - ANS to prevent incidents that are caused by hazards

who has a responsibility to read and understand the emergency action - ANS


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