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The Basic Guide To


Ba l a nc e d Nu t r i t i on Gu i de : A Pa t h t o He a l t h a nd Vi t a l i t y
Hello there! Welcome to an exciting journey
toward improved health and balanced nutrition
with me, Sasha—a 23-year-old gym enthusiast
from Ukraine and your guide through this
transformation. Currently serving as an online
personal trainer for a top fitness app, I bring
over a decade of experience backed by
certifications as a PT and nutritionist.

My fitness journey kicked off ten years ago,

marked by ups and downs. Picture this: I went
from 42 kg to 90 kg in just a few years, all in
pursuit of a number on the scale. But here's the
turning point.

After unknowingly gaining weight, mostly fat, I

hit 90 kg. It was then that I discovered the
basics of nutrition—the very insights I'm about
to unveil in this book. In six months, armed with
newfound knowledge, I shed the excess weight,
going from 90 kg to 70 kg.
Certifications and
Expertise This journey has taught me the vital importance
of balanced nutrition, not just for weight
management but for genuine well-being. It's
Certified Personal Trainer about nourishing your body with intention and
Certified Nutritionist understanding.

This free ebook isn't just an entry into an email

list; it's your gateway to kickstarting a journey
toward better health.

Thank you for subscribing! Stay tuned for a

series of free fitness ebooks to elevate your diet
and training experience. New ebooks drop
every Sunday at 12 pm EET.
Table of

04 Importance of Balanced

05 Unlocking the Power of


06 Understanding

07 Micronutrients

08 BMR and TDEE

09 Calculating Calories for

Your Goals

10 Caloric Surplus and


11 The Power of Hydration

12 Meal Planning and

Tips for a Balanced Diet:

Importance of Balanced Nutrition • Balancing Act: Aim for a

mix of macronutrients in
each meal to sustain energy
and support overall health.
Balanced nutrition is the foundation for a
• Diverse Choices: Choose a
healthy life, supplying the body with essential variety of foods within each
macronutrient category to
nutrients crucial for optimal functioning. This benefit from a wide range of
goes beyond calorie counting, focusing on the nutrients.

right mix of macronutrients (carbs, proteins, • Mindful Portions: Pay

attention to portion sizes,
fats) and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals).
ensuring a well-balanced
intake of carbohydrates,
proteins, and fats.
Key Benefits:

Sustained Energy: Fuels the body for

sustained energy, mental clarity, and
physical stamina.
Weight Management: Supports healthy
weight by regulating metabolism and
managing cravings.
Disease Prevention: Strengthens the
immune system, lowering the risk of chronic
Organ Function: Ensures optimal function of
vital organs with specific nutrients tailored
to each.
Mood and Well-Being: Influences mood and
mental health, contributing to reduced stress
and improved focus.

Balanced nutrition it’s about cultivating vitality.

Provide the body with the tools it needs to

04 Importance of Balanced Nutrition

Unlocking the Power of Nutrients

Nutrients are the life force within the

food we consume, offering a myriad of
benefits essential for our well-being.
These microscopic powerhouses,
divided into macronutrients and
micronutrients, play a crucial role in
fueling our bodies and ensuring
optimal function.

Macronutrients: Micronutrients:

Carbohydrates: The primary energy Vitamins: Essential for various bodily

source, found in foods like grains, functions, obtained from fruits,
fruits, and vegetables. vegetables, and fortified foods.

Proteins: Building blocks for tissues, Minerals: From calcium for strong
muscles, and enzymes, sourced bones (dairy, leafy greens) to iron for
from meats, beans, and dairy. oxygen transport (meat, legumes).

Fats: Vital for brain health and

energy, found in avocados, nuts, and
olive oil.

05 Unlocking the Power of Nutrients

Understanding Macronutrients:
Proteins, Fats, and Carbohydrates

4 calories per gram
Body's primary energy 9 calories per gram
Proteins: source. Aim for complex
4 calories per gram carbs, which provide more Vital for energy, hormone
sustained energy. production, and nutrient
Essential for various bodily absorption. Not all fats are
functions, including repairing Examples of healthy created equal; focus on
tissues, supporting immune carbohydrate sources: incorporating healthy fats
function, and building into your diet.
muscle. • Whole grains (brown rice,
quinoa) Examples of healthy fat
Examples of protein-rich • Fruits (berries, apples, sources:
foods: bananas)
• Vegetables (sweet • Avocados
• Lean poultry (chicken,
potatoes, leafy greens) • Nuts and seeds (almonds,
• Legumes (black beans, chia seeds)
• Fish (salmon, tuna)
chickpeas) • Olive oil and coconut oil
• Eggs and egg whites
• Oats • Fatty fish (salmon,
• Dairy products (Greek
yogurt, cottage cheese)
• Flaxseeds and flaxseed
• Legumes (lentils,
• Tofu and tempeh
Lean cuts of beef or pork
06 Understanding Macronutrients
Tiny Giants in Nutrition

Defining Micronutrients:

Vitamins and minerals, the essential components of micronutrients, act as precision

instruments, orchestrating various physiological functions within our bodies.

Vitamins: Minerals:
From Vitamin C's antioxidant prowess to Calcium, iron, zinc—these elemental
Vitamin D's bone health support, each nutrients are fundamental for structural
vitamin plays a unique role in bolstering and functional roles, ensuring robust
our health. bones, efficient oxygen transport, and
immune function.

Crucial Role:
Micronutrients are the invisible architects of our health, fortifying the immune
system, energizing our bodies, and safeguarding against illness. A balanced and
varied diet is crucial to prevent deficiencies and unlock their full potential.

Micronutrient-Rich Palette:
Leafy greens like kale and spinach, vibrant fruits such as berries and citrus, nuts like
almonds, seeds including chia and flaxseeds, whole grains like quinoa, and colorful
vegetables like bell peppers and carrots are essential for a micronutrient-rich diet.

07 Micronutrients
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and Total Daily Energy
Expenditure (TDEE).

Understanding these concepts is fundamental to

tailoring your nutrition and fitness strategy.
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR):

Your BMR is the number of calories your body needs at

rest to maintain essential physiological functions such as
breathing and cell production. It's the energy expended
while at complete rest.

Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE):

TDEE represents the total calories your body needs daily,

accounting for all activities and exercise. It includes your
BMR and the calories burned through daily movements,
workouts, and other activities.

Why It Matters:

Tailored Nutrition: Knowing your BMR and TDEE helps

customize your nutrition plan, ensuring you consume
the right amount of calories for your goals.
Weight Management: Understanding these terms is
crucial for weight management. Creating a calorie
deficit (consuming fewer calories than your TDEE)
leads to weight loss, while a surplus results in weight
Fitness Goals: Whether you aim to lose fat, gain
muscle, or maintain your current physique, BMR and
TDEE provide the foundation for structuring your
nutrition and exercise plan. 08 BMR and TDEE
Calculating Calories for Your Goals

Embarking on a fitness journey begins with understanding and

calculating your calorie needs based on your specific goal.
Here's a practical guide to get you started:

Determine Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR):

Use online calculators or formulas to estimate your BMR based on

factors like age, gender, weight, and height.
BMR represents the calories your body needs at rest.

Calculate Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE):

Factor in your daily activity level (sedentary, lightly active,

moderately active, very active).
Multiply your BMR by the activity multiplier that aligns with your
Listen to your body's responses and make informed modifications.

Here are some popular online calculators to help you estimate

your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and Total Daily Energy
Expenditure (TDEE):

BMR Calculators: BMR Calculator

TDEE Calculators: TDEE Calculator by

09 Calculating Calories for Your Goals

Caloric Surplus for Muscle Gain:

Aim for a modest surplus (e.g., 250-500

Caloric Surplus and Deficit

calories above your TDEE) to support muscle
Prioritize protein intake to support muscle
repair and growth.

Caloric Deficit for Fat Loss:

Create a deficit (e.g., 300-500 calories below

your TDEE) to promote fat loss.
Ensure a gradual deficit for sustainable and
healthy weight loss.

Macro Ratios for Goals:

Adjust macronutrient ratios based on your


Muscle Gain: Higher protein intake,

moderate fats, and sufficient
Fat Loss: Maintain protein intake,
moderate fats, and prioritize a controlled
carbohydrate intake.

Monitor and Adjust:

Track your calorie intake using apps or

Regularly assess your progress and adjust
your calorie intake if needed.
Listen to your body's responses and make
informed modifications.

10 Caloric Surplus and Deficit

The Power of Hydration

Staying adequately hydrated is paramount for

optimizing your fitness journey. Here, we explore key
points where water plays a crucial role and provide
practical guidance on calculating your needed water

Key Points:

Performance Boost: Hydration impacts exercise

directly, preventing fatigue and enhancing
endurance and strength.
Swift Recovery: Proper hydration aids post-exercise
recovery, reducing muscle cramp risks by facilitating
nutrient transport.
Temperature Control: Adequate water intake
regulates body temperature through sweating,
preventing overheating during workouts.
Joint Health: Hydration supports joint lubrication,
reducing injury risks and promoting overall joint
Metabolism Support: Stay hydrated for efficient
metabolism, aiding weight management by
converting food into energy.

Practical Guidance:

Use the Water Intake Calculator:

By Details:
Claudia AlvesAge, weight, activity level, and climate.
Adjust for Fitness: Increase intake for intense workouts to meet exercise hydration
Make it a Habit: Carry a reusable bottle, set reminders, and infuse water for an
enjoyable hydration routine.

11 The Power of Hydration

Meal Planning and Preparation

Benefits of Meal Planning:

Unlock a multitude of advantages by incorporating meal planning into your


Time Efficiency: Streamline your week with pre-determined meals, saving

time on daily decisions and preparation.
Nutrient Balance: Ensure a well-balanced diet by strategically planning
meals, covering essential macronutrients and micronutrients.
Cost Effectiveness: Shop with purpose, reducing food waste and
optimizing your grocery budget.

Practical Tips for Healthy Meal Preparation:

Batch Cooking: Prepare staples in large quantities, allowing for easy

assembly during the week.
Portion Control: Use containers to portion meals ahead of time,
promoting balanced and controlled eating.
Pre-Cut and Wash: Save time by pre-cutting and washing fruits,
vegetables, and other ingredients for quick access.
Flavor Enhancement: Experiment with herbs, spices, and healthy
sauces to add variety and excitement to your meals.

12 Meal Planning and Preparation


In concluding our exploration of

balanced nutrition and
micronutrient significance, we've
unraveled the keys to refined
well-being. Guided by BMR, TDEE,
and the often-overlooked power
of hydration, this journey is a
prelude to a sophisticated
understanding of health.

As we wrap up, recognize that

this isn't an endpoint but a
threshold—a doorway where
essential macronutrients and
strategic meal planning become
allies in your pursuit of optimal
health. Apply this wisdom
thoughtfully and witness the
transformation of balanced
nutrition into a vibrant lifestyle.
Here's to the ongoing journey—a
symphony of sustained health and

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