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Lesson Plan

Teacher’s name: Berco Olga

Grade level: 8th C
Title of lesson: Amazing Sydney
Date: 04.12.23
Competences: Listening; Spoken Interaction;
Sub Competences: 2.6 Participating in dialogues on familiar topic – places around the world
2.1 Identify the general meaning of a message, formulating the main idea in a statement.

Objectives of the lesson: Pupils will be able to:

O1 – define and understand the new words.
O2 – identify the differences between Australia and other places around the world
O3 – to develop conversational skills by acting some dialogues.(the importance of Australia, advantages or disavantages )
O4 - express their opinion about the actions from the text guided by questions ( what have you discovered new about Sydney?)
O5- assimilate how to use Future Continuous ,(will/won’t be +-ing form)
O6- develop the interest of students in English

Type of the lesson: mixt

Time duration: 45 min

Methods / technics: Brainstorming, Interdisciplinary method, Discussion, Audio/Video lingual method

Materials and aids: sheets of papers, computer-video book, white board, interactive board, worksheets.
Forms of organization: individual , groups, whole class work

Steps of the Obj. Teacher’s and students’ activities Evaluation Durati Methods/technics
lessson on

 Greetings
 Checking up the homework (To create an infographic entitled,,Three
Evocation 9min Infographic
reason to visit..’’ places from UK, the USA or AUSTRALIA.

Read Saint Augustine words :

‘The world is a book , and those who do not travel read only one page’
Ss have to replace the highlighted words with other ideas.
 Ss give their own ideas 3 min Brainstorming
Eg. a. don’t discover/challenge themselves.
b. don’t discover new culture and new people How they can
c. don’t feel more alive formulate/continu
Audio/Video lingual
d. don’t live adventures e an idea.
Choose one that is better and write it on the board 3 min
Formulate their Mind map
After T.present on the screen a short video about travelling is Important opinion
Understand the
T. asks students to create a mind map to describe Australia and what makes it message of the Interdisciplinary
different from other places around the world video 7 min method
of sense
Introducing of a new words: Restructure the

Distinguish the Comment and

 T. asks to check out a list of curiosities and arrange them in two columns- familiar organize the ideas
the ones are familiar with and the ones which are new information from
a new one.
T. give some curiosities about Australia.
Ss read them loud and say are they familiar or new for them

 Group work. T. asks to read and choose the best variant ex 3 p. 47

Ss. Go to the board and choose the variant.
Audio/Video lingual
T. asks ‘“Are the sentences True or false?’’ Ex 4 page 48 Agree/disagree method

Grammar topic presentation ( Future Continuous tense) to practice Discussion

 T. explains the main rules 5 min
listening for and discuss the use of the tense then do specific
T. show a video /song for practicing the new tense information
5 min

T. asks students to select four members for each team and to come in front of
the class.
Reflexion Checking the
ability to express
Asking question and
ideas discuss
Group work: ESL game ,, Fast questions,, - to practice new topic

Assessments. Marks.
Make a conclusion *consolidate the
of the lesson 2 min aquisition of the
Homework task:
Extension topic
Writing ex 11 page 49 Deduce a
conclusion and
Elaborate a script.

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