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Written Report

The initiation of the English S.B.A. started with our teacher giving us the opportunity to form respective
groups and choosing a favorable topic. We formed a group and after brainstorming various options, we
finally chose the topic Ancient Egypt. We chose topic because it was very interesting and it would shed
light on a mysterious topic we all were fascinated with unraveling, not to mention it was different from
the other social topics other groups chose. Our teacher provided assistance in helping each member
chose a sub topic. She also guided us on choosing fitting artifacts to support our respective sub topics.
The members of our group will be researching the following sub topics: “The Leaders of Ancient Egypt”,
“The Religions of Ancient Egypt”, “Why the Pyramids were Built”, and “The Inventions of Ancient Egypt
We Still Use Today”.

All our artefacts were sourced and taken from the internet as this platform was rich and diverse in
information and possible that supported our sub topics. The artefacts were selected by the group
during a group meeting. These artefacts best relate, support and reflect the entire idea behind our topic
in great detail.

The pieces selected are

As a group, we learned about the rich history the Ancient Egyptian civilization left behind for us to
rediscover once more and how the civilization’s history is rooted in the culture and knowledge of
present times. The chosen artefacts were highly effective because they reflected, highlighted and
reinforced the meaning of our topic in fine and informative detail. We are still interested in all the major
future discoveries that archeologist and other historical scientists ill discover in the uncharted pages of
Ancient Egypt. Individually, our writing, speaking, reading and researching skills have vastly improved as
we continued to discover new words and new information that led us from one point to the next.

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