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olit llsroyon I'lishro College of Bosiness lrlonogement

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A Student welfane and Grievaffice Redres$al Comm[ttee has been

constituted far the development of students and to look into the
complaints lodged by any student of the institution and redress it
accordingly" The GRC {Grievance Redressal Committee} aims to
nnaintain a cCInvenient arnbienrce of acadermic by providimg pr#per
facilities to the students. When any grievaffice / sutggestlorr is bror*ght
to the nst[ce of the cornmittee, the GftC will conslder redressing sf
grievance I suggestion and find possible solutions within a reasonable
period of time.

Pnocedune of lodging complaint -

Students can state their grievance suggestion regarding any
academic and nCIn- academic matter by sending email to the
fsllowing ernaff id :-

I n mcb mgrieva nce@gma i l. com

Students also have the option of dropping their complaints in the

Complaint / Suggestion box provided in the eoElege cafftprls.

(Manish Kumar)

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