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1.1 Background

Human exploitation of the natural benefits of riparian often takes place without an

understanding of how these systems maintain their vitality (Gleick, 1993; Naiman et al.,

1995, Naiman and Turner, 2000). With the increasing human population, alterations to

riparian zones have long term consequences. It is especially important that appropriate

land use practices are used to maintain or enhance their functions and values (Dube et

al., 2011).

1.2 Problem Statement

There is a growing concern about the well-being of the ecologically-vital riparian

areas. How riparian formed and sustained to human-induced environmental changes

affect their critical functions (Likens, 1991). Therefore, a study is needed to assess the

riparian health and subsequently provide information to mitigate and manage the causes.

1.3 Objectives

The objectives of this project include the following:

i. To carry out a field investigation in an anthropogenic influenced riparian

zones; and

ii. To access the human impacts on the studied riparian zones.

1.4 Project Outline

This opening chapter briefly outlines the anthropogenic implication at riparian zone

and problem statement of the study to preview and motivate the following chapters.

Chapter 2 is the literature review on the essential roles and functions of the riparian

zones. Riparian health, hydrology in riparian zones and riparian zones as geographical

features are also discussed in the same chapter. Chapter 3 covers the introduction to the

study area and methodology to determine the riparian health. The riparian health

attributes of human disturbance, vegetation and groundwater are adopted as indicators.

Chapter 4 presents the results and discussion of the study. Results obtained from

assessment of study area are analyzed and discussed in this section. Chapter 5 concludes

the study and recommendations are suggested for further improvement.

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