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Applied Energy 306 (2022) 118002

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Shale gas investment decision-making: Green and efficient development

under market, technology and environment uncertainties
Haomin Liu , Zaixu Zhang , Tao Zhang *
School of Economics and Management, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao 266580, China


• Propose a new real option model for China’s shale gas investment decision-making.
• Consider multiple uncertainties in market, technology and environment.
• Explore investment values and optimal investment timings under different scenarios.
• Study the impacts of changes in relevant factors on investment decision-making.


Keywords: The investment in shale gas green and efficient development in China faces many uncertain factors that affect the
Shale gas investment decision-making of enterprises, which contributes to China’s low-carbon energy transformation and
Investment decision-making national energy security. Based on the characteristics of China’s shale gas resource development and considering
Real option
the uncertainties in the aspects of market, technology and environment, this paper proposes a real option model
Shale gas price
Drilling and completion cost
to evaluate investment decision-making of China’s shale gas development and uses the Least Square Monte Carlo
Environmental benefit coefficients simulation to solve the investment values and optimal investment timings of shale gas low, moderate, high and
ultrahigh productivities under four combination scenarios of financial subsidy and/or carbon emission trading.
The results show that the current investment environment in China is not suitable for immediate investment in
shale gas development projects. Investors can invest immediately when the initial average daily production
reaches at least 30 × 104 m3. And financial subsidy and carbon emission trading help advance the optimal in­
vestment timings. According to a sensitivity analysis, appropriate increases in financial subsidy, shale gas price,
absolute value of the drift rate of drilling and completion cost and environmental external benefit coefficient are
found to improve the investment value and advance the optimal investment timing, while drilling and
completion cost and production decline rate have the opposite effect. Therefore, to stimulate the investment, the
government and enterprises should adopt some measures such as addressing key problems on technology and
equipment, flexibly adjusting subsidy policies and driving forward the carbon emission trading market.

1. Introduction resource shale gas has attracted much attention because of its large re­
serves and low carbon emissions. The green and efficient development of
With the development of society and economy and the requirement this resource is of great strategic significance to ensure China’s energy
for clean and low-carbon energy transformation in China, the rapid supply, improve energy structure and promote energy transformation
growth of China’s natural gas consumption has led to an increasing gap [1].
between supply and demand of conventional natural gas. The foreign- To accelerate the green and efficient development of shale gas in­
trade dependence of natural gas increased from 1.7% in 2006 to 45% dustry, the Chinese government attaches great importance to and pro­
in 2020. At the same time, the remaining domestic conventional gas vides strong support for the exploration and development of shale gas,
resources are gradually reducing and becoming increasingly difficult to encourages all kinds of social capital to invest, and has successively is­
extract. Driven by the double carbon targets, the unconventional sued a series of supporting policies to stimulate the exploration and

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: zhangtao@upc.edu.cn (T. Zhang).

Received 11 May 2021; Received in revised form 29 September 2021; Accepted 1 October 2021
Available online 12 October 2021
0306-2619/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Liu et al. Applied Energy 306 (2022) 118002

investment of shale gas. However, China’s investment in shale gas development that considers and quantifies environmental factors is
development still faces many problems. Although China’s shale gas re­ relatively limited, and the majority of these studies are characterized by
serves have great potential, compared with the United States, resource simple economic analysis or economic feasibility analysis rather than
endowment is poor, exploration and development start late, develop­ detailed economic evaluation. The evaluation model used is often rela­
ment theory and technology lags behind, water resources are limited tively simple and does not consider the uncertainties and risks of shale
and investment in environmental protection and treatment is large [2]. gas development. The proposal and development of real options provide
These adverse factors cause great difficulty in shale gas development a more scientific evaluation method for investment evaluation under
and high investment costs, which are 2–3 times that in the United States. uncertain conditions.
In addition, shale gas development projects have a long payback period. Since Myers introduced the financial option pricing theory into the
Once an investment is made, it is a sunk cost and is regarded as irre­ field of real investment in the 1980s [16], a large number of scholars
versible. There are many uncertain factors in the market, technology, have used real options to study energy investment decision-making
environment and other aspects related to the investment of shale gas problems in different real fields, such as renewable energy, oil and gas
development projects. For these reasons, investment in shale gas pro­ [17–23]. In the field of oil and gas, Fan and Zhu [24], Guedes and Santos
jects is characterized by high risk and uncertainty [3]. Therefore, it is [22], Tang et al. [23] evaluated the values of offshore oil resource
necessary to scientifically and reasonably evaluate the shale gas in­ exploration and development projects by considering uncertain factors
vestment to prudently select investment strategies. such as oil price, exchange rate and environment. Lai et al. [25] studied
However, the current methods for analyzing shale gas project in­ the value of LNG terminal gas storage under the uncertainty in the
vestment decision-making have some limitations, such as net present natural gas price. Zhen et al. [26] and Chen et al. [27] evaluated the
value (NPV), internal return rate and payback period, and they do not underground gas storage value considering seasonal effects and natural
fully consider the effects of uncertainties, irreversibility and flexible gas market reform, respectively. Bakker et al. [28] studied the problem
investment management [4], while real option methods can describe the of optimal timing of investments in mature oil and gas field in the
above features. Therefore, to provide a more scientific and realistic presence of price uncertainty. Fedorov et al. [29] combined the real
evaluation, this paper proposes a shale gas investment decision-making options approach and decision analysis to identify the additional value
model based on real option theory to solve the following problems: created by a sequential drilling strategy for field development under oil
considering the uncertainties involved in shale gas development, what price and resource uncertainty. However, few studies have used real
time do enterprises invest in shale gas development projects to obtain options to study investment decision-making in shale gas development.
the maximum investment income and how much are their investment Liu et al. [30] only considered the uncertainty of shale gas wellhead
values? How do subsidies or carbon emission trading affect the invest­ price to build a real option investment evaluation model of shale gas
ment decisions under different productivities? How do the market, blocks and discuss the influence of uncertainty and output characteris­
technology and environment influence the investment value and tics on the investment timing. Bai et al. [31] maximized the long-run
optimal investment timing of shale gas development projects? expected return of shale gas investment while taking only production
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews the uncertainties into account. Generally, the investment decision-making
relevant literature and introduces the contributions of this study. Section related to shale gas development is affected by many uncertain fac­
3 establishes the real option model of investment evaluation of shale gas tors, but existing research only considers single uncertain factor, which
development projects and introduces the solution process of the model. is obviously insufficient.
In Section 4, we apply the established model to the empirical evaluation To solve specific problems, the common real options methods
and analysis of a shale gas development project and conduct a sensitivity include B-S pricing model [32,33], binomial tree method [34–37], dy­
analysis on its influencing factors. Finally, Section 5 summarizes this namic programming approach [38–40], finite difference method
study and puts forward some relevant policy suggestions. [41–43] and Monte Carlo simulation [27,44,45]. Among them, the B-S
pricing model is suitable only for European call options, which are
2. Literature review exercised on the maturity date; the binomial tree method is used for
discrete-time options, but real events are often continuous; and the
As a clean, low-carbon and efficient unconventional natural gas dynamic programming approach and finite difference method cannot
resource, shale gas has attracted the attention of many scholars in recent deal with more than two uncertain factors [45]. The Monte Carlo
years. Countries rich in shale gas resources are actively studying and simulation method has the advantages of flexibility, easy implementa­
promoting its development. How to accurately investigate the eco­ tion, fast convergence speed and less dependence on various assump­
nomics of shale gas development is the key for enterprises to decide tions and standard distribution probability, and it can deal with almost
whether to invest. A review of the related literature found that economic any complex option pricing problems. Shale gas development is a
evaluations of shale gas development typically adopt the discount cash complex, continuous and flexible investment activity with many un­
flow (DCF) method, and the evaluation indicators frequently include net certainties, but B-S pricing model, binomial tree method and finite dif­
present value (NPV) [5–8], internal rate of return (IRR) [9,10], dis­ ference method are suitable for solving simple shale gas investment
counted profit to investment ratio (DPI) [11,12] and so on. Most re­ decision-making problems. Thus, when considering the influence of
searchers included land acquisition fees, exploration costs, development multiple uncertain factors, it is more scientific and reasonable to use the
costs, operation costs, production, prices and taxes in their economic Monte Carlo simulation method to study the investment in shale gas
evaluations to explore the economic feasibility of shale gas develop­ development.
ment, and studied the impacts of relevant factors on the economic The main contributions of this paper are as follows. (i) In contrast
evaluations. As countries pay increasing attention to the transformation with previous research, which considers only single uncertain factor,
to clean and low-carbon energy, the environment has become an this study considers shale gas price, drilling and completion cost and
important factor in determining the feasibility of investment in shale gas environmental internal and external benefit coefficients to reflect mul­
development. Mallapragada et al. [13] estimated the life cycle green­ tiple uncertainties in the market, technology and environment to
house gas (GHG) emissions and freshwater consumption of Marcellus construct a real option model for the investment of shale gas green and
shale gas. Zeng et al. [14] investigated the economic and environmental efficient development. (ii) This study takes multiple uncertain factors
performance of shale gas in China with the consideration of GHG into account, so it is more scientific and accurate to adopt the Least
emissions and water consumption. Liu et al. [15] took the environmental Square Monte Carlo (LSMC) simulation to solve the investment decision-
benefits and costs into account when calculating the economic value of making problem. However, previous studies just used relatively simple
shale gas. However, research on the economic evaluation of shale gas real option methods to solve this problem because they only considered

H. Liu et al. Applied Energy 306 (2022) 118002

single uncertain factor. (iii) This study is conducted considering that

whether financial subsidy and/or carbon emission trading exist, and qt = qi e− Di t
compares and discusses the investment values and optimal investment
where qt denotes the production at time t, qi means the initial average
timings of shale gas four low, moderate, high and ultrahigh pro­
daily production, Di denotes the production decline rate, and t is the
ductivities under portfolio scenarios. (iv) This study analyzes the im­
production time.
pacts of changes in subsidy level, shale gas price, drilling and completion
cost and its drift rate, production decline rate and environmental
(2) The investment cost (CAPEXt ) primarily consists of royalty of
external benefit coefficient on the investment in shale gas development
mining rights (Cl ), exploration cost (Ce ) and development cost
(Cw ), which is composed of three parts: drilling engineering cost
(Cde ), fracturing engineering cost (Cfe ) and surface engineering
3. Methodology
cost (Cse ). In China, the royalty system of mining rights is calcu­
lated by the exploration year and paid yearly by the block area.
3.1. Real option model
The exploration cost includes direct costs, such as seismic
exploration and exploration wells, and indirect costs, such as
A certain oil and gas company has obtained the right to invest in the
comprehensive geological research and auxiliary engineering in
development of a shale gas field with proven reserves and has no clear
the process of exploration. The exploration cost is closely related
regulation on when to invest and develop. For the convenience of
to the block area, geographical location, topographic feature,
calculation and analysis, it is assumed that this shale gas development
geological complexity, etc. In this paper, this cost is simplified for
project will be irreversibly invested in year t (t0 ≤ t ≤ tn), and after the
calculation. Thus, the investment cost of shale gas development
investment of this project is launched, according to the action plan
projects can be expressed by the following formula:
formulated by the oil and gas company, the life cycle of the project is
mainly divided into two periods: the exploration and construction CAPEXt = Cl + Ce + Cw = C1 ⋅La + C2 ⋅La + Cde + Cfe + Cse (4)
period Tc and then the production and operation period L. As the rev­
enues and costs of a shale gas project in its whole life cycle are influ­ where La is the land acquisition area, C1 denotes the royalty of mining
enced by many uncertain factors, the project value is expressed by its rights per unit area, and C2 is the exploration cost per unit area.
expectation. Therefore, the value of the shale gas project invested in year
t can be represented by the following: (3) The operating cost (OPEXt ) is an important expenditure in the
production and operation period of shale gas development pro­

t+Tc +L

NPVt = E[ e− r(i− t)
(Ri + EEi − OPEXi − TAXi ) jects, and it mainly includes production and operation cost, sales
expense, management expense, etc. There are many methods for
i=t + Tc +1

t+Tc calculating the operating cost of shale gas, such as accounting by
various expense items, unit area cost, unit operating cost, pro­
r(i− t)
− e− (CAPEXi − EIi )]
portion of annual sales revenue, fixed part plus variable part, and

probability method [47]. Investors can choose the appropriate

where r is the discount rate; project total revenue Ri , environmental
accounting method according to the available data and the situ­
external benefit EEi , operating cost OPEXi and tax expenditure TAXi
ation of the project itself. The two main driving factors of shale
make up the cash flow of the shale gas project in year i; CAPEXi means
gas operating cost are the number of drilling wells and the pro­
the investment cost in year i; and EIi expresses the environmental in­
duction level. Therefore, this paper uses the fixed part plus var­
ternal benefit in year i. The specific compositions of each parameter are
iable part method to calculate the operating costs of shale gas
shown as follows.
development projects:
(1) The total revenue of the shale gas project (Rt ) is composed of sales OPEXt = Cf ⋅Nt + Cv ⋅Qt (5)
revenue (SRt ) and financial subsidy revenue (FSt ). The level of gas
price and the amount of production determine sales revenue. where Cf denotes the fixed operating cost related to the number of
Financial subsidy revenue is calculated by subsidizing every drilling wells, Nt means the total number of drilling wells in the whole
cubic meter of shale gas produced. The subsidy level is adjusted block, and Cv expresses the variable operating cost associated with
by the Ministry of Finance and the National Energy Administra­ production.
tion according to industrial development, technological progress, For the number of drilling wells, the prescribed single-well produc­
cost changes and other factors. Therefore, the total revenue of the tivity method is applied to roughly estimate the number of drilling wells
shale gas project in year t can be expressed as follows: based on the geological characteristics of shale gas blocks:
Rt = SRt + FSt = Qt Pt r3 + Qt s (2) G⋅Vg
Nt = × 104 (6)
where Qt denotes the shale gas production of year t, Pt denotes the shale
gas selling price in year t, r3 means the commodity rate of shale gas, and where G is the geological reserves of the shale gas block, Vg indicates the
s expresses the subsidy level for shale gas exploitation. average annual gas production rate, η denotes the comprehensive uti­
The production decline law of shale gas wells is different from that of lization rate of the shale gas well, and q means the average daily pro­
conventional gas wells, which is determined by their internal production duction of a single well.
mechanisms. There are three prediction methods for shale gas single-
well production: numerical simulation method, analytical method and (4) Taxes (TAXt ) in China generally include five main types: corpo­
empirical curve method. Of these, the empirical curve method is widely rate income tax, value-added tax, urban maintenance and con­
used because of its simple and effective operation with only production struction tax, education surcharge and resource tax. Therefore,
data. The commonly used empirical production decline curve models the taxes paid for shale gas development projects in year t can be
include Arps model, PLE model, SEPD model, Duong model and LGM expressed as follows:
model [46]. Due to ease of data acquisition and calculation, the expo­
TAXt = (Rt − OPEXt )r4 + SRt r5 + SRt r5 r6 + SRt r5 r7 + SRt r8 (7)
nential decline model in the traditional Arps model is adopted to express
the production decline law of shale gas single well:

H. Liu et al. Applied Energy 306 (2022) 118002

where r4 is the corporate income tax rate, r5 denotes the value-added tax environmental internal benefit coefficient and environmental external
rate, r6 denotes the urban maintenance and construction tax rate, r7 is benefit coefficient, respectively.
the education surcharge rate, and r8 denotes the resource tax rate. Based on the real option method, the investor has the right to delay
the investment. Compared with the traditional DCF method, delaying
(5) Environmental pollution problems inevitably occur in the process investment can enable enterprises to obtain more new information
of shale gas development, but shale gas has a positive impact on about the market, price, policy and environment or implement the in­
the environment because of its alternative value to coal and other vestment after the investment risk is effectively controlled. Enterprises
energy sources. Therefore, the impact of environmental benefits can choose the optimal time to implement investment decision-making
should be considered when making investment decisions in shale and obtain the maximum investment value of the project:
gas development projects. Specifically, environmental benefit
(EBt ) has four parts: environmental internal revenue (EIRt ), F = max(NPVtopt , 0)⋅e− r⋅(topt − t0 )
, t0 ⩽topt ⩽tn (10)
environmental internal cost (EICt ), environmental external rev­
where topt is the optimal time to invest during the valid investment
enue (EERt ) and environmental external cost (EECt ). Environ­
mental internal revenue (EIRt ) refers to revenue from enterprises
taking relevant environmental protection measures to reduce
energy consumption and recycle waste; environmental internal 3.2. Uncertainties
cost (EICt ) means the total cost of enterprises spending on pre­
venting the pollution and protecting the ecological environment, The shale gas industry has high investment costs and long payback
such as drilling wastewater treatment and utilization cost, the periods and is easily affected by resource endowment, market, tech­
harmless treatment cost of fracturing flowback fluid, and drilling nology, environment, policy and other factors. Thus, there are a variety
cuttings and precipitated sludge treatment cost; environmental of uncertainties in investment decision-making of shale gas development
external revenue (EERt ) is the relative revenue of shale gas ob­ projects, including fluctuations in the shale gas wellhead price caused by
tained from reducing the emissions of CO2, SO2, nitrogen oxides uncertainty in market demand, fluctuations in the development cost
and smoke dust compared with coal, petroleum and other fossil caused by uncertainty related to technological progress, and fluctuations
energy; environmental external cost (EECt ) mainly includes water in the environmental benefit coefficients as a result of environmental
consumption and pollution cost, carbon dioxide emission cost, uncertainty.
methane leakage cost, noise pollution cost, human health loss
caused by environmental pollution and so on. Among them, the (1) Shale gas price. With the acceleration of China’s natural gas
water consumption cost has been included in the development market-oriented reform process, the upstream link relaxes access
cost in the form of the water resource cost, so it can no longer be to the market, and the competitive transfer of mining rights is
calculated when accounting for the environmental external cost. comprehensively promoted to stimulate the vitality of shale gas
The water pollution cost, noise pollution cost and human health exploration and development. The natural gas price gradually
loss are ignored because they are difficult to quantify. Therefore, changes from government pricing to market pricing. To
the environmental internal benefit (EIt ) and environmental encourage the development of unconventional natural gas, the
external benefit (EEt ) of shale gas development are expressed by National Development and Reform Commission has issued a se­
formulas (8) and (9), respectively: ries of documents since 2011 that emphasize deregulating the
( ) factory-gate prices of shale gas, coalbed methane, coal gas and
∑ ∑ LNG and implementing market regulation. Therefore, this paper
EIt = EIRt − EICt = Nt pEIRm − pEICn = Nt ⋅EI coe (8)
m n
assumes that the domestic shale gas price has been marketized
and uses the factory-gate price (wellhead price) of shale gas to
express the sales (market) price of shale gas.
(2) Drilling and completion cost. Although the shale gas develop­

∑ ∑
EEt = EERt − EECt = QERn PERn − PCO2 ⋅(QCO2 + KCH4 − CO2 ⋅QCH4 ) = Qt kERn PERn − PCO2 ⋅(Qt ⋅KPCO2 + KCH4 − CO2 ⋅Qt ⋅KPCH4 )
n n
[ ]
∑ (9)
= Qt ⋅ kERn PERn − PCO2 ⋅(KPCO2 + KCH4 − CO2 ⋅KPCH4 )
= Qt ⋅EE coe

ment cost is associated with reservoir geological condition, burial

where pEIRm denotes the revenue generated from the mth environmental depth and so on, it is primarily affected by the level of develop­
protection measures taken by enterprises; pEICn denotes the cost of the ment technology. The two key technologies used in shale gas
nth measure taken by enterprises to deal with environmental pollution development are hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling. In
during shale gas development; QERn denotes the emission reduction of the past 10 years of shale gas exploration and development in
the nth gas; PERn means the emission trading price of the nth gas; kERn China, although drilling and completion costs have decreased
expresses the emission reduction of the nth gas per 1 m3 shale gas from 100 to 120 million RMB to approximately 60 million RMB,
generated by the replacement of coal with shale gas; PCO2 is the emission there is still a great gap compared with the advanced technology
trading price of CO2; QCO2 and QCH4 are, respectively, the amount of CO2 in the United States. The key technical equipment represented by
emissions and CH4 leakages; KCH4 − CO2 represents the conversion coeffi­ rotary steering tools and special bits for ultralong horizontal
cient between CH4 and CO2; KPCO2 and KPCH4 represent the amount of drilling has not been localized, and the introduction cost is high.
CO2 emissions and CH4 leakages generated in the process of producing 1 However, with the continuous technological progress of China’s
m3 of shale gas, respectively; and EI coe and EE coe are defined as the shale gas development, economies of scale and learning effects

H. Liu et al. Applied Energy 306 (2022) 118002

are expected to gradually emerge, and the development cost of Step 3: Assuming that there is no investment decision in the early
shale gas in China will continue to decline. Therefore, the drilling period, the final decision point (t = tv ) per path during the valid in­
and completion cost of shale gas is regarded as an uncertain vestment period has
technological factor in this paper, and it decreases with the { }
Ft,j = max NPVtv ,j , 0 (15)
progress of technology.
(3) Environmental benefit coefficients. Environmental factors are {
1, NPVtv ,j > 0
also an important problem in shale gas development. This paper Γt,j = (16)
0, otherwise
analyzes the environmental benefit at two levels. One is the
environmental internal benefit, which is related to the costs paid
where Γt,j = 1 and Γt,j = 0 respectively mean immediate and deferred
by enterprises for pollution treatments and the revenues gener­
ated from taking relevant environmental protection measures,
Step 4: Discount the investment value corresponding to the final
and the other is the environmental external benefit, which is
decision point forward to the former point to obtain the holding value of
associated with pollutant emissions. In recent years, against the
deferred investment at this decision point, conduct the least square
backdrop of carbon emission reduction and carbon neutrality,
regression to holding value and executive value to obtain the conditional
enterprises have fully implemented the idea of green develop­
expected value function, and calculate the expected investment value of
ment, enhanced their awareness of ecological and environmental
deferred investment.
protection, actively promoted carbon emission reduction, and
Step 5: For each decision point (1⩽t < tv ) per path during the valid
constantly improved the measures of pollution treatments and
investment period, repeat Step 4 and make comparisons between the
the technology for environmental protection and emission
project value of immediate investment and the expected investment
reduction. Thus, this paper regards the environmental benefit
value of deferred investment pushing forward from subsequent decision
coefficients as uncertain factors; they are expected to increase
points to obtain the current optimal investment decision—immediate
with the enhancement of technology and awareness of environ­
investment or deferred investment, as given by:
mental protection and emission reduction during shale gas
{ }
development. Ft,j = max NPVt,j , e− r Et [Ft+1,j ] (17)
The stochastic process is usually used to describe the uncertain fac­ 1, NPVt,j ⩾e− r Et [Ft+1,j ]
Γt,j = (18)
tors. Similar to previous studies that used the Geometric Brownian 0, NPVt,j < e− r Et [Ft+1,j ]
motion (GBM) to describe the motion process for uncertain factors, this
Step 6: Determine the optimal investment timing and the corre­
paper adopts the GBM to characterize the uncertainties in the market,
sponding investment value of each path, in which the optimal invest­
technology and environment factors as follows:
ment timing is selected when the optimal investment decision is
dP = μP Pdt + σ P PdzP (11) immediate investment. The final optimal investment timing is the one
with the highest frequency, and the investment value is calculated by
dCD&C = μD&C CD&C dt + σ D&C CD&C dzCD&C (12) averaging the values corresponding to the optimal investment timings
over all paths, as shown below:
dEI coe = μEI coe EI coedt + σ EI coe EI coedzEI coe (13) { }
tj = inf t|Γt,j = 1, 1⩽t⩽tv (19)
dEE coe = μEE coe EE coedt + σEE coe EE coedzEE coe (14)

where μP and σP denote the drift rate and volatility rate of shale gas Table 1
price; μD&C and σD&C represent the drift rate and volatility rate of drilling Basic parameters of shale gas block I.
and completion cost; μEI coe and σ EI coe denote the drift rate and volatility Description Variable Value
rate of environmental internal benefit coefficient; μEE coe and σEE coe
Block area La 41.58 km2
represent the drift rate and volatility rate of environmental external Geological reserve G 485.87 × 108 m3
benefit coefficient; dz represents increment of Wiener process, dz = Average annual gas production rate Vg 2%
ε dt, and ε is a normally distributed random variable with zero mean Comprehensive utilization ratio of gas η 96%
and unit standard deviation, namely εÑ(0, 1). Royalty of mining right C1 0.05 ten thousand RMB/
Exploration cost C2 44 ten thousand RMB/km2
3.3. Solution Surface engineering cost Cse 700 ten thousand RMB/
Considering the complexity of investment income and cost function Fixed operating cost Cf 9 ten thousand RMB/well
Variable operation cost Cv 0.26 RMB/m3
and the existence of many uncertain factors related to shale gas projects,
Producing days per year d 330d
this paper uses the LSMC method to solve the real option problem. Initial annual average daily gas qi 6.28 × 104 m3/d
Compared with other methods, the LSMC method can effectively eval­ production
uate American options and complex investments with multiple uncer­ Production decline rate D 0.705
tain variables, depends less on various assumptions and standard Commodity rate r3 95%
Financial subsidy s 0.2 RMB/m3
probability distribution, and has the advantages of flexibility, easy
Corporate income tax rate r4 25%
implementation and fast convergence [44]. The specific solution process Value-added tax rate r5 9%
is as follows: Urban maintenance and construction tax r6 7%
Step 1: Apply the Monte Carlo method to simulate the paths of rate
Education surcharge rate r7 3%
random variation of uncertain factors and initialize M and N, which
Resource tax rate r8 6%
respectively denote the number of simulation paths and decision points The validity period of investment Tv 30 year
of each path, where N = Δt and Δt is the step size. Exploration and construction period Tc 5 year
Step 2: According to equation (1), calculate the NPV of shale gas Production and operation period L 30 year
Discount rate r 9.24%
project investment at each decision point per path during the valid in­
vestment period. Sources: [5,15,48].

H. Liu et al. Applied Energy 306 (2022) 118002

Table 3
topt = {ts Fre(ts )⩾Fre(t), 1⩽t⩽tv } (20)
Parameters of environmental internal benefit.

1 ∑M Item Value (ten

F= ⋅ e− rtopt
Ftopt ,j (21) thousand RMB/
M j=1 well)

Environmental Drilling wastewater 94.5

4. Empirical study internal revenues Drilling cuttings 95
Waste oil 30
Household garbage and sewage 1.89
4.1. Data sources and processing Total 221.39

Environmental Drilling wastewater treatment and 22

As a demonstration area of shale gas commercial development in
internal costs utilization
China, the southwest region is the main area of future production Harmless treatment cost of fracturing 15
growth with abundant reserves. Therefore, shale gas block I in South­ flowback fluid
west China is selected for the empirical analysis of investment decision- Household garbage and sewage 3.3
making in this paper. The basic parameters and data of this block are treatment
Shock adsorption, sound insulation 10
shown in Table 1. The estimation processes of uncertain factors such as and other measures to reduce noise
shale gas price, drilling and completion cost and environmental benefit pollution
coefficient are described as follows. Drilling cuttings and precipitated 60
sludge treatment
Ecological restoration 12
(1) Shale gas price
Environmental risk prevention 12
Total 134.3
This paper refers to the gas price of Sichuan Province excluding
Source: [51].
value-added tax, pipeline network transportation fee, gas distribution
fee and sales expenses, and the drift rate and volatility rate of shale gas
price are set according to Liu et al. [49], as shown in Table 2.
Table 4
Parameters of environmental external benefit.
(2) Drilling and completion cost
Parameter Parameter description Value

With the continuous advancement of shale gas development in KPCO2 The amount of CO2 emission generated from 0.373
producing 1 m3 of shale gas
China, the cost of shale gas production in China has decreased signifi­
KPCH4 The amount of CH4 leakage generated from producing 0.0575
cantly after realizing a large number of technological breakthroughs and 1 m3 of shale gas
the localization of some equipment. The drilling and completion costs KCH4 − CO2 The conversion coefficient between CH4 and CO2 9.1
have decreased from 100 to 120 million RMB per well in the early stage PSO2 The emission trading price of SO2 6150 RMB/
of development in 2014 to 50–60 million RMB per well, and the ton
comprehensive cost of a single well has dropped by approximately 50%. PNOx The emission trading price of NOx 18,000
Based on the continuous data of drilling and completion costs provided
PSD The emission trading price of smoke dust 5000 RMB/
by an oilfield company, the drift rate and volatility rate of drilling and ton
completion costs can be calculated by the following formulas [50], and kCO2 The emission reduction of CO2 per 1 m3 shale gas 1.74 × 10− 3
the results are shown in Table 2: generated by the replacement of coal with shale gas ton
kSO2 The emission reduction of SO2 per 1 m3 shale gas 8.78 × 10− 6
αt = In(CD&Ct /CD&Ct− 1 ) μD&C = α/Δt (22) generated by the replacement of coal with shale gas ton
kNOx The emission reduction of NOx per 1 m3 shale gas 1.65 × 10− 6
√̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ generated by the replacement of coal with shale gas ton

√ ∑ kSD The emission reduction of smoke dust per 1 m3 shale 1.68 × 10− 5
l √̅̅̅̅̅
S = √(1/l − 1) (αt − α)2 σ D&C = S/ Δt (23) gas generated by the replacement of coal with shale ton

where α is the average of αi , Δt is the length of the time interval with Sources: [15,51].
year as the unit, and l + 1 is the number of observations.
change in the range of 0 to 40 RMB/ton. In addition, according to the
(3) Environmental benefit coefficient actual situation, we set the drift rate and volatility rate of environmental
benefit coefficient as 0.005 and 0.01, respectively.
The specific data involved in calculating the environmental internal
and external benefits are shown in Table 3 and Table 4, respectively.
According to the K-line trend chart of the Chongqing carbon market 4.2. Main results
(Fig. 1), the emission trading price of CO2 is regarded as a random
4.2.1. LSMC simulation results
Table 2
Based on the established framework in Section 3, this paper uses
Parameters of shale gas price and drilling and completion cost. MATLAB to simulate and solve the investment value and optimal in­
vestment timing of shale gas development projects in China. First, it is
Description Variable Value
necessary to examine the robustness of the model to the number of
Shale gas price P 1.275 RMB/m3 simulation paths [52]. Fig. 2 illustrates the statistical convergence of
Drift rate of shale gas price 0.04
investment value depending on the number of simulation paths. It can
Volatility rate of shale gas price 0.04
be observed that the solution is relatively robust when the number of
Drilling and completion cost per well CD&C 50 million RMB
simulation paths is more than 8,000. Thus, we perform 10,000 simula­
Drift rate of drilling and completion cost μD&C − 0.065
tions in our solution process. Fig. 3, Fig. 4, Fig. 5, and Fig. 6 show 100
Volatility rate of drilling and completion cost σD&C 0.011
out of the 10,000 simulation paths of shale gas price, drilling and
Source: [49]. completion cost, environmental internal benefit coefficient and

H. Liu et al. Applied Energy 306 (2022) 118002


Carbon trading price (RMB/ton)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Fig. 1. K-line trend chart of the Chongqing carbon market (from http://www.tanpaifang.com/tanhangqing/guoji/).

Fig. 4. Simulation paths of drilling and completion cost.

Fig. 2. Statistical convergence of investment value.

Fig. 5. Simulation paths of environmental internal benefit coefficient.

Fig. 3. Simulation paths of shale gas price.

Under the current financial subsidy (s = 0.2 RMB/m3) and initial
average daily production (qi = 6.28 × 104 m3/d), regardless of whether
environmental external benefit coefficient over time, respectively, financial subsidy or carbon emission trading exists, the investment value
which reflect the changes of uncertain factors involved in the investment calculated by the NPV method commonly used in the oil and gas
in shale gas green and efficient development described in Section 3.2.

H. Liu et al. Applied Energy 306 (2022) 118002

oil and gas development is that a large oil and gas field often needs
20–30 years of continuous exploration and then more than 10 years of
development. Investment and development decisions that consider only
the economic value of shale gas will not be conducive to China’s energy
security. Therefore, within the framework of energy security strategies,
the investment decision-making of shale gas should be analyzed scien­
tifically so that the government can adopt measures from market pricing
mechanism, technological breakthrough, policy support, environmental
protection and other aspects to promote the green, efficient and large-
scale development of shale gas.

4.2.2. Investment results under different scenarios

Generally, different reservoir properties and technological develop­
ment conditions of shale gas blocks in different areas greatly affect shale
gas production. Even in the same block, shale gas production can vary
significantly. According to the current production situation of shale gas
fields in China, the productivities of shale gas are divided into low
productivity (qi ≤ 6 × 104 m3/d), moderate productivity (6 × 104 m3/d
< qi < 10 × 104 m3/d) and high productivity (qi ≥ 10 × 104 m3/d). Thus,
Fig. 6. Simulation paths of environmental external benefit coefficient. in the horizontal dimension, we select four initial average daily pro­
duction from the above range to represent the low, moderate, high and
ultrahigh productivity of shale gas, as shown in Table 5. The Chinese
development industry is negative. This result indicates that the current
government has been providing financial subsidies to promote shale gas
investment environment is not suitable for immediate investment in
industry development. The initial subsidy for shale gas was 0.4 RMB/m3,
shale gas development projects, which is the direct reason that Con­
which was reduced to 0.3 RMB/m3 in the first three years and 0.2 RMB/
ocoPhillips, Shell and other international giant oil companies withdrew
m3 in the last two years during the 13th Five Year period. The policy of
from China’s shale gas development process. However, considering the
“more production more subsidies” was adopted until 2023. However,
uncertainties in shale gas development projects and the management
the resource endowment, development technology and comprehensive
flexibility of investors, the investment value calculated by the real op­
cost of shale gas cannot be compared with that of conventional natural
tion method is 226.4 million RMB, and the optimal decision is to invest
gas. Therefore, whether or not to obtain subsidies in the future is crucial
in 2037 rather than invest immediately. If the immediate investment
to the investment and development of shale gas. In addition, in the face
decision is made, the delay option value of 1436.9 million RMB (22640
of increasingly serious global problems such as climate changes and
+ 121050 = 143690) would be abandoned. Therefore, compared with
environmental risks, China actively participates in global energy
the result of the NPV method, investors should delay the investment to
administration and strives to promote green and low-carbon energy
obtain a higher investment value, which obviously does not conform
development. With the goal of achieving carbon peaking in 2030 and
with China’s energy security strategy. Although the economic value of
carbon neutrality in 2060, China’s carbon emission trading market has
shale gas development is not high at present, its strategic value in energy
gradually improved to promote carbon emission reduction. Thus, we
transformation and energy security cannot be ignored. Faced with the
design four scenarios in the vertical dimension based on whether there
increasingly high foreign-trade dependence on natural gas and the
are financial subsidy and/or carbon emission trading. In this section, we
substantial pressure to reduce carbon emissions, shale gas development
calculate the investment values and optimal investment timings of the
contributes not only to improving the supply scale of China’s natural gas
shale gas development project under different combinations of pro­
but also to the transformation of China’s energy structure in the direc­
ductivities, financial subsidy and carbon emission trading. The results
tion of clean and low-carbon emissions. Moreover, the regular pattern of

Table 5
Investment results of different shale gas productivities under four scenarios.
Scenarios Without financial subsidy With financial subsidy and Without financial subsidy and With financial subsidy and
and carbon emission trading without carbon emission with carbon emission trading carbon emission trading

Low productivity (qi = 6 Investment value/ 1.6739 1.8901 1.8945 2.1604

× 104 m3/d) (108 RMB)
Optimal 2041 2040 2040 2038
investment timing/
Moderate productivity (qi Investment value/ 2.0718 2.3922 2.3794 2.7492
= 9 × 104 m3/d) (108 RMB)
Optimal 2037 2035 2035 2033
investment timing/
High productivity (qi = Investment value/ 2.3375 2.8149 2.7311 3.2710
12 × 104 m3/d) (108 RMB)
Optimal 2034 2032 2032 2030
investment timing/
Ultrahigh productivity (qi Investment value/ 3.0352 3.6419 3.6272 4.4174
= 20 × 104 m3/d) (108 RMB)
Optimal 2030 2027 2027 2025
investment timing/

H. Liu et al. Applied Energy 306 (2022) 118002

are shown in Table 5. (1) Financial subsidy

From Table 4, it can be seen that the investment value and optimal
investment timing of the shale gas development project with financial The influence of subsidy level on the investment value and optimal
subsidy and without carbon emission trading are basically the same as investment timing of shale gas development projects is shown in Fig. 7.
those without financial subsidy and with carbon emission trading, which When the subsidy increases by 0.5 RMB/m3, the optimal investment
indicates that the effects of carbon emission trading and 0.2 RMB/m3 timing can be advanced by three years and the investment value in­
subsidy are the same. The optimal investment timing of the shale gas creases with an average growth rate of 35.2%. When the subsidy in­
development project with financial subsidy and carbon emission trading creases from zero to approximately 3 RMB/m3, the investment value
is 3–5 years ahead of that without financial subsidy and carbon emission increases from 199.2 million RMB to 1214.8 million RMB and the
trading and 2 years earlier than that with financial subsidy or carbon optimal investment timing is advanced from 2039 to 2021, indicating
emission trading. The shale gas development project with carbon that investors can make an immediate investment decision. Bai et al.
emission trading has a higher investment value. It is indicated that the [31] also contended that financial subsidies can significantly increase
implementation of carbon emission trading has a positive impact on the the expected return on investment. According to the subsidy notices
investment value and optimal investment time of shale gas. When the issued by the Chinese government, the highest subsidy standard was 0.4
initial average daily production increases by 1 × 104 m3, the optimal RMB/m3 from 2012 to 2015. The current financial subsidy is not enough
investment timing will be advanced by 1–2 years but the extent of the for the actual development of shale gas in China, and it is much lower
advance will be increasingly smaller, and the investment value will be than the subsidy proportion in the United States. The subsidy granted by
increasingly higher but the rate of increase will decrease. Through the the federal government of the United States to shale gas enterprises
simulation, we find that when the initial average daily production rea­ during the exploration and development stage from 1980 to 2002 was
ches 30 × 104 m3 and 40 × 104 m3 with financial subsidy and carbon 47% of the selling price, while the subsidy given by the Chinese gov­
emission trading and with financial subsidy or carbon emission trading, ernment for shale gas exploration during the corresponding stage in
respectively, the optimal investment timing is 2021 and investors can China was only approximately 15% of the selling price. However, this
invest immediately. This result is essentially the same as that of Bai et al. does not mean that financial subsidies can be blindly increased, and
[31], who thought that the net long-run expected return on investment excessive subsidies will not only lead to an excessive financial burden on
increases with production capacity and that a shale gas project is the government but also may thwart the progress of enterprises, which is
feasible only when the production capacity is larger than 8.55 billion not conducive for enterprises to actively carry out technological
cubic meters. However, Bai et al. did not include investment timing in innovation.
their study. Therefore, until shale gas production reaches a certain level,
it is worthwhile for investors to wait for better investment opportunities. (2) Shale gas price
Investments in a large number of new production wells and capital are
prerequisites for achieving stable or even increased production of shale Fig. 8 shows how the investment value and optimal investment
gas. Considering the long investment payback period and the un­ timing of shale gas development projects vary with changes in shale gas
certainties of future investment incomes, it is difficult for investors to prices. With the rise in shale gas price, the investment value of shale gas
significantly increase their investment in shale gas in the short term, development projects increases rapidly with a smaller growth rate, and
which requires financial subsidies to motivate the interest of enterprises the optimal investment timing advances increasingly slowly. This con­
to increase production. Therefore, the government can adjust the shale trasts with the finding of Bai et al. [31] that the optimal investment
gas subsidy standard in a timely manner based on the carbon market value seems to be robust against price variation. When the shale gas
trading situation and shale gas productivity to stimulate investment in price rises to approximately 6.5 RMB/m3, the optimal investment timing
China’s shale gas development. is 2021, which means that investors can make immediate investment
decisions. In recent years, due to the impact of the “shale gas revolution”
4.3. Sensitivity analysis in the United States, U.S.-China trade disputes, and high inventory in
Europe and COVID-19, the natural gas price has been relatively low.
To further understand how to stimulate investment in China’s shale China’s shale gas may have lost its historic opportunity for high oil and
gas development, this section conducts a sensitivity analysis on the in­ gas prices, while the success of the “shale gas revolution” in the United
fluence of financial subsidies, shale gas prices, drilling and completion States started during a period of high oil and gas prices. Under low oil
costs, production decline rates and environmental external benefit co­ and gas prices, investors cannot obtain stable profits for new develop­
efficients on the investment value and optimal investment timing of ment, and the rapid reduction of capital investment will prevent shale
shale gas projects. Except for financial subsidies, other factors are car­ gas enterprises from developing large-scale mass production and
ried out when carbon emission trading exists and the subsidy is 0.2 generating considerable profits. Consequently, shale gas enterprises
RMB/m3. have to delay their investment to achieve more profit, with fewer en­
terprises participating in shale gas investment and development in

Investment value Optimal investment timing

14 Investment value Optimal investment timing 2040
30 2055
Value (102 million RMB)

Value (102 million RMB)

2036 25
10 2034 2045
8 2032 2040


2030 15 2035
6 2028 2030
4 2026
2024 5
2 2020
0 2020 0 2015
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Subsidy level (RMB//m3) Shale gas price (RMB//m3)

Fig. 7. The influence of subsidy level on shale gas project investment. Fig. 8. The influence of shale gas price on shale gas project investment.

H. Liu et al. Applied Energy 306 (2022) 118002

Investment value Optimal investment timing reservoir depth not only increases the technological difficulty but also
3.5 2044 adds greatly to the development costs of shale gas, which makes in­
3 2042 vestors unwilling or unable to actively participate in its exploitation.
Value (102 million RMB)

2.5 2040 Therefore, to obtain the return on investment as soon as possible, we

2038 must strengthen scientific and technological research on deep shale gas,

2036 achieve breakthroughs on key drilling and completion technologies, and
2034 realize cost reductions and efficiency enhancements.
1 2032
0.5 2030 (4) Production decline rate
0 2028
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
The sensitivity analysis of production mainly involves the initial
Drilling and completion cost (ten thousand RMB/well)
average daily production and production decline rate as two factors.
Fig. 9. The influence of drilling and completion cost on shale gas proj­ Because the initial average daily production has been examined above,
ect investment. this section only analyzes the production decline rate. The reservoir
characteristics of shale gas determine that its production decline rate is
not very low, so we study the impact of the production decline rate
Investment value Optimal investment timing changing from 50% to 90% on the investment value and optimal in­
3 2052
vestment timing of shale gas projects, as shown in Fig. 11. For every 10%
increase in the production decline rate, investors may delay their in­
Value (102 million RMB)

vestment by one year, and the investment value decreases by 14.5% on
2 2046
average as the extent of the reduction decreases. This trend is consistent
1.5 Year with the results of Liu et al. [30], which indicated that the larger the
production decline rate is, the smaller the project value. Because the
1 2040
production decline rate of shale gas wells is closely associated with shale
0.5 mineral compositions and gas reservoir pressure, it results in very large
differences in recoverable reserves, implementation of later develop­
0 2034
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 ment measures and production and operation time of different shale gas
Drift rate of drilling and completion cost (-%) field blocks, which cause great differences in the shale gas development
cost benefits of different blocks. Thus, it is necessary to identify and
Fig. 10. The influence of drift rate of drilling and completion cost on shale gas screen high-quality shale gas blocks with high resource reserves and
project investment.
relatively small single-well production decline rates in the early explo­
ration period to reduce the investment risk as much as possible.
China, resulting in a vicious cycle. Therefore, to maintain the sustain­
able development of the shale gas industry, in addition to the corre­ (5) Environmental external benefit coefficient
sponding financial support from the government, China’s natural gas
price mechanism should be continuously reformed and improved to Compared with development costs and investment costs, the costs to
promote the large-scale development of the industry. enterprises for environmental protection and the incomes obtained from
taking relevant environmental protection measures account for a small
(3) Drilling and completion cost proportion. The change in the environmental internal benefit coefficient
in order of magnitude has little impact on investment in shale gas
High drilling and completion cost is one of the main factors that development projects. Therefore, we focus on the sensitivity analysis of
hinder the large-scale commercial development of shale gas in China, environmental external benefits. Fig. 12 shows how the investment
and it is closely related to shale gas development technology. Generally, value and optimal investment timing of shale gas development projects
drilling and completion cost decreases as the progressing and updating vary with the changes in the environmental external benefit coefficient.
of technology; thus, the drift rate of drilling and completion costs is With every 0.1 RMB/m3 increase in the environmental external benefit
negative. Here, we use the absolute value of drift rate to measure the coefficient, the optimal investment timing will advance by approxi­
technological progress, and the larger the absolute value of drift rate is, mately one year, and the increase in the investment value will be
the faster the technological progress. Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 show the influ­ increasingly larger with an average growth of 7.3%. As a kind of fossil
ence of drilling and completion cost and its drift rate, respectively, on energy, shale gas itself does not generate environmental benefits. The so-
investment in shale gas development projects. Fig. 9 indicates that when called environmental benefits are relative benefits generated from shale
drilling and completion costs decrease by 5 million RMB, the optimal
investment timing is basically advanced by one year, and the investment
Investment value optimal investment timing
value increases by 4.9% on average with an increasingly smaller growth 3.5 2040
rate. Fig. 10 demonstrates that every 1% increase in the absolute value
of the drift rate of drilling and completion costs will make the optimal 2039
Value (102 million RMB)

investment timing advance by 1–2 years, and the investment value will 2.5
increase by 11.2% on average. The main factors that affect drilling and 2

completion costs are well depth footage, proppant, fracturing fluid, 2037
fracturing grade and so on. The impact of technological progress on 2036
drilling and completion costs can be jointly achieved by increasing the
drilling rate, decreasing the unit footage cost, recycling water resources, 0.5 2035

and reducing proppant and drilling fluid consumption, etc. The reservoir 0 2034
properties of shale gas reservoirs in China are quite different from those 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
in the United States, especially in terms of burial depth. The burial Production decline rate (%)
depths of shale gas reservoirs in the United States are 800–2600 m, while
Fig. 11. The influence of production decline rate on shale gas proj­
those in China are mostly 2300–6000 m. The increase in shale gas ect investment.

H. Liu et al. Applied Energy 306 (2022) 118002

Investment value Optimal investment timing financial subsidy and carbon emission trading can inspire shale gas in­
4.5 2039 vestment in early stages. The investment effects of carbon emission
4 2038 trading and 0.2 RMB/m3 subsidy are the same. According to the sensi­
Value (102 million RMB)

3.5 2037
tivity analysis, appropriate increases in financial subsidies, shale gas
3 2036
prices, absolute values of drift rates of drilling and completion cost and
2.5 2035
environmental external benefit coefficients can improve the investment

2 2034
value and advance the optimal investment timing, while drilling and
1.5 2033
completion costs and production decline rates have the opposite effect.
1 2032
To promote the investment in shale gas green and efficient devel­
0.5 2031
opment in China, the following recommendations are proposed. First,
0 2030
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 strengthening key technology and equipment research and implement­
Environment external benefit coefficient (RMB//m3) ing special development management modes, such as encouraging
geology-engineering integration and large cluster horizontal wells to
Fig. 12. The influence of environmental external benefit coefficient on shale
increase production and reduce cost, can enable investors to obtain the
gas project investment.
profits and promote the shale gas investment. Second, the intensity of
subsidies and tax exemptions for shale gas should be flexibly adjusted.
gas replacing coal to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Methane leakage Based on China’s shale gas development status, the government should
is an issue that cannot be ignored in the process of shale gas develop­ continue to implement a high subsidy system and different subsidy
ment and directly affects whether shale gas is a kind of low-carbon measures that consider regional differences, such as resource endow­
alternative to coal. In recent years, research on methane leakage in ment, production and development costs. Tax exemption policies such
shale gas development in the United States shows that only when as resource taxes and mining area use fees can also be implemented.
methane leakage is controlled at a certain level does shale gas provide Regarding research and development (R&D) investment in key tech­
certain advantages over coal in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In nologies, policies of credits for related taxes and fees can be adopted, or
addition, shale gas production areas often experience water shortages enterprises can be directly subsidized. Third, given the goal of carbon
while this industry consumes significant water resources, forming a pair peaking and carbon neutrality, in the process of vigorously promoting
of contradictions that makes rapid and unlimited shale gas production shale gas green development, it is necessary to constantly improve the
impossible. Water pollution, soil pollution and other environmental environmental regulation framework and tools, effectively combine a
problems also hinder the development process of shale gas to a certain variety of regulation methods and actively implement environmental
extent. The above environmental problems, either directly or indirectly, protection measures for controlling the environmental pollution in the
all affect the investment decisions of shale gas development in China. process of shale gas development and maximizing the clean character­
istics of shale gas. A nationwide unified carbon emission trading market
5. Conclusions should be established as soon as possible, and the corresponding policies
and mechanisms of carbon emissions trading should be improved.
As an unconventional natural gas resource, the investment in shale Although our proposed model considers China’s current shale gas
gas green and efficient development faces many uncertainties. Whether situation as much as possible, there are inevitably some limitations and
the investment value can be accurately evaluated is the premise for deficiencies due to the complexity of shale gas investment. Future
enterprises to make scientific investment decisions. This paper in­ research can be carried out in the following directions. Due to the in­
troduces real option theory into the investment decision-making of shale dependence and continuity of each stage of shale gas investment and
gas development. Considering the uncertainties in shale gas price, dril­ because enterprises have the option to invest in each stage, compound
ling and completion cost and environmental benefit coefficients, a real options can be used to discuss multistage investment decision-making of
option model is proposed to evaluate the investment decision-making of shale gas green and efficient development. Moreover, with the contin­
China’s shale gas green and efficient development projects. This model uous improvement of China’s carbon emission trading market, it is
is solved by the LSMC simulation, through which the investment values necessary to comprehensively and systematically explore the impact of
and optimal investment timings of shale gas low, moderate, high and carbon emission quota, carbon trading mode and carbon capture and
ultrahigh productivities with and without financial subsidy and/or storage (CCS) on investment decisions regarding shale gas green and
carbon emission trading are obtained. The impacts of financial subsidy, efficient development. Finally, the influence of energy substitution
shale gas price, drilling and completion cost and its drift rate, production caused by the rapid rise of renewable energy on investing in shale gas
decline rate and environmental external benefit coefficient on invest­ green and efficient development is also worthy of further study.
ment value and optimal investment timing are then studied by sensi­
tivity analysis. CRediT authorship contribution statement
We obtain the following results from the research described above:
only from the perspective of economic value is the current investment Haomin Liu: Methodology, Data curation, Writing – original draft.
environment in China not sufficiently positive for immediate investment Zaixu Zhang: Methodology. Tao Zhang: Conceptualization, Method­
in shale gas development projects. Considering the uncertainties, in­ ology, Data curation, Writing – review & editing.
vestors would be better off delaying investment decision-making to
obtain a higher investment value. However, from the view of China’s
Declaration of Competing Interest
energy security and energy transformation, it is necessary to carry out
green, efficient and large-scale shale gas development. When the initial
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
average daily production reaches at least 30 × 104 m3, investors can
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
invest immediately. The higher the productivity is, the greater the in­
the work reported in this paper.
vestment value, and the optimal investment timing is correspondingly
advanced. Under the conditions with/without financial subsidy and
carbon emission trading, the optimal investment timing with financial
subsidy and carbon emission trading is 3–5 years ahead of that without
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation
financial subsidy and carbon emission trading and 2 years earlier than
of China (No. 71801224) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the
that with financial subsidy or carbon emission trading, indicating that
Central Universities (No. 20CX04002B).

H. Liu et al. Applied Energy 306 (2022) 118002

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