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Information Security & Privacy

VPN & Proxy Network

Iresh Agrawal
Dev Bansal
Nihar Thummar
Muskan Singla
Arya Agrawal
Table of contents
01 What is VPN & Proxy N/w

02 Problem Statement

03 Working Under The Hood

04 Live Project Demonstration

05 Q&A

A VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a technology that creates a secure and encrypted
connection over the internet, allowing users to maintain privacy and anonymity
while accessing online resources.

A Proxy Network is an intermediate server that acts as an intermediary between a

user's device and the internet, allowing the user to access online content while
masking their IP address and enhancing privacy or bypassing geo-restrictions.
Problem Statement
• Develop a solution to detect Proxy/VPN use for hiding IP
• Differentiate between genuine and Proxy/VPN IPs.
• Solution should fetch the details of Whois Records of
respective IP address or Website input and MAC address
• Add a feature to identify and capture IP/MAC addresses on link
clicks, while inviting innovative input from bidders to enhance
the tool.
Business Verticals & Usecases
• Businesses that faces challenges with VPN users who can
disrupt analytics, enable fraud, spam, and spoof their
locations :
1. E-commerce
2. Finance and Banking
3. Media and Content Providers
4. Healthcare
Working Under The Hood
HoneyPot Technique
• Honeypots mimic real computer systems to deceive
cybercriminals and gather information.
• They are not problem-specific solutions like firewalls or
antivirus software but serve as tools for threat detection and
• Insights from honeypots help in directing and prioritizing
security measures effectively.
How We Implemented HoneyPot Technique

• First, we created a dummy website with an Excel sheet, here

the sheet will act as a Trojan or a Canary token.

• As soon someone tries to access that sheet he'll be trapped

in the Honeypot and his information will be revealed to us
VPN Detection using VPNAPI

• For detecting whether a user is using a VPN or not we've used

• Broadly speaking VPNAPI uses a combination of 3 methods in
their algorithm
1. IP Adress reputation
2. Network Analysis
3. Protocol Analysis
• Canary Token
• How easy is it to detect if a VPN is being used
• How to Detect if a IP Address is using VPN
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