Written Schemes of Examinations Example Template - Course Download

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Pressure Systems Safety Regulations S.I. 2000 No.


Written Scheme of Examination (Template)

(Regulation 8)

Competent Person company details

Company name

Address 1 Telephone

Address 2 Fax

City/Town E-mail


Post Code

Competent person

Compressed air system owner/user details

Scheme reference number

Type of compressed air system Fixed (installed) system1

(Tick as relevant) Mobile2
Is the compressed air
(if this is the case then the supplier company name will be
system subject to lease NO
inserted in the left hand column below and the site address
or hire?
on the right. See PSSR S.I. 128:2000 Schedule 2)
Compressed air system site address
Company name & Address
(if different than company address)




Company contact:
1 2
An installed system is considered A mobile system is considered to be the responsibility of the
to be the responsibility of the user owner who has obligations to the user if the owner is not the
(employer) user of the mobile system

Pressure Systems Safety Regulations S.I. 2000 No. 128

Compressed air system details

Type of system Minor Intermediate Major

(tick relevant box)

Safe Operating Limit 0

Pressure bar Temp. C
(indicate as required)
Pressure Vessel(s) volume
1: 2: 3:
Brief description of the system including
System location and areas served
(e.g. production area, quarry, car wash etc)

Pressure vessel(s) location and number

(location if remote from compressed air
system served)

Pressure relief (safety) valves location and

(location if remote from pressure vessels
protected or as additional protection in the
compressed air system served)

Pressure gauges
(location if remote from pressure vessels
served or as additional requirement in the
compressed air system served)

Pipework location and type

(where this may be deemed that failure
would result in an uncontrolled release of
stored energy)

Pressure Systems Safety Regulations S.I. 2000 No. 128


First or Initial examination1

Date of next examination

Date of relaxation

New date by which the

examination was to be
Postponement of completed
responsible person

Competent person
Where appropriate, the requirement for an examination before the system is first taken into use
should be specified in the written scheme of examination.
See section 6 for information

Items for examination

Type/Make Serial Periodicity


See List of
Pressure vessels

Pressure relief See List of

(safety) valves components

See List of
Pressure Gauges

If more than one item, then refer See List of

to additional pages components

If more than one item, then refer

to additional pages
See List of

Pressure Systems Safety Regulations S.I. 2000 No. 128

Available examination techniques

Any or all of the following Non-destructive testing techniques may be used to assess the condition or
fitness of pressure equipment within the pressure system for continued service:

Unless indicated in this written scheme (by a tick in the right-hand column) the competent person
(examiner) may select the method(s) necessary to prove the integrity of the equipment being examined
to satisfy the requirements of Regulation 9 of PSSR at the time of the examination.

Visual examination

Ultrasonic Thickness Checks

Dye penetrant

Magnetic particle

Other - Specify

Hydrostatic (hydraulic) test (to be used only if other methods do not provide unambiguous


Set pressure
Pressure relief
Note: – should be maximum 10% above the normal operating pressure of
(safety) valve
the system
To determine
Visual check for corrosion or damage
correct functional
operation by Test rig – removed from pressure vessel (or other location in the pressure
establishing; system) and then carry out operation check against calibrated and
certified gauge

Deemed to be acceptable provided when compared to the calibration

Pressure gauges gauge its readings are within the limits applicable to the class of gauge.
See manufacturer's data or BS EN 837-1.

Pipework and piping Examine for condition of equipment to include assessment of

corrosion/erosion damage

Pressure Systems Safety Regulations S.I. 2000 No. 128

Modification and repair

Pressure vessel (s) Modifications/repairs shall be The person(s) identified in 6.8

subject to the provisions of shall be informed that the
Regulation 13. modification/repair is to be done
to establish what changes are to
Modifications/repairs should be
be made to the periodicity in 6.5
examined by a competent
and to determine if a specific
person before the system is
examination technique is to be
used again.
identified in 6.6

Pressure relief (safety) valve

Pressure gauge

Written Scheme certification

Competent person
Drawing up the written scheme Certifying written scheme
(If different to the person certifying the
written scheme)


Address 1

Address 2


Post Code




Signature of competent Date:

person certifying:

Pressure Systems Safety Regulations S.I. 2000 No. 128

Report on examination of a pressure system (Regulation 9)

Competent Person (Examiner) company details Company Logo

Company name
Address 1 Telephone
Address 2 Fax
City/Town E-mail
Post Code
Competent person (Examiner) BCAS Examiner
Certification Ref No
(where the competent
person identified as the
examiner has
successfully completed
the BCAS course)

Compressed air system owner/user details

Scheme reference number Examination report No.

Type of compressed air system Fixed (installed) system1

(Tick as relevant) Mobile2
(if this is the case then the supplier company
Is the compressed air system
name will be inserted in the left hand column NO
subject to lease or hire?
below and the site address on the right. See PSSR
S.I. 128:2000 Schedule 2)
Compressed air system site address
Company name & Address
(if different than company address)




Company contact: Responsible site contact:

1 2
An installed system is considered to be the A mobile system is considered to be the
responsibility of the user (employer) responsibility of the owner who has obligations to the
user if the owner is not the user of the mobile system

Pressure Systems Safety Regulations S.I. 2000 No. 128


Current examination1

Change of system Safe Operating Limit See Note 1

Date of postponed examination

Date of next examination

(after which the system may not be operated
without a further examination as per Regulation 9
(5) (c)

Note 1 – A change to the Safe Operating Limit with regard to pressure will be required if the result of
examination shows a change to be actioned, e.g. air receiver corroded but able to continue in operation
at reduced pressure or additional items added to the system requiring a lower limit to be set. The
examiner shall inform the owner/user and the competent person responsible for the written scheme of
any changes.

Items for examination

(As identified on the relevant Written Scheme)

Result of examination
(Tick as necessary)
Component Serial Number Other
Action required
(or other unique identity) remarks
Pass (e.g. repair,

Pressure vessels

Pressure relief
(safety) valves

Pressure Gauges

(If more than one
item then refer to
additional pages)

Pressure Systems Safety Regulations S.I. 2000 No. 128

(If more than one
item then refer to
additional pages)

Repairs a
(Details of repairs required for those items included in the written scheme resulting from the
examination. Taking in to consideration Regulation 13 and ACOP)
Component Serial or reference Date of Date of repair
number examination completion
(where there is more than one
component then the table may (this shall be the date
be expanded, or an additional on which a re-test of
sheet will be added to the the component is
report and referenced) done)

Pressure vessel

Pressure relief (safety) valve

Pressure Gauge

Pipework (including piping as

Where the defects identified for repair are considered serious enough to give rise to imminent
danger, as identified in Regulation 10, then those provisions shall be followed.

Written Scheme of Examination

Resulting from the NO

examination is the
Reason Remarks
written scheme
(e.g. deterioration due to (Any observations which may
suitable until the next
YES corrosion, erosion) assist the competent person
to modify the Written
Scheme, e.g. changes in
maintenance, local operating
Pressure vessel

Pressure Relief (Safety)


Pressure Gauge

(including piping)

Pressure Systems Safety Regulations S.I. 2000 No. 128

Completion of examination

Competent examiner
(Please print if different
from named examiner)


Date of report

Action in case of imminent danger

See 7.1 for examiner details and 7.2 for system details

Equipment Modification Repair Change to operating

température etc.

Pressure vessel (s)

Pressure relief (safety)


Pressure gauge

Pipework (including
piping) specify what
type of equipment

Report to owner/user


(if different from 7.5)

Report to enforcing

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