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11kV Incoming
11kV MAIN Sub-Station

CB-1 600/5A, Cl. 5P20. FLC – 500A

CB-2 Cl. 5P20.
FLC – 150A

If = 100MVA 11kV Load Centre S/S
CB-3 Cl. 5P20.
FLC – 150A

CB-4 Cl. 5P20.
FLC – 50A

11kV/433V 11kV, 1000HP Irm = 50A

MOTOR M Ist = 6Irm
1000kVA tst = 5 sec.
If = 2kA
415V PCC
CB-5 Cl. 5P10. F1
FLC – 1400A If = 14kA

Refer to the Single Line Diagram above.

CB-5: 433V System
CT: 2000/5A, Class 5P10
FLC of Feeder: 1333A (FLC of 1000 kVA Transformer), say, 1400A

OCLS: PS – 1400/2000 = 0.7

Curve – NI 3 (Normally Inverse, 3 Seconds)
TMS - 1.0

The SC current at Fault 1 is given as 14000A; this will be 14000/1400 = 10 times the
relay setting; hence, the OCLS relay would trip in 3 seconds.

But tripping could be effected more quickly by the OCHS Relay.

OCHS: PS - 14000/2000 = 7.0, so set at 6.0 (12000A)

Time Delay - 0.1 sec.

Now, this relay would trip CB-5 in 100 milliseconds, for this fault current of 14000A
at Fault location 1.

CB-4: 11kV System

CT: 75/5A, 5P20,
FLC: 50A (HT side current of 1000kVA Transformer)

OCLS: PS - 50/75 = 0.67, so set at 0.65 (48.75A)

Curve - NI 3 (Normally Inverse, 3 Seconds)
TMS - 1.15

For fault-1, the HT side current would be (50/1400) x 14000 = 500A. Now, for this
OCLS, this current would be (500/48.75) = 10.25 times; as per trip algorithm (See
Note-2 at the end of the paper) of NI 3 sec. curve, the time taken for this multiple
would be 2.97 seconds @ TMS 1.0, which will be quicker than the OCLS relay of
CB-5. So, the tripping of this relay should be delayed by 400milliseconds (See Note-1
at the end of the paper). So, the operating time of this relay should be 3.4 seconds.
Hence the TMS setting should be 3.4/2.97 = 1.14, say 1.15 (t = 3.42 sec.).

The SC current at Fault-2 is shown as 2000A. But, the CT will saturate at 1500A
and any current beyond 1500A would be reflected as 1500A only by the CT. For this
OCLS Relay it is 1500/48.75A (i.e.) 30.77 times; the relay would trip in about 2.2 x
1.15 = 2.53 seconds.

Now, let us check the OCHS setting needs of this relay. The magnetizing inrush
current of the transformer is about 12 x 50 = 600A for about 60 milliseconds. Hence,
the OCHS should be set so as not to trip for this Inrush current.

OCHS: PS - 600/75 = 8
Time Delay - 0.1 sec.

For fault-1, the reflected HT side current is 500A; but the OCHS setting is 600A. So,
this relay will not sense for Fault-1.

For fault-2, the current is 2000A and the OCHS Relay would trip in 0.1 seconds.

CB-3: 11kV System

CT: 200/5A, 5P20
FLC: 150A

OCLS: PS - 150/200 = 0.75

Curve - NI 3 (Normally Inverse, 3 Seconds)
TMS - 1.10

The FLC of the 1000HP Motor is 50A; the motor draws a starting current of 300A
for 5 seconds. With other base loads of 50 + 50 = 100A, the total motor starting time
load on the feeder is 300 + 100 = 400A for 5 seconds. The OCLS Relay should not
trip. This 400 A current is 2.67 times the set current of 150A and the tripping time
for this multiple is 7.14 (@ TMS 1.0) x 1.10 = 7.85 seconds, which is okay.

For fault-1, the reflected current is 500A, which is 3.33 times the setting; the trip
time would be 5.81 Sec. @ TMS 1.0, but with a set TMS of 1.10, this will be 6.38

For fault-2, current is 2000A, which is 13.33 times the setting for this relay. The trip
time would be 2.66 seconds @ TMS 1.0. But, CB-4 itself is set to trip at only 2.53
seconds for this fault. Hence, this relay has to trip only after 2.53 + 0.4 = 2.93
seconds; the TMS setting should be 2.93/2.66 = 1.10 (t = 2.93 sec.).

Settings of the OCHS Relay at this location:

OCHS: PS - 2000/200 = 10
Time delay - 0.15 seconds (0.1 seconds of CB-4 OCHS
+ 50 m.sec BOT of CB-4)

For fault-1, the reflected HT side current is 500A; but the OCHS setting is 2000A.
So, this relay will not sense for Fault-1.

For fault-2, the current is 2000A and this OCHS Relay would trip in 0.15 seconds.

CB-2: 11kV System

CT: 200/5A, 5P20
FLC: 150A

OCLS: PS - 150/200 = 0.75

Curve - NI 3 (Normally Inverse, 3 Seconds)
TMS - 1.25

For fault-1, the reflected current is 500A, which is 3.33 times the setting. Tripping
time would be 5.80 seconds @ TMS 1.0. But, even CB-3 OCLS Relay trips at 6.38
seconds. So, this relay should trip at 6.38+0.4 = 6.78 seconds. Hence, the TMS
setting should be 6.78/5.8 = 1.17 say 1.2 for which the trip time would be 6.96 sec.
But, with a set TMS of 1.25, the actual trip time is 7.25 seconds.

For fault-2, the current is 2000A (i.e.) 13.33 times the setting; the trip time is 3.19
seconds. But, the co-ordinated trip time for this CB shall be 2.93 + 0.4 = 3.33 sec.
The TMS setting shall be 3.33/2.66 = 1.25 (t=3.33 sec.)

For fault-3, the current is 5249A (100MVA). This is 5249/150 = 35 times the setting.
(But, the CT will saturate at 4000 Amps itself. So, any current above 4000A will be
seen by the relay only as 4000A current; hence, the relay current would be 4000/150
= 26.67 times only). For this multiple, the trip time is 2.2 sec. @ TMS 1.0 and
2.75 seconds for the set TMS of 1.25.

Settings of the OCHS Relay at this location:

OCHS: PS - 2000/200 = 10
Time delay - 0.20 seconds (0.15 seconds of CB-3 OCHS
+ 50 m.sec BOT of CB-3)

For fault-1, the reflected HT side current is 500A; but the OCHS setting is 4000A.
So, this relay will not sense for Fault-1.

For fault-2, the current is 2000A; OCHS Relay would trip in 0.20 seconds.

For fault-3, the current is 4000A; OCHS Relay would trip in 0.20 seconds.

CB-1: 11kV System

CT: 600/5A, 5P20
FLC: 500A

OCLS: PS - 500/600 = 0.83, say 0.85 (510A).

Curve - NI 3 (Normally Inverse, 3 Seconds)
TMS - 1.1

Excluding the HT Motor (50A), the base load is 450A; during motor starting, the
staring time total load would be 450 + 300 = 750A for 5 seconds. The relay should
not trip for this. The multiple is 750/510 = 1.47 and the trip time would be 18.3 sec.
@ a TMS of 1.0, but with the set TMS @ 1.1 this will be 20.1 seconds, which is okay.

For fault-1, the reflected current is 500A, which is less than the setting of 510A. So,
this relay would not sense the fault-1 current.

For fault-2, the current is 2000A (i.e.) 3.92 times the setting; the trip time is 5.61
seconds @ TMS 1.1 (at TMS 1.0, t = 5.10 sec.). This is 2.28 seconds later than the
CB-2 trip time for this fault, which is okay. (Co-ordinated time delay shall be more
than 400 milliseconds).

For fault-3, the current is 5249A (100MVA). This is 10.29 times the setting and the
trip time would be 2.96 seconds @ TMS 1.0. But, even CB-2 trips for this fault at
2.75 seconds only. This relay time should be 2.75 + 0.4 = 3.15 seconds. TMS setting
should be 3.15/2.96 = 1.06, say 1.10. (op. time = 3.26 seconds).

Settings of the OCHS Relay at this location:

OCHS: PS - 5249/600 = 8.75, say 8.6 (5160A)

Time delay - 0.25 seconds (0.20 seconds of CB-2 OCHS
+ 50 m.sec BOT of CB-2)

For fault-1, the reflected HT side current is 500A; but the OCHS setting is 5160A.
So, this relay will not sense for Fault-1.

For fault-2, the current is 2000A; but the OCHS setting is 5160A. So, this relay will
not sense for Fault-2.

For fault-3, the current is 5249A; OCHS Relay would trip in 0.25 seconds.

Tabulating the above:

Fault Location CB-5 CB-4 CB-3 CB-2 CB-1
1 3 sec. 3.42 sec. 6.38 sec. 7.25 sec. Will not sense
2 Upstream 2.53 sec. 2.93 sec. 3.33 sec. 5.61 sec.
3 Upstream Upstream Upstream 2.75 sec. 3.26 sec.
Fault Location CB-5 CB-4 CB-3 CB-2 CB-1
1 0.1 sec. Will not sense
2 Upstream 0.1 sec. 0.15 sec. 0.20 sec. Will not sense
3 Upstream Upstream Upstream 0.20 sec. 0.25 sec.

Supposing the ACB (CB-5) Icw rating is 50kA for 1 sec; then for 3 seconds, the Icw
rating would be I21T1 = I22T2: I2 = √ (I21T1/ T2); I2 = √2500 x 1/3 = 28.87kA.
Alternately, T2 = (I21T1)/ I22. For an I2 of 14kA – fault-1 current - the withstand
time of breaker would be about 12.76 seconds. As can be seen from the above chart,
even considering the worst conditions, fault-1 would be cleared by CB-2 OCLS
latest in about 7.25 seconds, which is well within the withstand duration of CB-5 for
the said fault current of 14kA.

Similarly, the 11kV CBs – CB-4, CB-3, CB-2 & CB-1 – will have a minimum short
time withstand rating of 13.1kA for 1 sec. This means, for CB-4, CB-3, CB-2 & CB-1
can withstand the fault-2 current of 2kA for 43 seconds, whereas for this fault, the
latest trip time is only 5.61 seconds.

Similarly, CB-2 & CB-1 can withstand the Fault-3 current of 5.25kA for about 6.86
seconds, whereas the worst trip time for this fault is only 3.26 seconds.

The LV PCC/Bus duct Bus bar size would be 2R x 152.4mm x 6.35mm Alu. This size
of busbar will withstand this fault current of 14kA for:

t = K2S2/ I2 where,

K = Constant = 116 for Bare Aluminium Conductors

S = Cross section of the busbars in = 1935.48
I = Current in Amperes = 14000A
t = Duration of withstand = 257 Seconds

Whereas the worst consideration trip time is only 7.25 seconds, which is far below
the withstand capacity duration of the busbars, for the fault current of 14000A.

Hence, it could be seen that for the fault currents indicated, the relay settings are
adequately co-ordinated.


1. As per BS 142/ IEC 60255-4/ IS 3231 & ANSI-IEEE Std. 242, while
coordinating with inverse time over current relays, the time interval is
usually 0.4 seconds. This interval consists of the following:

Circuit Breaker Opening Time: 0.08 seconds

Relay Over travel/Overshoot: 0.10 seconds
(Disc movement after the removal
of current)
Safety Factor for CT 0.22 seconds
(Saturation, Setting Error, etc.) ----------------
Total 0.40 seconds

When solid-state relays are employed, over travel is eliminated and the
time delay may be reduced by the amount included for over travel.
Hence, with solid-state relays, the minimum discrimination time interval
can be 0.3 seconds.

2. Trip Algorithm for Inverse Time Current Characteristics curves:
(As per BS 142/ IEC 60255-4/ IS 3231 & ANSI-IEEE Std. 242)

t(I) = ---------------- * TMS
[(I/Is)a – 1]

t(I) = Trip Time in Seconds

I = Fault Current
Is = Set Current
TMS = Time Multiplier Setting

Curve Name A a

Normal Inverse 1.3 Sec. 0.0613 0.02

Normal Inverse 3.0 Sec. 0.1414 0.02

Very Inverse 13.5 1

Extremely Inverse 80 2

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