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by: K.Sivakumar, Manager-Training, Larsen & Toubro Limited, Switchgear

Training Centre, Coonoor.


Step 1: Prepare the Single Line Diagram of the entire electrical network clearly
showing all network components, Short Circuit Protective Devices, etc.

Step 2: Impedance values of most of the network components are given in Ohms,
except for the Utility Source, transformers, generators and motors.

Step 3: Vide Cl. of IS 13234, the equivalent impedance ZQ of the source is:

c U2nQ
ZQ = ---------
S” kQ

Where, c = Voltage Factor

= 1.05 for 415V LV System vide Table 1 (Cl. 3.16)
= 1.10 for Medium Voltage upto 35kV vide Table 1 (Cl. 3.16)
UnQ = Nominal System Voltage at the connection point
S”kQ = Fault Level of the Source, as given by the Supply Authority

If the 11kV Source Fault Level is not known: Vide Clause of IS 2026-Part 1:
“the short-circuit apparent power of the system at the transformer location shall be
specified by the purchaser in his enquiry in order to obtain the value for the
symmetrical short-circuit current to be used for the design and the tests. If the short-
circuit level is not specified the value given in Table 4 shall be used.” (Refer

Now, find RQ & XQ. (RQ = 0.1 XQ & XQ = 0.995 ZQ – vide Cl. of IS 13234).

(Note: When calculating the fault current at the secondary side of a transformer
which is feeding the fault and which is connected to this supply source on the HV
side, then this Source Impedance must be converted into an equivalent impedance
ZQt, referred to the low-voltage side of the transformer. This is done by:
ZQt = ZQ x ----, where, tr = the rated transformation ratio of the transformer.
Step 4: Conversion of Transformer Impedance, Resistance & Reactance (Cl.

ukT U2rT
ZT = ------- x ------
100% SrT

uRT U2rT PkrT

RT = ------ x ------ = -------
100% SrT 3I2rT

XT = √Z2T – R2T

Where, UrT = Rated voltage of the transformer on the LV side (volts)

IrT = Rated current of the transformer on the LV side (amps)
SrT = Rated apparent power of the transformer (VA)

PkrT = Total cu. loss of the transformer at rated current (watts)

(Refer Table – 1 of Annexure for typical values of PkrT)
ukT = Rated short circuit voltage in %
uRT = Rated ohmic voltage in %

Step 5: Overhead Lines (Cl. The effective resistance per unit length R’L of
overhead lines at the medium conductor temperature of 20oC may be calculated
from the nominal cross section qn and the resistivity ρ:

RL = ----

with ρ = 1/54 Ω mm2/m for Copper

= 1/34 Ω mm2/m for Aluminium
= 1/31 Ω mm2/m for Aluminium Alloy

Alternately, if manufacturers’ data is available, the same can be taken directly.

The reactance per unit length X’L for overhead lines may be calculated, assuming
transposition, from:

µo { 0.25 d }
X’L = 2πf --- { ------ + logn --- }
2π { n r }

{ 0.25 d }
X’L = f µo { ------ + logn --- }
{ n r }
d = √dL1L2 dL2L3 dL3L1 ; Geometric mean radius between conductors.
r = Radius of a single conductor. In case of conductor bundles, ‘r’ is to be
substituted by n√nrRn-1, with the bundle radius R.
n = No. of bundled conductors; for single conductors, n = 1.

dL1L2 dL2L3 dL3L1 = equivalent spacing of conductors; (Refer Table – 2 in annexure).

Taking µo = 4π x 10-4 H/km as permeability of vacuum and for f = 50Hz,

{ 0.25 d }
X’L = 0.0628 { ------ + logn --- } Ω/km.
{ n r }

Step 6: The resistance & reactance of low-voltage & high-voltage cables may be
taken from the manufacturer’s data (vide Cl.

Step 7: Now, list out all X & R in the system.

Step 8: Total all X & R upto the point of fault.

Step 9: Determine total impedance upto the point of fault by Zk = √R2k + X2k

Step 10: Calculate the initial symmetrical short circuit current upto the point of
fault, by the formula (Cl.

c Un

I k = ---------
√3 Zk

Now, calculate the peak short circuit current at the point of fault by the formula:

ip = χ √2 I”k, where,

ip = Peak short circuit current (amps)

χ = Factor for the ratio R/X
= 1.02 + 0.98 e–3R/X
R/X = Ratio of ‘R’ & ‘X’ upto the point of fault
I” k = Initial Symmetrical Short Circuit Current upto the point of fault

Step 11: Motors contribution: Vide Cl., it is not necessary to take into
account the contribution to the short circuit from asynchronous motors or group of
asynchronous motors which have a total rated current less than 1% of the initial
symmetrical short circuit current I”k calculated without the influence of motors.
(i.e.) if ΣIrM < 0.01 I”k the contribution from motors can be neglected. Otherwise,
1 UrM 1 U2rM
ZM = ---------- x -------- = --------- x ------ (Cl.

Where, UrM = Rated voltage of the motor (volts)

IrM = Rated current of the motor (amps)
SrM = Rated apparent power of the motor = PrM/ήr cosΦr (VA)
PrM = Rated active power of the motor (W)
ήr = Efficiency of the motor at rated power output
cosΦr = Power factor of the motor at rated power output
ILR/IrM = Ratio of Locked rotor current to rated current of the

Now, initial symmetrical short circuit current supplied by the motor, for a fault at
the motor terminals is:

c Un

I kM = ---------
√3 ZM

Substituting, ILR is 6 IrM & Un= UrM, we get:


I kM = --------------------------------- = c 6 IrM
√3 {(1/6) x (UrM /√3 IrM)}

So, we can see that for a fault at the motor terminals, the motor contribution will be
equal to the locked rotor current or the starting current of the motor.

And the peak short circuit current is:

ipM = χM √2 I”kM, where,

ipM = Peak short circuit current (amps)

χM = Factor for the ratio R/X
I”kM = Initial Symmetrical Short Circuit Current upto the point of fault (fed
by the motor/group of motors)

The following may be used with sufficient accuracy (vide Clause

RM/XM = 0.10, with XM = 0.995 ZM for high-voltage motors with powers PrM per pair
of poles >/= 1 MW

RM/XM = 0.15, with XM = 0.989 ZM for high-voltage motors with powers PrM per pair
of poles < 1 MW
RM/XM = 0.42, with XM = 0.922 ZM for low-voltage motor groups with connection

For faults away from the motor terminals, the contribution from the motors can be
calculated from the above formulae, but by replacing ZM with effective impedance
upto the point of fault, including the impedances of the cables, etc.

Or if the fault is away from the motor, involving a cable, we can safely assume that
the cable impedance will limit this motor contributed fault current to (c 5 IrM).

Generator Contribution: When calculating three-phase initial symmetrical short-

circuit currents in systems fed directly from generators without unit transformers,
for example, in industrial networks or in low-voltage networks, the following
impedances has to be used in the positive-sequence system:

Step 1: Convert %x”d of the generator into Ohmic values, to obtain XG:

10 x (%x”d ) x (kV)2
XG (in Ω) = --------------------------


XG = Generator’s sub-transient reactance, in Ohms

x” d = Generator’s sub-transient reactance, in p.u. (as given by the
generator manufacturer)
kV = Generator rated voltage in kV
kVA = Generator rated output power in kVA

Step 2: Now, the resistance of the generator, ‘RG’ is normally given as a % of ‘XG’.
The following values of sufficient accuracy may be used (vide Clause

RG = 0.05 XG for generators with UrG > 1 kV and SrG >/= 1OOMVA

RG = 0.07 XG for generators with UrG > 1 kV and SrG < 1OOMVA

RG = 0.15 XG for generators with UrG </= 1000 V

Step 3: Calculate a correction factor ‘KG’:

Un c
KG = ------ --------------------------
UrG 1 + [(x”d ) (Sin φrG)]

KG = Generator Correction Factor
Un = Nominal System Voltage, in V
URG = Generator Rated Voltage, in V
c = Voltage Correction Factor
x” d = Sub-transient Reactance of the Generator, in p.u. form
Sin φrG = √(1 – Cos2φrG)
CosφrG = Rated Power Factor of the Generator

Step 4: Now find out the Corrected Generator Resistance (RGK) & the Corrected
Generator Reactance (XGK):



Step 5: Once you know the RGK & XGK, add all ‘X’ & ‘R’ up to the point of fault and
proceed as before.


Table – 1
Typical values of No-load loss, Full load loss & Percentage Impedance for Oil-filled
Transformers (Courtesy: Kirloskar Electric Co.)

kVA No Load Loss (Watts) Load Loss @ 75oC (Watts) % Impedance

160 450 3000 4.75
200 540 3200 4.75
250 630 3800 4.75
315 725 4400 5
400 850 5500 5
500 1040 6500 5
630 1200 8000 5
800 1450 9500 5
1000 1800 11500 5
1250 1900 13500 6.25
1600 2300 17000 6.25

Table – 2

Typical values of Equivalent Spacing of Conductors (Courtesy: Elements of Power

System Design by M V Deshpande)

Nominal System Voltage (kV) Equivalent Spacing (m)

11 1
33 1.3
66 2.6
110 5
132 6
166 8
230 10.2

IS 2026 (Part I) – 1977


(Clauses and 9.1.2)
7.2, 12, 17.5 & 24 500

36 1000

52 & 72.5 3000

100 & 123 6000

145 10000

245 20000

300 30000

420 40000

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