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Content Thesis

Title: Knowledge in Islam: A Study on Islamic Epistemology And The Implications of Epistemology in
Islamic Education

Abstract: This research attempt to study on Islamic Epistemology and the implications of epistemology in
Islamic Education. Epistemology is a branch of philosophy dealing with the reality of knowledge and the
theory of knowledge. Islamic epistemology views everything in a holistic manner that is not separate
between aspects of the world and the hereafter, besides containing worldly values but also contains
aspects of the afterlife. Epistemologically, knowledge in Islam is based on two things; first, through
rational knowledge; secondly, through religious knowledge and experience, first is knowledge about
beings and second is Divine reality. Therefore, in the philosophy of Islamic education, the source of
knowledge is revelation over reason and the five senses. Revelation as the source of knowledge is what
gives certainty to human reason about truth. Epistemology of Islamic education is an effort, method or
steps to gain educational knowledge based on the Qur’an and As-Sunnah. The Islamic education system
must place the Qur’an and As-Sunnah as a guide in which direction the educational process is moved. In
this research, researcher will discuss the nature of Islamic Epistemology, the epistemology of Islamic
education and the implications of epistemology in Islamic education.


Epistemology is recognized as the essence and essence of science, in addition to ontology and axiology.
Epistemology is a science that discusses the source of knowledge or theory of knowledge and examines
how to obtain knowledge from the object of thought.

Knowledge falls short of expressing all the aspects of ‘ilm. Knowledge in the Western world means
information about something, divine or corporeal, while ‘ilm is an all-embracing term covering theory,
action and education.

Epistemologically, the development of Islamic education is very necessary because every knowledge
should be inspired from the results of its epistemological work. Islamic education should be developed
and developed based on epistemology to create high-quality and highly competitive Islamic education to
be able to survive and lead.

Background of the Study

As one of the branches of the discussion in philosophy, epistemology is one of branches that has been
carried out by philosophers that is concerned with various theories of knowledge. Therefore, the branch
of philosophy or intellectual discourse that concerns with the theory of knowledge in Islam is called
Islamic epistemology. Among others, it discusses the nature of knowledge in Islam, it’s source, aims and
objectives, it’s types and branches and how it can be acquired.

Every knowledge should be inspired by the work its epistemology. Islamic studies should be developed
and developed epistemologically based for create Islamic education that high quality and competitive to
survive and lead. Excavation efforts, discoveries and development of Islamic education can effective and
efficient, if based epistemology of Islamic education. So that educational development Islam both
conceptually and applicatively it must be built from epistemology of Islamic education comprehensive.

Problem Statement
The problem statement for my proposal is the question presented in epistemology is about what is
meant true knowledge, what is the source and basically, how to knowing and such. Due to the fact that
the study epistemologically related to questions about achievement policy available knowledge be held
accountable as well accuracy of various methods reach the truth that can believed, then epistemology
and metaphysics occupies a central position in the educational process. This matter because of the world
of education is the vehicle of its progress the process of cultural inheritance, mainly in the form of
knowledge. The epistemological position becomes important means to remember the in it is studied the
essence of knowledge or knowledge that becomes substance education itself.

Research Questions

1. What is the nature of Islamic Epistemology?

2. What is the epistemology of Islamic education?
3. What is the implications of Epistemology in Islamic education?

Research Objectives

1. To discover the nature of Islamic Epistemology.

2. To study the epistemology of Islamic education.
3. To analyze the implications of Epistemology in Islamic education.

Research Methodology

In carrying out this research, there is one method researchers use, namely qualitative method where
researchers need to do textual analysis. The researchers collect data from sourced books, articles and
journals through library research methods and internet in order to find and collect information.

Scope of the Study

This study focuses primarily on a study on Islamic Epistemology and the implications of epistemology in
Islamic education. My research, on the other hand, is based on books, scholarly journals and articles
from library research methods and internet.

Significance of the Study

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