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[English Assignment 3] [Fundamentals English]

Name: Hamza Khaliq

Class: BSE-1B
E no: 02-131232-059
Topic: Essay Writing

People living in the 21st century have better quality of life than
people who lived in previous times.

People living in the 21st century have a better quality of life than people who lived in previous times. This is due to the
advancements in technology, improved infrastructure, and various initiatives taken by the government to bring up citizens’
living standards. According to a report by Pew Research Center, people around the globe are divided on whether life today
is better than in the past. However, the report also indicates that views of the current economy are a strong indicator of
whether people say life for people like them is better today than it was 50 years ago.
The 21st century has seen a significant improvement in the quality of life of people. Advancements in technology have
revolutionized the way people live, work, and communicate. The internet has made it possible for people to connect with
each other from different parts of the world, making communication faster and easier. The use of smartphones has made it
possible for people to access information and services from anywhere at any time. The development of social media
platforms has made it possible for people to connect with friends and family, share their experiences, and stay updated on
current events.
Improved infrastructure has also contributed to a better quality of life in the 21st century. The development of
transportation systems has made it easier for people to travel from one place to another. The construction of highways,
bridges, and tunnels has made it possible for people to commute to work or school faster and more efficiently. The
development of public transportation systems has made it easier for people to travel within cities and towns. The
availability of clean water and sanitation facilities has improved the health and well-being of people.
Various initiatives taken by means of the authorities have additionally contributed to the better first-class of life in the 21st
century. Governments round the arena have applied policies to enhance the usual of residing of their residents. The
provision of healthcare offerings, schooling, and social welfare packages has improved the excellent of existence of
human beings. The implementation of environmental rules has helped to lessen pollution and enhance the best of the air
and water.
In addition to these factors, the twenty first century has additionally visible a extensive development in the field of
enjoyment. The development of streaming services which includes Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu has made it feasible
for human beings to observe their favorite movies and TV suggests at any time. The improvement of video video games
has made it viable for human beings to revel in interactive enjoyment from the consolation of their homes. The
development of digital fact technology has made it feasible for human beings to enjoy new and interesting matters without
leaving their houses.
Another vicinity in which the twenty-first century has visible extensive development is within the field of medicine. The
development of new tablets and treatments has made it possible for human beings to live longer and healthier lives. The
development of the scientific era has made it feasible for medical doctors to diagnose and deal with sicknesses as it should
[Hamza Khaliq] [02-131232-059]
[English Assignment 3] [Fundamentals English]
be and successfully. The improvement of telemedicine has made it feasible for humans to receive hospital treatment from
the comfort in their homes.
The twenty-first century has also seen giant progress within the area of training. The improvement of online learning
systems has made it viable for people to examine new abilities and collect understanding from everywhere within the
world. The availability of online guides has made it feasible for people to pursue higher education without having to
depart from their homes. The development of tutorial apps has made it feasible for people to learn on the cross.
In conclusion, the 21st century has seen a significant improvement in the quality of life of people. The advancements in
technology, improved infrastructure, and various initiatives taken by the government have contributed to this
improvement. While there are differing opinions on the matter, the general consensus is that people living in the 21st
century have a better quality of life than those in previous times. The progress made in the fields of technology,
infrastructure, and government initiatives have contributed to this improvement in quality of life. The development of
entertainment, medicine, and education has also contributed to the better quality of life in the 21st century.


Opinion and essay outlines on next page-----------|

[Hamza Khaliq] [02-131232-059]

[English Assignment 3] [Fundamentals English]

[Hamza Khaliq] [02-131232-059]

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