2023gp15012 SandipanRoy

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Name : Sandipan Roy.

BITS ID : 2023gp15012.
Source Code:

#include <stdio.h>

// Function to calculate discount based on cart value

float calculateCartDiscount(float totalCartValue) {
if (totalCartValue >= 50000 && totalCartValue < 100000) {
return 0.05; // 5% discount
} else if (totalCartValue >= 100000 && totalCartValue < 200000) {
return 0.1; // 10% discount
} else if (totalCartValue >= 200000 && totalCartValue < 300000) {
return 0.15; // 15% discount
} else if (totalCartValue >= 300000) {
return 0.2; // 20% discount
} else {
return 0; // No discount

// Function to calculate discount based on product category

float calculateCategoryDiscount(char category[]) {
if (strcmp(category, "Electronics") == 0) {
return 0.07; // 7% discount for Electronics
} else if (strcmp(category, "Clothing") == 0) {
return 0.12; // 12% discount for Clothing
} else if (strcmp(category, "Groceries") == 0) {
return 0.05; // 5% discount for Groceries
} else {
return 0; // No discount for other categories

int main() {
// Arrays to store item details
char items[100][50];
int quantities[100];
float prices[100];
int i;
int numItems;
float totalCartValue = 0;

// Input number of items

printf("Enter the number of items: ");
scanf("%d", &numItems);

// Input item details

for (i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
printf("Enter details for item %d:\n", i + 1);
printf("Name: ");
scanf("%s", items[i]);
printf("Quantity: ");
scanf("%d", &quantities[i]);
printf("Price per item: ");
scanf("%f", &prices[i]);

for (i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
printf("%s\t\t\t%d\t\t\t%.2f\t\t%.2f\n", items[i], quantities[i], prices[i],
quantities[i] * prices[i]);
float subtotals[numItems];
float total = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
subtotals[i] = quantities[i] * prices[i];
total += subtotals[i];

// Calculate and display total cart value

printf("\nTotal %-10.2f\n", total);

// Calculate and display cart discount

float cartDiscount = totalCartValue * calculateCartDiscount(totalCartValue);
printf("Cart Value Discount %.0f%% -%.2f\n",
calculateCartDiscount(totalCartValue) * 100, cartDiscount);

// Calculate and display category-wise discounts

float electronicsDiscount = 0, clothingDiscount = 0, groceriesDiscount = 0;
for (i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
if (strcmp(items[i], "Laptop") == 0 || strcmp(items[i], "Smartphone") == 0)
{ // comparing the string if the word is same or not.
electronicsDiscount += quantities[i] * prices[i] *
} else if (strcmp(items[i], "Shirt") == 0 || strcmp(items[i], "Jeans") == 0) {
clothingDiscount += quantities[i] * prices[i] *
} else if (strcmp(items[i], "Milk") == 0) {
groceriesDiscount += quantities[i] * prices[i] *

printf("Electronics Discount %.0f%% -%.2f\n",

calculateCategoryDiscount("Electronics") * 100, electronicsDiscount);
printf("Clothing Discount %.0f%% -%.2f\n",
calculateCategoryDiscount("Clothing") * 100, clothingDiscount);
printf("Groceries Discount %.0f%% -%.2f\n",
calculateCategoryDiscount("Groceries") * 100, groceriesDiscount);

// Calculate and display grand total

float grandTotal = total - (cartDiscount + electronicsDiscount +
clothingDiscount + groceriesDiscount);
printf("\nGrand Total %.2f\n", grandTotal);

return 0;
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