2029MKT Study Answer

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Chapter 1
D. Corporate
A. Not-for-profit
E. Target market
C. Plays an educational role
B. Marketing

Chapter 2
B. Generate immediate sales
E. Advertising, convenience, useful features, branding, all of the above
D. Positioning
A. Push
D. Profit

Chapter 3
C Self-regulatory
B adherence to advertising law
D breaches
C morals
D a sense of right and wrong

Chapter 4
D filtering
B viral advertising
C central
E cognitive learning
A position

Chapter 5
C Household
B Culture
A innate
B cognitive dissonance
C psychographic

Chapter 6
C if it solves a problem
C After you saw the ad, what thoughts came to mind?
C Validity
B What ads can you recall
C purpose driven games

Chapter 7
C drive immediate action
B Operational
B Positioning
C Equity
E All-you-can-afford method

Chapter 8
B double-page spread ad
B receptivity
E bleed
E visibility, information content, emotional appeal, workability
A Impressions

Chapter 9
D Reception is free to the consumer
E Surrounding program, Part of the day it is viewed
E zapping
C Time-shifting
A Nature of the film and its rating

Chapter 10
E. Entertainment, information, Economic, Social
C Extranets
A Permission
C Viral
A Offline Advertising

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