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10/11/23, 6:22 PM Report | PDF

Wbri S`isbn`v Institutl kc Inckra`tikn Xlgbnkokey


Xbis is tk glrticy tb`t Ar. Akbit J`ktblj`r b`s s`tisc`gtkrioy gkapoltlh tbl
Inhustri`o Xr`inine tkw`rhs tbl p`rti`o cuocioalnt kc tbl hlerll in D`gblokr kc
Xlgbnkokey (Gkaputlr Wgilngl & Lneinllrine kr Inckra`tikn Xlgbnkokey)
@w`rhlh dy Wbri S`isbn`v Sihy`plltb Sisbw`vihy`o`y`, Inhkrl ckr tbl
`g`hlaig yl`r 4609-46.

Xr`inine In-gb`rel Hr. @n`nh T`m`v`t

Bl`h, GWL Hlpt.
Hirlgtkr, WSIIX

Intlrn`o Lxtlrn`o 2/41
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H`t` Wtrugturls `nh @oekritbas is ` cunh`alnt`o gkursl in Gkaputlr Wgilngl.

Bkwlvlr, a`ny stuhlnts cinh it hicciguot dlg`usl it rlquirls `dstr`gt tbinjine. It
wkuoh dl vlry blopcuo ic tblrl w`s ` visu`oiz`tikn tkko kc h`t` strugturls `nh
skrtine `oekritba sugb `s `rr`ys, qululs, st`gjs, trlls, er`pbs, duddol skrt, quigj
skrt, slolgtikn skrt, alrel skrt `nh a`ny akrl ckr stuhlnts tk a`nipuo`tl. Xbl
tkko wkuoh `ookw stuhlnts tk sll bkw `n lolalnt is inslrtlh intk kr hloltlh crka
hicclrlnt h`t` strugturls, bkw ` skrtine `oekritba `gtu`ooy wkrjs ltg.

Akrlkvlr, tbis tkko wkuoh prkvihl ` siapol o`neu`el, dy wbigb stuhlnts g`n writl
tblir kwn `oekritbas sk tb`t tbl lxlgutikn kc tbl `oekritba is `nia`tlh. Xbis
prkmlgt is intlnhlh tk grl`tl `n lxpokr`tikn lnvirknalnt, in wbigb stuhlnts g`n
ol`rn tbrkueb lxplrialnt`tikn. Xbis tkko g`n dl uslh `s `n lcclgtivl suppolalnt
tk tbl tr`hitikn`o go`ssrkka lhug`tikn `nh tlxtdkkj ckr H`t` Wtrugturls `nh
@oekritbas gkursls.

Xbis tkko wioo dl vlry blopcuo ckr tbksl wbk w`nt tk siauo`tl h`t` strugturl `nh
skrtine `oekritba `nh tblir kplr`tikns witb tbl dlnlcit kc h`t` cllhlh dy tbla. 4/41
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It b`s dlln erl`t bknkur `nh priviolel tk gkapoltl ay inhustri`o tr`inine kn H`t`
Wtrugturl `nh @oekritba Sisu`oizlr unhlr tbl euih`ngl kc Ar. Vr`cuoo Jloj`r
Hirlgtkr kc Xbinjine A`gbinls.

I `a vlry augb tb`njcuo tk Ar. Vr`cuoo Jloj`r ckr prkvihine `oo tbl c`gioitils,
suppkrt `nh tblrl v`ou`dol euih`ngl tk allt prkmlgt rlquirlalnts.

I wkuoh oijl tk t`jl tbis kppkrtunity tk lxprlss ay buadol er`tituhl tkw`rhs

unhlr wbka I lxlgutlh tbis prkmlgt. Xblir gknst`nt euih`ngl `nh wiooinenlss tk
sb`rl tblir v`st jnkwolhel a`hl al unhlrst`nh tbis prkmlgt `nh its a`niclst`tikn
in erl`t hlptbs `nh bloplh tk gkapoltl its `ssienlh t`sjs.

I `a vlry tb`njcuo tk Sirlnhr` sir prkmlgt a`n`elr `t tbinjine a`gbinls, wbksl

inv`ou`dol euih`ngl bloplh tk unhlrst`nh tbis prkmlgt dlttlr `nh tk prkvihl us
witb `oo tlgbnig`o jnkwolhel `dkut tbl hka`in kc tbl prkmlgt.

@otbkueb tblrl `rl a`y dl a`ny wbk rla`ins un`gjnkwolhelh in tbis buadol
nktl kc er`tituhl, dut tblrl `rl nknl wbk rla`in un`pprlgi`tlh.

Akbit J`ktblj`r 5/41
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X`dol kc gkntlnts 7/41
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Gb`ptlr 0
Intrkhugtikn 8/41
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0.0 Vrkdola Wt`tlalnt

A`ny kc us b`vl c`glh ` okt kc prkdolas wbiol unhlrst`nhine v`rikus skrtine `oekritbas kr in
unhlrst`nhine `ny ktblr h`t` strugturl oijl st`gj, qulul, sineoy oinjlh oist kr hkudoy oinjlh oist.
Wk, ` tkko is rlquirlh wbigb wioo prkvihl ` dlttlr iapolalnt`tikn kc `oo tbl h`t` strugturls `nh
skrtine `oekritbas. Xbis tkko wioo sbkw up wbigb nuadlrs nllh tk dl sw`pplh in v`rikus
skrtine `oekritbas, bkw v`rikus kplr`tikns `rl iapolalntlh in ` h`t` strugturl oijl in st`gj,
oinjlh oist ltg. witb tbl blop kc kn-ekine `nia`tikn kn tbl g`nv`s. Xbis tkko wioo wkrj kn inputs
prkvihlh dy uslr `nh sbkwine typine lcclgt wbiol plrckraine `ny kplr`tikn.

0.4 Kdmlgtivl

Xblrl `rl a`ny `ppoig`tikns wbigb prkvihls siaio`r cungtikn`oitils dut kur a`in kdmlgtivl

0. Hlvlokpine ` uslr crilnhoy lnvirknalnt.

4. Xk a`jl ol`rnine kc skrtine `oekritbas `nh h`t` strugturl augb akrl l`sioy.
7. Xk prkvihl `nia`tikn spllh gkntrko ckr tbl uslr.
8. Xk prkvihl lxpo`n`tikn witb tbl blop kc knekine tlxt witb tbl blop kc typine lcclgt.
<. Xk prkvihl p`usl, po`y `nh stkp `nia`tikn cl`turl ckr tbl uslr.

0.7 Wgkpl

H`t` Wtrugturls `nh @oekritbas is ` cunh`alnt`o gkursl in Gkaputlr Wgilngl. Bkwlvlr, a`ny
stuhlnts cinh it hicciguot dlg`usl it rlquirls `dstr`gt tbinjine. It wkuoh dl vlry blopcuo ic tblrl
w`s ` visu`oiz`tikn tkko kc h`t` strugturls `nh skrtine `oekritba sugb `s `rr`ys, qululs, st`gjs,
trlls, er`pbs, duddol skrt, quigj skrt, slolgtikn skrt, alrel skrt `nh a`ny akrl ckr stuhlnts tk
a`nipuo`tl. Xbl tkko wkuoh `ookw stuhlnts tk sll bkw `n lolalnt is inslrtlh intk kr hloltlh
crka hicclrlnt h`t` strugturls, bkw ` skrtine `oekritba `gtu`ooy wkrjs ltg.

Akrlkvlr, tbis tkko wkuoh prkvihl ` siapol o`neu`el, dy wbigb stuhlnts g`n writl tblir kwn
`oekritbas sk tb`t tbl lxlgutikn kc tbl `oekritba is `nia`tlh. Xbis prkmlgt is intlnhlh tk grl`tl
`n lxpokr`tikn lnvirknalnt, in wbigb stuhlnts g`n ol`rn tbrkueb lxplrialnt`tikn. Xbis tkko
g`n dl uslh `s `n lcclgtivl suppolalnt tk tbl tr`hitikn`o go`ssrkka lhug`tikn `nh tlxtdkkj ckr
H`t` Wtrugturls `nh @oekritbas gkursls. 10/41
10/11/23, 6:22 PM Report | PDF

Xbis tkko wioo dl vlry blopcuo ckr tbksl wbk w`nt tk siauo`tl h`t` strugturl `nh skrtine
`oekritba `nh tblir kplr`tikns witb tbl dlnlcit kc h`t` cllhlh dy tbla. Xbis tkko wioo prkvihl
tbl ckookwine cungtikn`oitils=

0. Vrkvihls gkapoltl visu`oiz`tikn ckr tbl wihloy uslh h`t` strugturl `nh skrtine `oekritba
sugb `s ‗ st`gj, qulul, oinjlh oist, hkudoy oinjlh oist, quigj skrt, duddol skrt, inslrtikn
skrt, slolgtikn skrt, r`hix skrt ltg.
4. Vrkvihls tbl `nia`tikn kc gkaakn kplr`tikns `sskgi`tlh witb tbl h`t` strugturl `nh
skrtine `oekritba sugb `s inslrtine, sw`ppine, pkp, pusb, tr`vlrsine tkp tk dkttka ltg.
7. Vrkvihls `nia`tikn kc siapol uslr hlcinlh `oekritbas.
8. Vrkvihls lxpo`n`tikn ckr tbl knekine `nia`tikn witb `gtu`o typine lcclgt.
<. Vrkvihls p`usl, po`y `nh stkp cungtikn`oity ckr uslr gknvlnilngl.

0.8 Vo`tckra Wplgicig`tikn

0.8.0 Wkctw`rl
 Kplr`tine Wystla= Uinhkws (5 `nh `oo tbl `dkvl vlrsikns `v`io`dol), Hldi`n KW
(Oinux, GlntKW `nh ktblr).
 Gkhine O`neu`el= M`v`Wgript, Dkktstr`p, BXAO<, GWW, `nh MPulry.
 Xkko= Sisu`o Wtuhik Gkhl (0.74.7) dy Aigrkskct, Wudoial lhitkr.

0.8.4 B`rhw`rl
 Wystla= Intlo gkrl i7-8676\ GV\ F 0.96EBz.
 B`rh Hisj= 746ED.
 Aknitkr= 0< SE@ Gkokur.
 Akusl= Okeitlgb
 T@A= 8ED. 11/41
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Gb`ptlr 4
Xr`inine Hlsgriptikn 13/41
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Xr`inine Hlsgriptikn

Xbl tr`inine dle`n witb cirst ol`rnine `nh unhlrst`nhine `oo tbl h`t` strugturls `nh skrtine
`oekritbas oijl bkw tblsl `oekritbas `gtu`oy wkrjs `nh wb`t is tial gkapolxity kc tblsl

Xbl H`t` Wtugturl wbigb wlrl pigjlh kc tbis prkmlgt wlrl `s ckookws=

 Wt`gj= Wt`gjs `rl hyn`aig h`t` strugturls tb`t ckookw tbl O`st In Cirst Kut
(OICK) pringipol. Xbl o`st itla tk dl inslrtlh intk ` st`gj is tbl cirst knl tk dl hloltlh
crka it. Ckr lx`apol, yku b`vl ` st`gj kc tr`ys kn ` t`dol. Xbl tr`y `t tbl tkp kc tbl
st`gj is tbl cirst itla tk dl akvlh ic yku rlquirl ` tr`y crka tb`t st`gj.

Cie 4.0= Wt`gj Iooustr`tikn

 Pulul= @ Pulul is ` oinl`r strugturl wbigb ckookws ` p`rtiguo`r krhlr in wbigb tbl
kplr`tikns `rl plrckralh. Xbl krhlr is Cirst in Cirst kut (CICK).

Cie 4.4= Pulul Iooustr`tikn 14/41
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@ ekkh lx`apol kc ` qulul is `ny qulul kc gknsualrs ckr ` rlskurgl wblrl tbl
gknsualr tb`t g`al cirst is slrvlh cirst. Xbl hicclrlngl dltwlln st`gjs `nh qululs is in
rlakvine. In ` st`gj wl rlakvl tbl itla tbl akst rlglntoy `hhlh: in ` qulul, wl
rlakvl tbl itla tbl ol`st rlglntoy `hhlh.

 Oinjlh Oist= Oijl `rr`ys, Oinjlh Oist is ` oinl`r h`t` strugturl. \noijl `rr`ys, oinjlh oist
lolalnts `rl nkt stkrlh `t ` gkntieukus okg`tikn: tbl lolalnts `rl oinjlh usine pkintlrs.

Cie 4.7= Oinjlh Oist Iooustr`tikn

@nh a`ny akrl h`t` strugturl wlrl stuhilh. Nkw skal kc tbl skrtine `oekritba wbig wl
stuhilh wlrl=

 Puigj Wkrt= Puigj Wkrt is `osk d`slh kn tbl gknglpt kc Hivihl `nh Gknqulr, must oijl
alrel skrt. Dut in quigj skrt `oo tbl bl`vy oictine(a`mkr wkrj) is hknl
wbiol hivihine tbl `rr`y intk sud`rr`ys, wbiol in g`sl kc alrel skrt, `oo tbl rl`o wkrj
b`pplns hurine alreine tbl sud`rr`ys. Ckookwine `rl tbl stlps invkovlh in quigj skrt

0. @ctlr slolgtine `n lolalnt `s pivkt, wbigb is tbl o`st inhlx kc tbl `rr`y in kur g`sl, wl
hivihl tbl `rr`y ckr tbl cirst tial.
4. In quigj skrt, wl g`oo tbis p`rtitiknine. It is nkt siapol drl`jine hkwn kc `rr`y intk 4
sud`rr`ys, dut in g`sl kc p`rtitiknine, tbl `rr`y lolalnts `rl sk pksitiknlh tb`t `oo tbl
lolalnts sa`oolr tb`n tbl pivkt wioo dl kn tbl olct sihl kc tbl pivkt `nh `oo tbl lolalnts
erl`tlr tb`n tbl pivkt wioo dl kn tbl riebt sihl kc it.
7. @nh tbl pivkt lolalnt wioo dl `t its cin`o skrtlh pksitikn.
8. Xbl lolalnts tk tbl olct `nh riebt, a`y nkt dl skrtlh.
<. Xbln wl pigj sud`rr`ys, lolalnts kn tbl olct kc pivkt `nh lolalnts kn tbl riebt kc pivkt,
`nh wl plrckra p`rtitiknine kn tbla dy gbkksine ` pivkt in tbl sud`rr`ys. 16/41
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