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Code :03026

[Time: 𝟐𝟏𝟐 Hours] [ Marks:75]

Please check whether you have got the right question paper.
N.B: 1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Cite the relevant case laws where required.

Q.1 Answer in Short (not more than two sentences) :- Marks 10

A. Why 5th June is celebrated as Environment Day?
B. State the Constitutional Amendment indicated for environment protection.
C. What is ‘Taxidermy' and what is ‘Trophy' with reference to Wild Life Protection
Act, 1972.
D. What is Bio Medical Waste?
E. Who is an 'Occupier' under the Water Act, 1974?

Q.2 Write Short Notes. (Any Three) Marks 15

A. Agenda 21
B. Environment Impact Assessment
C. Taj Trapezium Case
D. The Doctrine of Public Trust
E. Offences by Company under the Air Act

Q.3 Situational Questions (Solve Any Two) Marks 20

A. A Chemical company in the village Angan has been discharging all the effluents into
the nearby irrigation canal. When the villagers complained to the pollution control
board, the Board ordered the company to immediately setup an effluent treatment
plant, failing which the industry would be closed down. The Chemical Company filed
a case in the court alleging that this order violates their right to freedom of trade
and occupation.
1. Explain the powers of the Board to give directions for restraining water
pollution under Water Act.
2. Whether the order of Pollution Control Board violates the rights of the
company? Justify your answer.

B. Devotional music is played using loudspeakers every day from 4am to 11 pm in a

temple. People living in the neighbourhood complain of noise pollution. The temple
management argues that playing devotional music is part of the freedom of religion
and hence cannot be curtailed.
1. Advise neighbourhoods.
2. Under the Noise Pollution Rules, what are the restriction on the use of

Q.P. Code :03026

C. A group of hunters entered into a sanctuary with a hope to enter illegally and
succeed in trapping a few wild animals for earning gain on sale of hunted animals.
They were carrying sharp weapons, match boxes, kerosene, etc.
1. What are the rules for authorised entry in sanctuary?
2. What action will be taken on the said group for carrying sharp weapons?

Q.4. Answer the following (Any Three) Marks 30

A. Highlights the contribution of Indian Judiciary in the development of Environmental
B. What are the salient features of the National Green Tribunal Act, 2010? Do you think
that this legislation is an improvement over the past existing legislations?
C. Give the classification of Costal Regulation Zone and which are the activities declared
as 'Prohibited' under the regulation.
D. Discuss the relevant provisions of the Environmental Protection Act, 1986 aimed at
protecting the environment and preventing environmental pollution.
E. What are the objectives and significant features of the Public Liability Insurance Act,

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