Listening 15.11

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Multiple Choice

I. One Answer
1. Tips
 Tip 1. Try to read the questions and answer choices before the recording starts. If you do
not have time to read everything, just read as many questions as you can.
 Tip 2. Underline the keywords in each question and answer chocices. When listening,
only look at the words you underlines and do not read everything again.
2. Practice
II. Multiple Answers
1. Tips
 Read the instructions carefully and check how many options you need to choose for
each question.
 Underline the keywords in each question and its optuons and try to to predict the type
of information you are going to hear.
 Be ready to give the answer to the first question as soon as the recording starts.
 Sometimes, the answer to the first question is given in the speaker's very first sentence.
 Answer the questions as you listen by circling the letters that represent the correct
 If you are not sure of any answer, make a good guess and move on to the next question.

2. Practice

Labeling A Map/ Diagram/ Process

I. Labeling a Map
1. Tips
 Immediately locate the starting point on the map as the flow of the recording also starts
from there. Also, familiarize yourself with the language showing special relationship and
directions, e.g. straight on/ through the far door, etc.
 Useful Language:
• at the top/at the bottom
• on the left/on the right/on the far side
• North/South/East/West
• to the north/to the west
• slightly west of
• in the southwest/in the northeast
• in the middle of/in the centre of
• above/below
• inside/outside
• opposite/in front of
• left hand side/right hand side
• clockwise/anticlockwise
• a little beyond / just past
• before you get to
• enter via
• runs alongside
2. Practice
II. Labeling a Process / Diagram
1. Tips
 Before starting to listen, carefully read the numbered items containing missing
information and predict the type of information or part off speech that is needed and
what the missing word or words could actually be.
 While you listen, complete the gaps by writing exactly what you hear from the recording.
The information provided on the recording usually comes in the same order as it is given
in the task.
2. Practice

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