The Role of Sales and Marketing Integration in Imp

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The role of sales and marketing integration in improving strategic

responsiveness to market change

Article in Journal of Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management · March 2011
DOI: 10.1057/dbm.2011.5


12 2,250

3 authors, including:

Beth Rogers Chris Sims

University of Portsmouth University of Portsmouth


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Original Article

The role of sales and marketing

integration in improving strategic
responsiveness to market change
Received (in revised form): 2nd December 2010

David Lyus
is a Marketing Sales Manager at GEW (EC) Limited. He has recently completed an MA in Sales Management at Portsmouth
Business School.

Beth Rogers
is Principal Lecturer in Sales Management at Portsmouth Business School and author of ‘Rethinking Sales Management’. She is a
member of the Academic Senate of the Chartered Institute of Marketing and an Advisory Member on the Board of the Global Sales
Science Institute.

Christopher Simms
is a Senior Lecturer in Marketing at Portsmouth Business School. He is currently completing a PhD focusing on the management of
new product development in the food industry.

ABSTRACT The salesforce can be both a rich source of market intelligence and a
key vehicle for implementing marketing strategy. Historically, in many organisations,
the sales function operated in tactical isolation from marketing strategy. Increasingly,
companies are exploring the advantages of integrating sales with marketing, an
approach which has been positively linked with improvements in business performance.
This study explores a specific aspect of the connection between sales and marketing
integration and better performance; specifically whether the integration of the sales
and marketing functions in business-to-business (B2B) organisations facilitates the
development and implementation of successful new strategies in response to market
change. Based on a pilot survey, a model is proposed, placing sales and marketing
integration, characterised by both interaction and collaboration between the two
functions, as an antecedent for excellence in gathering market intelligence, and then
using it to react strategically to changing market conditions and customer demands.
Journal of Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management (2011) 18, 39–49.

Keywords: sales management; change; marketing management; strategic responsiveness;

market change

Christopher Simms INTRODUCTION market turbulence are more likely to build
Portsmouth Business
School, Richmond Building,
Organisations are under pressure to adapt competitive advantage over rivals who do
Portland Street, Portsmouth, to changing external circumstances so that not.1 Macro-environmental forces, including
E-mail: chris.simms@
they can survive and thrive in the long new opportunities, threats from competitors term. Those responding effectively to and changing customer expectations, are all

© 2011 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1741-2439 Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management Vol. 18, 1, 39–49
Lyus et al

beyond the control of managers, who as a strategic responses, which the sales function
result need to adapt their organisations then needs to translate into action. The
quickly and smoothly to ensure continued impact of this action will in turn be
prosperity. While organisations are under observed by the salesforce, who close the
pressure to change, their salespeople are in feedback loop within the organisation by
turn under pressure to implement the reporting the impact of the new plan’s
necessary strategies in the marketplace to implementation. Over time, this cycle
ensure these changes happen. Whilst these drives organisational change (Figure 1).
might only be relatively small changes to The marketing function will not be
the marketing mix, they could also be more able to perform adequately unless it is
significant, such as entering a new market, sufficiently connected with what is
launching a new product or adopting a new happening in the marketplace. Homburg,
distribution channel. Such action might be Jensen and Krohmer 5 noted that marketing
required in response to external change, but departments sometimes have a low level of
may also be internally driven in order knowledge of the market and products, and
simply to improve effectiveness.1 Rackham that there is insufficient sharing of
and DeVincentis2 note that sales information between sales and marketing.
departments need to be adaptable and So, if sales and marketing do not integrate
change-ready so that they can respond to adequately, they (and therefore the
both organisational dynamics and market organisation as a whole) cannot observe and
dynamics. The sales function is a critical react to changes in the market. A high level
link between these two forces. of integration between marketing and sales
The salesforce is instrumental in both the could make the organisation very responsive
formation and implementation of strategic to market dynamics.
plans.3,4 Through their connection with The focus of this research lies where the
the market, they are most aware of new rubber appears to meet the road: at the
developments from competitors and interface between sales and marketing. This
changing customer needs. This information exploratory research investigates whether
can be accumulated and analysed by the increased sales and marketing integration
marketing function to develop appropriate results in organisations being better at



Figure 1: The role of the salesforce in organisational activity.

40 © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1741-2439 Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management Vol. 18, 1, 39–49
The role of sales and marketing integration

gathering market intelligence and reacting Poor communication can lead to

to this by developing and implementing negative perceptions of the change process,
appropriate new strategies. as discussed by Kotter and Schlesinger11,12
and Hultman.13 Introducing a change
LITERATURE REVIEW initiative results in consternation amongst
In their review of the literature on sales employees due it its possible impacts on
management and organisational change, procedures, resource allocation and future
Jones et al1 note that firms who respond exchanges.14 Communicating and justifying
effectively to market turbulence are more the change can be effective in increasing
likely to build competitive advantage over support for it.
rivals who do not. They identified a need Sales and marketing integration can
to understand the salesforce’s role in be defined as ‘the extent to which the
guiding organisational change efforts, and activities carried out by the two functions
in turn how sales departments themselves are supportive of each other’ and lead to
are adapting to environmental changes. the realisation of each others’ goals and
Market-driven influences have been objectives in a coordinated, synchronised
considered in other departments besides or thoughtfully sequenced manner.15 Kahn
sales,6 but attention to the sales function and Mentzer16 identified three definitions
and the important role that it plays both in of integration: interaction, where there is
informing and implementing marketing communication and information is
strategy is limited. Authors have identified exchanged between the two functions;
the sales function as a valuable source of collaboration, where resources are shared
market intelligence,3,7 but Le Bon and and cross-functional teams work towards
Merunka8 noted that few organisations shared goals, and; composite, which is a
fully leverage this potential. Salespeople hybrid of the two. Genuine integration of
that have built up good relationships with sales and marketing can be distinguished
their customers are in pole position to learn from simple coexistence and
about competitors’ products, pricing and communication.17
projects, as well as customers’ new projects, The integration of sales with marketing has
long-term behaviour and preferences.8 recently been the subject of academic interest
The salesforce is an important and calls for further research.18–21 There is
component of the change process as it now some convincing empirical evidence that
informs the organisation of external integrating sales and marketing positively
opportunities and threats. What appears affects business performance.22–24 Studies also
not to have been fully considered is the confirm the practitioners’ expectations that
efficacy of how this information is integrating sales and marketing is not a
disseminated to the organisation: difficulties straightforward thing for companies to
in mobilising the salesforce to engage in achieve. Kotler et al17 opine that the main
marketing intelligence,9 and adequately reasons why sales and marketing can’t just
communicating gathered information to ‘get along’ are economic and cultural. In
the organisation10 have long since been short, they argue that salespeople are doers
reported. The blame for this has largely and marketers are thinkers, and the two can
been attributed to the salesforce. The often misunderstand and under-value each
question of how well market intelligence others’ contributions. The dangers of failure
is received (or indeed solicited) by the to integrate include marketing being out of
organisation, as opposed only to how well touch with the market.5
it is transmitted by the salesforce, seems This raises the question of where sales
pertinent, yet overlooked. and marketing integration fits in with

© 2011 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1741-2439 Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management Vol. 18, 1, 39–49 41
Lyus et al

market-led organisational change. There To structure this project, two hypotheses

appears not to be any explicit link were formulated which could subsequently
previously made between integration of be tested. These were that:
these two functions and improved strategic
manoeuvrability in the face of market Hypothesis 1: The quality of actionable
turbulence. Jones et al1 discussed the role market intelligence gathered by the
of the salesforce in guiding organisational organisation will be higher if sales and
change efforts and adapting to marketing are more closely integrated.
environmental changes, and warned that
conflict between sales and marketing Hypothesis 2: Increased integration
could be a sign to managers that the between sales and marketing results
implementation of new strategies might fail. in organisations being more adaptable
This research aims to pull together these to market-driven change (i.e. their
previously unconnected elements of the effectiveness in reacting by formulating
literature by focusing on the concept of strategic responses will increase).
organisational propensity to change. It is
designed to explore whether improved The hypotheses were tested by examining
integration of the sales and marketing the effect of sales and marketing
functions enables organisations to be not integration (the independent variable) on
only more sensitive to changes in the two dependent variables: ‘market
market, but also better at implementing intelligence gathering’ and ‘strategic
appropriate strategic responses. reactivity’. A cross-sectional, correlational
study was chosen to gather the necessary
data to measure each of these variables
METHODOLOGY and test their effect on one another, with
The main aim of this pilot study was to the aim of quantifying the strength and
investigate whether sales and marketing direction of the relationship between
integration affects corporate performance them. Depending on the normality of
in the context of managing market-driven the data collected, either parametric or
organisational change. Two constructs non-parametric statistical analyses could
were formulated to measure this: the then be carried out to quantify the
quality of actionable market intelligence direction, strength and confidence limits
gathered by the organisation (following of these two relationships.
Guenzi and Troilo22), and the capacity The method was developed as a proxy
to implement appropriate strategic measure of organisations’ propensity to
responses. change. This worked by leveraging the
The sales and marketing integration experience of a number of respondents
construct needs to comprise interaction as from an executive background by asking
well as collaboration (Kahn and Mentzer16) them to provide their perspectives in the
in order for organisations to achieve a context of a change event that had
good score on both constructs: interaction occurred in their organisation. They were
will result in successful sharing of asked to relate this event to the market
information between the two functions, intelligence that may have driven it, and in
and therefore successful gathering of turn were asked about the integration of
market intelligence. But without adequate their sales and marketing departments. This
collaboration, this could not result in involved asking eight questions to measure
successful implementation of a strategic market intelligence gathering and eight
response to this intelligence. questions which measured strategic

42 © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1741-2439 Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management Vol. 18, 1, 39–49
The role of sales and marketing integration

reactivity. An additional question measured knowledge of the respondents,25 these

both, making a total of nine indicators for particularly focused identifying the job role
each construct. The questions captured data of the individuals. In addition, descriptive
on factors such as perceptions of quantity data were collected for each sample by
and usability of market intelligence asking the number of staff in the whole
provided by Sales, strategy-formulating organisation, and specifically how many in
ability, suitability of chosen responses, sales, and how many in marketing.
and finally satisfaction with strategy The response rate was very low, which
implementation speed, effectiveness and is common in research involving sales
sustainability. The questionnaire was then management topics,26 and online surveys.27
pilot tested on a group of industry peers This research was undertaken during a very
as part of the development process, before difficult period in the recent recession,
being administered. when decision-makers had little time to
By collecting multiple datasets, this spare. To counteract this, the researchers
method could describe and explain the also advertised for additional respondents
relationship between sales and marketing on ‘Linked In’ (an online industrial/business
integration with market intelligence networking website), and invited alumni of
gathering and strategic reactivity. A standard a sales management course. A personalised
set of questions was posed to multiple covering letter, containing the link to
respondents for gathering data on their own the survey, was emailed to each contact,
opinions and the attributes and behaviour which has been found to increase response
of their organisations. rates.28,29 Since these supplementary sources
added an element of convenience sampling,
SAMPLING FRAME AND a non-parametric analysis of the data was
SAMPLE SIZE undertaken. At least 30 responses were
The initial sampling frame was based on a needed to give an adequate degree of
purchased B2B database, as this would confidence in the strength of the
enable a large number of respondents to relationship,30 and 41 were gathered.
be contacted in a time-efficient way.
A filtered mailing list of 1483 email Survey design
addresses for contacts classed as ‘Senior No pre-existing scales to measure market
Decision Makers’ from medium-sized intelligence gathering and strategic reactivity
UK-based B2B manufacturing companies were found, so they were developed using
was therefore purchased for the sampling the nine indicators discussed above.
frame. The identification and selection of Another scale measured the sales and
respondents through the chosen sampling marketing integration construct and was
frame aimed to ensure they would fit the adapted from a questionnaire devised by
desired profile: senior personnel with a Kotler et al.17 On each scale, questions
suitable background to ensure that they were answered by marking a 5-point Likert
would be able to answer the questions with scale ranging from Strongly Agree to
both accuracy and objectivity. Respondents Strongly Disagree. The reliability of these
therefore included Managing Directors, scales was tested before analysing the results
Chief Executives and managers or directors to ensure that they were internally
in charge of both Sales and Marketing. To consistent and that each question on the
further ensure the selection of respondents scale was in fact measuring the same
with the appropriate background in sales or construct.
marketing, and the appropriate senior level, The survey was pretested, and reviewed
filtering questions were used to qualify the by a number of individuals within the

© 2011 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1741-2439 Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management Vol. 18, 1, 39–49 43
Lyus et al

researchers’ networks, individuals selected marketing integration and market

either fit the same criteria required for the intelligence gathering. This was confirmed
main sample, or were specialists in the when calculating Pearson’s correlation (r)
field.31 and the coefficient of determination (r2) for
The survey was read by 119 people both relationships.
and a total of 41 responses was obtained, For sales and marketing integration and
equating to a completion rate of 34.5 market intelligence gathering:
per cent. The survey had been successful
in sampling respondents of the desired r (41) = 0.822; P < 0.01.
professional background: of the 90 per cent Effect size r 2 = 0.66
of respondents who gave their job title,
over 43 per cent were either top-level For sales and marketing integration and
executives or else in charge of both sales strategic reactivity:
and marketing. The remainder were in
charge of either sales or marketing. r (41) = 0.727; P < 0.01.
The results were checked and processed
Effect size r 2 = 0.53
using PASW Statistics 18 software. The
data were tested for normality and
considered fit for parametric analysis of According to Cohen,32 the r and r 2
the variables. This correlated the variables values for both relationships indicated that
of sales and marketing integration and the association between the variables was
market intelligence gathering, and sales large. For market intelligence gathering,
and marketing integration and strategic 66 per cent of the variance in scores is
reactivity, quantifying the strength and accounted for by regression upon sales and
direction of the two relationships. marketing integration, and for strategic
reactivity, 53 per cent is accounted for by
RESULTS the same. For both correlations, SPSS
The relationships between sales and calculated statistical significance to the level
marketing integration and market of 0.01, which equates to a 99 per cent
intelligence gathering, and sales and confidence level. A tabulated summary
marketing integration and strategic of the results generated in SPSS is shown
reactivity, were investigated using Pearson’s in Table 1.
product-moment correlation coefficient. The Pearson’s Correlation Coefficients
Before performing this calculation, scatter were verified by Spearman’s Rho test, a
plots were drawn (see Figure 2) and the non-parametric technique for correlating
correlations were first visually inspected to datasets that do not have a normal
ensure that there was no violation of the distribution.
assumptions of linearity and For sales and marketing integration and
homoscedasiticity, which are necessary market intelligence gathering:
conditions for parametric analysis. Due to
the limitations of the sample, which was r(41) = 0.846; P < 0.01
not random, it was decided to run the For sales and marketing integration and
parametric analysis anyway, and validate strategic reactivity:
it by checking the results against a
non-parametric correlational analysis. r(41) = 0.732; P < 0.01
Both scatter plots visually indicated a
positive correlation, with a stronger These values support the Pearson’s
relationship seen between sales and Correlation Coefficient results. Further

44 © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1741-2439 Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management Vol. 18, 1, 39–49
The role of sales and marketing integration

Figure 2: Scatter plots of Sales and Marketing Integration against Market Intelligence Gathering and Strategic

Table 1: Table of inter-variable correlations

Market intelligence Strategic reactivity S&M integration
gathering score score score

Pearson Correlation 1 0.858** 0.822**

Sig. (2-tailed) — 0.000 0.000
N 41 41 41

Pearson Correlation 0.858** 1 0.727

Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 — 0.000
N 41 41 41

Pearson Correlation 0.822** 0.727** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 0.000 —
N 41 41 41

**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

© 2011 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1741-2439 Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management Vol. 18, 1, 39–49 45
Lyus et al

Figure 3: Bar graphs of variance in Market Intelligence Gathering, Strategic Reactivity and Sales & Marketing
Integration according to size of organisation.

support of these results is shown graphically formulating and implementing effective

in Figure 3, where it can be seen that strategic responses compared with those
scores on all three variables decrease as that do not.
organisation size increases, indicating that
there is a close association between them. The findings also support the indications
from the literature that communication
DISCUSSION AND is a component of interdepartmental
CONCLUSIONS interaction,16,22,24 as 66 per cent of the
These exploratory findings suggest that the variance in ‘market intelligence gathering’ is
hypotheses of this research are worthy of explained by ‘sales and marketing
further investigation: integration’.
Interaction and collaboration are both
1. Organisations that have highly integrated components of interdepartmental
Sales and Marketing departments are able integration,16 and there are questions that
to gather better quality market intelligence measure for both of these constructs on the
than those who do not. scale for ‘strategic reactivity’. Because high
2. Organisations with highly integrated scores on these questions contribute towards
Sales and Marketing departments will be a high score for strategic reactivity, this
better at reacting to market dynamics by suggests interaction and collaboration are

46 © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1741-2439 Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management Vol. 18, 1, 39–49
The role of sales and marketing integration

Interaction Gathering
and Marketing
to Change
Collaboration Strategic

Figure 4: Diagram illustrating the relationship between the interaction and collaboration components of Sales
and Marketing Integration, and the Market Intelligence Gathering and Strategic Reactivity components of
organisational Propensity to Change.

necessary conditions for effective strategic people involved and they would typically
response to market dynamics, but neither work in closer physical proximity to each
alone are sufficient conditions. This concept other. Having fewer people involved in
is summarised graphically in Figure 4. the decision-making and implementation
An organisation’s propensity to change processes would also increase reactivity in
effectively in response to market dynamics terms of strategy implementation, as inertia
is affected by the combination of its ability is reduced. Nevertheless, since this research
to gather market intelligence and react to was exploratory, we can only conclude
this by formulating and implementing that the hypothesis that larger organisations
appropriate strategies. Optimal market have a lower propensity to change in
intelligence gathering is dependent on response to market dynamics than smaller
interaction between sales and marketing, ones deserves further investigation.
whilst optimal strategic reactivity requires Since propensity to change in response
both interaction and collaboration. These to market dynamics is an aspect of superior
two components form the construct of company performance, these exploratory
sales and marketing integration, hence the findings are consistent with Le Meunier-
finding that sales and marketing integration FitzHugh and Piercy24 and add some
contributes towards successful weight to Jones et al’s1 call for further
implementation of strategic changes in research in the role of sales in company’s
response to market dynamics. strategic responsiveness. We infer that better
It is interesting to note that smaller integration between sales and marketing
organisations exhibit a higher degree of will make the process of change
sales and marketing integration, market implementation easier.
intelligence gathering and strategic reactivity
than large ones (see Figure 4), supporting MANAGERIAL IMPLICATIONS
the view of Kotler et al17 that integration It is often said that the pace of change
between sales and marketing becomes an in markets is accelerating, and that it
issue as companies grow. It has long been is only the companies that keep close to
known that larger organisations have a their markets in order to anticipate and
higher degree of inertia than smaller ones respond to change who will survive in
when it comes to change implementation.33 the long-run. Many companies invest in
In smaller organisations interaction would market research as a key input their
be easier and simpler as there are fewer customer relationship management systems.

© 2011 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1741-2439 Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management Vol. 18, 1, 39–49 47
Lyus et al

In business-to-business sectors, categorised change implementation. Buchanan et al’s35

by more complex organisational customers managerial, cultural and political factors
and often by complex solutions, the have been linked with interdepartmental
relationship between salespeople at the relationships: the strength of these has been
customer interface and marketing colleagues proved to have a positive effect on
creating a brand positioning for a company organisational propensity to change, but it
should intuitively be close. The management must also be understood to what extent
effort to facilitate integration between this affects the sustainability of change
sales and marketing should not be post-implementation.
under-estimated. There are historical
precedents for sales and marketing
departments in conflict, and it is the REFERENCES
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