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Apply to Become a Member of BreakDiving.

We are a supportive worldwide community of winners seeking success, happiness, and friendship.

Our worldwide members include coders, writers, linguaphiles, performers, investors, entrepreneurs, travelers, parents, and more...)

What is the Break Diving Philosophy?

Break Diving is the lost art of finding and creating opportunity.

Please watch these two videos to learn more. Those who do are more likely to be accepted. The information in these videos is integrated into the application
questions. You will have to watch them to properly apply.

Break Diving: Mission Central So What Is

We are glad you are still reading. This application will probably take you about between 10 - 20 minutes to complete. In other words, you can't just join. Break
Diving is unlike any other online community you have ever experienced. The number one reason people are rejected is because they do not take the application
process seriously.

Break Divers don't just look for the easy instant solutions in life--they look for the correct and accurate solutions that have lasting life impact. These are the
type of people we want in our community.

We hope you are part of the rare 20% who recognize how incredible our community is. Spending 10 - 20 minutes to accurately prepare and submit this application
could very well change your life forever. We hope you will become the newest proud member of our community.

Whoah, an application and instructions just to join a social media site? Yes! Because we are not 'just' a social media site, and we don't just accept anyone. Why?
We care about our members, and only want to introduce new people who are going to fit in, enjoy the experience, and make the place better!

We are not trying to exclude anyone. Rather, our application process helps you understand what Break Diving is all about so that you can be a positive contributing
member from day one.

If you are still interested, the application itself is at the bottom of this page. You will not be able to complete the application without first understanding what
Break Diving is, why we are different, how the community works, and what is expected of you. Therefore, read and watch everything on this page, and be sure to
visit,, and to become familiar with the content of each of those websites!

How and Why Are We Different?

While you can read much more detail via the dropdown menus here on the navbar, in a nutshell, unlike other social media,

focuses first and foremost on the welfare of its users

is based on positive psychology and cognitive behavioral therapy
uses a “by-application-only” model to curate positivity through select recruitment of its membership
expects its members to live by a uniquely positive and motivational philosophy, creed, and code
has no advertising whatsoever and promises to never sell member data
is a not-for-profit

We are a uniquely supportive community with people from all over the world. Our members are ambitious, motivated, friendly, helpful, and generous in their desire
to help others also succeed. Need help

We are coders, writers, linguaphiles, performers, investors, entrepreneurs, travelers, parents, and more.

Most importantly, we are all friends with one another, and we support each another through thick and thin. We do all we can to pursue and get certified in hundreds
of 'dives' on our journeys toward greater success, happiness, and friendship.

Who Are We Looking For?

We are looking for members who love to learn from others, and share with others too.

We are looking for members who ambitiously strive to improve their lives, even when life gets tough and difficult.

We are looking for members who eagerly want to help one another.

We are looking for members who (for example) want to practice foreign languages, improve coding skills, travel the world, improve their careers, make more money,
develop greater self-esteem, and/or "simply" pursue their dreams to successful completion.

We are looking for members who do not need constant reminders to return to the community and make contributions.

We are, we hope, looking for someone like you.

What is The Break Diver's Creed?

Break Divers don't wait for opportunities to float to the surface. We dive in to the cold and icy shark-infested waters of resistance and make our own breaks. We
are Break Divers... and we will find a way.

We expect our members to be living embodiments of the Break Diver's Creed:




What is The Diver's Code?

Our members also are expected to proudly represent each of the following tenets of the Diver's Code:

The Diver's Code

As a worldwide member of Break Diving, I agree that:

1. I AM A BREAK DIVER: I pursue my dreams with an unmitigated passion, and choose to live by the Break Diver's Creed: No Rules. No Excuses. No Regrets. I
am a Break Diver, and I will find a way.

2. I AM NOT LAZY: I recognize that I am far more capable (mentally and physically) than I give myself credit for. Each week, I strive to accomplish more than
the week prior, and each year, more than the year before. I will not waste my time watching hours of tv, playing hours of video games, spending wasteful
hours on pointless social media, or just procrastinating. I get things done.

3. I NEVER GIVE UP: I never give up until I have exhausted every avenue of pursuit, or genuinely decide I no longer want to pursue something. I never use
excuses or blame others for why I don't accomplish things.

4. I ALWAYS SAY PLEASE AND THANK YOU: I always try to remember to say PLEASE and THANK YOU to show respect and appreciation to those who have
tried to help me along the way.

5. I TRY NOT TO GET OFFENDED: I try not to let the opinions of others determine my future. Nor do I get bogged down with unreasonable political
correctness just to try to please everyone. Nor do I get easily offended by petty issues that ultimately only serve to distract me from my dreams.
6. I DO NOT LIE, CHEAT, STEAL, OR PLAGIARIZE: I recognize that I am fully capable of being honest, doing my own work, and earning things through
honest efforts. When situations specifically dictate the definitions of 'lie', 'cheat', 'steal', and 'plagiarize', I will abide by those definitions. When in any
doubt, I will ask myself what other honest, reasonable, and capable people like myself would do in that particular situation. If I must choose between
cheating (leading to success), or being honest (leading to failure), I will fail with pride every time, and then try again.

7. I ALWAYS TRY TO HELP: At every level of my success, I try to help others on their drive towards their success. I always try to reach out my hand to help
those who are still struggling. Every day, I strive to be the pick-me-up and smile to someone in need.

8. I BRAG TASTEFULLY: I can and should be proud of my accomplishments, but Break Divers try to brag without discouraging and insulting others. In other
words, I share my accomplishments only under three conditions: as a means to share the joy, as a means of inspiring others to follow in my footsteps, and as
a means to encourage those who are thinking of quitting.

9. I KEEP MY EGO IN CHECK: I try to never treat people differently because they have money or... don't have money. Therefore, I will strive to never let money
or lack thereof change who I am. No matter how wealthy and successful I become (or how much I struggle), I will not become self-obsessed and self-
important. In the end, I am still just a mortal human, and... so is everyone else.

10. I ASK FOR HELP: I recognize that I am going to have sad days, and on those days, I will strive to never allow my ego to prevent me from sharing how I'm
feeling or asking for help. Sharing the struggle results in well-needed pick me ups from others.

11. I BROADEN MY HORIZONS: I recognize that the more I learn about other languages, cultures, and histories, through reading, education, interaction, and
travel, the better I will understand the world, and the better person I can become.

12. I JUST SEE WINNERS: I don't see age, race, sex, nationality, or any other 'excuse'. I just see Break Divers. Lots of them. With no limitations. All pushing
forward against impossible odds in pursuit of wonderful dreams.

What are our Member Expectations?

In our online community, we expect our members to adhere to the following reasonable and community-focused expectations:

Member Expectations
As a worldwide member of Break Diving, I agree to:

1. HELP OTHERS: Break Divers join our community first and foremost because we not only want to help others, we actually thrive on doing so. Everything you
do as a Break Diver (in pursuit of our dreams) should first be prefaced by how we are going to help others in the process. At Break Diving, it is never 'all
about me'. Therefore, if you have no true interest in helping others, you won't fit in here. Our community thrives on people helping one another, and we keep
track of how often you choose to help others. If you're just "in it for me", trust us, you won't like it here. However, if you love inspiring others and want
to help others around the world struggling with life challenges in the pursuit of their dreams, you're gonna love it here.

2. BE NICE TO OTHERS: We Break Divers all like one another. We are a global community, but a global community of friends whom we all respect. We all like
our fellow members, and we love supporting one another. If you find it difficult to be nice to others, and often find yourself insulting people, belittling
dreams, making fun of others, or getting into antagonistic arguments, you won't fit in here. However, if you are a genuinely nice person, with honorable
motives, you're gonna love it here.

3. PURSUE MY DREAMS: Although your primary mission here as a Break Diver is to help others, if you don't actively pursue your own dreams through our dive
program, you're not going to be much of an inspiration to others. Break Divers live by the Break Diver's Creed: No Rules, No Excuses, No Regrets. In other
words, if you are lazy, and do not take regular steps to achieve your dreams, you won't fit in here. However, if you look forward to really kicking butt in life,
you're going to love it here.

4. PARTICIPATE IN COMMUNITY: Break Diving is all about participation and sharing. If you don't like participating in online communities and events, and
don't want to meet people in real life pursuing your same dreams, you won't fit in here. However, if you look forward to becoming a truly active member of
our community, you're going to love it here.
5. AVOID USING THIS AS A DATING SITE: We don't want members feeling accosted by strangers via random romantic private messages. If you are joining
just to "meet men" or "meet women", you won't fit in here. Sure, perhaps one of your dives will be to get married, or find a significant other, and sure,
maybe you do make a romantic connection with someone else, but you cannot initiate conversations with people using romantic overtones. However, if you
look forward to making genuine friends from around the world, and potentially having one of them naturally develop over time into something greater
through normal participation in our community, you're going to love it here.

6. AVOID LYING OR MISREPRESENTATION: Our community thrives on the accuracy of member profiles and accomplishments. You should use a real name in
the community. You are also encouraged to display a clear head/shoulders profile photo, or at least a head/shoulders/legs profile photo of yourself. If you
wish to certify a dive, then you must use your real name and have a real photo of yourself prior to (and after) certification. We only certify members who are
upfront and honest about who they are. Therefore, if you are the type of person who lies on profiles, likes to pretend you are a different person or that you
live in a different city or country, brag about accomplishments that never happened, or embellish stories of what happened on vacation, you won't fit in
here. However, if you look forward to being forthright and honest with our members, you're going to love it here.

7. AVOID ALL BLATANT ADVERTISING: Break Diving is not a platform to blatantly and overtly advertise your social media, products, services, or projects.
While we do want to help you succeed, we do not allow posts, comments, private message, or chat messages with the sole purpose of gaining subscribers,
likes, comments, shares, etc. While all members want to support one another, no one wants to be pitched to here on Break Diving, and such advertising
diminishes the member experience. While you can post about your social media, your dives, your projects, companies, projects, etc., please make sure that
the message first helps our members in a tangible way. For example, this is acceptable: a post about how proud you are of your new dance video on Youtube,
telling us what the video is about and how it will make us feel, and then providing the link, and asking us to check it out. That type of message is
encouraged. But do not just post a link asking us to subscribe, like, comment, etc. Do not include a subject that says, "Subscribe and Like my Video!"
That's not helping others---that is only thinking of yourself. As another example, do not post with a subject like, "Please donate money!"---does that
help members? Not really. Instead, how about, "I just created a new fundraiser!" or "My mission to save the whales!", and in the body, share what you are
doing, and at the bottom, put, "For more info, or if you'd like to help, here is the link". That's a lot less 'sales-y' than, "Please donate!" Bottom line, if
you are someone who only uses social media to promote yourself and your business, you won't fit in here. However, if you are ready to help others first,
you're going to love it here.

8. ENGAGE IN POLITE POLITICS: Our members are here to get away from all the anger, vitriol, and heated arguments of the world. Before you respond,
remember that we are not here for arguments. Your goal should always be to enlighten others, to engage in calm civil discourse, and to try to understand the
other person's point of view--even if that view is completely opposite of yours. Here at Break Diving, we do allow political discussion, but completely
unlike the way it happens on other social media sites. Here, you must control your anger. Here you must engage in civil discourse. Here, you may not post and
respond with awkward political agendas, seething anger, and/or crude insults (even towards politicians you dislike). Philosophical discussions about
political topics are fine. However, if you are incapable of controlling your emotions, repeatedly respond with knee-jerk angry reactions, and add fuel to the
fire instead of putting fires out, you won't fit in here. However, if you are ready to engage in polite discussion with others of differing views without name
calling, anger, or emotion, you're going to love it here.

9. SHARE EVIDENCE AND OPPOSING PERSPECTIVES: When discussing controversial political, scientific, historical, and religious subjects, always remember
that is a place for uplifting, intellectual, intelligent, and collegiate-level debate and discussion that brings our mutual understandings closer
together. It is neither to be used as a political soapbox nor as a platform for one-sided political diatribes. Therefore:
When you write about controversial topics, you must explain precisely how your opinion was formed using specific concrete examples, and you must
share the other side’s argument and perspective too as a running thread through your post
You must back up your opinions with rational argument and justification, and this must be in the form of your own writing (not merely a link to
some other article on the web)
You may not make bald accusations without sharing direct objective evidence of your own writing in your post to support your argument, and you
must also share an objective perspective from the other side to provide a contrasting view

The above applies to the entire Break Diving site, including posts, comments, chatrooms, profiles, success journals, to do lists, video chats, and any other
new features added in the future. Some examples of such controversional subjects include (but are not limited to): Donald Trump; Mohatma Ghandi; Black
Lives Matter; Antifa; the Big Bang; the God vs Atheism debate; Christopher Columbus; global warming; climate change; abortion; gun rights; minimum
wage laws; economics in general; sexuality; socialism; capitalism; communism; vaccines; drug laws; drug use; immigration; race or racism; "cross border"
conflicts like Israel-Palestine, China-India, & China-Taiwan; various national and international laws; etc. When in doubt, assume the topic is controversial,
and that both this 'share evidence and oppositing perspectives' policy applies, as well as the 'engage in polite politics' policy too. If you have a one-sided
agenda, and are more interested in dictating rather than engaging, you won't fit in here. However, if you enjoy helping people to better understand both
sides of the matter, you're going to love it here.

10. AVOID SEXUALITY: Due to the family nature of our community, we ask that our members do not talk or post about sex or anything sexual. No poems,
songs, posts, comments, etc. mentioning sexuality are permitted. Therefore, please do not post publicly anything about sex or sexuality (even if it's
something you wrote), and please also do not post anything that revolves too strongly around the promotion or celebration of sexuality of any type.
Exception: if you are discussing something in the news related to sex, or if you are talking about rape of you or someone else (in a non graphic manner), that
is permitted. Philosophical discussions about the topics above are also allowed. Finally, if you have a psychological or emotional issue revolving around
sexual issues, and want to talk with someone with no judgement or criticism, please reach out to a staff member privately. We will listen and support you as
best we can. Bottom line, if you are someone who shares and discusses inappropriate topics/writing of a sexual nature, you won't fit in here. However, if you
are happy to keep sex and sexuality out of (most) of the discussions, you're going to love it here.

11. AVOID FOUL LANGUAGE, SLURS, AND OFF-COLOR JOKES: Since we are an all-inclusive family environment (more or less), please do not casually use any
foul language, any types of slurs, or any jokes that may be deemed offensive, rude, or glorifying violence by a reasonable person. If you are sharing writing or
quoting someone else, please self-edit the end of foul words with asterisks (**) or by completely removing the word, for example: Get Off Your A** (name
of a music album); He called me a [racial slur] (excerpt from a book); etc. Exception: if you are studying a foreign language, and wish to know how to say
certain bad words/slurs in that language (so that you will know it when you hear it), that is acceptable, but do not ever use those words in a post title, or
in general conversation with others here in the community, either publicly or via private message. If you are someone who refuses to tame his tongue, you
won't fit in here. However, if you are ready to be a part of a family fresh environment, you're going to love it here.

12. AVOID SHARING OF PRIVATE INFORMATION: Our members often share private information within the community that is not intended for public
dissemination. We are a close-knit community of friends and we expect our members to never share publicly outside the community any information about a
member that is learned from this site without that person's written permission. If you are someone who enjoys embarrassing others publicly, you won't fit
in here. However, if you are ready to make each member feel like Break Diving is a safe place to share personal information, you're going to love it here.

13. USE PROPER TAGS: Our members often use tags to find posts of interest. If members do not choose appropriate tags for posts, or worse, randomly choose
tags for posts, it confuses members, and ultimately, diminishes the purpose of tags. If you are someone who does not take the time to learn our tag system
and choose appropriate tags you won't fit in here. However, if you are ready to make each post with specificity so you and others can easily find those
posts later, you're going to love it here.

What Must You Do During the First 7 days?

Upon acceptance, during those first 7 days, you must:

1. Complete your profile in the community (you will do this when setting up your account).

2. Post your introduction ON THE MAIN MESSAGE BOARD (not the chatrooms) and be sure to come back later to start reading and replying to the responses.

3. Read other member posts and reply (this is super important) and join a few chatrooms and say hello.

4. Choose and write about your first dive in pursuit (Click on 'Dives' in the navbar for more info).

5. Find your first dive in which to be certified (reach out to staff if you have trouble).

6. Earn at least 15 points total.

Those who meet these simple requirements (and remain an active member and become certified as a Level 1 member) will open up a world of possibility, friendship,
comraderie, inspiration, and support. We very much hope you will join us and become... a Break Diver!

Ready to Complete the Application?


NOTE: Be sure to toggle back to this page in order to properly answer the questions.

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