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Proposal on Basic Network Training

BY: -
Owner of the Proposal _______________________ Sign________ Date ________

Name of confirm Proposal ______________________Sign_______ Date _________

Name of confirm Budget _______________________ Sign________ Date _________


1. Introduction
Computer Network training classes typically teach participants basic skills in computer network
usage, often required in today’s workplace and social exchanges. Learning objectives for these
classes state the desired outcomes, such as improved confidence in technology use and increased
awareness of opportunities afforded to individuals with computer network application skills.

Computer Network training also prepares participants to use different types of technology in
everyday settings. This may include sharing file, sharing computer resource, managing updates
and performing backups on desktop computers, laptops or tablets. Training can prepare the
trainees to use a computer network both on the job and in your personal life.

Computer Network training usually prepares participants to connect with friends and family on
social media and to use a computer to access the Internet to send and retrieve email, search for
information and use online resources.

2.Contents of the Training

1. Basic ComputerNetwork

 History of the ComputerNetwork

 What does computerNetworkdo

 Types of computerNetwork

 Application of computerNetwork

2. Components of ComputerNetwork
 Introduction to network components
3. Crimping and creating computer network
 Computer Network requirement
4. Use and access Internet
 Definition of Internet
 Create and manage Email account

2. Objectives of the Training

2.1. General Objective

The overall objective of this training program is to acquit participants with basic computer
Networks knowledge & skills on computer Network.

2.2. Specific Objective

 Describe why computer Networks are important

 Describe the function and operation of Computer Networks
 Describe the types of Computer network connectivity device
 Describe the function and operation of Network connectivity device.
 Identify the Network Layout (Structure)
 Identify the possible media types for network connections
 How we crimp Computer Network cable.
 How we createComputer Network.
 Enables participants to master basic skills on which to build future Computer Network
knowledge and expertise.
 Enable customers how to adeptly use Computer Network(Internet).
 Enable users on how to operate Computer Network.
 How to manage Computer NetworkResource.

3. Trainers & Participants of the Training

Considering the variety of the contents of the courses & the practical activities sessions involved
in the training, two trainer &one facilitators will be assigned. Furthermore, a total of 30
participants are expected to involve in this training.

4. Duration
This training is designed to take 20 hours.And it will be at the afternoon.


1. Introduction to network 4hrs 2 days
2. Components of computer network 4 hrs 2 days
3. Computer network connectivity device 4hrs 2days
4. Crimping and creating computer network 6hrs 3 days
5. Use and access internet 2 hrs 1 day

Total 20hrs 10 days

5. Training Methodology
The training will be provided by dean, vice dean, trainers & facilitators of Gofa TVET College.
Competent trainers & facilitators will be assigned from the pool of trainers of the college.
Considering the objective of the training, an interactive training methodology is designed

 Demonstration
 Computer lab practical

6. Training Materials Required

The college will accept to provide LCD and trainers & facilitators also will prepare power point
presentation, small notes & other training aids.

7. Budget of the Training

A total of ETB 33,000.00(thirty three thousand) will be required for the implementation of the
training. The details of the budget plan is presented in the table below.

Unit Total
No. Description (Cost Items) Measurement No. of participants Days price Price

1 Allowance for training officer Per person 3 10 100 3,000

2 Allowance for trainees Per person 30 10 100 30,000

Total Budget 33 10 33,000

8. Budget Source
The above mentioned budget required for the training ETB 33,000.00(thirty three thousand)will
be planned to be covered by Gofa Industrial College.

9. Training Schedule
The tentatively schedule planned for the training will be Monday (01/09/2014 E.C) afternoon
8:00 – 10:00 LT.

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