The Impact of Rules and Regulations

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“The impact of rules and regulations in promoting good behavior to the grade 11 students of

Background of the study
Student behavior management is one of the contemporary issues frequently being faced
by the school community. Behavior problems such as bullying, violence in school and other
major and minor misconduct issues lead to a poor environment for the school community and a
sense of fear and frustration in the school culture. According to Odoyo (2016). Education is a

lifelong process that begins at home and continues as a formal and informal training. How a

person learns and his or her success in learning the lessons of life are contingent upon earlier

lessons. Attitude affects perceptions and development through the learning process and is

ultimately manifested in behavior.

School leaders play a crucial role in effectively managing student behavior by developing

and implementing policies, procedures, rules, and regulations. They are responsible for creating a

safe, collegial, and caring environment within the school. This study aims to examine the

perspectives and views of both teachers and students regarding the role of head teachers in

student behavior management. By exploring these perspectives, valuable insights can be gained

on how school leaders can effectively fulfill their responsibilities and contribute to a positive

school climate that promotes good behavior and academic success. By considering the

perspectives of both teachers and students, the study aims to provide a comprehensive

understanding of the factors that influence student behavior management and the role of school

leaders in facilitating a conducive learning environment. School leaders play the important role

of formulating and implementing policies, procedures and strategies for managing the students

Kinsler (2003).
The goal of the K - 12 Basic Education Program is to create a functional basic education

system that will produce productive and responsible citizens equipped with the essential

International Conference on Education (IECO) 483 competencies and skills for both life–long

learning and employment. This program will enhance the basic education system to full

functionality to fulfil the basic learning needs of students. This is in line with the agenda of the

President Aquino of having quality education as a long term solution to poverty, in order to

achieve these goals (DepEd, 2013).

This study aims to explore the perceptions and understanding of teachers, students, and

the community regarding the implementation of rules and regulations in promoting good

behavior among Grade 11 students at the Department of Illana Bay Integrated Computer College,

Inc. (IBICCI) Basic Education Department. The research investigates the diverse perspectives of

informants, encompassing both positive and negative reactions to the program. By examining the

impact of rules and regulations on student behavior, this study seeks to contribute to the

progressive development of IBICCI-BED and advocate the primary objectives of the program

not only within the institution but also throughout the country. It is crucial to assess the

effectiveness of the rules and regulations in fostering positive behavior among Grade 11

students, as the K-12 curriculum is a new educational framework implemented by the former

President of the Republic of the Philippines, Noynoy Aquino.


Importance of Promoting Good Behavior in Grade 11 Students

The transition from high school to Grade 11 is a critical time in a student’s life. It is a

period characterized by significant developmental changes, both physically and psychologically.

During this stage, students are faced with new challenges such as increased academic workload,

peer pressure, and their self-identity. According to a longitudinal study by Mistry et al. (2009),

many students experience behavioral changes during their high school years, and the most

significant changes occur in Grade 11 and 12. The pressure to fit in and perform well

academically can lead to negative behaviors such as substance abuse, aggression, and defiance.

Studies have shown that good behavior is linked to academic success (Shiv et al., 2018). Grade

11 is a critical time in a student’s academic journey as it determines their eligibility for higher

education and future career success. Therefore, promoting good behavior can positively impact

students’ academic performance. When students exhibit good behavior, they are less likely to be

distracted in class, resulting in improved concentration and better learning outcomes (Mistry et

al., 2009). As a result, good behavior can lead to higher grades and higher chances of getting into

preferred colleges or universities. Good behavior is also essential for the social and emotional

well-being of Grade 11 students. During this stage, students are faced with many challenges that

can affect their mental health. By promoting good behavior, students learn to manage their

emotions, develop empathy, and form healthy relationships (Sohn & Wang, 2020). This, in turn,

leads to better overall mental health and reduced chances of developing mental health issues such

as anxiety and depression. Promoting good behavior in Grade 11 students can also have long-

term effects. Studies have shown that individuals who develop good behavior during their high

school years are more likely to lead successful and fulfilling lives (Arora & Roberts, 2017).
Good behavior instills discipline, responsibility, and respect in students, translating into

successful personal and professional lives in the future. Strategies for promoting good behavior

in Grade 11 students. Studies have identified some effective strategies for promoting good

behavior in Grade 11 students. These strategies include positive reinforcement, modeling, and

inclusive school environments (Karadag & Yilmaz, 2012). Positive reinforcement involves

rewarding students for exhibiting good behavior, such as acknowledging and praising their

efforts (Karadag & Yilmaz, 2012). This method is effective as it motivates students to continue

displaying positive behaviors. Modeling involves adults in the school setting, such as teachers

and parents, modeling good behavior to students. Research has shown that students are more

likely to emulate positive behaviors if they are consistently observed in adults (Shiv et al., 2018).

Inclusive school environments, where all students feel safe and accepted, play a crucial role in

promoting good behavior (Sohn & Wang, 2020). This is achieved by creating a supportive and

nurturing school community, where all students’ individual differences and needs are addressed.

Importance of School Rules and Regulations in Shaping Behavior

Based on the study of Hasanyan (2010), who investigated the effects of school rules and

regulations on student discipline. The results of their study showed that strict implementation of

rules and regulations resulted in a more disciplined student body. This is because students who

are aware of the consequences of their actions are less likely to engage in disruptive behavior.

Coyne (2011) examined the role of school rules and regulations in promoting a positive school

climate. The findings of this study showed that students who perceived their school to have a

positive climate and strict rules and regulations were more engaged in school activities and had a

more positive attitude towards learning. This suggests that well-crafted rules and regulations not

only promote discipline but also contribute to the overall learning experience of students.
Another important aspect of school rules and regulations is their impact on student safety. In a

study by Elliott and Austin (2012), it was found that schools with strict rules and regulations

regarding safety had lower rates of violence and accidents. This demonstrates the importance of

having clear and enforced rules and regulations to ensure the safety of students. The role of

school rules and regulations in promoting fairness and equality has also been explored in the

literature. A study by Lloyd (2013) found that students who perceived their school to have fair

and consistent rules and regulations were more likely to feel a sense of belonging and inclusion.

On the other hand, inconsistent enforcement of rules and regulations resulted in feelings of

resentment and unfairness among students. In addition to their impact on student behavior,

school rules and regulations also have an effect on academic achievement. A study by Reynolds

and colleagues (2015) found that schools with a strong emphasis on rules and regulations had

higher academic achievement among their students. This emphasizes the importance of a well-

structured and disciplined school environment in promoting academic success. The role of

school rules and regulations in shaping behavior has also been examined in relation to

technology use. In a study by Polükes (2018), it was found that strict rules and regulations

concerning the use of technology in school resulted in a decrease in problematic behavior such as

cyberbullying and distractions during class. This highlights the need for clear guidelines and

enforcement of rules when it comes to technology use in school. Finally, the importance of

involving students in the creation and enforcement of school rules and regulations has also been

highlighted in the literature. A study by Lomas and colleagues (2020) found that when students

were involved in the development and implementation of rules and regulations, they were more

likely to adhere to them and have a positive attitude towards them.

Role of Teachers in Implementing School Rules and Regulations

Teachers play a crucial role in implementing school rules and regulations. They are

responsible for enforcing rules, setting consequences for violations, and modeling expected

behavior. A study by Neill (2012) found that teachers who set and enforce rules consistently

create a positive classroom climate, leading to better student behavior and academic

performance. Furthermore, teachers can use rules and regulations as opportunities for learning.

By providing reasons and explanations for rules, teachers can help students understand the

importance and rationale behind them. This approach has been found to be more effective in

shaping behavior than just imposing rules (Nucci, 2009). Additionally, teachers can use rules and

regulations as tools for teaching responsibility and decision-making skills, which are crucial for

students' future success.

The Importance of School Rules and Regulations

School rules and regulations are set in place to maintain order and create a safe learning

environment for students. These rules cover a wide range of areas, such as student conduct,

attendance, dress code, and academic expectations. They also serve as a form of guidance for

students in developing a sense of responsibility and discipline. According to Koerner (2019),

school rules and regulations also prepare students for the real world and promote a sense of

fairness and equality among individuals. Without these guidelines, chaos and conflict may arise,

which can negatively impact the learning experience of students.

Perception of Grade 11 Students towards School Rules and Regulations

The perception of students towards school rules and regulations can greatly influence their

compliance with these guidelines. According to a study by Cano and Trotzin (2015), students’

perception towards school rules and regulations can be shaped by various factors such as the

school environment, teacher-student relationships, and their own personal experiences. In a study

conducted by Pennington and Wiegand (2017), it was found that students who perceived school

rules and regulations as fair and consistent were more likely to comply with them. On the other

hand, students who perceived these rules as arbitrary and unfair were more likely to exhibit

deviant behavior and show resistance towards authority. According to the study of Sheikh and

Ghani (2018) revealed that students’ perception of school rules and regulations can also be

influenced by their socio-economic status and family background. Students from lower socio-

economic backgrounds tend to have a negative view of these guidelines, as they may perceive

them as suppressive and designed to maintain social hierarchy.

Effects of Non-Compliance with School Rules and Regulations

Failure to comply with school rules and regulations can have various consequences, ranging

from minor disciplinary action to more serious repercussions such as suspension or expulsion.

According to Ayala and Morales (2016), non-compliance with school rules and regulations can

also lead to academic failure, as students who constantly disregard these guidelines are more

likely to have poor attendance and engagement in school activities. A study by Devine (2018)

argues that continuously breaking school rules and regulations can also lead to a negative self-

perception and a lack of motivation towards education. This can result in a decline in academic

performance and even contribute to dropping out of school.

Awareness of School Rules and Regulations and its Impact on Behavior

Based on the study of Devadoss and Foltz (2019) on middle school students found that

only 50% of students were aware of the school's behavior expectations. Similarly, a study by

Lusk and Whitney (2018) on high school students showed that only 30% were aware of the

school's disciplinary procedures. These findings suggest that there is a lack of awareness among

students regarding school rules and regulations. The level of awareness of school rules and

regulations has been found to have a significant impact on student behavior. A study by

Rodriguez (2021) on elementary school students revealed that students who were more aware of

school rules and regulations had better behavior as compared to those with low awareness.

Similarly, a study by McCombie and Barker (2020) on middle school students showed that

students with high awareness of school rules and regulations had fewer disciplinary issues as

compared to those with low awareness. Moreover, the impact of awareness of school rules and

regulations extends beyond the classroom. A study by Ching (2017) on high school students

found that students who were more aware of school rules and regulations were less likely to

engage in risky behaviors such as drug use and violence. This highlights the importance of

creating an environment where students are aware of and understand school rules and

regulations. Several factors can influence the awareness of school rules and regulations among

students. A study by Locke (2021) found that parental involvement plays a significant role in

creating awareness among students. When parents are actively involved in their child's

education, they are more likely to be aware of school rules and regulations. Blayney (2016)

found that teachers' involvement in reinforcing school rules and regulations also increases

students' awareness. Another factor that can affect the awareness of school rules and regulations

is the communication between school authorities and students. A study by Lansang and
Dedicatoria (2014) revealed that the use of clear and consistent communication methods can

enhance students' understanding of school rules and regulations.

out of school.

Participation in School Rule Formulation and Implementation

One of the main benefits of involving students in the formulation and implementation of

school rules is the empowerment of students. When students are given the opportunity to

participate in decision-making processes, they feel a sense of ownership and responsibility

towards their school community. This leads to a more positive and motivated attitude towards

following the rules, as they feel that their opinions and ideas have been taken into consideration

(Van Boxtel et al., 2010). Participation in the rule-making process allows students to think

critically about the rules and their relevance to the school community. This promotes a deeper

understanding of the rules and the reasons behind their existence. According to Khosrovani,

Keshavarzi, & Shahamat (2013), involving students in the rule-making process enhances their

ability to think critically and make informed decisions, which in turn contributes to their personal

development. When students are given the opportunity to participate in the formulation and

implementation of school rules, they are more likely to understand the impact of their actions on

the school community. This promotes responsible behavior as students are aware of the

consequences of their actions and are more likely to comply with the rules they have helped to

create (Björklund, 2012). Although involving students in the rule-making process has many

benefits, it also presents some challenges. These challenges must be acknowledged and
addressed in order to effectively involve students in the formulation and implementation of

school rules. One of the main challenges of involving students in the rule formation process is

time constraints. Teachers and school administrators may find it difficult to allocate enough time

for students to participate in meetings and discussions. This can result in rushed decision-making

and lack of thoroughness in the rule formulation process (Beattie & Woodley, 2017). Another

challenge is the resistance from adults, mainly teachers and school administrators, towards

student participation in rule-making. Some adults may view students as inexperienced and

incapable of making important decisions, leading to a lack of trust in their abilities. To overcome

this challenge, it is important for teachers and school administrators to recognize and value the

perspectives of students in the rule-making process (Yamane, 2017). Effective student

participation in rule making requires open communication and collaboration between all

stakeholders involved. However, there may be a lack of communication and collaboration

between teachers, administrators, and students, leading to a disconnect in the rule-making

process. To overcome this challenge, schools should establish clear communication channels and

foster a collaborative environment where students can contribute their ideas and opinions

(Shofar, 2020).

Punishment for Misbehavior and its Effect on Promoting Good Behavior

Punishment can be defined as any consequence or action imposed upon an individual in

response to a misbehavior or wrongdoing (Lawrence, 2016). It can range from minor

consequences such as a verbal reprimand, to more severe measures such as suspension or

expulsion from school. Punishment is often used as a means of deterring future misbehavior and

promoting good behavior among individuals. Several studies have been conducted to examine

the effectiveness of punishment in promoting good behavior. A study by Groper and Borchardt
(2011) found that while punishment may initially suppress misbehavior, it does not have a

lasting effect and may even lead to increased aggression among students in the long run. This

suggests that punishment may not be an effective strategy in promoting sustained good behavior.

A study conducted by Gershoff (2013) on the use of corporal punishment in schools found that it

not only has a negative impact on behavior, but also on academic achievement and mental

health. Students who experience frequent corporal punishment were found to have higher levels

of aggression and lower levels of self-esteem and school engagement. This highlights the

potential negative consequences of using punishment as a disciplinary measure in schools. In

recent years, there has been a shift towards more positive and proactive approaches to promoting

good behavior in schools. These approaches focus on creating a positive school climate and

encouraging positive behaviors through various strategies such as positive reinforcement and

restorative practices. A study by Trump and Zollinger (2018) examined the impact of positive

reinforcement on student behavior and found that it was significantly associated with fewer

instances of misbehavior and greater engagement in class. Positive reinforcement involves

rewarding desired behaviors to encourage their continued occurrence, and has been found to be

more effective in promoting good behavior than punishment. Restorative practices, on the other

hand, focus on repairing relationships and addressing the root causes of misbehavior through

dialogue and reflection (McCluskey et al., 2015). A study by Wachtel (2013) found that

implementing restorative practices led to significant decreases in suspensions and increased

feelings of safety and belonging among students. These proactive approaches have been found to

be more effective in promoting positive behavior and creating a more supportive and inclusive

school environment.

Attitude towards School Rules and Regulations and its Impact on Behavior
Based on the study of Ajzen & Fishbein, (2015) Attitude towards rules and regulations in the

school setting refers to individuals' overall evaluation of the rules and regulations set by the

school. It encompasses their beliefs, opinions, and feelings about the rules and regulations, and

how it affects their behavior. Several studies have investigated the relationship between attitudes

towards school rules and regulations and behavioral outcomes. A study by Chu and Chan (2012)

examined the relationship between attitudes towards school rules and school adjustment in

Chinese secondary school students. Results showed that students with positive attitudes towards

school rules had better school adjustment, including academic achievement and social-emotional

adjustment. This finding suggests that students' attitudes towards school rules can have a positive

impact on their overall well-being in school. Furthermore, a study by Pekrun and Linnenbrink-

Garcia (2012) explored the relationship between students' attitudes towards school rules and their

motivation. Results showed that students with positive attitudes towards school rules had higher

levels of academic motivation, including intrinsic motivation, self-efficacy, and task value. This

finding suggests that attitudes towards school rules can influence students' motivation to engage

in academic tasks, leading to better academic performance. According to the study of Chen,

Yeung, and Hui (2013) investigated the relationship between students' attitudes towards school

rules and their compliance with the rules. Results showed that students with positive attitudes

towards school rules were more likely to comply with the rules. This finding suggests that

attitudes towards school rules can influence students' behavior, leading to better adherence to the

rules set by the school. On the other hand, negative attitudes towards school rules and regulations

can have a detrimental effect on students' behavior. A study by Liu, Wang, and Zhu (2016)

examined the relationship between students' negative attitudes towards school rules and their

disruptive behavior. Results showed that students with negative attitudes towards school rules
were more likely to engage in disruptive behaviors such as bullying and aggression. This finding

highlights the negative influence of negative attitudes towards school rules on students' behavior,

which can lead to disciplinary issues and disrupt the learning environment. Several factors can

influence students' attitudes towards school rules and regulations. A study by Martínez, Bojanini,

and Ruiz (2013) found that students' attitudes towards school rules were influenced by their

perceptions of fairness and consistency in the enforcement of the rules. The study also found that

students were more likely to have positive attitudes towards school rules when they perceived the

rules to be relevant and reasonable. This finding suggests the importance of clear and consistent

communication of school rules that are perceived as fair and relevant by students.

The Role of Teachers in Implementing and Enforcing School Rules

School rules serve as a set of guidelines that define a safe and conducive learning

environment for students. These rules cover various aspects such as academic standards,

behavior and conduct, dress code, punctuality, and safety. A study by Akoto (2012) found that

the implementation of school rules has a significant impact on student behavior and academic

performance. It helps to establish a sense of order, discipline, and respect for authority among

students. Moreover, school rules also provide a framework for teachers to effectively manage the

classroom and ensure a productive learning environment.

Teachers play a critical role in implementing and enforcing school rules. They are the

frontline enforcers of rules and are in constant interaction with students, making them the most

influential figures in shaping student behavior. A study by Struthers and Perry (2010) found that

teachers have the most significant impact on student behavior compared to any other school

personnel. They serve as role models, mentors, and authority figures for students, making them

effective enforcers of school rules. Teachers hold the responsibility of explaining and reinforcing
school rules to students. They are responsible for ensuring that students understand the reasons

behind the rules, the consequences of breaking them, and how they contribute to creating a

positive learning environment. A study by Li and Collins (2014) found that teachers' positive

attitude and understanding of school rules have a significant impact on students' adherence to

them. Teachers who consistently and fairly enforce school rules are more likely to gain the

respect and cooperation of students. Teachers serve as the eyes and ears of the school

administration. They are in a unique position to identify and report any violations of school rules,

ensuring that students are held accountable for their actions. A study by Harill and Hughes

(2016) found that teachers who consistently enforce school rules help to establish a sense of

accountability and responsibility in students, leading to a decrease in rule-breaking behavior.

Teachers also play a crucial role in maintaining a positive school culture and fostering positive

relationships with students. A study by Finkelstein and Kantor (2020) found that teachers who

have meaningful and positive relationships with students are more likely to influence their

behavior positively. By building strong relationships with students, teachers can effectively

encourage students to follow school rules and understand the consequences of their actions.

Implementing and enforcing school rules can be challenging for teachers, especially if they are

not supported by the school administration. It is crucial for the school administration to provide

teachers with the necessary training and resources to effectively enforce school rules. A study by

Getty (2018) found that teachers feel more confident in enforcing school rules when given

appropriate training and support from the school administration.

The Effectiveness of Positive Reinforcement in Promoting Good Behavior

Based on the study of Gershoff and Grogan-Kaylor (2016) examined the impact of positive

reinforcement on children’s behavior in the school setting. The study found that positive
reinforcement, in the form of verbal praise and rewards, was significantly associated with

improved behavior, specifically in reducing disruptive and aggressive behaviors. Additionally,

the study also showed that positive reinforcement was effective in promoting positive social

behaviors, such as cooperation and sharing among students. Another study by Reid and Walter

(2015) evaluated the effectiveness of positive reinforcement in managing behavioral problems

among children with developmental disabilities. The study found that positive reinforcement was

successful in improving appropriate behaviors and reducing problem behaviors among the

participants. The researchers suggested that the use of positive reinforcement in conjunction with

other behavioral interventions could lead to more significant improvements in behavioral

outcomes for children with developmental disabilities. In addition to the educational setting,

positive reinforcement has also been studied in parenting. A meta-analysis conducted by Jiang,

Bian, and Gan (2016) examined the relationship between parental use of positive reinforcement

and child behavior. The results showed a significant and positive association between parental

use of positive reinforcement and children’s positive behaviors. The study also found that the

effectiveness of positive reinforcement was partially dependent on the type of reward used and

the age of the child. Positive reinforcement has also been studied in the workplace. A study by

Nelson and Clark (2015) examined the relationship between employee behavior and positive

reinforcement in a manufacturing company. The results showed that positive reinforcement

significantly influenced employee behavior, leading to improved job performance and increased

job satisfaction. The researchers also highlighted the importance of providing timely and

consistent positive reinforcement to maintain desired behaviors in the workplace. Moreover, the

effectiveness of positive reinforcement has been studied in individuals with psychiatric disorders.

A study by Boggs et al. (2013) evaluated the use of positive reinforcement in managing problem
behaviors in individuals with autism. The results showed that positive reinforcement was

effective in reducing problem behaviors and improving compliance among the participants. The

researchers suggested that positive reinforcement could serve as a valuable tool in managing

challenging behaviors in individuals with psychiatric disorders.

Role of School Discipline Policies

School discipline policies are a set of rules and procedures that guide the behavior of

students in schools. They are implemented to maintain order and promote a positive learning

environment. Various studies have shown that well-defined and strictly enforced discipline

policies lead to better behavior among students (Skiba et al., 2011). Implementing these policies

effectively can help reduce disruptive behaviors, bullying, and violence in schools (Sprague,

Vincent, & Tobin, 2010). One of the key roles of school discipline policies is to promote a sense

of responsibility among students. According to Fontaine and Dodge (2013), students who are

familiar with the rules and consequences of their behavior are more likely to take responsibility

for their actions. This sense of responsibility helps in promoting good behavior and reduces the

likelihood of students engaging in misconduct. Furthermore, school discipline policies also play

a crucial role in building a positive school climate. A positive school climate is characterized by

a sense of safety, support, and inclusiveness (Bradshaw et al., 2013). When students feel safe and

supported in their school environment, they are more likely to engage in positive behaviors.

Additionally, school climate has also been linked to academic achievement and student mental

health (Thapa, Cohen, Guffey, & Higgins-D'Alessandro, 2013). Therefore, by promoting a

positive school climate, school discipline policies indirectly contribute to promoting good

behavior among students.

Importance of Implementation
While school discipline policies are important, their effectiveness largely depends on

their implementation. Several studies have emphasized the need for addressing the

implementation of discipline policies in schools (Sugarman & Fixen, 2012). Poorly implemented

policies can lead to unintended consequences such as increased suspension rates, which can have

a negative impact on student outcomes (Gregory & Weinstein, 2010). Therefore, it is essential

for schools to have a clear understanding and plan for the implementation of their discipline


Furthermore, research suggests that the involvement of teachers and parents in the

implementation of school discipline policies can enhance their effectiveness (Kalyoncu, 2015).

Teachers and parents can act as role models for students and reinforce the importance of

following rules and behaving appropriately.

Strategies for Effective Communication and Enforcement of Rules

According to Jabbar and Tufail (2010), one of the key strategies for effective

communication and enforcement of rules is to have a clear and well-defined set of rules

and regulations. This includes defining the purpose and scope of the rules, as well as the

consequences for not following them. A study conducted by Loffredo and Li (2013) found that

organizations with well-defined and communicated rules have higher levels of compliance and

fewer incidents of rule violations. Another important strategy is to ensure two-way

communication between leaders/managers and team members. According to a study by Dolinski

and Klaudyna (2014), effective communication involves not only giving orders and instructions,

but also actively listening to feedback and concerns from team members. This promotes a sense
of transparency and trust within the team, making it easier to enforce rules and regulations. In

addition to clear communication, it is also crucial to have a system in place for monitoring and

enforcing rules. This could involve regular audits, spot checks, or performance reviews.

According to Carneiro and Johnson (2013), regular monitoring and enforcement of rules can help

maintain consistency and fairness within the team/organization. One study conducted by

Berthoin Antal, Sobczak, and Mueller (2015) found that involving team members in the

development of rules and regulations can increase their sense of ownership and responsibility

towards following them. This participative approach can also lead to the identification of

potential barriers or challenges in effectively communicating and enforcing rules. Effective

communication and enforcement of rules also depend on the use of appropriate communication

channels. For instance, digital platforms and technology can be utilized to disseminate

information and updates about rules and regulations. In a study by Soldz and Miller (2017), it

was found that using technology-based communication was effective in facilitating compliance

with rules, especially among younger team members. Lastly, it is important to recognize that

effective communication and enforcement of rules is an ongoing process. As highlighted by

Carneiro and Johnson (2013), updating and revising rules and regulations based on feedback and

changing circumstances is crucial for long-term success.

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