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Grammar Specialisation - Prepositions - WS1

 Please take a printout of the worksheet or have it open on a

computer/laptop for you to refer to during the call.
 Instructions on how to use the worksheet will be provided by the coach.
I. Reference: Roleplay

*Stress on the words highlighted in bold

Nithya: Hey Naveen, so how was your trip to Agra? Did you finally get to see the Taj
Naveen: Of course, Nithya!
Nithya: Awesome! Tell me all about it!
Naveen: Oh! There is so much to say, where shall I begin? First of all, to enter the
main complex, we had to pass into tight security checks and then to the
entry gate...
Nithya: You mean, pass through tight security checks...
Naveen: Yes, yes... and there I got my first glimpse of the spectacular Taj Mahal. It
was perfectly located in a vast garden in the right bank of river Yamuna.
Nithya: On the right bank…
Naveen: Yes, correct. I didn't know this masterpiece was built way back in 1632 AD
and 1648 AD.
Nithya: Wait, wait... How could it be built in two different years?
Naveen: I mean, they started constructing it in the year 1632 AD and completed in
the year 1648 AD.
Nithya: Oh! you mean, it was constructed between 1632 AD and 1648 AD. Please
Naveen: I've seen the Taj Mahal in movies and magazines, but looking it in person
literally gave me goose bumps. I also got to experience one of the most
magical aspects of the Taj Mahal…its view from the river.
Nithya: So, you were in the river to get a good view of the Taj Mahal? On a boat or a
Naveen: No silly, on the left bank of river Yamuna.
Nithya: Ohhhh.... You were looking at it from across the river... continue... continue
Naveen: Yeah! Wait a minute… Are you correcting my grammar again?! You are so
Nithya: As always! Ha ha ha!!

II. Activity: Errors Corrected

Errors Corrections
1. Pass into tight security checks… Pass through tight security checks…
2. In the right bank of river Yamuna… On the right bank of river Yamuna…
3. In 1632 AD and 1648 AD… Between 1632 AD and 1648 AD…
4. Looking it in person… Looking at in person…
5. From the river… Across the river

III. Activity: Category of Prepositions:

Read the following sentences and identify the preposition used in each of the
sentences and the category of preposition - Place/Position, Time or Direction,
they belong to:

1. My mother taught me to bake cakes during summer vacation. time

2. The plates are on the top shelf in the kitchen.(position,place)
3. The student ran past the old man to board the bus. direction
4. Raji's brother was born in 2007. time
5. The programme is scheduled to start at 6:00 pm.
6. If you are unwell, I suggest you better stay at home. place
7. Dad lost control of the car and drove into our neighbour's lawn. direction
8. I ride my cycle over this bridge every day to get to my school. position
9. I must've left my English textbook on the study table. position
10. Venkat hid his brother's cricket bat underneath his parent's cot. position
IV. Practice Activity:
Choose the appropriate prepositions from the box and fill in the blanks:

about at on in for inside among by

before around after against beyond into across

through under along of towards till with next

I recently adopted a puppy and named him Max. He is a friendly little fellow but
extremely active. Being a first-time dog owner, I find it very difficult to handle him.
Last weekend, I invited my best friend Shalu to my house. She loves dogs and knows
everything about______them. ____on_____ Sunday, Shalu was supposed to arrive
___at_____ 5 ___in______the evening. An hour _before_________ that, I took Max
for a walk __around______the neighbourhood. Somehow, Max slipped off the leash
and ran away. I panicked and ran __after__________him as fast as I could. He ran so
fast that in a few minutes I lost sight of him. I looked ___for_______him everywhere
___for______ an hour but there was no sign ____of______Max. I was very
depressed and decided to head back home. As I was walking ________towards____
my house, I could see, __through________my tear-filled eyes, a faint figure standing
___with_______ a puppy, ____at________ my doorstep. To my surprise it was
Shalu, holding Max. I was overjoyed to see them both. Shalu told me she had found
Max, ___under_______ the tall rain tree, _next_________ to my neighbour's house.
She heard him yelping for help and rescued him. We went _____inside______the
house and once we settled down, Shalu gave me a long lecture __on____ ‘being a
responsible dog owner'.

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