Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 I pulled the car into the nearest spot that I could find.

The park was full of people waiting to see the fireworks. It was still light out, so they were going to be waiting a little while yet. Now all I had to do was find Bryn in this mess. I grabbed my purse and slammed the car door. I stood there surveying the crowd for a minute. There he was. Nick. His blonde hair was spiked again and he looked like one of those rich trust fund people that I've always hated. I still felt this urge to go kiss him, but I refrained and began walking, in the opposite direction. I heard footsteps behind me, but kept walking ignoring him. Suddenly, he grabbed my arm, turning me around. I called you last night, but got your voicemail. Why didnt you call me back? He asked I didnt know how to react about the kiss. I lied. He grinned. Will you let me redeem myself and watch the fireworks with me? He looked so hopeful I felt bad to say no. I shook my head. I cant. I promised Bryn that wed make it a girls night. Thats alright. He frowned, I guess Ill call you later if thats still okay. Yeah thatd be good. He said starting to walk away, and then he stopped. He leaned over, gave me a peck on the cheek and ran off. ****** Hey, girl. Bryn piped up behind me. I turned around, guilt all over my face. Hey. I mumbled. Im sitting over here. Elisabeth is there also; hope you do not mind that I invited her. I thought that we could make it an all girls thing. I guess thats okay. It will give me a chance to apologize for what happened at the funeral I said, I felt good for the first time in awhile as I walked over with Bryn to the blanket that she had set out. Elisabeth was sitting there looking nervous, Hey Lauren. She said shyly. She had her black hair down for once and it looked like she had blue tips. Lizzie, are the tips of your hair blue? I asked hesitating. She nodded, Yep, Arent they the best? My parents are totally freaking out right now. Do you still have a curfew? I asked. Lizzie nodded. Thats stupid! Youre seventeen for gods sake! I think your dad still lives in the stone ages or something. She giggled. I know, but once in the military always in the military. I sat down on the blanket, stretching my legs out, my flip-flops falling off my feet. My toe ring sparkled in the sun. Is there food at this thing? I asked glancing around. I saw people walking around with bags of popcorn. The smell was driving me crazy. Yeah, let me come with you. Elisabeth offered, getting up. We walked over in silence to the food stand that was set up in the parking lot. I dug my wallet out of my purse began counting money. Lauren? Elisabeth questioned. Yeah. I said glancing up at her. I really am sorry for what happened between me and Ryan. She apologized. Im not sure that you are. If you really were sorry it would have never happened in the first place. You were my best friend. I cant believe you would do something like that to me.

Can you ever forgive me? she asked. She sounded close to tears, but Elisabeth always was a good actress. I dont know if we can ever go back to the way things were with us. We were finally at the front of the line. I waited while she ordered food. A few minutes later, our arms laden with popcorn, nachos and every junk food you could think of, we walked back to the blanket. When you said you were hungry, you werent kidding. Bryn teased grabbing a bag of popcorn for herself. The sun was slowly going down, the sky a mixture of colors. It reminded me of a painting, all the colors blending looking like they had rained down on the sky. I stared. Soon, the sky was going to darken and then the real fun started. I grabbed a bag of popcorn from the blanket and chewed slowly. The sky was now completely dark and I could barely see my hand in front of my face. The fireworks are about to start. Lizzie said excitedly. I didnt say anything.. I couldnt be here anymore. I just forgot that I needed to tell Nick something. Im going to see if I can find him. Ill see you guys later. I said picking up my bag of popcorn ****** I walked over to the middle of the park where Id seen him sitting with Derrick earlier, happy that they hadnt moved. I stood there for a moment until Nick looked up, Is this seat taken? I asked. He shook his head no and padded the spot next to him. He gave Derrick a pointed look. Derrick got up, I think Im going to go find Lizzie and Bryn and leave you two alone. He said almost tripping over his own feet to get up. I giggled. He didnt have to leave. I said. Yes he did. Nick said grinning. I wrapped my arms around myself, shivering. Its a nice night out. I said politely. He put his hand on my knee, Lauren, weve known each other since junior high it shouldnt be awkward between us just because of one little kiss. He squeezed my shoulder. No, I dont think it should. I agreed, hugging my knees. Then come over here and take my sweatshirt, He said pulling it off, handing it to me. you look cold. I grabbed it and threw it on. I sniffed it. It smelled like a mixture of burnt popcorn, Old Spice deodorant, and soap. It smelled like Nick. Are you enjoying that? He asked glancing over at me. I quickly stopped sniffing it. I blushed. He laughed, You dont have to be embarrassed. I think its cute. Thanks. A few minutes later, I heard a boom and glanced up, the fireworks had started. I snuggled closer to Nick and enjoyed the fireworks. It was a nice night to be with someone you cared for. He leaned over, whispered in my ear and I giggled. We cant do that here. I blushed. Why not? He asked. Everyone is paying attention to the fireworks and wouldnt notice. I dont know if Im comfortable with going that far already. All weve done is kiss and I like it that way. Okay, but I thought Thought what? I asked Well youve been saying that you dont know how Ryan could have slept with Elisabeth right? Well, its because she was willing to go that far with him. Well, Im not and if you dont like it maybe we should just stop whatever were starting here. I pulled his sweatshirt closer to me.

Maybe we should. distance.

He responded. He then lifted his arm to wave at someone in the

Derrick, Bryn and Elisabeth were now walking towards us. Hey, howd you like the fireworks? I asked wrapping my arms around myself. I plastered a smile on my face. They were good. Derrick said glancing over at Nick. He raised his eyebrows; I wondered what that was. I glanced down at my watch and faked a yawn. I think I better get going. My mother is probably sitting up waiting for me. I smiled at Nick and started to walk away, Lauren, wait up! He jogged over. Im sorry about getting mad over there. I just dont understand whats going with you. You tell me you like me, but any time I try and touch you, you freeze up. Did I do something wrong? I cant believe that he just asked me that. Goodbye Nick. I began walking back towards the car. Bryn and Elisabeth didnt even move from where they were standing with Derrick. I didnt really care. Id talk to them tomorrow. I walked back to the car alone, not paying attention to everyone else around me. I pressed the automatic lock and opened my car door, slipping inside. It was going to take a few minutes to even inch out of the parking spot, with as many cars that were packed into the lot right now. I closed the door and turned on the CD player, needing noise. I vaguely heard the sounds of Pam Tills coming through the speakers. The song was a depressing one. It fit my mood. The cars cleared and I made my way onto the main road, letting the car lead me. Id driven this same path so many times that I could almost do it in my sleep. As I made my way across the intersection that the accident had been on I made sure I concentrated on the road and not the accident. I didnt need to get into another one. Ten minutes later, I made it safely home. As I pulled into the driveway, I noticed that my mother had left the porch light on for me and I smiled. I turned off the engine, unbuckled my seat belt and got out. Id forgotten a coat, so I shivered. I walked briskly up the front walk and slipped my key into the lock, the sound almost deafening in the silent house. My mother was not sitting up at the kitchen table, so I closed the door and began walking upstairs. I found her at the top of the steps, I was just about to come down to make sure you made it home alright. Did you have a good night? She asked. I nodded, wanting to curl into bed and sleep. Mom, Im tired. Can we talk in the morning? I asked. I wasnt in the mood for her chitchat. She nodded, Of course. Go to bed. She leaned over and kissed my forehead, raising her eyebrows at the red mark on my shoulder. Im glad you had fun. I nodded and walked into the next room. I slipped out of my clothes, letting them fall to the floor and crawled into bed, not even bothering to put on pajamas. The next morning I awoke to sun shining through my white curtains. I pulled the covers back over my head and attempted to go back to sleep. I didnt want to get up. The clock said 7:30 am. Crap! Im going to be late! I shoved the covers off me and jumped up. I didnt have time for a shower or Id be late for work , so I just ran into the bathroom, ran a brush through my hair and brushed my teeth as quickly as possible. I grabbed new underwear out of my dresser and slipped them on, running around in circles. My jeans were still lying on the floor and I grabbed them up, sniffed them. I threw them on and ran over to my closet. Sifting through my clothes, I yanked a t-shirt off the hanger and threw it over my head. I didnt care what I looked like today. After slipping on my sandals, I was done. I hurried downstairs, stopping in the kitchen to grab something to drink and I was out the door. I got to

work in record time, breaking the speed limit in many places, grateful that there werent any cops around or else Id be in trouble. Sitting in the parking lot, I stopped to catch my breath. Flipping down the visor, I checked myself in the mirror cringing when I saw what I looked like. My hair was a mess. I saw a rubber band sitting on the floor, picked it up, and put my hair in a messy bun. Now it looked better I got out of the car, grabbing my purse from the front seat. I opened the door, hearing the jangle of the bells as I walked inside. Ellen glanced up as I walked in, Lauren, what are you doing here? She asked. I looked at her. Dont I work today? I asked quietly. She shook her head. Oh. I thought I did. I started to walk out the door, but she stopped me. Since you came all the way out here I could use some help balancing the checks in the back for a few hours. We open late today, dont you remember? She asked. I shook my head. I can do that. I started to walk towards the back embarrassed, but she set her hand on my shoulder, stopping me. You look like you are ready to cry, do you want to talk about it? She asked. Ive got a fresh pot of coffee brewing. Sit down; you look like you could use a cup. I walked over to the counter and grabbed a mug, filling it up to the brim. She sat down next to me. Now, tell me whats wrong. First you come in here on your day off looking like something that the cat drug in and on top of that you look like youre going to cry. Well, I almost did something stupid last night. You know Nick, right? She nodded. I went to watch fireworks at the park with him and some friends and originally it wasnt supposed to just be a girl night, but somehow I found myself sitting over with him, just the two of us. I took a deep breath, And we began making out and we almost you know. I cringed thinking she was going to yell at me. She nodded. Okay, so you two almost did, right? Do you like him? She asked. I nodded my head. You two have been friends for years and you seem to like him. But, you do know that there are rules against having sex in public right? she asked. I took another sip of coffee and set it down. Yeah, but that wasnt why we didnt. I stopped him and now hes acting almost mean to me. Hes told me that he likes me, but shouldnt he understand that I want to take things slow. Maybe hes shy. Ellen commented. I glanced at her, eyebrows raised. Nick Majors shy? Thats got to be the funniest thing Ive ever heard in my life. Suddenly my cell phone rang, Hold on a sec. I grabbed it out of my purse, hoping to get to it before it stopped ringing. Hello? I said. Did I catch you at a bad time? I recognized Bryns voice. I shook my head and then remembered that she could not hear a nod and spoke. No. Im just sitting at the caf helping Ellen for a few hours. I thought that I had to work today, but it turns out I didnt so she offered to let me get some extra hours. Lauren, stop rambling. I know what you did last night. Nick bragged to Derrick and Derrick told me. She sighed. I cannot believe you. I didnt tell you about Nick to give you an excuse to sleep with him. I didnt sleep with him. I protested. She sighed, Well, thats not what Nicks telling everyone. You might want to clear that up with him. Bryn hung up the phone before I could respond. I closed my phone, shaking my head. I glanced over at Ellen. You said things couldnt get worse? Well, they just did. I sighed. I finished my coffee and walked to the back to begin working, I could use the distraction.

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