Trics Muches

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14 déc. à 22:51
Bouclier en bois
S'il est planté au sol, il se transforme en une demi
sphere de bois formant une muraille de bois d'un
rayon de 2 m
Une épe dont les propriétés changent avec les
Sac de 10 haricots magiques
Graine de la renaissance
This fist-sized, magical seed can be attuned to by
up to 4 creatures over the course of a long rest.
Each creature attuned to the seed must
participate in gently planting it in fertile soil. The
seed immediately begins to flourish, growing into
a majestic, flowering tree over the course of 7
days. The tree is 60 feet tall and 5 feet in
diameter at its base, and its canopy extends out
in a 30-foot radius from the center of the tree.
The tree has a number of large limbs equal to the
number of creatures attuned to the seed. Once
planted in this way, no other creatures can attune
to the seed. Your attunement to the seed is
broken early if you commit a malicious affront to

When a creature attuned to the seed dies and

remains dead for 1 minute, its soul returns to the
tree and its body crumbles into a rich soil that
recreates the "plant growth" spell, centered on
the body. The soul returns to the tree regardless
of circumstance, distance, or plane of existence
of the creature's death. The returned soul is
stored in a shelled nut that the tree grows at the
time of the creature's death. After 1d6+1 days,
the nut falls from the tree and breaks apart,
revealing the reborn creature inside. The creature
is reborn as if by the "reincarnate" spell. Once a
creature is reborn in this way, its attunement to
the seed is broken.
When a creature's attunement to the seed is
broken, the branch associated with that creature
withers and dies. The tree is magical and can't be
destroyed by nonmagical means. If the tree is
destroyed, all creatures attuned to the seed are
no longer attuned to it. Any creature attuned to
the seed is magically alerted if the tree is being
attacked or destroyed, or if one of the branches
begins to wither. Once all of the tree's branches
wither in this way or are destroyed, the tree splits
apart and disintegrates, releasing another "seed
of rebirth" to the astral winds that carry it to a
new location on a different plane of existence.

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