Letter Essay Antonio English Due 09.03.23

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Dear Richard,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you today to express my deepest feelings
about a matter that has been weighing heavily on my heart and I wanted to confess
something to you that’s been on my mind for some time now. As you may know, I’ve been
living in Illyria, and I’ve met someone who has captured my heart in a way that I never
thought was possible. I’ve become enamoured(?) with a man by the name of Sebastian.

You won’t believe how my luck has been so far. It all started when I met the most
beautiful young man I’ve ever seen, and it was like a blessing. It was like any other day last
Tuesday; I was a few miles offshore scavenging for any traps or fish nets that were lying
around my boat. I was in the middle of untangling some ropes when I clearly heard screams
of distress. I immediately abandoned what I was doing, and I grabbed a float as I
advanced towards the back of the boat. The weather never fully recovered from last
night, so it was hard to see much past the fog and the rain that never rested. About 50 or
so metres in front of me was the worst wreckage I’ve ever seen. Before me was a decently
large ship that was being swallowed with all the waves that were repeatedly crashing
against it. The once thriving boat was hanging by a thread and pieces of wood were peeling
off the boat like chunks of brittle skin.

I knew I had to do something, but I was panicking so much that I lost a lot of valuable
time. Time meant life or death in this situation. I’d like to say I reacted quickly, but I was
just too terrified to move after the sounds of shouting hit me. There was so many people
thrashing about in the water and I felt trapped and pressured to do something important.
I threw my float to the closest person after I sailed my boat in the direction. I managed
to grab onto the person and hull him onto my boat, but just as I did, another huge wave
swept over the ocean which knocked me to the ground before I could save any more people
and the wave sent us in the other direction. I helped the man to his feet once he woke up.
We had just safely landed on shore when I realised how mesmerising he looked. I helped
him with his injures and I gave him everything I had.

Sebastian is a mysterious but very fascinating person, and I find myself drawn to him in
ways that I can’t fully explain. At first, I thought it was just a passing infatuation, but as
time has passed, my feelings for him have only grown stronger. I’m head over heels in love
with him. From the moment I laid eyes on him, I knew that there was something special
about him. He is kind, intelligent, and has a sense of humour that never fails to make me

I know that this may come as a surprise to you, as I have never openly discussed my
romantic interests before, but I cannot keep this secret any longer. I’m deeply in love with
Sebastian, and I hope that one day he will feel the same. I know that society may not look
kindly upon our love or approve, but I cannot help how I feel. Being with Sebastian makes
me happier than I have ever been, and I am willing to face any obstacles that might come
in my way to be with him. I know that it may not be easy for you to understand, but I hope
that you can see how important this is to me. My heart beats for Sebastian. I ask for your
understanding and support in this matter. I trust you with my whole heart not to tell
authorities as I feel like you are more than a brother to me.

Please keep this letter confidential, as I do not wish for others to know about my feelings.
I trust you to keep my secret safe. Please don’t look at me or think differently about me
as I am still the same man I once was. Thank you for your understanding and please write

Yours sincerely,


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