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Guide Question:

For 5 points each, explain briefly the following statements. Use word format in answering the
questions and upload later at LMS. File FORMAT should be Surname, Name and time uploaded.

1. What are some of the benefits of outdoor recreation?

There are several benefits of outdoor recreation. That includes reconnecting with nature and people.
Outdoor recreation lets a person interact with nature and other people which can bring comfort and
peace. One example for this is hiking; hiking involves mountains that people climb or travel through.
Hiking requires big efforts such as having to walk through mountains that are high which also helps in the
well-being of a person that can be also a benefit. Thus, people do not use their gadgets for this; they
usually use these for taking pictures only since they are busy climbing or walking, which would also
improve one’s state of mind because they would not be distracted by social media. Stress will be reduced
because the person will focus on the activity, not on the other aspects in their life, momentarily. On the
other hand, one benefit of outdoor recreation is the bond improved or created among the people within
a community. It may be being together with family/friends or meeting new people along the moment.
Hence, aside from improving physical health, outdoor recreation activities could also improve
relationships with other people, as well as the mental health of the people, considering this and the
effect of the reconnection with nature.

2. How important is outdoor recreation to our economy?

Outdoor recreation is important because it can improve our country’s economy. The sites or places for
outdoor recreation are usually places that are considered tourist spots. Hence, there are many people
that would go to a specific place which could increase the location’s economic rate. Many people love to
travel and it is an advantage to that specific location. Since the places are tourist sports, there are many
vendors and stalls that offer services or items, souvenirs, and other things that people may want to
consider buying; even local products from that specific location can also pique the interest of tourists
that may come from other cities or region which can boost the economy. Tourists that love traveling
from other countries may also want to go to our country and try various outdoor activities since
Philippines have many good places which would really increase the economy rate not just from one
specific region but for the whole country as well.

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