Modern Day Sexuality

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Modern Day Sexuality in Islam

By Ashar, Abbas, Rayyan

and Rayhan 9BB
01 02 03
General Information Influences of Modern Qur’an and Hadeeth
and Definition Day Sexuality in Today’s Argument - Support

04 05 06
Statistics and Case Studies Islam's Approach to References
on Modern Day Sexuality Modern Day Sexuality
Modern Day Sexuality, What is it?
The terminology of Modern Day Sexuality makes you think of
things such as; Gay, Media pictures, and the hyper sexualisation
of todays society. A definite answer to ‘what is modern day
sexuality?’, is the change of sexuality’s, and sexualisation today
compared to any given point in the past. This basically means for
a long point of history, heterosexuality took up at least 99% of
the population, along with for a long time, Women being
covered up in public and men not showing public affection to
women was normal. Contrasting to today where the LGBT
USA’s White House with rainbow colours in
community is becoming part of the norm of society with the help support of LGBT during ‘Pride Month’

of influencers, athletes, and governments, with media like

Tiktok and Instagram becoming a gold mine for practically
naked people.
Influences of Modern Day Sexuality in Today’s World
As times are now advancing in the 21st century, sexual identity and sexual orientation is
expanding in popularity and inclusiveness. There are many initiatives supporting these
orientations, the most popular being the LGBTQ created in 1990.
The purpose of this initiative is to support and conjoin people
who don’t identify as the usual ‘straight’ male or female. Major
companies, industries and sporting teams display their support
to the LGBTQ in order to sustain their popularity and influence.
‘Pride Month’ is a month that commemorates the apparent
years of struggle under the law for the lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender, queer community as well as the accomplishments of
LGBTQ individuals. The influence of the LGBTQ has also spread to
children as many public schools now also celebrate Pride Month and
teach students about homosexuality and its acceptance to society.
Quranic References
In the Qur’an, Allah revealed Prophet Lut (AS)
story where he was faced with the issue of
homosexuality. Lut tried over and over again to
preach Tawheed to the people of Sodom and they
refused and threatened him. In Surah Ash-Shu’ara,
it is revealed that Lut said to them ,”why do you
(men) go after fellow men, leaving the wives that
Allah had created for you? In fact you are
disobedient people”. Allah says afterwards that he
destroyed them by pouring a rain of brimstone.
These ayat are repeated multiple times which
stresses the significance. From this we can derive
that the act of homosexuality is one that Allah
despises and we as muslims living in the era of
rising homosexuality and modern day sexuality
should despise.
References from a Hadith
It was narrated that Jabir: "The Prophet said: 'There is nothing I fear for my followers more than the deed of
the people of Lot.'"

— Al-Tirmidhi: 1457

The Prophet was fearful that his followers, us muslims would follow the deed of the people of Lut which is
homosexuality. The fact he was fearful of that represents the harsh punishments we could receive if we
follow and the degree of sinfulness homosexuality can be.

Ibn 'Abbas (RAA) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (‫ )ﷺ‬said:

"Whoever you find doing as the people of Lot did (i.e. homosexuality), kill the one who does it and the one to
whom it is done, and if you find anyone having sexual intercourse with animal, kill him and kill the animal."

This Hadeeth shows how disgusting homosexuality is by comparing it to having sexual relations with animals.
Statistics and Case Studies on Modern Day Sexuality
● In 2005, a case study by the Australian Longitudinal study of
Health and Relationships took place, showing that 2.1% of the
population in Australia are either lesbian, gay or bisexual.
That is 541 800 people. 1.2% are bisexual and 0.9% are

● Three major social Surveys were taken by the ABS’s

Parlimetary library segment during the time period of
2014-2020, which shows us the age profile (%) of people who
identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual or other. The ages
surveyed ranged from 15 to 69 year olds. The highest
percentage in the survey would be by 25-39 year olds during

Source: ABS, General Social Survey 2014, 2019 and 2020

(Canberra: ABS, 2021); Parliamentary Library calculations.
Source: ABS, General Social Survey 2014, 2019 and 2020
(Canberra: ABS, 2021); Parliamentary Library calculations.
Islam’s Approach to Modern Day Sexuality
● The main ideology in relations to modern day sexualities from Islam’s POV would

From the time of the prophet and the reveleation of the Qur’an, Islam has always said that
you are either a boy or a girl from birth, which is identified through body
structure(private parts). It doesn't matter what you want to be, you can only biologically
be one of two genders: Male or Female. As Muslims, we should not repeat the deeds of the
people of Lut as homosexuality is a forbidden action; a major sin and anyone who
partakes in it is considered a disobedient servant to Allah that will attain his displeasure
and disapproval. This is clearly stated in the three main quotations of the Shariah:

1) The Quran
2) the Sunnah
3) consensus of all scholars

● Not many studies/works talk about sexuality across premodern, modern, and
contemporary periods. One of the few studies is by Kecia Ali, who discusses
marriage, divorce, and same-sex sexuality from a jurisprudential orientation. In
another study by Kecia talked about the contemporary debates regarding
sexuality among Muslims today, all discussed accessibly and crucially in
association to pre-modern insights of the Qurʾan, Hadith, and Islamic law.
Consensus of all scholars
● From the Prophet’s time until present day,
every single scholar of every time and era
has agreed that the practice of
homosexuality is a forbidden act and a
major sin in Islam.

● In conclusion, there is no doubt in Islam

that homosexuality is a major sin which
Allah does not permit nor will He be
pleased by those who practice it. For
anyone who claims otherwise, this will be
considered an explicit distortion of the
accurate and true teachings of Islam.

What percentage of the Australian population

is either lesbian, gay or bisexual?
2.1 percent(%)

What was the range of ages the ABS’s Parlimetary

library segment survey for 2014-2020?
The ages ranged from 15 to
69 years old

What was the name of the scholar who talked about

contemporary debates regarding sexuality among
Muslims today?
The scholar was Kecia Ali
Any other Questions?
Thank you

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