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Chapter – 9
Mechanical properties of Fluids
Sample questions
1) SI unit of pressure is
(a) newton (b) pascal
(c) newton/meter (d) both (b) and (c)
2) Dimension of Pressure is
(a) [M1L0T-1] (b) [ML1T-1] (c) [M0L1T-2] (d) [M1L-1T-2]
3) Pressure is a
(a) Scalar quantity (b) Vector quantity
(c) Tensor quantity (d) Scalar and Vector both
4) Applications of Bernoulli’s theorem can be seen in –
(a) Dynamic lift of an airplane (b) Hydraulic press
(c) Helicopter (d) None of these
5) Principle of Hydraulic Lift is
(a) Pascal’s law (b) Bernoulli principle
(c) Boyle’s law (d) Charles’ law
6) Radius of one arm of hydraulic lift is four times of radius of another arm. What force
should be applied on narrow arm to lift 100 kg?
(a) 26.5 N (b) 62.5 N (c) 6.25 N (d) 8.3 N
7) The tangential force or viscous force on any layer of the liquid is directly proportional to
the velocity gradient. Then the direction of velocity gradient is
(a) Parallel to the direction of the flow of the liquid
(b) Opposite to the direction of the flow of the liquid
(c) Independent to the direction of the flow of the liquid
(d) Perpendicular to the direction of flow of the liquid
8) The SI unit of coefficient of viscosity is
(a) N m/s (b) N m2/s (c) N m-2 s (d) N m s2
9) Viscous force exerted by the liquid flowing between two plates in a streamline flow
depends upon
(a) Velocity gradient in the direction perpendicular in the plates
(b) Area of plates
(c) Coefficient viscosity of the liquid
(d) All of these
10) The coefficient of viscosity for hot air is
(a) Greater than the coefficient of viscosity for cold air
(b) Smaller than the coefficient of viscosity for cold air
(c) Same as the coefficient of viscosity for cold air
(d) Increase or decrease depending on the external pressure
11) While studying about fluid mechanics, the equations and postulates stand for the fluid
which are
(a) Non-viscous only (b) Incompressible only
(c) Non-viscous and Incompressible (d) Liquid only

12) Pascal’s Law states that ____

(a) For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
(b) Force is the time rate of change of momentum.
(c) For an ideal gas, the pressure is directly proportional to temperature and constant
volume and mass.
(d) A pressure change at any point in the fluid is transmitted throughout the fluid
such that the same change occurs everywhere.
13) Which instrument is used to measure pressure?
(a) Ammeter (b) Speedometer (c) Barometer (d) Voltmeter
14) A force is applied on a cube of side 3 m. Another force, double the magnitude of the
previous force is applied on a cube of 1 m. Calculate the ratio of pressure on the first cube
(P) to the pressure on the second cube (P’)?
(a) 1/9 (b) 18 (c) 1/18 (d) ½
15) A force F is applied on a uniform rod of cross-section A and a force F’ is applied on a
uniform rod of cross-section 3A. What is the relation between F and F’ if the pressure on
both is the same?
(a) F/F’ = 1/3 (b) F/F’ = 3 (c) F’/F = 1/3 (d) F/F’ = 1/9
16) Pressure decreases if
(a) only the force is increased but not the area
(b) only the area is decreases but not the force
(c) either area decreases or force increases
(d) the force decreases and/or area increases
17) 3 containers A, B, and C are filled with water as shown in the figure. What is the relation
between the pressures at 1, 2 and 3? Assume that all jars are stationery.

(a) 1:1:1 (b) 1:2:3 (c) 3:2:1 (d) 1:2:1

18) Pascal’s Law is valid only for ___________
(a) water (b) metals (c) fluids (d) gases
19) Plants get water through the roots because of
(a) Capillarity (b) Viscosity (c) Gravity (d) Elasticity
20) On the increasing temperature, the surface tension_________
(a) Increases (b) Decreases
(c) Remains unchanged (d) None of these
21) Surface tension of a soap solution is 1.9 × 10-2 N/m. work done in blowing a bubble of
2cm diameter will be
(a) 7.6 × 10-6 π J (b) 15.2 × 10-6 π J (c) 1.9 × 10-6 π J (d) 1 × 10-4 π J
22) Plants get water through the roots because of
(a) Capillarity (b) Viscosity (c) Gravity (d) Elasticity
23) Choose the wrong statement from the following.
(a) Small droplets of a liquid are spherical due to surface tension
(b) Oil rises through the wick due to capillarity
(c) In drinking the cold drinks through a straw, we use the phenomenon of capillarity
(d) Gum is used to stick two surfaces. In this process we use the property of Adhesion
24) The height of a liquid in a fine capillary tube
(a) Increases with an increase in the density of a liquid
(b) Decreases with a decrease in the diameter of the tube
(c) Decreases with an increase in the surface tension
(d) Increases as the effective value of acceleration due to gravity decreases
(h = )
25) At critical temperature, the surface tension of a liquid
(a) Is zero (b) Is infinity
(c) Is the same as that at any other temperature (d) Can not be determined
26) A capillary tube when immersed vertically in a liquid records a rise of 3 cm. if the tube is
immersed in the liquid at an angle of 60° with the vertical, then length of the liquid
column along the tube will be
(a) 2 cm (b) 3 cm (c) 6 cm (d) 9 cm
27) When the angle of contact between a solid and a liquid is 90°, then
(a) Cohesive force > Adhesive force (b) Cohesive force < Adhesive force
(c) Cohesive force = Adhesive force (d) Cohesive force >> Adhesive force
28) Water rises up to a height of 20 cm in a capillary tube of radius 2 mm. what is the radius of
the radius of the capillary tube if the water rises up to a height of 10 cm in another
(a) 4 mm (b) 1 mm (c) 3 mm (d) 1 cm
(h = , where a is the radius of the tube  h ∝  = 
a2 = a1 x = 2 mm x = 2 mm x 2 = 4 mm)
29) If the surface of a liquid is plane, then the angle of contact of the liquid with the walls of
container is
(a) Acute angle (b) Obtuse angle (c) 90° (d) 0°
30) Two soap bubbles have radii in the ratio of 3 : 4. What is the ratio of work done to blow
these bubbles?
(a) 4 : 3 (b) 16 : 9 (c) 9 : 16 (d) 3 : 4
(Work done = surface energy = surface tension x area
W = 2T x 4 π R2  W ∝ R2  = = = )
31) The height of water in a capillary tube of radius 2 cm is 4 cm. what should be the radius of
capillary, if the water rises to 8 cm in tube?
(a) 1 cm (b) 0.1 cm (c) 2 cm (d) 4 cm
32) Pressure inside two soap bubbles is 1.01 and 1.02 atmospheres. The ratio between their
volumes is
(a) 102 : 101 (b) (102)3 : (101)3 (c) 8 : 1 (d) 2 : 1
33) One end of a towel dips into a bucket full of water and other end hangs over the bucket. It
is found that after some time the towel becomes fully wet. It happens
(a) Because viscosity of water is high
(b) Because of the capillary action of cotton threads
(c) Because of gravitational force
(d) Because of evaporation of water.

Assertion and Reason:

For the following questions, two statements are given –one labelled Assertion (A) and
other labelled Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these questions from the options as
given below.
a) If both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is correct explanation of Assertion.
b) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of
c) If Assertion is true but Reason is false.
d) If both Assertion and Reason are false.
1) Assertion: Pascal law is the working principle of a hydraulic lift.
Reason: Pressure is equal to thrust per area.
(b) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is not a correct explanation for assertion

2) Assertion: The blood pressure in humans is greater at the feet than at the brain.
Reason: Pressure of liquid at any point is proportional to height, density of liquid and
acceleration due to gravity.
(a) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is a correct explanation for assertion.

3) Assertion: Hydrostatic pressure is a vector quantity.

Reason: Pressure is force divided by area, and force is a vector quantity.
(d) Assertion is incorrect, reason is correct

4) Assertion: The velocity increases, when water flowing in broader pipe enters a narrow pipe.
Reason: According to equation of continuity, product of area and velocity is constant.
(a) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is a correct explanation for assertion.

5) Assertion: The velocity of fall of a man jumping with a parachute first increases and then
becomes constant.
Reason: The constant velocity of fall of man is called terminal velocity.
(b) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is not a correct explanation for assertion
(As a man jumps-out from a height in air with a parachute, his velocity increases first, because
the gravity pull dominates the viscous drag and buoyancy of air which opposes the motion. As
the velocity increases, the viscous drag of air also increases and soon a stage is reached where
viscous drag and buoyancy of air balances the gravity pull. Then the man with a parachute
falls with a constant velocity, called terminal velocity.)

6) Assertion: Water flows faster than honey.

Reason: The coefficient of viscosity of water is less than honey.
(a) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is a correct explanation for assertion.
7) Assertion: The shape of an automobile is so designed that its front resembles the stream line
pattern of the fluid through which it moves.
Reason: The resistance offered by the fluid is maximum for this shape.

(c) Assertion is correct, reason is incorrect

(When a body moves through a fluid, its motion is opposed by the force of fluid friction,
which increases with the speed of the body. When cars and planes move through air, their
motion is opposed by the air friction, which in turn, depends upon the shape of the body. It is
due to this reason that the cars or planes are given such shape (known as stream lined shaped)
so that air friction is minimum. Rather the movement of air layers on the upper and lower side
of stream line shape provides a lift which helps in increasing the speed of the car.)

8) Assertion: The velocity of flow of a liquid is smaller when pressure is larger and vice versa.
Reason: According to Bernoulli's theorem, for the stream line flow of an ideal liquid, the total
energy per unit mass remains constant.
(a) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is a correct explanation for assertion.

9) Assertion: Aeroplanes are made to run on the runway before take-off, so that they acquire
the necessary lift.
Reason: According to Bernoulli's theorem, as velocity increases pressure decreases and vice

(a) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is a correct explanation for assertion.
(According to Bernoulli's theorem, when wind velocity over the wings is larger than the wind
velocity under the wings, pressure of wind over the wings becomes less than the pressure of
wind under the wing's. This provides the necessary lift to the aeroplane.)

10) Assertion: To empty an oil tank, two holes are made.

Reason: Oil will come out two holes so it will be emptied faster.

(c) Assertion is correct, reason is incorrect.

(When two holes are made in the tin, air keeps on entering through the other hole. Due to this
the pressure inside the tin does not become less than atmospheric pressure which happen when
only one hole is made.)

11) Assertion: When two boats sails parallel in the same direction and close to each other, they
are pulled towards each other.
Reason: The viscous force on a spherical body moving with speed v is proportional to v.

(c) Assertion is correct, reason is incorrect

(According to Bernoulli's theorem, when the velocity of liquid flow increases, the pressure
decreases and vice versa.
When two boats move in parallel directions close to each other, the stream of water between
the boats is set into vigorous motion. As a result, the pressure exerted by water in between the
boats becomes less than the pressure of water outside the boats. Due to this difference of
pressure, the boats are pulled towards each other.)
Case study:
Capillary rise:
One consequence of the pressure difference across a curved liquid-air interface is the well-
known effect that water rises up in a narrow tube in spite of gravity. The word capilla
means hair in Latin; if the tube were hair thin, the rise would be very large.

1. Plants get water through the roots because of

a) Capillarity b) Viscosity c) Gravity d) Elasticity
2. The height of a liquid in a fine capillary tube
a) Increases with an increase in the density of a liquid
b) Decreases with a decrease in the diameter of the tube
c) Decreases with an increase in the surface tension
d) Increases as the effective value of acceleration due to gravity is decreased
3. Water rises up to a height of 5 cm in a capillary tube of radius 2 mm. what is the radius
of the radius of the capillary tube if the water rises up to a height of 10 cm in another
a) 4 mm b) 1 mm c) 3 mm d) 1 cm
4. The height of water in a capillary tube of radius 2 cm is 4 cm. what should be the radius
of capillary, if the water rises to 8 cm in tube?
a) 1 cm b) 0.1 cm c) 2 cm d) 4 cm
5. One end of a towel dips into a bucket full of water and other end hangs over the bucket.
It is found that after some time the towel becomes fully wet. It happens
a) Because viscosity of water is high
b) Because of the capillary action of cotton threads
c) Because of gravitational force
d) Because of evaporation of water.

1) Define relative density. Mention the values of relative density of two substances.
The relative density of a substance is the ratio of its density to the density of water at 4 oC.
It is a dimensionless positive scalar quantity. ................(1 m)
For example:
The relative density of aluminium is 2.7. Its density is 2.7 × 103 kg m–3. ................(½ m)
The relative density of mercury is 13.6. Its density is 13.6 × 103 kg m-3. ................(½ m)
(Or any two suitable/correct examples)

2) State Pascal’s law.

The pressure in a fluid at rest is the same at all points if they are at the same height.
In the absence of flow the Pressure in the fluid must be same everywhere in a horizontal
3) Explain the effect of gravity on fluid pressure. ...................(3 m)

4) Define atmospheric pressure.

The pressure of the atmosphere at any point is equal to the weight of a column of air of
unit cross-sectional area extending from that point to the top of the atmosphere.
1 atm = 1.013 × 105 Pa.
Note: 1 atm = 76 cm of mercury (Hg)
1 mm of mercury (Hg) = 1 torr = 133 Pa (used in medicine and physiology)
1 bar = 105 Pa (used in meteorology)

5) State Pascal’s law for transmission of fluid pressure. Explain the application of Pascal’s
law in hydraulic lift with necessary diagram.
Whenever external pressure is applied on any part of a fluid contained in a vessel, it is
transmitted undiminished and equally in all directions. This is the Pascal’s law for
transmission of fluid pressure. ...................(1 m)

In a hydraulic lift as shown in figure two pistons are separated by the space filled with a
liquid. A piston of small cross section A1 is used to exert a force F1 directly on the liquid.
The pressure P = is transmitted throughout the liquid to the larger cylinder attached
with a larger piston of area A2, which results in an upward force of P × A2.
Therefore, the piston is capable of supporting a large force (large weight of, say a car, or
a truck, placed on the platform) F2 = P A2 = A2.
By changing the force at A1, the platform can be moved up or down. Thus, the applied
force has been increased by a factor of and this factor is the mechanical advantage of
the device. ...................(2 m)

6) In a car lift compressed air exerts a force F1 on a small piston having a radius of 5.0 cm.
This pressure is transmitted to a second piston of radius 15 cm. If the mass of the car to be
lifted is 1350 kg, calculate F1. What is the pressure necessary to accomplish this task? (g =
9.8 ms-2).
Since pressure is transmitted undiminished throughout the fluid,
F1 = F2 = (1350 x 9.8) = 1470 N 1.5 x 103 N ...................(1 m)
The air pressure that will produce this force is
P= = = 1.9 x 105 Pa
This is almost double the atmospheric pressure. ...................(1 m)
7) Why is the map of flow stationary in time in steady flow?
No two streamlines can cross, for if they do, an oncoming fluid particle can go either one
way or the other and the flow would not be steady.
Hence, in steady flow, the map of flow is stationary in time.
8) What are streamline and turbulent flow?
The flow of a liquid is said to be steady, streamline or laminar if every particle of the
liquid follows exactly the path of its preceding particle and has the same velocity of its
preceding particle at every point.
Steady flow is achieved at low flow speeds. Beyond a limiting value, called critical
speed, fluid flow loses steadiness and becomes turbulent.
E.g. One sees this when a fast flowing stream encounters rocks, small foamy whirlpool-
like regions called ‘white water rapids’ are formed.
The flash - flood after a heavy rain.

9) What is critical velocity of a liquid?

Critical velocity of a liquid can be defined as that velocity of liquid upto which the flow is
streamlined and above which its flow becomes turbulent.

10) Derive the expression for equation of continuity.

Consider planes perpendicular to the
direction of fluid flow e.g., at three points P,
R and Q. Number of fluid particles crossing
the surfaces as indicated at P, R and Q is the
same. ...................(1 m)
If area of cross-sections at these points are AP, AR and AQ and speeds of fluid particles
are vP, vR and vQ, then
(Density of the fluid = ρ = = =  m = ρ x A x vel x t)
mass of fluid Δmp crossing at Ap in a small interval of time Δt is ρp Ap vp Δt.
Similarly mass of fluid ΔmR crossing at AR in a small interval of time Δt is ρR AR vR Δt
and mass of fluid ΔmQ is ρQ AQ vQ Δt crossing at AQ.
The mass of liquid flowing out equals the mass flowing in, holds in all cases.
ρPAPvPΔt = ρRARvRΔt = ρQAQvQΔt
ρPAPvP = ρRARvR = ρQAQvQ ...................(1 m)
For the flow of incompressible fluids, ρP= ρR= ρQ (if this point is not mentioned, ½ mark
will be reduced)
We get, APvP = ARvR = AQvQ which is called the equation of continuity.
In general, A v = constant. ...................(1 m)

11) State and explain Bernoulli’s theorem with necessary diagram.

The Bernoulli’s relation may be stated as follows: As we move along a streamline the
sum of the pressure (P), the kinetic energy per unit volume (½ ρ v2) and the potential
energy per unit volume (ρ g h) remains a constant. ...................(1 m)
Consider a steady flow of an incompressible fluid
moving in a pipe of varying cross-sectional area. Let the
pipe be at varying heights as shown.
Consider the flow at two regions 1 (i.e., BC) and 2
(i.e., DE). Consider the fluid initially lying between B
and D.
Suppose v1 is the speed at B and v2 at D, then, in time
interval Δt,
Distance BC = v1 Δt
Distance DE = v2 Δt. Diagram with explanation...................(1 m)
Work done = Force x distance
= P x A x Vel x time
The work done on the fluid at left end (BC) is
W1 = P1 A1 (v1 Δt)
= P1 ΔV
The work done by the fluid at the other end (DE) is
W2 = P2 A2 (v2 Δt)
= P2 ΔV
Or the work done on the fluid is –P2 ΔV
So the total work done on the fluid is
W1 – W2 = P1 ΔV - P2 ΔV
= (P1 - P2) ΔV …………………………………(1)
Part of this work goes into changing the kinetic energy of the fluid, and part goes into
changing the gravitational potential energy
From equation of continuity, mass passing through the pipe in time Δt
Δm = ρ A1 v1 Δt = ρ A2 v2 Δt = ρ ΔV
Then change in gravitational potential energy (mgh) is
ΔU = ρ ΔV g h2 − ρ ΔV g h1
= ρ ΔV g (h2 − h1) …………….……………………(2)
The change in its kinetic energy is ΔK = ½ m [(v2)2 - (v1)2]
ΔK = ½ ρ ΔV [(v2)2 - (v1)2] ……………………………(3)
By employing the work – energy theorem to this volume of the fluid, we get
ΔW = ΔK + ΔU
2 2
(P1 - P2) ΔV = ½ ρ ΔV [(v2) - (v1) ] + ρ ΔV g (h2 − h1)
By dividing each term by ΔV, we obtain
(P1 - P2) = ½ ρ [(v2)2 - (v1)2] + ρ g (h2 − h1)
P1 + ½ ρ (v1)2 + ρ g h1 = P2 + ½ ρ (v2)2 + ρ g h2 ……..(4)
This is Bernoulli’s equation. In general,
P + ½ ρ v2 + ρ g h = Constant ...................(3 m)

12) What is meant by dynamic Lift? Explain the same in case of lift of an aircraft wing.
Dynamic lift is the force that acts on a body, such as airplane wing, a hydrofoil or a
spinning ball, by virtue of its motion through a fluid.

The orientation of the wing relative to the flow direction causes the flow lines to crowd
together above the wing.
This corresponds to increased velocity in this region and hence the pressure is reduced.
But below the wing, the pressure is nearly equal to the atmospheric pressure.
As a result of this, the upward force on the underside of the wing is greater than the
downward force on the topside. Thus there is a net upward force or lift.
13) During a storm, the roofs of huts are blown off without any damage to other parts of the
hut. What is the physics principle involved in this? Explain briefly.
Bernoulli’s principle.
During a storm, the roofs of huts or tinned roofs are blown off
without any damage to other parts of the hut. The blowing wind
creates a low pressure P1 on top of the roof. The pressure P2 under
the roof is however greater than P1. Due to this pressure
difference, the roof is lifted and blown off with the wind.

14) What is known as viscosity?

Viscosity is the property of the fluid by virtue of which it opposes relative motion
between its different layers. Both liquids and gases exhibit viscosity but liquids are much
more viscous than gases.

15) Define coefficient of viscosity. Write down the unit and dimensional formula of the same.
The coefficient of viscosity η (pronounced ‘eta’) for a fluid is defined as the ratio of
shearing stress (F/A) to the strain rate (Δx/lΔt).
η= = =
The SI unit of viscosity is poiseiulle (Pl). Its other units are N s or Pa s.
The dimensions of of viscosity are [M1 L-1 T-1].

16) State stokes’ law and derive the expression for terminal velocity of a rain drop in air.
The viscous force is proportional to the velocity of the object and is opposite to the
direction of motion. The force F depends on velocity (v), viscosity (η) of the fluid and
radius (a) of the sphere.
F α v η a  F = 6 π η v a. This is known as Stokes’ law. ...................(1 m)
Let us consider a raindrop in air. It accelerates initially due to gravity. As the velocity
increases, the retarding force also increases. Finally when viscous force plus buoyant force
becomes equal to force due to gravity, the net force becomes zero and so does the
acceleration. The sphere (raindrop) then descends with a constant velocity (vt).
Force = mass x acceleration
Force = density x volume x acceleration
In equilibrium,
Net upward force = net downward force
Viscous force + Buoyant force = Weight
6π η vt a +σx π𝑎 xg = ρ x π 𝑎3 x g ...................(1 m)
6π η vt a = (ρ – σ) π 𝑎3 x g
Thus in equilibrium, terminal velocity vt is given by, vt = ...................(1 m)
So, the terminal velocity vt depends on the square of the radius of the sphere and inversely
on the viscosity of the medium.

17) Define surface tension.

Surface tension is a force per unit length (or surface energy per unit area) acting in the
plane of interface between the liquid and the bounding surface.
18) What do you mean by surface energy of a liquid? How is it related to surface tension?
Molecules on a liquid surface have some extra energy in comparison to molecules in the
interior. This is known as Surface energy. ...................(1 m)
Surface tension is surface energy per unit area. ...................(1 m)

19) Relate surface energy and surface tension.

Consider a horizontal liquid film ending in bar free to slide over parallel guides.
As we move the bar by a small distance d, the area of the surface increases, the system
now has more energy.
Some work has been done against an internal force (F) i.e, Fd.
This work done is stored as additional energy in the film.
If the surface energy per unit area of the film is S, the extra area is 2dl. (There are two
The extra energy is S (2dl) = F d
S= =
This quantity S is the magnitude of surface tension.

20) Define the term angle of contact. Write down the angle of contact of water and mercury
with glass.
The angle between tangent to the liquid surface at the point of contact and solid surface
inside the liquid is termed as angle of contact. ...................(1 m)
o o
The angle of contact for water and glass lies between 8 and 18 . (For pure water and clean
glass, it is very small and hence it is taken as zero.) ..................(½ m)
The angle of contact of mercury with glass is 138 . ..................(½ m)

21) Derive an expression for excess pressure inside the spherical liquid drop and a soap
bubble. ..................(3 m)

22) Derive an expression for capillary rise. ..................(3 m)

23) Water rises in a capillary tube but mercury falls in the same tube. Why?
This is due to the property of surface tension and capillarity.
Water makes an acute angle of contact with glass, hence Cosθ is positive, so it rises while
mercury makes an obtuse angle of contact with glass, hence Cosθ is negative so it falls in a
capillary tube.

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