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I. New vocabulary
Word/ Phrase Example/ Meaning
- visit (v) My family often visits my grandpa at the weekends.
- painting The paintings of Picasso are drawn very beautiful.
Yeahh! I’ve already for the ticket for One Direction’s
- concert (n)
- live (adv, adj) I prefer watching tennis matches live to through TV screen.
shall = will
- shall
Eg: Shall we eat out tonight?
- different (adj) Each student has a different learning style.
- musician (n) What is your favourite Vietnamese musician?
- crowd (n) The crowd of audience gathered near the stage.
- atmosphere (n) The atmosphere of the party was so lively! We all enjoyed it.
- choose (v) I can’t choose between pop music and rap. I like both!
- isn’t my thing Reading books isn’t my thing. I prefer playing video games.
- in person directly/ face to face
- museum (n)
- art gallery (n)
- opera (n)
- painter (n)
- puppet (n)
- artist (n)
- dancer
- actress – actor (n)
- songwriter (n)
- musical instrument(s) (n)
- portrait (n)
- theatre (n) Let’s go to the opera theatre this evening!
- exhibition (n) Would you like to visit my art exhibition this Sunday?
- photography (n) the art of taking photos
- art form (n) There are many art forms: painting, cinema, music, theatre…

Designed by ms. ha nguyen | Unit 4: Music and Arts

II. Grammar
1. Structures of comparisons
a. as + adjective/adverb + as: Shows that b. not as + adjective/adverb + as: Shows
two things are familiar that something is “more” or “less” than
Ex: something else.
(1) The weather this summer is as bad as last Ex:
year. (1) Living in the countryside is not
(2) I did the exam as well as Lan did. expensive as living in the city.
(2) He is not as good-looking as his
(3) She’s not singing as loudly as she can.
c. the same as….: Shows similarity d. different from: Shows that two or
Ex: more things are not similar
(1) The price of food is the same as it was Ex:
last year. (1) She is very different from her sister.
(2) You’ve got the same idea as me. (2) The new school isn’t much different
(3) Tom is the same age as George. from the old one.

Your own examples:

(1) ________________________________________________________________________
(2) ________________________________________________________________________
(3) ________________________________________________________________________
(4) ________________________________________________________________________

2. Express agreement using too and either:

too either
Used to express agreement with a Used to express agreement with a
POSITIVE statement NEGATIVE statement
(1) A: I am a teacher. (+) (1) A: I am not a famous person. (-)
B: I am, too/ So am I. B: I am not, either
(2) A: I like pizza. (+) (2) A: I don’t like ice-cream. (-)
B: I like it too/ I do, too B: I don’t, either.

Your own examples:

(1) ________________________________________________________________________
(2) ________________________________________________________________________

Designed by ms. ha nguyen | Unit 4: Music and Arts

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