What Are Case Studies?

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Case Study

The individual and society

Presented by Khushi Singh
What is case study?
Case study is a research method that
involves in-depth and intensive exploration
of a particular case.
What is a case?
A case can be quite literally anything - a
person, a group of people, an organisation,
incident or situation. A case is usually of
extreme or unusual nature, such as an
astronaut from ISS or a person with a
rare disease.
Features of Case Study
Case is studied for a
Many methods of data
period of time to observe
collection are used
change and development

Triangulation Temporal

Idiographic Focus on Focus on

Perspective Theory Context
Researcher is Case studies facilitate Case is studied
focused on the theory generation, within its context
particular case clarification or extension and environment
How is a Case
Study carried
Case Study - as a method of research,
is defined by the ‘case’ and not by a
certain strategy.

Hence, various qualitative & quantitative

methods can be used to collect data.
The main sources of Evidence are:
Includes participant &
Interview naturalistic
Involves interviewing observation
persons associated with
the case or interviewing Artifacts
the case themself, if May include any
possible physical objects of
relevance to the case

Archival Records
Documentation is an
They provide detailed
essential source of quantitative data but their
information, but must be accuracy and validity must
scrutinized and verified be questioned
With the rise of Artificial Intelligence in the recent
years, a peculiar and previously unseen form of
romantic and marital relationships have arose where
one entity is a human and the other an artificially
intelligent hologram. The cause, nature and impact of
such relationships must be explored, as AI models
become more advance and more accessible.
Cases to Study
Case 1

Rosanna Ramos, a resident of

the US, recently married her
virtual boyfriend, Eren Kartal,
who is an AI creation. Ramos
expresses that Kartal is the
best husband she has ever
Cases to Study
Case 2
Akihiko Kondo, 35, tied the knot
with the hologram of virtual
singer, Hatsune Miku, in 2018. He
has recently been unable to
contact his wife as the
company that provided the
service has terminated it.
By conducting case study on these two cases we can
gain insight on what causes such relationships, how they
impact the human, what is the differences or similarities
among the two cases which are of different
demographics. We will also be able to learn how being
unable to interact with the hologram impacts the Mr.

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