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Math Game Proposal

Title: "Math Maze Challenge"

Members of the group and their assigned task

Objective: Guide a character through a maze by solving math

problems to advance.

Materials Needed:

● Large poster board or printouts of a maze.

● Index cards with math problems.
● Markers, pens, or pencils.
● Small game pieces or tokens.
● Stopwatch or timer.

How to Play:

Create the Maze:

● Design a maze on the poster board or print one out. Ensure it has various paths and dead ends.
● Divide the maze into sections, with each section containing a math problem.
Math Problems:
● Write different math problems on the index cards. The difficulty can vary based on the grade level.
● Attach the index cards to the corresponding sections of the maze.
Game Setup:
● Place the game pieces at the entrance of the maze.
● Each player gets a chance to roll a die or spin a spinner to determine the number of spaces they can
● Players move through the maze by solving the math problems in each section.
● If they solve the problem correctly, they move forward; if not, they stay in the same spot.
● Set a time limit for each turn to add a sense of urgency.
● The first player to successfully navigate the maze and reach the exit is the winner.
● If time runs out before a player finishes, the player who traveled the farthest is the winner.
Further Details:
● Time needed to play the game: 10 minutes
● Numbers of players: 3-5
● Points awarded: 2 points each time a question is answered correctly. Points are awarded even if the
players do NOT finish the whole maze.


● Encourages problem-solving and critical thinking.

● Reinforces math skills in a dynamic setting.
● Promotes friendly competition and teamwork.


● Introduce bonus challenges or shortcuts for solving more complex problems.

● Incorporate different types of math problems for each section of the maze.

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