Pb-1 Ped Ans 12 Set-1

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1 B. Inter-Class 1

2 C. Too Much Eating 1

3 B. Matsyasana 1

4 C. Sense of Breath 1

5 D. 3rd December 1

6 D. Ludwig Guttmann 1

7 C. i-4, ii-3, iii-1, iv-2 1

8 B. Biotin 1

9 C. Harvard Step Test 1

10 D. 1 Mile 1

11 Fracture 1

12 D. 14-20 Litres 1

13 D. i-2, ii-3, iii-1, iv-4 1

14 A. Opposite 1

15 C. Muscular 1

16 A. Robert Mclrae 1

17 D. 1953 1

18 B. Fartlek 1

Very Short Answer Type Question

19 2
20 In sport, a bye is the preferential status of a player or team that is 2
automatically advanced to the next round of a tournament, without having to
play an opponent in an early round.

21 An isometric exercise is an exercise involving the static contraction of a 2

muscle without any visible movement in the angle of the joint. The term
"isometric" combines the Greek words isos (equal) and -metria (measuring),
meaning that in these exercises the length of the muscle and the angle of the
joint do not change.

Example: To stand with weight without movement, To push the wall with both

22 The amount of oxygen used by the muscles from the body is called oxygen 2
uptake. This depends on the rate of diffusion of oxygen in the cells.

The total amount of blood pumped by ventricles per minute is called cardiac
output. Regular physical exercise increases cardiac output.

23 Procedure: The participants stand on the starting line. race starts after the 2
instruction of Go and ends across the finish line. (50m)

Scoring: The time is recorded upto the 10th part of a second.

Short Answer Type Question

24 1. Medical Checkup: First of all a medical examination of the child is done to 3

know about his physical disability. The plan is decided according to the
disability of the child and strategies are determined.

2. Activities based on Interest: Physical activities are determined according to

the interest of children with special needs. After getting the information about
the interest, efforts are made to ensure the participation of the children by
simplifying the activities.

3. Modification in Sports Equipment as per Need: Sports equipment can be

modified according to the needs of these children. In cricket, something can
be inserted into the ball to produce sound. While racing, a drum can be beaten
at the finish line so that they can run straight by hearing the sound etc.

25 Vitamin A: Vitamin A is helpful in the growth of body and it provides immunity 3

to the body.

(ii) Vitamin D: It controls the quantity of calcium and phosphorus in the body.
It helps in their absorption. It controls para thyroid glands.
(iii) Vitamin E: This vitamin is also known as anti. sterility vitamin. It is useful
in clotting of blood. It is an anti-oxidation substance.

26 First-Aid Committee: Providing quick and timely first aid to the players is the 3
responsibility of this committee. The members of this committee need to be
trained and adept for providing first-aid.

Playground Committee : This committee is in charge of the marking,

maintenance and upkeep of the playground before and during the events.
They are also responsible for the availability of the necessary equipments for
the competition.

27 3

28 The term “sports injury” refers to the kinds of injuries that most commonly 3
occur during sports or exercise, but they are not limited to athletes.

1. Improper Warming up: Generally, players do not do proper warming up

before playing, due to which there is a possibility of their injury. In the absence
of proper warming up, muscle strains etc. can occur.

2. Not Using the Protective Equipments: Usually, players do not use protective
equipments during the game, so there is a possibility of injury. For example,
not using helmets, pads, gloves in the cricket can result in injury.

3. Lack of Conditioning: Optimization required for best Lack of proper

adaptation is prone to injury. The body becomes accustomed to that activity
by adaptation, consequently, the probability of injury becomes negligible.

Case Studies

29 A: d. Both (b) & (c) 4

B: c. More opportunities

C: b. 2

D: c. 3

30 A: 1. Physical Development: Sports and Physical Education encourage 4

physical development and they lead to good physical health, develop body and
power, and increase efficiency.

2. Social Development: Children learn valuable and practical lessons by

participating in physical activities. They also learn to work in group and co-
operate with each other.

3. Moral Development: Children learn to accept and respect views of others.

They learn ethical values like honesty, truth, and justice through physical

B: Inclusive education means all children in the same classrooms, in the same
schools. It means real learning opportunities for groups who have traditionally
been excluded – not only children with disabilities, but speakers of minority
languages too. It refer to ideas or principles that promote diversity, equality,
and inclusivity within an organization or society.

31 A: In order to throw the ball, the speed of the ball is as fast as the player 4
moves his hand. Similarly, the hammer will go as fast as the person throwing
the hammer throws it with the force.

B: Biomechanics is the study of the structure, function and motion of the

mechanical aspects of biological systems, at any level from whole organisms
to organs, cells and cell organelles, using the methods of mechanics.
Biomechanics is a branch of biophysics.

Long Answer Type Question

32 There are 84 recorded asanas and all of them play some part in improving 5
your overall well-being and managing diabetes, few of them are: Surya
Namaskar,Viparita Karani, Halasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana, Shavasana or

Procedure: Stand erect, keep about 2 ft distance between the feet, hands in
front, in line with shoulders and parallel to each other. Now slowly twist
maximum to either side with deep inhalation, exhale while you come back.
Pause for 2-3 seconds at normal position then twist other side. Repeat 10
Contraindications: Doing katichakrasana should be avoided during pregnancy,
or if a person has hernia, slip disc, or had been through an abdominal surgery

33 (5-8 Years): BMI, Flamingo Balance Test, Plate Tapping Test 5

600m Run/Walk:

Procedure: The student takes the starting position behind the starting line.
Once the signal of ready is given the trainee starts running. During the course
of running, he/she may walk also. Many trainees can run at a same time, time
is recorded in minutes and seconds.

Sit And Reach Yest:

Procedure: This test involves sitting on the floor with legs stretched out
straight ahead. Shoes should be removed. The soles of the feet are placed flat
against the box. Both knees should be locked and pressed flat to the floor.
The tester may assist by holding them down. With the palms facing
downwards and the hands on top of each other or side by side, the participant
reaches forward along the measuring line as far as possible. Ensure that the
hands remain at the same level, not one reaching further forward than the
other. After some practice, the participant reaches out and holds that position
for a few seconds while the distance is recorded. Make sure there are no jerky

34 Speed is defined as. The rate of change of position of an object in any 5

direction. Speed is measured as the ratio of distance to the time in which the
distance was covered.

Types of Speed: Reaction ability, Acceleration ability, Movement Speed,

Locomotor ability, Speed endurance.

Methods to develop speed:

Acceleration Run: Acceleration run is the ability to increase speed from

jogging to running and finally sprinting. It depends on explosive strength,
frequency of movement and technique. To attain maximum speed from a
stationary position, this is practised after learning proper technique. In this
method, the athlete concentrates on starting and then gaining the maximum
speed as fast as possible, but he/she does not maintain the maximum speed.
Athlete tries to slow down easily just after gaining maximum speed.
Pace Run: Pace run means to run at a particular distance with the same
speed. In this type of race, normally the runner runs at the same pace.
Because more energy is required in increasing or decreasing speed. Generally,
800 m and 1500 m races are run at the same pace. It requires acceleration,
endurance and speed. In this type of race, the runner runs at a speed lower
than the maximum speed because he has to save energy to cover long
distance. Such races are run at a speed lower than 25-35 percent of the
maximum race.

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