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Subject: EDUCATION 206: School Personnel Administration


DepEd Organizational Structure

A. Background:
1. August, 2001
o RA 9155 (Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001)-An Act Instituting a
Framework of Governance for Basic Education, Establishing Authority and
Accountability, Renaming the Department of Education Culture and Sports as the
Department of Education
- Provided a Framework for the governance of education, decentralizing
governance to the field, and making the school and learning centers the heart
of education centers
- Established the authority and accountability of the various organization levels
of the Department of Education
2. October, 2004
o EO 366, s. 2004 – Directing a Strategic Review of the Operations and
Organizations of the Executive Branch and Providing Options and Incentives for
Government Employees Who May Be Affected by the Rationalization of the
Functions and Agencies of the Executive Branch.
 This initiative aimed to:
- Focus government efforts and resources on its vital/core
- Improve the quality and efficiency of government services
delivery by eliminating/minimizing overlaps and duplication,
and improving agency performance through the rationalization
of service, delivery and support systems and organization
structure and staffing (Sec. 2, EO 366, s.2014)
3. December, 2011
o DepEd embarked on the review and revision of its RatPlan based on RA 9155 and
long-term reforms needed in the education sector to respond to fast-changing
demands of the local and global environment.
4. November 15, 2013
o DepEd RatPlan was approved by the DBM. The approval included the
rationalized structure and staffing pattern of offices at the central, regional, and
schools division levels
5. DO No. 52, s. 2015
o New Organizational Structures of the Central, Regional and Schools Division
Offices of the Department of Education

B. Organizational Structures: Before and After RA 9155

C. Counterpart Offices Across Organization Levels

General Functions: Schools Division Office


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